Guestbook for Amy Inita Joyner-Francis

Dear Family of Amy, The words are in my heart and my heart weeps for all of you and your precious Amy. Love to you all

May 28, 2016
goodview, VA USA

My prayers to the family may God bless you and keep u. She is an lovely angel now stay strong .

Kim leake
Apr 26, 2016
Dumfries, VA prince William co.

God rest your soul may the Lord keep you

May 23, 2016
Carlsbad, CA United States

I am still praying for all of you, I still think of Beautiful Amy night and day. I was glad to read the article in the paper today, I agree all involved needs to face more serious charges, our state Connecticut would have tried them all as adults, what they did was wrong. 3 of them did that terrible act and thought it was cute. I will follow this all the way until justice is served. Amy is never coming back. Their family has all 3 of them still in their lives and all you guys have is the memories if precious Amy that I know you all will keep close to your hearts. I will continue to pray for you all. May Amy continue to rest in peace,

May 19, 2016

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I did not know your loved one personally, but I do know the pain of losing a loved one in death. It is my hope that you may find comfort from family and friends, and from "the God of all comfort" who can provide us with peace during such difficult times. - 2 Corinthians 1:3

May 18, 2016

Still praying for all of you, Amy I think about you daily, such a Beautiful young lady gone to soon. Continue to Rest In Peace.

May 14, 2016
Bridgeport, CT

I do not know Amy. I live in california. When i heard and seen the story about beautiful Amy, it broke my heart to pieces. I still mourn this baby girl. I am torn up inside. I pray for healing and strength to her mother father and siblings.. May god be with you all. Justice will be served. Amy rest baby. Your in a better place. 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈

Shantell Tollette
May 12, 2016
Los Angeles California, CA United states

I do not know Amy. I live in california. When i heard and seen the story about beautiful Amy, it broke my heart to pieces. I still mourn this baby girl. I am torn up inside. I pray for healing and strength to her mother father and siblings.. May god be with you all. Justice will be served. Amy rest baby. Your in a better place. 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈

Shantell Tollette
May 12, 2016
Los Angeles California, CA United states

To the family of the deceased,
I am saddened concerning this horrible tragedy! May God keep
you in His care!

Cheryl Burgess

Cheryl Burgess
May 11, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

I am so saddened by what has happened to this young girl, Amy. I just don't understand how someone can beat up Amy to the point that she died. What is this world coming to. I have prayed and asked God to comfort Amy's parents and all her loved ones. Amy rest in peace, and I am so sorry what you went thru, as I sit here and type this my heart aches. Your are a very SPECIAL BEAUTIFULY ANGEL, watching over your parents, Blessings always from someone who cares and hopes and prays that justice will be served.

May 11, 2016

This senseless act of violence, hatred, jealousy, has shattered me to the core of my soul. No one should be subjected to this type of stalking and ridicule. Amy you are precious to those who don't know you and I can only image how your parents are suffering with the loss of their ANGEL. FLY FREE little bird, your death not in vain or shame. BLACK PEOPLE PLEASE DO BETTER! Please get back to core values of truly parenting your children. HUGS form My Family to Yours!!

May 11, 2016
Chicago, IL

I would just like to
extend my condolences. No words expressed or actions shown could ever erase your pain in the, "Earthly Realm", BUT, know that in the "Heavenly Realm", Our Heavenly Father is holding you,crying with you, and knows your pain, like, "NONE OF US WILL EVER UNDERSTAND, IMAGINE,OR MAY NOT EVER BE ABLE TO BARE. MAY GOODNESS AND MERCY FOLLOW YOU ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE. Should you have the time,please, read my favorite Scripture verse, Jeremiah 29:11. I will forevermore keep you and your family members in my prayers. WITH GOD'S LOVE AND FAVOR, Chevonne E. Davis-Dorsey

Chevonne E. Davis-Dorsey
May 10, 2016

I would just like to
extend my condolences. No words expressed or actions shown could ever erase your pain in the, "Earthly Realm", BUT, know that in the "Heavenly Realm", Our Heavenly Father is holding you,crying with you, and knows your pain, like, "NONE OF US WILL EVER UNDERSTAND, IMAGINE,OR MAY NOT EVER BE ABLE TO BARE. MAY GOODNESS AND MERCY FOLLOW YOU ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE. Should you have the time,please, read my favorite Scripture verse, Jeremiah 29:11. I will forevermore keep you and your family members in my prayers. WITH GOD'S LOVE AND FAVOR, Chevonne E. Davis-Dorsey

Chevonne E. Davis-Dorsey
May 10, 2016

I would just like to
extend my condolences. No words expressed or actions shown could ever erase your pain in the, "Earthly Realm", BUT, know that in the "Heavenly Realm", Our Heavenly Father is holding you,crying with you, and knows your pain, like, "NONE OF US WILL EVER UNDERSTAND, IMAGINE,OR MAY NOT EVER BE ABLE TO BARE. MAY GOODNESS AND MERCY FOLLOW YOU ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE. Should you have the time,please, read my favorite Scripture verse, Jeremiah 29:11. I will forevermore keep you and your family members in my prayers. WITH GOD'S LOVE AND FAVOR, Chevonne E. Davis-Dorsey

Chevonne E. Davis-Dorsey
May 10, 2016

I would just like to
extend my condolences. No words expressed or actions shown could ever erase your pain in the, "Earthly Realm", BUT, know that in the "Heavenly Realm", Our Heavenly Father is holding you,crying with you, and knows your pain, like, "NONE OF US WILL EVER UNDERSTAND, IMAGINE,OR MAY NOT EVER BE ABLE TO BARE. MAY GOODNESS AND MERCY FOLLOW YOU ALL THE DAYS OF YOUR LIFE. Should you have the time,please, read my favorite Scripture verse, Jeremiah 29:11. I will forevermore keep you and your family members in my prayers. WITH GOD'S LOVE AND FAVOR, Chevonne E. Davis-Dorsey

Chevonne E. Davis-Dorsey
May 10, 2016

Mr&Mrs Joyner may God bless both of you in this easy Amy our beautiful angel β™‘β™‘

May 8, 2016
Lugoff , SC United States

I am so deeply saddened by this heinous act! My Heart aches for Amy, the whole family that has to deal with the pain and anguish! I couldn't sleep last night thinking about how Amy suffered. I am a Mother and I am furious!I nearly lost my daughter when she was in high school to violence 6 years ago. I will be praying for the family's strength. ❀

Sabrina Scott
May 7, 2016
RI United States

May your soul rest in power and the world is a sadder place that you are not continue to go on the journey with us but out of all of the sadness the world was a better place the time you were here. Our lost is heaven. May your soul be forever,

Clyde Sparks, Jr
May 7, 2016
Jamaica, NY USA

I'm truly sorry for your lost it saddens me that people can talk another's life I don't know your daughter and don't know all that lead up to her being taken from but God have a great plan in all of this she did not deserve to be beaten the way she have been or life taking from her I do not know your child but it feel like I do an she is apart of me I pain for what happen to her I sit up hoping to hear people are being accountable for their actions they choose to take your family is deep in my prayers and God will give justice for his child but also have forgiven heart to the one's who took her but they will pay for what they have done And for the hurt they have cause to your Family and the world that been touched by this tragic lost I want to wish your wife a blessed Mothers day its hard right now but y'all will get through this an is will get better as well as brighter for your family R.I.P Amy rest now my Beautiful Angle God has you and your next life will be powerful peace love!!!

Tykara Newman
May 7, 2016
delaware, OH

I continue to pray daily for Amy and her entire family, I pray that God gives you all the strength you may need daily, I am so glad to hear the State Prosecutor was just giving the case so that now justice can finally be served. I wish it was a way when the warrants are served on all involved I can come to court on Amy's behalf for Justiced. Our God will be the finally judge in this case and all involved will get the punishment they truly deserve.

To Amy's mom I pray you have a Bkessed Mother's Day. I will continue to pray for you all. Continue to Rest in Peace Amy.

May 7, 2016

My thoughts and prayers are with your family!

Shanna Gates
May 6, 2016
Euclid, OH United States

Since the news broke on this horrible assault, I have thought of Amy every day. I never met her, never knew her family or her friends. But this has touched me so deeply that no words can express. We are all thinking of you , praying for you and hoping for peace in our community so this senselessness can stop. These are out babies. God bless you.

Mary Anne
May 6, 2016
Nweark, DE

Rejoice in knowing that Amy is in a better place. Amy and I share the same birthday month. My birthday is March 11. I was saddened deeply when I heard about this horrific tragedy. I'm a 2nd grade teacher. I'm committed daily to changing the mindset/mean cruel behavior I observe at a young age. I can sleep at night knowing I have zero tolerance for some of the outrageous behavior displayed, and have no problems telling parents or whom responsible raising as well! I encourage students daily not to be bystanders, if you see something that's not right to seek help quickly! May your days ahead be brighter.

Victoria Davis
May 6, 2016
milford, DE

To Amy's family and the Howard High School students and faculty.
On behalf of Pentecostal Church of the Living God, we offer our prayers and support to you. We are right there on the corner across from the school. Please feel free to call on us at any time.
Ministers and Members of Pentecostal.

Pastor Kathy Flood-Johnson
May 5, 2016
Wjilmington, DE

Thoughts on this remain.this was a attack.Stalking.PRAYING FOR A PEACEFUL ALIYA..Which means Journey to Israel.All must journey that way.Israel is god's timeclock.

May 5, 2016
a2, MI usa

I would like to send my condolences to the Joyner-fisher family. There are no words that I can say that will take away your pain or that Will bring your love one back although I'm a mother of 5 I can't say I know how u feel. What I can do is keep you and your family in my prayers and ask your god to guide you down the righteous path. I am deeply saddened by this horrific incident and if there is anything I can help with rather its a rally to stop the violence or a ear to listen or a shoulder for u to lean on I am here. May your god continue to bless you all. I love you all for the sake of my god may peace be with you

May 5, 2016
Wilmington, DE us

I still can't get it out my mind what happen to such a Beautiful young lady who had her whole life ahead of head. I am praying for all of you that Our God see you all through, No parents or loved ones should be going through this. I check daily to see if the cowardly people who did this have been arrested and I see as of today no charges have been filed. I will rejoice the day I hear all involved have been before the courts, but in the end Our God will have the final say, and we will do to them what they deserve. I pray Amy didn't suffer I can't seem to get her out of my mind, when I look at my grand daughter who is 15 I think of Amy.

May her Beautiful soul rest in peace, praying for all of you

May 5, 2016
New Haven, CT

My heart goes out to you and your family for your loss.... I know everyone say that she's in a better place, which she is but I also know you rather have her with you. I cannot begin to imagine your pain. i pray everyday for you and your family and have cried every time I think of what happened to Amy. May God give you the strength you and family need..

May 5, 2016
Brooklyn, NY

She is such a beautiful girl and I'm very sorry for your tragic loss. May God provide comfort and strength to your family through this difficult time for Psalm 34:18 states " The LORD is near the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit".

Nic Coleman and Fam
May 5, 2016
Suitland, MD

I send my deepest sympathy from spartanburg to the family..... I have a 10yr old daughter and we have been following this my baby girl is scared to even go to high school BC of this tragedy......I really pray God heals you all....its going to take time i know but just always remember she's in good hands now and away from this cold cruel world....I had my pastor to pray for you all last night and it was very heartbreaking to everyone.....I pray justice be served cause this sweet beautiful Queen did not deserve this.......may God bless ur family with peace,joy,happiness and comfort blessed... R.I.H BEAUTIFUL ANGEL!!!

ashley b
May 5, 2016
Spartanburg, SC

Please accept our deepest sympathy. May those precious memories be foremost in your hearts and minds during this difficult time.
Isaiah 25:8

Jackson Family
May 5, 2016

Nickname for 802 .Ruby is sweetpea...thank you...they taped that .at covenant cooper hospital .in saginaw, request remains ..that the renamed .you let me sweetpea.she had been your my Anthony Kennedy at the supreme court.I will speak to him about conservator ..tears...308 was here .two days ago ..

May 5, 2016
A2, MI Usa

The Martin Luther King Center’s Board of Directors, Staff and the Holloway Family all express our most sincere condolences at the loss of your loved one. May God bless your family in this time of bereavement

Herman M Holloway,Jr
May 5, 2016
wilmington, DE usa

To Amy's Family I'm so sorry for your loss.As the Grandmother of a murdered child.I understand some of what you must be feeling.From the moment I heard the news ,I've been praying for your Family. May Amy Rest Peacefully In The Arms Of Our Lord GOD. I PRAY IN THE NAME OF JESUS., AMEN.

Denise F.Davis
May 5, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

To Amy's Family I'm so sorry for your loss.As the Grandmother of a murdered child.I understand some of what you must be feeling.From the moment I heard the news ,I've been praying for your Family. May Amy Rest Peacefully In The Arms Of Our Lord GOD. I PRAY IN THE NAME OF JESUS., AMEN.

Denise F.Davis
May 5, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

To Amy's Family I'm so sorry for your loss.As the Grandmother of a murdered child.I understand some of what you must be feeling.From the moment I heard the news ,I've been praying for your Family. May Amy Rest Peacefully In The Arms Of Our Lord GOD. I PRAY IN THE NAME OF JESUS., AMEN.

Denise F.Davis
May 5, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

To Amy's Family I'm so sorry for your loss.As the Grandmother of a murdered child.I understand some of what you must be feeling.From the moment I heard the news ,I've been praying for your Family. May Amy Rest Peacefully In The Arms Of Our Lord GOD. I PRAY IN THE NAME OF JESUS., AMEN.

Denise F.Davis
May 5, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

Rest peacefully little beauty. Praying for your family and love ones daily. #justice4Amy

May 4, 2016
Wilmington, DE New Castle

Praying for your family. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful, full of promise and wonder soul. She is a angel now. Place your faith in God.

May 4, 2016
Floresville, TX United States

Praying for the families comfort. May Amy R.I.P.

Barbara ALberts
May 4, 2016
Kennesaw, GA

My prayers to the family may God bless you and keep u. She is an lovely angel now stay strong .

Kim leake
Apr 26, 2016
Dumfries, VA prince William co.

I send my prayers of peace and comfort to the family who lost such a beautiful soul.

Jasmine Barnes
May 4, 2016
Allen, TX USA

Rest In Peace baby girl. No more troubles of this world

May 4, 2016
Mobile, AL Usa

May God wrap his loving arms around her family and friends. God is getting the glory on this Amy's life has touched some many lives and will save many continue to trust the lord with all your heart. Love always dawn and sarah and michael.

Dawn carn sarah coverdale
May 4, 2016
Newark, DE

To the family of this beautiful child, may God hold you all in the hollow of his hand during this difficult season. The nation is standing on the front lines in prayer for all of u. God bless.

Kimberly Cyrus
May 4, 2016
Kansas City, MO United States

Your family is forever in my prayers. May Amy rest in peace.

Cappri Jimenez
May 3, 2016
Salt Lake City, UT USA

I just wanna say that I am try let sorry for the loss of that beautiful little girl.may god have her family wrapped tightly in his arms during this time.

May 4, 2016
williamsport, PA

My heart goes out to amy and family may God hold and keep you tightly in his arms and bring justice for amy,...

May 3, 2016
Akron, OH Summit

My heart goes out to amy and family may God hold and keep you tightly in his arms and bring justice for amy,...

May 3, 2016
Akron, OH Summit

May god be with you. I'm so sorry you have to go through that

May 3, 2016
Philadelphia , PA USA

To Amy and Her family...... Although I do not personally know you, I am deeply saddened and devastated to say the least. A beautiful smart young lady who was highly praised and well thought of had to lose her life to careless obviously disturbed children. Jesus I pray for their souls. Children who did not care to think this is someone's daughter, sister, friend, and child of God. It pains me, thinking of the great loss and sorrow, that family, friends, and communities are feeling from this tragic incident. I know for me personally this has effected me thousands of miles away. My heart is broken for Amy, her family and friends. No family should have to go through this pain. It hurts. Sincere condolences.

May 3, 2016
St. Louis, MO USA

Rest in peace sweet baby girl.

Sherwanda Banks
May 3, 2016
Fort Washington , MD Pg

As I sit here and watch the rain fall I just can't stop thinking about this beautiful young girl Amy, my heart truly hearts for Amy and her entire family and friends. I ask they question why? What do she do to deserve to go through what those savages Put her through. I sit and wonder why nobody did anything to help her, we all know Our God has the last say with everything and I pray justice will be served. Amy baby girl I pray you are resting in peace, I know there are no words that anyone can say to your mom, dad or siblings to take away the pain from the loss of their beautiful daughter, but I pray Our God will see you all through. Amy will never be forgotten, I will share her story with all my grandkids, nieces, nephews and all their friends so that they will know there are some very cruel kids in this world, and to say something if anyone ever threatens them. A beautiful young girl gone way too soon,

Fly high Amy and may your beautiful soul rest in peace.

May 3, 2016

Rest In Peace Angel ...

May 3, 2016
New Castle , DE

May you rest in peace & too the family keep your head up & God has the last say so we don't know each other but God placed it On my heart to sign the guest book

May 3, 2016
brooksville, FL

Still unbelievable but my prayers & condolences go out to the parents and family of this beautiful Young Woman I pray that God strengthens you and comfort you as justice is served she may not be here physically but her spirit is and she is looking down on you guys covering you protecting you for heaven has gain another Angel.....#LongLiveAmy#RestInPeace

May 3, 2016
DE United States

I truly send my condolences to the parents and family of this precious young lady.. I will continue to pray for strength for all of you and justice for Amy... ❀️

Chyeta wheeler
May 3, 2016
River rouge , MI USA

None of this would have taken place if everyone had been seated, books open and ready to learn. Now look. Everyone's lives has been re-arranged. And they say god has a plan for everyone...Oh well.

Linda Hargrow
May 3, 2016
Canton, OH USA

My prayers go out to the Family.God will cover all of you with his Love and Grace during this difficult time.

Andria L. Williams
May 2, 2016
New Castle, DE United States


Monique Taylor
May 2, 2016
Shreveport, LA usa


Monique Taylor
May 2, 2016
Shreveport, LA usa

Your family will continue to be in my prayers during this sad and hurtful time. She was taken from this earth way to young, had her whole life to live. I pray the family can remember and cherish all the good times and memories they had together. It breaks my heart that any family has to go through this and I pray God will help heal all the wounds. Best wishes and prayers. God bless you all always!

Robin Winner
May 2, 2016
Pennsauken, NJ Usa


preshell hightower
May 2, 2016
peoria, AZ United States

May God Bless your family in this time of sorrow. God Bless, The Presha Family

Pamela Presha
May 2, 2016
New Castle, DE

am so sorry for what happened to that beautiful girl Amy, am praying for all of you eveyday and may GOD be your strengh. What your going through is horrible and tough I am so shocked and think of her eveyday like I knew her I love you all and am with you.
GOD Bless you.
Let her soul rest in peace.
Love you Amy

Ruth Benie Makita
May 2, 2016
Clermont ferrant, - Other - FRANCE

Sooooo sorry 😞 to the family

Sheile Rice
May 2, 2016
Cleveland , OH Cuyahoga

My heart goes out to the family. I feel like a heart broken mother over the situation. I pray for healing and strength for Amy's parents and her sibling. May she rest in peace.

May 2, 2016
New Castle, DE USA

The death of your little girl brings tears to my eyes. I am so sorry that we live in a world where children kill children. May God keep you during this terrible time. Sending your family love and prayers from Brooklyn.

May 2, 2016
Brooklyn, NY

Please know how saddened I am for the lost of Amy. May you heart and soul fine peace and comfort. My deepest condolences.

Valerie Williams
May 2, 2016
New Castle , DE United Sates

Movie .city of angels....I'm challenging all the 308s to pray...including my aunts church..founded in 1938 ..802 my heart ..Still is..(.prince )rogers (nelson)like amy's friend. The rainbow. Amy ,my star..I'm sorry to her .that I didn't make it there. .

May 2, 2016
a2, MI usa

Amy I did not know you personally but, when the story broke out I could not help but to think about you constantly. I have comfort now that you are resting with the Lord. Your memory will forever live on and Justice will be served. RIP sweet angel,

May 2, 2016
Philadelphia, PA USA

I'm truly sorry for your lost . This should not have happened .. I pray that your family find some type of way to grieve this terrible lost ..

May 2, 2016
Philadelphia, PA Usa

My most prized possession is not the worlds oldest is a small piece of my grandmothers hair. A reminder .that she was here..just to smell .her smell and remember her kiss..I hear a million angels .in my ear..the rain .reflects their sadness ...

May 2, 2016
a2, MI usa

My most prized possession is not the worlds oldest is a small piece of my grandmothers hair. A reminder .that she was here..just to smell .her smell and remember her kiss..I hear a million angels .in my ear..the rain .reflects their sadness ...

May 2, 2016
a2, MI usa

Melinda ,Maya ,Maliyah and PJ...PJ was the captain of his basketball team.bullied..because of his request to the senators and supreme Court and Mr Obama .Make new laws ..218 is the vote everyday .I believe.I don't write sad endings.Class of 2018..and the empty chair.. .We can change the World A...

May 2, 2016
a2, MI usa

I was in my bathroom the same time this happened.looking for my paisley towel.Maya went too kick boxing .what it says to spirit .we were trying to be strong for her..we did not know.the week before .a piece of Mayas braid was pulled hair was pulled at a hair appt.I have been talking to my friend supreme court justice Anthony. Whatever happened let it change the world. Turn tragedy into triumph.I have watched maliyahs words since all of day she was asking for her daddy.she got knocked down by the steps.they follow the wind you know .Angels. We have been bullied like Amy and it resulted in death .My request to god .To send all the love of his angels to you.keep them encamp around you. Peace

May 2, 2016
a2, MI usa

I'm sending my deepest condolences to the family of Amy. I didn't know her personally but the way people described her was that she was a beautiful and genuine soul. My heart breaks for your family and you all will remain in my prayers. I'm sending you all my love during this difficult time. RIP Amy! Gone too soon.

Jameeka Paul
May 2, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States of America

My prayers and condolences go out to the family. I saw the news coverage and it just broke my heart. A beautiful young lady that didn't even get a chance to live her life! LORD have mercy. I just pray that justice is served and laws are changed.

Rest In Paradise Queen Amy!❀❀❀❀❀

Sheraee Romero
May 2, 2016
Wasco, CA USA

My prayers and condolences go out to the family. I saw the news coverage and it just broke my heart. A beautiful young lady that didn't even get a chance to live her life! LORD have mercy. I just pray that justice is served and laws are changed.

Sheraee Romero
May 2, 2016
Wasco, CA USA

My depest condolences to the family. May God's peace comfort you. I have a fifteen year old daughter and I can't imagine the losing her especially under such circumstances so I understand your pain. I
I wish I could take the pain away, but truly God is able.

Joye A Nottage
May 1, 2016
Philadelphia, PA USA

My deepest deepest condolences to this family. Such a beautiful girl taking so soon.

meia crow
May 1, 2016
long beach, CA United States

My heart aches for you all. And tears soak my face trying understand why. Such a beautiful queen. I don't know you personally but just know that someone in North Dakota CARES.

May 1, 2016
Fargo, ND

To the Families,May the Comforter hold you close in this time and always.May there be PEACE.

May 1, 2016
Monroe, LA United States

I am so sorry for your loss. Words can not describe. Only God can heal your heart and ease the pain. God bless you in Jesus name.

Rossie Williams
May 2, 2016
Monroe , LA usa

May you R.I.P. Amy.

Kisha Bailey
May 1, 2016
Newark, DE United States

To the family of Amy,

I do not know you personally but I was speechless when I heard this. I am so very sorry for the loss of beautiful Amy and want you all to know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

May 1, 2016

To the Francis & Joyner family, so sorry for your loss! Such a beautiful young lady! May she rest in paradise! Our deepest sympathy and prayers go out to you at this most difficult time. May God bless you all and give you strength that only He can give! The Hargraves family

Anna (Dotsie) Hargraves
May 1, 2016
Wilmington , DE

Those we hold close to our hearts never truly leave us. They live on in the kindness they have shared and the love they brought into our lives.

Markevic Johnson
May 1, 2016
Wilmington, DE

Our condolences to the Joyner family you are in our prayers❀

Nataniel & Phyllis Davis
May 1, 2016
New Castle, DE

My prayers and condolences go out to this family. I pray that God comforts you.

Patricia Jackson
May 2, 2016
Farmington hills, MI Oakland

Gone too soon!lyrics Michael Joseph Jackson ...

May 2, 2016
a2, MI usa

Let not your Heart Be Troubled, We serve a Loving and comforting God, a God that can wipe all your Tears Away, a God that will hold you late in the Mid-night hours when your heart is heavy, A Just God. For I know the pain you have endured and My heart Weeps with you. I Pray the strength GOD gave me to make it through that you are given the same favor of Comfort. Be Encouraged. You are Forever in My Prayers.

With Sincere Love

Trudy Lively - Boardley
May 1, 2016
wilm , DE

I'm very sorry to hear about this beautiful young lady lost her life my prayers are with her family may you rest in peace and pray that your family gets through this may God be with you all I don't you Amy but I love you like my own and your life shouldn't have gotten taken from you so soon but I know you are in a better place now and again prayers to your family

Victoria Hamilton
May 1, 2016
Richmond va, DE

I'm deeply sorry for your loss may GOD be with the Joyner Francis family through this tragedy. My heart and my Condolence goes out to AMY JOYNER FRANCIS.She really laid heavy on my heart.I hope and pray justice will be serve.

Stephanie Bolden
May 1, 2016
Fountain Inn, SC

My condolences to my beloved cousin I'll miss you .
To the Mother and Father as well as the Siblings I'm here for You all .
Cause We're all We Got.πŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏπŸ‘ΌπŸΏπŸ‘ΌπŸΏπŸ‘ΌπŸΏ

May 1, 2016

My deepest condolences go out to the family and friends. May God give you all peace and strength to carry on; may you find comfort in knowing that Amy is safe in “His” arms now. RIP Amy.

May 1, 2016
Bear, DE

May Allah blessed the family. Ameen

Ameen and Shayla Salaam
May 1, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

Thanking, the god of Israel for the blessing of your daughter ....the peace .she brought to the world .Pope Francis would say .blessed the fruit of Mary's womb .Jesus ...His heart is with you today .Born in this world to love..Sweet ...angel Amy .....

May 1, 2016
a2, MI usa

I don't know you personally but every since I've heard your story I've been sick with grief. I've spend countless hours listening to the news and reading clips waiting to hear that those individuals who done this to you have been charged. I'm sorry you had to endure this pain and I pray for your family daily. You've touched so many people over the world. I hate that you're not here to see all the support. #RIP beautiful angel

May 1, 2016
Hattiesburg , MS

My deepest condolence and prayers to the Joyner-Francis family sorry for this beautiful angel. May she rest in heaven. A good heart has stop beating, A good soul ascended to heaven. Remember her wonderful and gentle soul will always remain in your heart.

The Watson-Carter Family

Carmencita Watson
May 1, 2016
Bowie, MD USA

To the family of this beautiful young lady, I'm sorry 4 your lost..I'm not attending this funeral or nothing of that nature, but I send my condolences to the family; and want you all to know that your not along..and I read this article and want you all to know that my prayer's are with u...and the bible speak vengeance belongs to the Lord..let go and let God..God Bless"πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Felicia Forbes
May 1, 2016
Kansas City, MO Jackson

Our family is very sorry for your loss. We will continue to keep you, your family and all those close to Amy in our thoughts prayers.

Ron & Kelly Perrello
May 1, 2016
Chesterfield, VA

I don't know your family, but I wanted to send my deepest condolences to your entire family on the loss of your precious Amy. Prayers and love to you during this extremely difficult time.

May 1, 2016
Claymont , DE

My prayers and condolences to you for the loss of your Beautiful daughter . May God give you the strength to get through.May God Bless and keep you .

Carmen Wright
May 1, 2016
Detroit, MI United States

My heart goes out to the family and friends of Amy.In everything beautiful this world holds,in the heavens above as well as here on earth.. I believe she is with you a beautiful heart never truely leaves us,a beautiful heart makes a everlasting impression on our hearts that can not be undone. Love and prayers to Amys family and friends,godbless.

May 1, 2016
Harrington, DE Kent

I am so very, very sorry for this tremendous loss that your family has suffered. May her spirit live on & forever inspire others!!! May she rest in peace. Sending prayers to he family & friends of sweet, innocent Amy!!

May 1, 2016
Bear, DE

I am so very sorry. I think of Amy and your family everyday. I wish that there was more we could all do to help you through this time. May God bless you and may you find peace.

Leslie Martin
May 1, 2016
Fresno , CA USA

The Bowser family sorry for your loss

Leroy Bowser
May 1, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

To Anthony Joyner and Family,

Words do little to express my sorrow. My deepest condolences for your family's loss.

Thoughts have and will continue to be with you!

Ryan P Jones

Ryan Jones
May 1, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ comfort you at this time and give you His peace which passes all understanding
Hold on to those beautiful memories of a beautiful young lady Will continue to pray for you and your family
Ms Jean

Ms Jean
May 1, 2016
Stockbridge, GA

What do one say during this time of grief? I am so sorry for your loss, and I will continue to keep you and your family in prayer for God's comfort and strength.

alisa miles
May 1, 2016
charotte, NC mecklenburg

To The Family of Amy Inita Joyner-Francis

I read a wonderful story about your beautiful daughter in helping and counseling her friends and other students.

To me, your daughter was a true Angel, kind hearted, well loved, admired, one in a million, respected, loving, caring and a lovely young lady.

God send an Angel to take your daughter home to Heaven. She's fine now.

I know I can't make the pain go away. But God is with you all every step of the way.

Your daughter's love, memories, spirit and her gift of legacy will live on always and forever. Your beautiful Angel will always be remembered for what she stood for in her life and legacy.

May God Bless you all during this time and always. With lots of love and caring thoughts are with you.

Me, my family and my Church are keeping you all in our prayers and wishing you all a healing recovery.

We love you and your beautiful Angel Amy
πŸŒ·πŸ’ ☺

Our Sincere Condolences With Love always.

Cheryl Tyson
May 1, 2016
Carson, CA USA

Dear Inita, Anthony and Family,
My thoughts and prayers are with you now and always will be.
All my best wishes to you all,

Colleen Conaty
May 1, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

My God give you the strength and peace you may need to get through this trying time.

Lashawn Price-Odom
May 1, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

Sorry for your lost. My son Lashawn Price-Odom was real close friends with your daughter Amy. No words can express the pain you are going through. If you need anything and I mean anything for feel to contact me at my email address or on my cell phone #(302)518-1323

Mrs. Shaquita S. Beasley
May 1, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

We are praying for you and your family. May the peace and strength of God cover you doing this difficult time.

May 1, 2016
Jacksonville , FL united States

My condolences to the Joyner-Francis family in this time of sorrow. A beautiful spirit has departed this life too soon yes, but know that her life wasn't in vain. Her assignment "here," was complete. Gods will prevailed in this situation... Please know that. Amy's with you always. May God bless and keep you.

Monique Brown
May 1, 2016
Palmdale, CA USA

My deepest condolence and prayers to the family sorry for this beautiful angel loss may she rest in peace i will continue to pray for the family and pray for justice for Amy

Plesantly Jackson
May 1, 2016
Detroit , MI

I'm SORRY for your loss. May the blessing of God be with Your entire Family as your hearts heal and you find closure & peace with only the Grace of God can give. My Condolences Ms. Kimberly Furlow from Troy, Ohio

Kimberly Furlow
May 1, 2016
Troy, OH United States

My condolences to the family & friends of a beautiful young woman who left this world way too soon.
May the memories y'all shared forever live on in your hearts.

Salena Braithwaite
May 1, 2016
Columbus , OH USA

Even though I didn't know Amy, this tragedy has lain heavy on my heart. Rest assured she is resting in peace and the loving arms of God.I am sending you, the family my prayers and condolences from myself and my family. God Bless you.

JoAnne Smith
May 1, 2016
Millsboro, DE United States

May your beautiful daughter rest in peace. My condolences to your family, may you all find comfort knowing she is with the Lord.

May 1, 2016
Phoenix, AZ USA

Please God bless the family and friends of this beautiful young lady. I pray that they find comfort, love, and support in God's unchanging arms.

May 1, 2016
Charlotte, NC United States

So sorry for your loss.. My family and I will continue to pray..

Erika lemus
May 1, 2016
Wilmington , DE United states

R.I.P baby girl you are now in a better place... To the family I'm sorry for your loss may God be with you..

LeKeatra Truss
May 1, 2016

My condolences to the family. I know Amy is in a much, much better place even though we want her here with us. She have very much so finished her journey here on this earth with us. God called her home with him. I know it's hard, but through God anything is possible. Praying knowing he'll give you all strength to be able to deal with your loss.

May 1, 2016
Birmingham , AL USA

Though I did not know Amy and family, the story hits home, as I am a young mother myself with a teenager. Being as though Amy was known as the "Peace Keeper", made me so much more upset, because she was trying to do things in decency and in order as God intended us to do. Many people's hearts are very heavy throughout the nation as you celebrate her life today. But know that because she was so loved and admired for her selflessness, that her legacy will go on, and that God has a special place for her. With love and Respect, -Miss Rhonda Johnson

Rhonda Johnson
May 1, 2016
Silver Spring, MD United States

We would like to send our deepest condolences to you and your family beautiful young lady gone to soon I am so very sorry for your lost I am so very sad I have kids I am praying for you all

Emma Morgan
May 1, 2016
New Braunfels, TX

Family, so sorry for the loss of your loved one. Praying that the Holy Spirit will offer you peace and comfort at such a tragic time as this. I will continue to lift up the family in prayer , in Jesus Name.

May 1, 2016
Wilmington, DE New Castle

I'm so sorry for ur loss,may our heavenly father gives u all strength and healing. I'm praying for the families to find peace,i probably don't know Amy but her death has touched my heart as if i've known her for years. Father give us all strength in Jesus name,thanks u father. Amen!!! A Beautiful Queen. Gone to soon but our heavenly father knows best,may she R.I.P and Love u Amy

Gwendolyn Jennings
May 1, 2016

I am so sorry for the lost in your family.. We here in Shreveport, La are praying for you guys daily.. Sleep on Amy.. Very beautiful young lady..

Shalamenia Ross
May 1, 2016
Shreveport, LA

I apologize for your loss,
a child gone years, decades and eternities too soon,
I cry over the unjust moments that time intertwined,
I pray for your mother, your father, and hope heaven wipe his tears,
Give justice to the just,
And love along with trust,
A boy wasnt worth your life ending too soon,
In fact he wasnt the cause of your life ending at all.
You are worth more than no justice, and until the judge gives life in jail i wont get any peace
I love you, even though i never met you,
I cry tears over and over again with the pain,
Rest in the arms of angels while your parents on earth be watched by the same.
rest your heart AmyInita

Shiela Denise Scott
May 1, 2016
Jackson, MS United States

I am so very sorry for your lost. She was a beautiful girl and she is with God now.
May God comfort your hearts.

Cheryl Jones
May 1, 2016
Chesapeake, VA United States

Peace in his name

May 1, 2016
a2, MI usa

It will be 70 by the end of the week.In Delaware ..May the lord. .bring justice .by then .thanking him .for the beautiful rainbows .that were here orange and purple.sunset colors ..a baby showed them too me..This has reached england .the world has cried ..and the united kingdom .2018 her graduation and the vote at the whitehouse .Everyday.My opinion says .rename that school..That means .they must say thank you. For everyday .her kindness walked through that door .prayer was taken out of schools .Then violence walked in .Queen Elizabeth's birthday 421 ..She saw this.I sent it to her..With my tears. And coach Wilson .

May 1, 2016
a2, MI usa

It will be 70 by the end of the week.In Delaware ..May the lord. .bring justice .by then .thanking him .for the beautiful rainbows .that were here orange and purple.sunset colors ..a baby showed them too me..This has reached england .the world has cried ..and the united kingdom .2018 her graduation and the vote at the whitehouse .Everyday.My opinion says .rename that school..That means .they must say thank you. For everyday .her kindness walked through that door .prayer was taken out of schools .Then violence walked in .Queen Elizabeth's birthday 421 ..She saw this.I sent it to her..With my tears. And coach Wilson .

May 1, 2016
a2, MI usa

My condolences to the family and friends, May God bless you all. RIP Amy.

Abrahams Family
May 1, 2016
New Castle, DE

I don't you know you at all I don't live in your state. I saw the story online and was very sadden by it I'm so sorry for your lost my you find comfort in Jesus and memories.You are in my thoughts and prayers cause people say it gets easy but it doesn't seem that way R.I.P Baby girl

May 1, 2016
Temple Hills, MD United States

To the Family of Miss Amy Joyner, I do not know you personally but I've been following this story all week. My heart and prayers goes out to you all. Amy was a beautiful young woman. I pray that God will comfort and strengthen the Family in this hour of bereavement and in the days to come. God makes no mistake and she is now resting in the arms of God. Be Bless and know that people all over this world are praying for and with you guys. Love you all!!!

Chantel Dingle
May 1, 2016
Manning, SC Clarendon

To the family and friends of Amy, heartfelt prayers for you and this dear girl. I pray she was held in Jesus' arms and did not have to feel any pain...She looked like a beautiful soul inside in out. Prayers for your healing, for Amy to rest in peace eternally, and for her loving memory to live on.

May 1, 2016
tallahassee, FL USA

I'm so sorry for ur family lost. Me a my family will keep ur family in our prayers

May 1, 2016
Macon, GA bibb

So sorry for your loss. I'm sure she will never be forgotten. Peace.

Kevin Crader
May 1, 2016
New Hope, PA USA

I send my deepest hearfelt condolences..loosing a loved one is never easy.. May Hod continue to hold your family in his comforting hands...lots of love from my family to yours..

Jennifer Moorehead-Harris
May 1, 2016
Apopka, FL United States

My condolences to you and your family may Amy rest in the arms of the Lord. My continue prayers

Cheryl Swaby
May 1, 2016

I'm sorry for your lost I can't even imagine how you all feel this was a tragedy that could of been avoided but just know you will forever be in my prayer in the name of Jesus I speak healing right now in Jesus name amen

Margaret Williams
May 1, 2016
sweetwater, AL united States

I'm sorry for your lost I can't even imagine how you all feel this was a tragedy that could of been avoided but just know you will forever be in my prayer in the name of Jesus I speak healing right now in Jesus name amen

Margaret Williams
May 1, 2016
sweetwater, AL united States

Im so sorry for your loss, may her soul rest in peace and God be with all her family and friends till you all meet again.

Vanisia Fleming
May 1, 2016
Almere, DE Holland

Im so sorry for your loss, may her soul rest in peace and God be with all her family and friends till you all meet again.

Vanisia Fleming
May 1, 2016
Almere, DE Holland

Im so sorry for your loss, may her soul rest in peace and God be with all her family and friends till you all meet again.

Vanisia Fleming
May 1, 2016
Almere, DE Holland

My condolences to Amy Inita Joyner-Francis & her family (May The Lord be with You All). A horrific tragedy that hurts my mind, spirit, heart & soul.
R.I.P. Angel. You truly did not deserve this. I was taught as a child that everything happens for a reason. I understand that concept but as a human being it's so hard to cope with, but The Lord has a better plan for you Angel. Punishment for all those involved not just in this lifetime but the afterlife as well. I'm truly afraid for this generation & the generations that are to come. Not enough morals,compassion,spiritual beliefs, practices or nothing. Prayer is truly needed. This is why before I pray for myself I pray for other's first. I will keep you & your family, this world in prayers. Again may your spirit rest in paradise. # I'm truly sorry.

Monifa Telisma
May 1, 2016
Miami, FL United States

To the family and friends of this beautiful young lady. My heart breaks over this tragedy. I can't imagine the sadness and sorrow for this loss. I sincerely pray your continued strength and healing. May God keep you in perfect peace.

Cynthia Robinson
Apr 30, 2016
Cleveland, OH United States

I am so sorry for your loss . I will pray for you and your family in this time of sorry .

Ruby Adams
May 1, 2016

You and your family are in my prayers, RIP Amy..

Apr 30, 2016
Hampton, VA USA

I'm truly sorry for your loss, I pray that God will comfort and watch over each of you.

Matthew 5:4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.”

Veronica Joseph
Apr 30, 2016
Tacoma, WA

R.I.P Amy
Heaven gained an Angel when God called you home. My condolences to the Family.

Apr 30, 2016
WILMINGTON, DE United States

I'm so sorry bout lost am mother myself n I had lost family member myself
May Amy rest in peace

Tiera Hall
May 1, 2016
Louisville , KY Jefferson

My heart goes out to you mom and the rest of the family. I have a high school daughter with two more to follow and I cannot imagine what you and your family arr going through in this moment. prayers to you and your family. Hope you find peace. Hope those involved get what they deserve because your beautiful daughter did not deserve to live.

Candace Robinson
Apr 30, 2016
Detroit , MI

Sending Heartfelt Condolences To Your Family.This Is Truly Heartbreaking In More Ways Than One.Prayers For Your Family.May You Rest In Heavenly Peace.Fly High AmyπŸ’”πŸ’–πŸ’# In My Prayers

Ebony S. Thomas
Apr 30, 2016
Flint, MI Genesee

My condolences to the strong...

Tina Holland
Apr 30, 2016
Berlin, MD

I didn't know Amy, but I just wanted the family to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and may God bring peace and comfort to your family during this difficult time. God Bless You

Sanaughtra Sampson
Apr 30, 2016
Aurora, CO United States

im really sorry for your lost i really dont know amy but my prayers go out to you because this gone be a hard pill to swallow but keep your head high rip babygirl

bryanna coleman
Apr 30, 2016
amite, IA united states

Sorry for your lost may her soul rest in peace may prayers goes out to her family

Yvonne Sands
Apr 30, 2016
Freeport Bahamas

My Heart and Prayers are with this Family right now JESUS, Amy was a Beautiful Young lady and this touches my heart here in Newberry S.C. I Pray and ask the LORD to give them Strength to carry on and Keep them Jesus Forever and Ever. LOVE For you all In JESUS Name Amen.

Apr 30, 2016

My condolences to you and your family. May GOD Bless you and keep you in his arms. May be keep you in perfect peace thru your bereavement. GOD BLESS YOU!!!

Charnissa Gray
May 1, 2016
Dillwyn, VA

Condolences and praying for your family

Apr 30, 2016
Gibsland , LA United States

May God give you and your family strength to carry on.

The Russell Family
Apr 30, 2016
Newark, DE

I send my condolence to the family. May God bless you and may God cover Amy’s mother and father. I did not know Amy and I live several states away but this tragedy weighs heavy on my heart. As a parent, I cannot fathom the pain that you all have endured. With sadness, I will continue to follow this story and I trust that justice will be served. Please maintain your faith and know that God has the last word. I will continue to pray for you all throughout this journey. May God rest her soul.

Apr 30, 2016

Unfortunately, I never had the pleasure to meet Amy or her family. My daughter is a junior at Howard. Amy, you and your family are in our prayers. You will never be forgotten. God Bless your soul and receive eternal love and happiness.

Melissa Maichle
Apr 30, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

I would like to extend sincere condolences to the family and friend of Amy....Of course I didn't know her personally but it feel like her death has made such an impact in my life...Things of this nature should not and can not and will not be tolerated...Blessings in Jesus name....

Shawn Williams
Apr 30, 2016
Phi ladelphia, PA philadelphia

My prayers are with the family.

Christine Lyons
Apr 30, 2016

Myou prayers are with the family.

Christine Lyons
Apr 30, 2016

My PRAYERS are with you and the family. Rest on lil miss ladyπŸ˜˜πŸ™πŸΎ

Jannifer C. Baker
Apr 30, 2016
Brooklyn , NY USA

You have my Condolences & LoveπŸ’™ Amy will be missed very very much😒😞Even though i didn't know her, she seems like a great friend to have in my eyes. Breaks my heart to hear such a thing happen. #R.I.PAMY #GoneButNeverForgottenπŸ™πŸŒΉπŸŒΉ

Apr 30, 2016
Garland, TX USA


Apr 30, 2016

I didn't know u personally but I hurt for your family. So sorry u lost your life over immature actions.

Apr 30, 2016
Newark, DE

Sorry to hear about your beautiful daughter...My prayer is that God will sustain your family....and that he will continue to grant you comfort and peace...

Sharon P.
Apr 30, 2016
Charlotte, NC

My deepest Condolences to your Family. This loss cannot be described. The empty hollow in your heart, cannot be filled. Please know, God always has a plan, for us. Tomorrow, is never promised. God stopped by. to pick up an Angle. Amy, will always be in the hearts, that Loved Her. Rest In Paradise, Baby Girl.

Apr 30, 2016
Phoenix, AZ usa

My prayers and condolences to your family.

Sheila Nichols
Apr 30, 2016
Bear, DE USA

My sincere prayers for the family, she is with the Heavenly Father

Patricia Watson
Apr 30, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

I didn't know her , but for my Respect I pray the Family gets Justice and I will keep y'all in my Prayers sorry for your Lost #ripamy☝ ..

Janona Pennywell
Apr 30, 2016
Panama city fl, FL us

I'm so very sorry for your loss
May god be with you and yours during this difficult time .

Apr 30, 2016
Houston , TX Usa

Although we did not know your daughter Amy, we are heartbroken over your loss. May the love of our Heavenly Father cover you. May He give the family strength. May you be comforted by the loving memories that Amy has left with you. Shalom and blessings to you all. Sleep-in-peace Princess Amy!

Zahaiyah & Zedikayah
Apr 30, 2016
Arlington, TX USA

I just want to send my condolences to the family sorry for your loss and my god cover her soul in the blood of Jesus rest in heaven baby girl

Apr 30, 2016
Baltimore , MD

Revelations 21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither there shall be anymore pain: for the former things are passed away... Praying for the familyπŸ™

Felisa Tyler
Apr 30, 2016
Green Bay, WI

•Although no words can really help to ease the loss you bear, just know that you are very close in every thought and prayer.

Debbie McRae
Apr 30, 2016
Enfield, NC

Very sorry for your loss. Our condolences to you and your family.

Patricia & James Mayfield
Apr 30, 2016

To the Joyner family I feel your pain so deeply. Can't stop crying for a young life gone from us. you have my deep sympathy. God will help you in this time of sorrow.

Apr 30, 2016
wilmington, DE

Sending Prayers for the family. Sorry for your loss.

Prestine Crosby
Apr 30, 2016
Temperanceville, VA United States

RIH beautiful angel praying for your family.

melissa walker
Apr 30, 2016
NORCROSS, GA United States


Apr 30, 2016

I didn't know Amy that well but we knew each other name that's well enough I wish that I could of gotten the chance to know things about her she was a very special person she was the one to break fight and arguments up I will always remember Amy by her being the strongest girl I every known I am sorry for your and Howard loss we will forever miss you Amy we love you God has received a very special angle πŸ‘ΌπŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ I will continue to pray for you Amy. AMY WORLDπŸŒπŸ™ŒπŸΎ AMY is the true meaning of a Howard Wild Cat🐯 Gone to soon we have to stay strong for Amy and as we all say Do it for Amy.
Sincerely Sameem Lewis πŸ™πŸΎ

Sameem lewis
Apr 30, 2016
Newark, DE Newcastle

I didn't know Amy but being a mother I can't even imagine the pain you all are going through. This story has broken my heart in so many ways. May you find comfort and peace in God. I hope everyone involved in her death will be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law! Deepest condolences, prayers, and thoughts to the family of this beautiful girl.

Apr 30, 2016
Wilmington, DE

I have been reading about this tragedy since it happened and I just wanted to send thoughts and prayers out to Amy's parents and family. As a parent myself, I cannot imagine the pain the pain you are all feeling and hope you can find solace in knowing she is a true Angel watching over you all! God rest her beautiful sweet soul.....may justice for this sweet baby be served

Christine Krawczyk
Apr 30, 2016
Trevor, WI USA


Apr 30, 2016

God Bless Rest In Paradise Amy

Brenda Hunt
Apr 30, 2016
Downingtown, PA U.S.

I'm so very sorry for your loss. My prayer to the family and friends of Amy. Rest in Peace Angel.

Roslyn Jackson
Apr 30, 2016
Centreville , VA USA

Will be praying for your family!! RIP AMYπŸ˜‡

Renita tyler
Apr 30, 2016
Philadelphia , PA

rip amy

walter smith
Apr 30, 2016
huntsville, AL madison

To the family and friends of this beautiful Angel. It is my prayer that God comforts and keep you all in perfect peace. A place that only he can provide. Amy is resting in his arms now. I will keep you in my prayers.

Dr. Elnora Williams
Apr 30, 2016

My prayers to the family. Amy RIH. Fly hi baby girl.

Apr 30, 2016
Lorain, OH


Marcia Shanea Watley
Apr 30, 2016
Orangeburg, SC USA

So sorry for your loss. May God give you all strength and comfort during this difficult time. Amy was a beautiful looking young lady... My condolences and prayers are with you all..... May God Bless you all.. R.I.P AmyπŸ‘Ό

Nisa Green
Apr 30, 2016
New Castle, DE

Praying for the parents and siblings of Amy. Read this horrible news and wanted to send you my sincere prayers and condolences. May God comfort your hearts and give you peace.

Darlene Hickman
Apr 30, 2016
Chicago, IL USA

I am truly sorry for your lost. No one should have to go through this, this left me speechless when I heard about it on Facebook. I can't even begin to feel what you feel .If I can say something I would tell the family "keep faith , stay strong & stay together"

D'Andre Williams
Apr 30, 2016
Eastpointe, MI USA

My deepest condolences to the family and friends of this young lady. My heart was so broken when I heard the senseless way she was taken from us. I cried just as if she were my own child. May God comfort you all and fill your hearts with forgiveness. God Bless..

Karen Brinkley
Apr 30, 2016
Pottstown, PA

My heart goes out to this family god bless

Apr 30, 2016
g, MA United States

Iam Grived to know how evil and demented people can be. I have no sympathy whatsoever for these inmature wild Animals. They should be shipped away to a 3rd world jail.There is no excuse for
their Behavior. God Bless Amy's

Tresia Foster
Apr 29, 2016
Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia Pa

Praying for everyone rip baby girl

Rita ceasar
Apr 29, 2016
Cedar Rapids , IA

Praying for Strength for your family during this difficult time.
Rest in paradise AMY...

Apr 29, 2016
Springfield, NJ

Our heart breaks over this tragedy. We pray that God provides comfort & peace due to the loss of your loved one. Your entire family are in our prayers. God Bless.

Jeff Gibson & Sandra Carter
Apr 29, 2016
Hanover, MD USA

My deepest condolences to you and your family. May god help to guide and protect you in this very difficult time.

Ashia K
Apr 29, 2016

My deepest sympathies to your family. It is never easy to lose a child or a loved one, but definitely not under these circumstances. Amy is now an angel in heaven and will look after her family and friends. God Bless All of You.

Dianna DeRose
Apr 29, 2016
Newport, DE United States

Rest in peace

Rachel Wilson
Apr 29, 2016
West chester, PA U.S A

I did not know your daughter myself but I am a mother as well. I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter. I am praying for your family. I pray that God gives you strength, comfort & peace now and always. Just remember she will always be in your heart & soul. God Bless Amy's family.

Julie Marrero
Apr 29, 2016
Elkton, MD


Apr 29, 2016

I know I did not know her but I'm so sorry to hear about something like this. It's so sad how ppl are today. I just want to say rest in peace baby girlπŸ˜’πŸ‘ΌπŸ’”

crystal hock
Apr 30, 2016
essex, MD

I know I did not know her but I'm so sorry to hear about something like this. It's so sad how ppl are today. I just want to say rest in peace baby girlπŸ˜’πŸ‘ΌπŸ’”

crystal hock
Apr 30, 2016
essex, MD

I am so sorry for your loss, please know that you are in our thoughts. *Justice for Amy*

Apr 29, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

There are no words that can console you during this time, as there is none of us that can feel that which is squeezing your heart since first learning that your beautiful child is gone. My hope for you is that you can find the strenght to endure what is left up ahead and one day perhaps when you think of her, it will be with a smile instead of tears. May God Bless You, May God Bring You Confort, May God Bring You Peace.

Apr 29, 2016
Camden, NJ

I'm so so sorry for your loss

Karen Baker
Apr 29, 2016

To the Family of Amy Joyner-Francis,
I join others from around the country in sending heartfelt condolences and prayers for your comfort. My hope, too, is that justice will prevail. I was born and raised in Wilmington and graduated from Howard high School in 1963. I feel a special connectedness to you and your family and will continue to lift you up in prayer.

Doris Peters
Apr 29, 2016
Mitchellville, MD

Condolences are extended to your family, may you find peace and be blessed.

Apr 29, 2016
Columbia, SC United States

We are praying your strength in the Lord. We would like to offer our condolences to your family. God bless and keep you all in His loving arms.
Peace and Blessings

Joseph & Tracye Beatty
Apr 29, 2016
Philadelphia , PA USA

I am extremely upset by this senseless act. May God wrap his arms around the family and give you peace! God Bless Amy!!

Dorothy Wharton
Apr 29, 2016
Wilmington, DE

I am extremely upset by this senseless act. May God wrap his arms around the family and give you peace! God Bless Amy!!

Dorothy Wharton
Apr 29, 2016
Wilmington, DE

My heart is hurting for your family...sending my condolences to you all.

Apr 29, 2016
Burlington, NJ usa

So sorry for your loss. May the Lord bless you all with peace and comfort through these trying times!

Deborah Blackwell
Apr 29, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA United States

Sorry for your loss. Praying for your family. May God give you the strength and comfort you need during your time of bereavement.

Kristie S. Hill
Apr 29, 2016
Paterson , NJ United States

I am so sorry for your loss, even though I didn't know Amy personally she seemed like such a sweet loving girl she reminds me so much of myself and I'm sorry you and your family should have to go through something like this that could have been handled differently. My heart goes out to yall's family during this time R.I.P Amy Joyner fly high baby girl. We will forever remember you πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜˜

Kenyatta S
Apr 29, 2016
Hueytown, AL U.S

My heartfelt and deepest sympathy to your family. May you rest in peace Amy.

Josephine Malson
Apr 29, 2016
Pemberton, NJ

For Amy's Family and Friends it is With Deepest Sympathy and Condolences..!! You See I Am From Delaware and When I Saw this Article I felt The need To Send My Condolences I CAN'T even Imagine The Pain She Went through..!! I was bullied As A Child And In My Teens Also but Not To This Extent..!! Mine Was Verbal Abuse like four eyes flat chested etc. May You Rest In The Hands Of Our Lord..!! A Sweet Angel Gone To Soon A Few of My Friends And I felt The Need To Sign This God Bless You Amy Inita Joyner- Frances God Has Received An Angel In You..!! We Will All Be Praying For The Bullies Whom Did This that They Are prosecuted To The Fullest Extent Of The Law..!! Blessings To All Her Family and Friends Amen..!!

Carol Colclough
Apr 29, 2016
Hazleton , PA United States

For Amy's Family and Friends it is With Deepest Sympathy and Condolences..!! You See I Am From Delaware and When I Saw this Article I felt The need To Send My Condolences I CAN'T even Imagine The Pain She Went through..!! I was bullied As A Child And In My Teens Also but Not To This Extent..!! Mine Was Verbal Abuse like four eyes flat chested etc. May You Rest In The Hands Of Our Lord..!! A Sweet Angel Gone To Soon A Few of My Friends And I felt The Need To Sign This God Bless You Amy Inita Joyner- Frances God Has Received An Angel In You..!! We Will All Be Praying For The Bullies Whom Did This that They Are prosecuted To The Fullest Extent Of The Law..!! Blessings To All Her Family and Friends Amen..!!

Carol Colclough
Apr 29, 2016
Hazleton , PA United States

rest in heaven amy i am praying for yo family i dont knoe yall but i love yall

Apr 29, 2016
union springs, AL bullock

A life cut short over something so petty. My heart is broken.
Fly high Amy
We love you

Ashley moss
Apr 29, 2016

My sincere condolences to your family. You are all, in my prayers

Min. Russell Livingston
Apr 29, 2016
New Brunswick, NJ USA

I just want to send my blessings to your family. I hope that you find peace through Jesus Christ. May your beautiful baby girl rest in pararadise.

Tametreia Williams
Apr 29, 2016
Palmdale, CA USA

My pray go out to her mom and dad and sible my heart hurts and I don't even know you'll I will pray for youll on sunday wish I could come but I will pray God give you'll strong love in him after this

Carol Griffin
Apr 29, 2016
Philadelphia , PA Philadelphia

I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter. I did not know her or her family but I have seen this on the news and it just breaks my heart. They is nothing I can say that will comfort you and your family. My heart and thoughts are with you and I will keep you and your family in my prayers. My you find peace and comfort in God. With the utmost thoughts and feeling are with you. Sincerely, Cathy Mackenrodt

Cathy Mackenrodt
Apr 29, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

I'm a parent and i can't imagine what your going through I don't know you but I hope justice is served no one deserves to go this young in such a manner sorry for your loss and may god bless you and cover you and your family

Cherelle M High
Apr 29, 2016
Dover, DE USA

Sending prayers to Amy's Family.

Phyllis Denise
Apr 29, 2016
San Antonio, TX

Rest well baby girl you will be truly missed by all.

The Sidney Family of Phila. PA

Tyhira Sidney
Apr 29, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

Didn't know Amy, I wanted to give my condolences and prayers to the family during this time. Prayers going up.

Maya Johnson
Apr 29, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

Sending my love and prayers to your family in this difficult time. Rest in peace baby girl.

Tawanda Hubbard
Apr 29, 2016
Alexandria, VA

Even though I am all the way in Florida I am a 16 year old female junior at pine forest high school. I cannot say that I feel your pain but I am truly sorry for your lose and I send my condolences to your family in your time of need god bless. Sincerely P.t.M

Precious Moorer
Apr 29, 2016

From my family to yours we are praying for your strength and comfort during this time. I cannot imagine the many different feelings you are experiencing but know that God is with you as are the prayers of so many others. The joy of the lord is your strength.

Juanzetta knox
Apr 29, 2016
Hinesville , GA Usa

From my family to yours we are praying for your strength and comfort during this time. I cannot imagine the many different feelings you are experiencing but know that God is with you as are the prayers of so many others. The joy of the lord is your strength.

Juanzetta knox
Apr 29, 2016
Hinesville , GA Usa

From my family to yours we are praying for your strength and comfort during this time. I cannot imagine the many different feelings you are experiencing but know that God is with you as are the prayers of so many others. The joy of the lord is your strength.

Juanzetta knox
Apr 29, 2016
Hinesville , GA Usa

Praying for your family. Extremely sad for the loss of your baby girl and will continue to advocate for sensless acts of violence like this. My son has also been bullied throughout middle school and physically harmed and it's rediculous to see this happen in school. I cannot imagine the grief you all are feeling at this time but I will continue to uplift you in prayer daily. God has a new angel in Heaven for sure! God Bless you all!

Apr 29, 2016
BRYAN'S ROAD, MD United States

Rest in paradise baby girl

latasha bond
Apr 29, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

Did not know her but read about this on Facebook.So so sorry for your loss my heart go out to the family, you had a beautiful daughter and I pray God give you the strength your family needs during these times

Rancetta Young
Apr 29, 2016
Hazelcrest, IL Cook

I a parent of a 15yr old female heart cries out for this young lady and her family,justice need to be served .
From my family to yours we send our deepest condolences,prayers and love.

Domonique Morgan
Apr 29, 2016

Sorry for your loss. You got angel

LaVette Burgee
Apr 29, 2016
Phila, PA

Sending deepest condolences to the Family and we are praying for strength and understanding during this time........ From one mother to another.

Apr 29, 2016

So sorry for your lost. Praying for the family. I hope justice is served for this beautiful young lady. May you rest in heaven beautiful Angel!! May God continue to be with the family!

Apr 29, 2016

My sincere condolences to the entire family of Amy Joyner-Francis. May the memories of your loved one be with you forever. She was a beautiful young lady. Rest in Peace angel.

Donna Whaley
Apr 29, 2016
Philadelphia, PA USA

My prayers and thoughts are with you all during this difficult time.

Felicia Carter
Apr 29, 2016
Montevallo, AL United States of Americas

Sending my condolences to the family. A senseless act of hate. Hope justice get served

Apr 29, 2016
Waycross , GA

A few months ago my daughter was in a similar situation when four girls beat her in her school bathroom. She took her story to the news to help this never happen again.My family is in mourning because of what happened to your child.I just wanted to share my deepest sympathies and condolences.This hits so close to home because this could have been my baby.I tried and raise awareness but when your just one who knows the feeling and people who are responsible will not take responsibility.I know your family is in mourning and I dont want to be a bother but if you ever feel like helping me raise awareness please feel free to contact me. Im a mom this is not a scheme.Im just hurting for our youth and this has to end before another parent has to bury their may contact me at the above email. May god bless your family in this hard time no parent should have to bury their child our children are supposed to bury us. With all my love and all my heart....RIP AMY

Melinda Dejesus
Apr 29, 2016
Philadelphia , PA usa

I wish I had words to lighten your agony but sometimes words are just not enough please accept my deepest condolences on your lost the family are in my thoughts and prayers

Apr 29, 2016
Elkins park, PA USA

Rest in peace sweetheart Tell God Terri said hi....There gonna get what's coming to them leave it to God...!!!!

Teresa Blake
Apr 29, 2016
Camden, NJ America

Very sorry for your loss words cant express how deep my heart goes out to your family during this tragic time, god bless you

Apr 29, 2016
Elkton, MD United States

To the family,
I am SO SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS!!! I pray that justice is rightfully served in the loss of this beautiful soul. ❀ Stay strong and God bless you .

Pooh Luv
Apr 29, 2016

So sorry for the family for losing their daughter in such a terrible way. May God bless you all

Jeffery Pettyjohn
Apr 29, 2016
New York, NY United States

I didn't know your daughter or your family, but I pray for you all every day. My condolences are with you during this time. May she fly high in paradise.

Apr 29, 2016
Quakertown , PA

i dont know who you are! i read your story im a mother of 3 kids and this is the worst thing a mother could face. ill be praying for your family. now you are resting in gods arms RIP

Apr 29, 2016
silver spring, MD

I'm saddened by the loss of your child may God be with you in this time of need

Apr 29, 2016
Harrisburg, PA

To the family and close friends of Amy I just wanna tell you that You
Are not alone and FLyy Kingz and Queenz Auto Club send our Love And
Deepest Sympathy during this time.
GOD is an awesome GOD and she is in
His Kingdom of Paradise smile because
Shes Happy...Naughty FlyyKingz V.P.

James williams
Apr 29, 2016
Wilmington, DE U.S.A.

prayers and blessings to the family R.I.P Amy

pamela Dunn
Apr 29, 2016
Scranton , PA USA

sorry for your lost , keep your family in my prayers she was very beautiful

Apr 29, 2016
Baltimore, MD

My deepest condolences to all of you may God Comfort and give you Strength to continue on.

Sylvia Nixon Sparkman
Apr 29, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

heartfelt condolences

Dale Fetzer
Apr 29, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

my prayers go out to the family and friends sorry for your loss may god be with you at a time like this

jean rodriguez
Apr 29, 2016
philadelphia, PA

My Prayers are with you and your family at this time My Gob Bless you and Keep You.

Yolanda Miller
Apr 29, 2016
Newark, DE U.S

Rest in peace Amy my prayers are with your family this was a senseless death and you will truly be missed

Michelle Price
Apr 29, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

I wanted to say to the family that I am deeply sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you along with my prayers . I am asking God gives you daily strength and comfort as you try to journey on . She was a beautiful young lady and she will forever live in your hearts .
Sincerely ... Marquette Bell-Cox

Marquette Bell-Cox
Apr 29, 2016
Charlotte , NC United States

I am not sure what to say to a family who has lost a child so young and beautiful. I hope that you feel the support and prayers of those around you and of people who like me have been deeply impacted by Amy's passing. I pray that God guides you and gives you strength through your grieving.

Apr 29, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

You all in my prayer.God will give your family strengh day by day.

Peggy mills
Apr 29, 2016
Gaffney, SC cheorkee

Rest in peace little cousin. I wish I had the chance to meet you. My Heart felt condolences go out to the entire family.

James Francis
Apr 29, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

I am from Atlanta, GA. I don't know what to say. I give your family my Love and prayers to God for some type of peace. I never knew Amy but I will never forget her. I cannot get her out of my mind. Your baby will live on in our hearts and souls. I find comfort in knowing she is with God and he is holding her in his arms with all the other Angels that have departed this world too soon. I have never in my life been touched so deeply by someone else's pain like I knew Amy, but I know her now she will live forever in the lives of all those who she has touched even in death......I find comfort in knowing your Angel has her wings...LOVE YOU from Atlanta, GA.

Sharon Coleman
Apr 29, 2016
Atlanta, GA USA

My heart brakes. I had the pleasure of meeting Amy several times here at her mother's work. Beautiful young woman. The world has lost one of the good ones. My prayers go out to the family.

Bill Wharton
Apr 29, 2016
Middletown, DE New Castle

As one who has spent my entire adult life working with children, my heart breaks at this senseless brutality-a beautiful life gone so tragically. My prayers are sent to Amy's family and friends.
I am praying for a change in the hearts and souls of the individuals who commit these evil acts also. Where are the parents of these murderers? They need to share accountability for their children's behavior.

Apr 29, 2016
cheltenham, PA United States

All my love to you beautiful girl. May your spirit rest peacefully and protect all those who love you so. I send love from my heart to your family and friends and I pray your energy will help soothe the pain of being without you. Jah Bless you baby girl.

Apr 29, 2016
Denver, CO USA

May Amy 4️⃣ever live on through your family memories.

Randy P
Apr 29, 2016
Palm Beach, FL USA

My condolences to you and your family at this tragic time. Lord be with you

Apr 29, 2016
zion, IL united states

I'm so sorry about your dear loved one. May the family, and friends comfort each other during this most devestating time of grief. The bible gives us a hope. At Rev. 21:3,4 it reads God will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning or out cry or pain be anymore, because the former things will have passed away.

Apr 29, 2016

Praying for family.

Apr 29, 2016
Charlotte, NC

Praying for family.

Apr 29, 2016
Charlotte, NC

I am sorry for your loss..i see she was a good person and daughter... Yall to keep ur head's up high.. She will always be n yall hearts n minds all the timeπŸ˜©πŸ˜‡πŸ˜’πŸ™πŸ’œ REST IN HEAVEN AMYπŸ˜‡

Apr 29, 2016
Riverdale, GA United States

I am sorry for your loss..i see she was a good person and daughter... Yall to keep ur head's up high.. She will always be n yall hearts n minds all the mindπŸ˜©πŸ˜‡πŸ˜’πŸ™πŸ’œ

Apr 29, 2016
Riverdale, GA United States

I'm praying for your family. As a parent of one of Amy's schoolmates I couldn't imagine the pain you feel, but I know a God that heals. Kimani and I will continue to keep you in prayer.

Valeda Stevenson
Apr 29, 2016
Newark, DE

Beautiful young lady Ms.Amy Inita Joyner-Francis.Taken before your time an Angel now looking down on us I'm so sorry such violence exists in which took you from your family and friends. May God protect your family as they grieve. I love you all.

LaToya degraffinried
Apr 29, 2016
Arlington, TX United States

Praying for this family! You have my deepest condolences.
Rest in Heaven Amy!

Brandy Wilson
Apr 29, 2016
San Antonio, TX

I am sorry about your loss and i hope you find out who did this to your daughter i hope they go to jail for life for what they did to this precious life she didn't have to go through this

Evetta Woods
Apr 29, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

Fly high baby girl! Love and prayers to your family, gone too soon!

Apr 29, 2016

Sorry for your loss from me and my family in Chicago to you and your family.

Marlene carroll
Apr 29, 2016
park forest, IL United States

I read that your daughter was known as a PEACE-MAKER... Perhaps, this senseless tragedy , will bring about the changes needed to eradicate silly hatreds... and lead to a more gentle humanity. One of tolerance & understanding. If AMY must be lost, then PLEASE allow Her to be the CATALYST this country needs to make these changes. Please accept my condolences and my prayers for your family...

Michaela Denny
Apr 29, 2016
Asheville, NC United States

My family and I are so very sorry for your lost.

Apr 29, 2016
Brooklyn, NY UnitedStates


Larry J Davis
Apr 29, 2016
Tulsa, OK United States

Sorry for your loss. Every life touches our hearts with its own special beauty and every memory we hold keeps the beauty alive.

With Deepest Sympathy

Linda Bell
Apr 29, 2016
Memphis, TN USA

Sorry for your loss. Every life touches our hearts with its own special beauty and every memory we hold keeps the beauty alive.

With Deepest Sympathy

Linda Bell
Apr 29, 2016
Memphis, TN USA

God has a special angel. I myself have a teenage daughter and I don't know what I would do if something tragic like this happen. May God continue to bless your family and may you rest in heaven sweet angel.

Monique Johnson
Apr 29, 2016
Toledo, OH USA

Your family is in our prayers. We couldn't imagine what you are all going through and we pray that God continues to bless you with the strength to see this through. Your angel is now among other angels. God bless.

Jose and Lysa Garcia
Apr 29, 2016
Newark, DE USA

I didn't know this beautiful young lady but as a mother of a young lady my heart hurts and my prayers are with the family and friends.sorry for your loss.

Apr 29, 2016
Milwaukee, WI

Sending My Thoughts & Prayers To The Family At This Trying Time. May God Give You All Comfort & Strength. Will Continue To Keep You All Uplifted In My Prayers God Bless All Of You.

Sheri Summers
Apr 29, 2016

Sending condolences all the way from St Vincent in the Caribbean. I have 5 kids including a 16 year old daughter and I can't imagine how difficult this is for you. No pparent wants to bury their kid. My 16 year old who is studying in the USA coincidentally visited DE last week and was very sad by the loss of your daughter. May God give you the grace to get through each day cause a parent never truly gets over it.

Lystra McBurnie
Apr 29, 2016
DE St. Vincent

Words can not express my sadness and hurt for your family. That could have been any of our daughters. I pray that God place his hand over your family and hearts and provide some comfort for you all. #justiceforamy

Myra Davis
Apr 29, 2016
Baltimore, MD usa

So sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family.

Anthony Acevedo
Apr 29, 2016
Annapolis, MD

So sorry for your loss..I am praying for your family..I pray God hold you in His loving arms always..In Jesus precious name..Amen..Peace

Apr 29, 2016
San Leandro, CA USA

I offer my heartfelt sympathies for this young ladies family. I pray for the strength of the loved ones at such a trying time. God bless you!

Monica Hunt
Apr 29, 2016
East St Louis, IL

May God bless keep & strengthen u at this very rough time. She did not deserve this And I can not imagine ur pain. But Please Please prosecute those girls. For Amy. Don't let them get away with there action's. May God keep ur family strong at ur weakest point. Godbless! Justice for Amy she now has her wings.πŸ™πŸΎπŸ‘ΌπŸ½

Deyonna Hicks
Apr 29, 2016
White Plains, NY Us

My thoughts and prayers are with the family during this difficult time.

Candice Bussell
Apr 29, 2016
Spartanburg, SC

I did not know Amy but I see she was a beautiful girl. I am so sorry for your loss. It was a very senseless act that took her life. May God help you get through these tough times. She was taken away much to young. Have some peace knowing she is now a beautiful angel in heaven.

Toni Butterworth
Apr 29, 2016
Newark, DE United States

Very sorry fr your lost i pray god strength you an the family in the grieving process!!! Didnt know your child heard of this threw fb but i have children an my heart is broken god bless an will to continue to pray

Mrs. Danielle reid
Apr 29, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

I'm lost for words,May you all find peace,it saddens me to know,how divided we truly are.God Bless You and your Family through this difficult time.

Tehelia E.Anderson
Apr 29, 2016
Temple hills, MD USA

Very sorry fr your lost i pray god strength you an the family in the grieving process!!! Didnt know your child heard of this threw fb but i have children an my heart is broken god bless an will to continue to pray

Mrs. Danielle reid
Apr 29, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

My deepest condolences! As a parent with a now 22 year old pretty daughter like Amy. I've dealt with the jealousy & countless fights my daughter had to endure. One of my biggest fear was someone seriously hurting my daughter due to the strong jealousy they had for her. This incident still has me crying, this could've been my child. I pray for this family & ask God to cover all of them during this triumph time. In Jesus name AMEN.

Shannon Shaw
Apr 29, 2016
Folcroft , PA

I wish I had words to lighten your agony but sometimes words are just not enough. But with God, Amy's joy is eternally sealed.So cherish her memories that even death cannot steal. Please accept my deepest condolences, for this family will always be in my thoughts and prayers. Lift up a smile for Amy, for she is already in paradise.

Karen Allen
Apr 29, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

So sorry for your loss.

Iaschia White
Apr 29, 2016

My deepest heart felt condolences to your family I'm truly sorry for the loss of your beautiful angel may the loving memories of your time together comfort you
My prayers are with you

Tisha Springer
Apr 29, 2016
Middletown, CT USA

I am so sorry for your loss. I'm sure you have heard this a million times and it doesn't provide much comfort. I don't know you all but I have been praying for your family since this tragedy occurred. My heart bleeds for you. I'm sorry you have to experience this type of pain. As a parent of a teenage daughter, I cry with you. Please know you are being thought of and prayed for in the days ahead. May God be your source of strength, now and forever.

Elizabeth Grant
Apr 29, 2016
New Castle , DE USA

It is difficult to share words that would be of comfort to you at such a time as this, but I pray this will strengthen you. May the Spirit of the Living God keep you in His constant watch care. May His love, mercy and grace console you as never before. May the life of Amy never be forgotten. May God use her as a catalyst for positive change in the lives of our young people. Be encouraged. Every seed sown brings forth a harvest. Grace and peace. (Psalm 46)

Rev. Dawn S. Christopher
Apr 29, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

I have a cousin Amy..from Arkansas what a beauty ..I thought of her and Angela her daughter .When I saw this..Beautiful..Put all your trust in God ..He knows ...He saw it all..Let her name remind us .Everytime we say it .that we must never let another .End up hurt..I keep thinking of angels and the baby birds .that keep singing this lullaby .one day she will be back..Someone will have a beautiful baby that looks like her..Same beautiful eyes and smile and nose ...Made perfect by him..that gives in his bosom now. Let her life .teach us love ..Let the sun -son be a reflection of her ...People always say things they don't know .let them..when you get ready .Tell her story .Never forget her!!!Its hard being the peace maker .

Apr 29, 2016
a2, MI usa

Sorry for your lose fly high baby girl

Apr 29, 2016
Charlotte , NC USA

Im so sorry for your lost I have three girls and one the same age as your child and I can't imagine the pain your feeling right now. Your family will forever be in my prayers because the lost of a smart beautiful young lady as she will never be forgotten. Continue to pray as I will too. πŸ™πŸΎ

Apr 29, 2016
Dillon, SC United states

My prayers to your family. I'm so sorry for your loss and pray you have comfort and support during this time. May Amy rest peacefully always.

A. Jackson
Apr 29, 2016
Washington DC , DC United States

Sending my condolences and prayers to everyone. What a tragic and unessary loss. God bless Amy and her family.

Lorene Brown

Lorene Brown
Apr 29, 2016
Park Forest , IL USA

I am so sorry for you loss of you child. I pray that you stand strong. To be absent from the the body is to be with the present with the Lord.
She is with him , and may GOD be with you and your family as well.

Delhia Dye
Apr 29, 2016
duluth, GA

No words could ease this pain. This act was so senseless! I pray for the healing of your family every chance I get, and will continue to do so! Be strong.

Apr 29, 2016

May God bless you all during this hard time. So sorry for your loss.

Apr 29, 2016
NEWARK, NJ United States

My heartfelt sympathy and condolences go out sincerely to the Joyner-Francis families, as they're precious angel Amy take flight with her beautiful new wings. I don't know any of you personally, but I truly feel the heaviness of your hearts. I pray that you all lift each other up and take of one another in this time. From the stories i've heard and the pics i've seen, Amy was a vividly beautiful young lady. May her precious soul rest in the arms of our Lord and Saviour. May comfort and peace be with the family.

Treasure N White
Apr 29, 2016
New Castle, DE New Castle

I'm deeply sorry for your loss. May the Lord give you comfort and strength to endure. Be blessed.

Wanda Ratliff
Apr 29, 2016
Edgewood, MD USA

I was so deeply touched by this terrible and senseless act of violence. I want to offer my sincere condolences to the family. may this beautiful princess rest in peace. I send to the family much love during their time of bereavement. God will help you through this because your life will never be the same, Trust in him because you will need him most. from the bottom of my heart I send you love, hope, peace and comfort.

bernadette bass
Apr 29, 2016
richmond, CA usa

I am so sorry for your loss of your beautiful daughter. I know that there are no words that I can say that can offer you and your family comfort at this time. So I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

Yvette Lucas
Apr 29, 2016

Am sorry for your lost. She was a beautiful girl that left too soo but we know GOD makes no mistake. Y'all have a guardian Angel watching over y'all.

Kamie Coleman
Apr 29, 2016

Your family is in my prayers i know the feeling of loosing a love one mike brown is my cousin prayers going up

Lisa Rhone
Apr 29, 2016
St louis, MO

I know that God does not make mistakes!!! This has opened a dialog about bullying that can not be ignored!! I pray for strength for Amy's family & friends during this very difficult time!!! May God touch your hearts & minds & give you peace that passes all understanding, in the name of Jesus. Amen

Apr 28, 2016
Pensacola, FL

Always remember during the rough times in life God is always there to carry you. My prayer and thoughts are with your family. May God comfort and strength you the family of Amy in your time loss time.

Apr 28, 2016
Columbus , OH USA

To the family of Amy Joyner
I may not but granddaughter know her I can say that I'm sorry but our GOD don't make no mistake he need you baby the most so he pick this Beautiful Flower for his granden that were will see her again but to our knew best I also to that your family are in our prayers that you will peace
Iyoka & Jaymara Amdas Coleman & family

Iyoka Coleman
Apr 28, 2016
Wilmington, DE New Castle

To The Family, My condolences, Hold on to God's Unchanging Hands. Will keep you lifted up in Prayers.
Sharon Joyce Bluitt Burris,
North Las Vegas, NV

Apr 28, 2016

I have contemplated what to say. There really are no words that I can say that truly express my heartbreak because of your Babygirl's senseless death.May she rest in eternal peace. May firm justice be handed down to everyone involved and May God grant you Strength Understanding Peace and Whatever else you may need in the days weeks months and years to come. Your family will have my continued prayers.

Angela Lawrence
Apr 28, 2016
Greensboro, NC

My condolences to the family of this young angel who was taken too soon. As a mother, my heart breaks for you. Rest in paradise Amy.

Apr 28, 2016

I am sorry for your lost I will keep the family in my heart and in my prayers. She is an beautiful angel now.

Cheryl Stokley
Apr 29, 2016
Painesville, OH United States in

Your beautiful little girl was taken from you way to early in life.. I know you have so many questions and I know things can seem so unfair. God has a special plan for the beautiful Amy and her family. Unfortunately you'll have to wait and see what that plan is but I'm sure it's a special one. As hard as it is to say she was an angel taken to soon but she will be the most gorgeous angel up in that sky. Justice will be served to those involved and I don't doubt that for a second. Rest in peace Amy your death will not be in vein.

Apr 28, 2016
Philidelphia, PA

I'm sorry for your loss of your beautiful love one!! I pray that God will give your strength and comfort and peace at this time need... R.I.H Amy

Marsha George
Apr 28, 2016
Lansing, MI Ingham

So sorry for your loss! Sending prayers to the family! REST IN PARADISE SWEET ANGEL!

Crystal Richardson
Apr 28, 2016

My deepest condolences to your family & the entire community. The death of your beautiful daughter has touched so many people around the world. I'm praying for your families strength & that God gives you all the ability to forgive one day. Never let Amy's life & spirit parish.
I will keep you all in my prayers.

Edie Price
Apr 28, 2016
Detroit, MI USA

I want to send my upmost condolences to your family for the lost of Amy. I will continuely keep your family in prayer. We serve an awesome god and I know in my heart he will continue to wrap his arms around your family. God bless and stay strong..

Angela M. Jones
Apr 28, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

My sincerest condolences to Amy's family & friends I pray for healing & God to give them strength may the beautiful angel Amy rest in paradise. πŸ™

Angel Kelley
Apr 28, 2016
Hamtramck, MI United States

God bless y'all

Apr 28, 2016
Creedmoor, NC Granville

Im so sorry for your loss!!! I didnt know amy ive been reading about it & its so sad i cant imagine what you all are going thru . shes beautiful & she didnt deserve this & its just so heartbreaking im praying that god strengthens yall & may he be with yall at this difficult time as you mourn!! God bless & keep the faith

Morgan freeman
Apr 28, 2016
Kokoml, IN United states

I'm really sorry that this happened to you I don't know you at all but I know that you didn't deserve that don't worry because those girls will get there karma one day honey.R.I.P honey πŸ˜΄πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½

Apr 28, 2016
Tampa , FL USA

Funerals are very hard for me but I will be here. As parents, who happen to be CPR instructors. We want to offer comfort, clarity & empowerment with FREE onsite CPR training for 15/16 Faculty members, depending on Amy's age. Same offer for family - FREE. This offer will be available whenever YOU are ready. Please accept our offer as we continue to pray for the family.

Timika Edney
Apr 29, 2016
Darby, PA USA

Sorry for your loss.

Jorie jewell
Apr 29, 2016
Cartersville , GA

My heart broke when i read this. My confidences to your family. I pray for peace in your lives.

Anita Singh
Apr 29, 2016
Hickory, NC USA

Rest In Heaven!!

Brittney Hines
Apr 28, 2016
Warren, OH

My deepest condolences to this entire family, I am a complete stranger only know of Amy because of what I read and see on the news, my prayers are with all of , I have a daughter that has been going thru a ruff 8th grade school year with girls bullying her... I have been in so much pain imagining what you all are going thru losing your child while at school, I cry, I tear when I see the pictures but I want you to always remember and carry my message, Amy is now in the safest hands
you want her to be in, no more harm, or hurt or pain for her.. God bless all of you my prayers are with Amy, her mommy her daddy and the entire family

Marisol Oquendo
Apr 28, 2016
Claymont, DE United States

May the arms of God wrap you in his love as you continue to grieve for a beautiful young woman who left this world too soon.

Vivian Rankin-Scales
Apr 28, 2016
Santa Monica, CA USA

All over America we share in your grief at the lost of your beautiful daughter, Amy. I can not imagine what your family must be going through but know that so many people are praying for your strength and peace. As a parent and high school educator I pray that your story can move young people to think before they act. Continued blessings to you and your family.

Jacqueline H
Apr 29, 2016
Kissimmee, FL USA

To Amy family I'm so sorry for your loss of your beautiful daughter.Stay strong in the lord he will see your family through.

michelle jones
Apr 29, 2016
chesterfield, VA

May the Peace and Blessings of The Lord Be Upon This Child.



Marcia A Lane
Apr 28, 2016
Cleveland, OH USA

Joyner-Francis Family, please accept my condolences on the loss of your child Amy. May the Lord give you peace during your time of bereavement. I didn't know Amy personally but I wanted you to know that you are not alone.

C. Lewis
Apr 28, 2016
CA united States

Joyner-Francis Family, please accept my condolences on the loss of your child Amy. May the Lord give you peace during your time of bereavement. I didn't know Amy personally but I wanted you to know that you are not alone.

C. Lewis
Apr 28, 2016
CA united States

Sorry for your lost it seems she was a bright young lady with a bright future ahead of her it's sad that she lost her life so soon but she home now in peace and God has his brightest angel love demetrius rip amy

Demetrius Hill
Apr 29, 2016
Detroit, MI

The Joyner-Francis family you are on my thoughts and prayers. I am so sadden that you lost your little girl! I know it hard to think of it but heaven gain a beautiful angel. Again my prayers are with you during your time a bereavement.

India Jones
Apr 29, 2016
Richmond, VA United States


Apr 29, 2016

My sister and brothers have been so so very sad since this happened to you, your story made us all cry. The only thing that makes me feel okay is that my mom says you are now an Angel. I wish so so badly i could have helped you that day, and i hate the girls who did this to you and the ones that did nothing to help you…please rest in peace Angel girl.

Genessa 12 yrs old
Apr 28, 2016
Sherman Oaks, CA USA

I offer my deepest sympathy and heartfilled prayers to you, Amy's family. May a peace that surpasses all understanding and the presence of the Lord be upon you during this time & forever more.

Apr 28, 2016
Silver Spring, MD

My Heart and Prayers goes out to Amy family and friends May our father "GOD" guide and watch over you all LOVE ALWAYS

Kako Newby
Apr 28, 2016
Nashville, TN Davidson

R. I. P Amy! You are in my heart baby girl. You did not deserve this. My prayers goes out to her family. Im so sorry this happened to you!

Kaleigh Bownes
Apr 29, 2016
Richton park, IL United states

Precious Lil Girl…
May your beautiful heart rest peacefully and your soul live on in heaven…My family and i have been so grief stricken over what has happened to you, and our constant prayers are with your family…
In tragic life changing events when a life so young and so innocent is taken before it's time, the only conclusion one can make peace with, is that you were to good for this world, a world that is unfortunately filled with so much hatred and despair. You are a beautiful young lady and though i never met you, I will carry you in my heart forever….

Katrina Pavlov
Apr 28, 2016
Sherman Oaks, CA United States

My heart is heavy for the family. You all have my sincerest condolences. May God be with you all through this trying time. Cherish the memories. Be blessed.πŸ˜‡

angela williams
Apr 29, 2016

I promise your death will not be in vain. I believe this will be the catalyst for great change in our community. Sleep in heavenly peace sweetheart. I pray God's blessings upon your family and friends.

Apr 28, 2016
Wilmington , DE USA

I am so very sorry for your loss of such a beautiful angel. She has grown her wings and soars high above watching over her loving family.
I hope with God's strength your family will find forgiveness and do something to empower the memory of your daughter.
She is singing on the golden streets awaits the day to be rejoined with her loved ones RIP Sweet Angel.

Kim Travers
Apr 28, 2016
Cambridge , MD

My condolences to the family. You are in my families prayers.

Tenisha Noland
Apr 28, 2016
North Little Rock, AR

You have my sincere condolences my prayers go out to the family.

God Be with You

La Juana
Apr 28, 2016
New york, NY United States

I pray that your family get through this. I don't know you but I saw a beautiful angel. May God be with you God gain and Angel. But we all love you world loves you.

Apr 28, 2016
Winston Salem, NC Forysth

I would like to send my love and condolences. I myself have a 17yr old & 15 yr. old, and this touched my soul. My heart go out to your family during this difficult time. I will continue to keep your family lifted in prayer. Amy may your beautiful soul R.I.Paradise. God Bless this family.

Mea Rhodes
Apr 28, 2016
Houston, TX USA

May God bless and keep your family during this difficult season. I cannot imagine how difficult it must be. I am praying for our youth everywhere as well as their parents. This is too much! Peace and blessings to you.

Holly Lee-Sutton
Apr 28, 2016
Calumet Park , IL United States

R.I.P sweet angel i don't know you but after reading the story and what happened to you it broke my heart but just know your in a better place now and continue to watch over your family and i could like to send my condolences to your love ones sort for your lost

Apr 28, 2016
Brooklyn , NY

To you the family I pray in time God help you to be able to deal with such a precious lost. Only he can easy your pain not matter how many I'm sorry you here or get. There is nothing that is going to make you feel better. I pray that you get justice for your baby she was a beautiful flower God has picked from his garden.

God Bless you all from the Jordan family

Darlene Jordan
Apr 28, 2016

my family is so sorry for your husband
and I graduated from Howard years ago.Never thinking this could happen there. May god bless you and strengthen you all. whye family

nancy whye
Apr 28, 2016
Tampa, FL

I know you will be truly miss by your family and closest friend. Take your rest baby girl and sleep on. RIH

Anne Mabry
Apr 29, 2016
Lawrenceville, GA Gwinnett

I found myself so connected to this story and after following up realize this young lady was born on my birthday. Such a beautiful young ladyI am so sorry that the world will not have the opportunity to see her future beauty and all that she had to give and share with the world but after reading her story I know that her short time on Earth was giving and loving may the Lord continue to bless her family

Joyce Parker
Apr 28, 2016
Federal Way, WA King

My condolences are with you during this difficult time.

Betty Garner
Apr 28, 2016

U will be missed

Jessica white
Apr 28, 2016
East Lansing , MI

We are praying for your whole family. I know you don't know us, we have been following your story.we just wanted to encourage you and offer our prayers! please know that many people around the US are praying that God will bring peace and strength during this difficult time. God bless you!

Rivera Family
Apr 29, 2016
Albuquerque , NM USA

My heart goes out to the parents family and friends my deepest sympathy and condolences when I heard about this my heart fell to my stomach she was only a year older then my daughter may she rest in peace she was a beautiful child my prayers are with you for continued strength only the good Lord can get you thru something like this yet so unfair and tragic he will be your strength and comforter she's now an angel looking down upon her memory or life won't be forgotten I will keep all affected by this tragedy in my prayers #justiceforamy

Apr 29, 2016
clarion , PA USA

To the family, the lost of your child is a travesty, I just hope you never loose your faith, as Amy departure is something we as humans will never understand. God is in control, and reading all the praises she has received from her peers and teachers I just know he said Well Done Amy, well done!

janet smith
Apr 29, 2016
hockessin, DE United States

Our prayers are with you and your family!

The Parkers
Apr 28, 2016
Milwaukee , WI United States

I didn't know you buy my heart cries out for you!!!! I will forever keep your family in my prayers!!!!

Jayla Gordon
Apr 29, 2016
Gastonia, NC United States

To the family of Amy:
My heart sincerely goes out to you. I pray that God will provide you comfort and strength during this time. God Bless You All!!!

MaShonda Wilson
Apr 28, 2016
Oklahoma City, OK United States

RIP Peace Angelβ£πŸ’œπŸ™πŸ½. You Sure Did Grow Your Wings . My Prayers Are Going Out To The Family . I Didn't Know Her Personally But Hearing This Broke My Heart πŸ˜©β£πŸ’―. RestInParadiseAmyπŸ’œ We Will Keep Your Name Alive FOREVERπŸ’―πŸ’―

Apr 28, 2016
DE United States

I am sorry for your lost she it a very beautiful girl and if I had a chance to come to her funeral I will may all hopes and dreams fly high.

Apr 28, 2016
University park, IL United states

My condolences goes out to Amy's Family and Friends . She will be missed ! In my thoughts and prayers always ! Rest easy baby girl , you are now in peace .

Apr 28, 2016
South Carolina , DE USA

I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter, my heart felt condolences go out to the entire family...God Bless you all.

Apr 28, 2016
Austin, TX United States

I did not know Amy.... I am truly sorry for your lost and I know sorry can't bring her beautiful face back. I hope y'all will get justice for her.. I'm very sorry..

Ashaey Fenner
Apr 28, 2016
Oklahoma city, OK United States

Rip Amy

Geneva Johnson
Apr 28, 2016
Elizabethport, NJ United States

Please accept my most sincerest condolences for the loss of your beautiful angel. My heart is so broken that I can't even imagine your pain. I hope that your wonderful memories of her will help to ease your pain. Sincerely, Marian Proctor

Marian Proctor
Apr 28, 2016
Philadelphia, PA USA

Even though I did not personally know your beloved Amy, I too share your pain during this difficult time of grievance. To those she loved and admired may you all find peace and may her spirit lift everyone up during this difficult time.

Nyaisha Giles
Apr 28, 2016
Brooklyn, NY

Words can not express my condolences. May God bring peace to you all know that through God you Will see your little angel again. I will continue to pray for your family.

Misty Smith
Apr 28, 2016
Roanoke , VA

I would like to send my condolences to Amy's family I can't imagine the pain your feeling.. Keep faith in GOD remembering all the good times you had wit Amy let her be forever in your hearts with memory's of joy. May god bless your family!!

Amina Austin
Apr 28, 2016
Battle creek, MI United states

Ps. 23.

Linda Semmons
Apr 28, 2016
Trenton, NJ

My heart is heavy for this beautiful young lady. My prayers to the family for a tragic loss. May God give you strength to make it each day. Only God knows why this has happen. Stay strong.

Kim Hirsch
Apr 28, 2016
Auburn Hills, MI United States

I am so sorry for the lost of your angel

angelia spivery
Apr 28, 2016
gautier, MS united states

R.I.P Beautiful angel..

Michelle Johnson
Apr 28, 2016
Wilmington , DE United States

I am so very sorry about this. I offer prayers of strength, understanding and comfort to the family. RIP sweet girl.

Eulah Stuart Price
Apr 28, 2016
Roanoke, VA United States

My condolences to the family of this beautiful young lady, no parent has to bury their child so early it is suppose to be Vice Versa. I cant say I know how you all are feeling, I have daughters and the pain from thinking about what if this was my position has set inside my heart where a knot is present because of what happen to this child. I am so sorry for your lost, Rest in Peace Babygirl you are an Angel of the Lord and continue to watch down upon your Mom and the rest of your loved ones for this is indeed a tragic time for them and the pain is heartfelt.....I will keep the family in my paryers...God makes no mistakes, she was indeed a blessing from above....

Jessica Davis
Apr 28, 2016
Clarksdale, MS USA

My condolences to the family of this beautiful young lady, no parent has to bury their child so early it is suppose to be Vice Versa. I cant say I know how you all are feeling, I have daughters and the pain from thinking about what if this was my position has set inside my heart where a knot is present because of what happen to this child. I am so sorry for your lost, Rest in Peace Babygirl you are an Angel of the Lord and continue to watch down upon your Mom and the rest of your loved ones for this is indeed a tragic time for them and the pain is heartfelt.....

Jessica Davis
Apr 28, 2016
Clarksdale, MS USA

I would like to extend my sincere condolences to the family of dear Amy Joyner-Francis. I pray for a peace that surpasses all understanding in the name of Jesus. Continued prayers!

Dawn Johnson
Apr 28, 2016
Lawrenceville, GA USA

So sorry about your loss god just got another angle

Jurnisha James
Apr 28, 2016
Battle creek, MI

My deepest condolences go out to the family my heart hurts for the family may God give the family the strength to go on in this sad time of need even though I didn't get a chance to meet Amy this tragedy touches home Amy may be gone but she will never be forgotten God needed another one of his angles to help him in heaven and sadly he chose Amy and she will live forever in your hearts she will never leave your side and she will watch over the entire family a beautiful angel gone to soon God bless you and your family fly high in paradise beautiful angle

Olympia Ramirez
Apr 28, 2016
Bear, DE United States

My family offers our sympathies on the loss of your beautiful daughter!

Christine Adams
Apr 28, 2016
Claymont , DE New Castle

May she sleep with Angels. When your absent from the body your present with the Lord"πŸ’š Corinthians 5:8

Nancy Williams
Apr 28, 2016
Las Vegas, NV us

R.i.p beautiful young Angel my deepest condolences go out to the family may God bless the entire family in this sad time of need God needed another one of his angles in heaven and sadly it was Amy that he picked she may be gone but never forgotten rest in paradise and remember that she is always going to be watching over the entire family I hope and pray that the parents get in contact with me cause I am crocheting a blanket in memory of Amy and I would love to give it to them this touches home and it's so sad that people have no regards to other people's lives God bless the entire family

Olympia Ramirez
Apr 28, 2016
Bear, DE United States

R.i.p beautiful young Angel my deepest condolences go out to the family may God bless the entire family in this sad time of need God needed another one of his angles in heaven and sadly it was Amy that he picked she may be gone but never forgotten rest in paradise and remember that she is always going to be watching over the entire family I hope and pray that the parents get in contact with me cause I am crocheting a blanket in memory of Amy and I would love to give it to them this touches home and it's so sad that people have no regards to other people's lives God bless the entire family

Olympia Ramirez
Apr 28, 2016
Bear, DE United States

I pray that you find strength and peace now and in the years to come.

Apr 28, 2016
Wilmington , DE

Prayers Going Up For Your Family , Hope You Guys Feel Better , Gods Watching over Y'all Letting Y'all know the Beautiful young Lady Is In a Bright Beautiful Place . -From Sha'Mari .

Sha'Mari Sheppard
Apr 28, 2016

Sorry for ur loss.I will keep you all in my prayers.stay strong.

Tiffany Bryant
Apr 28, 2016
Fairfield, OH north America

My family and I are sending our condolences to your. May God comfort you and give you strength doing this time.

The Dodds
Apr 28, 2016
Cincinnati, OH United States

Be at peace beautiful girl. Our prayers are with you and your family. This didn't have to happen, and in the days that follow much conversation will be had over how this could have been prevented. I wish there was an answer, and I wish it had prevented this horrific event. This hit at the heart of every girl that was ever teased or bullied in school. We will talk to our daughters and sons, and they will come to understand how violence is never ever an answer. Pray for Justice, Pray for Peace.

Alma Klages
Apr 28, 2016
El Paso, TX USA

My heart breaks for the family, but I know our Lord Jesus will comfort you in ways unimaginable. Please continue to hold onto Him. Her passing will NOT be in vain. Lives will forever be changed. Laws will change. PEOPLE will change. God bless you.

Anneka Norville
Apr 28, 2016
Brampton, ON Canada

Sorry for your lost. God have a plan for you.

Chayla Carlyle
Apr 28, 2016
Miami Gardens, FL USA

Praying for this beautiful girl and the family and friends she leaves to mourn her. I didn't know you, but my hearts breaks for you..

Marsha Dennis
Apr 28, 2016
Paramount, CA USA

I am sending "Prayers" to the entire family and to all of this beautiful young girl friends/classmates at her school and to this town that I know is devastated... This have touched, bothered, and angered so many people as myself... I did not know her but the feelings that I have over this senseless death is overwhelming.... I know that this child is an Angel and that she's with God now.... I am praying for this family peace, understanding, and stength during this very difficult time... God plucked a beautiful flower to add to his garden..πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

Tasha Wafer
Apr 28, 2016
Bernice, LA United States

I did not know Ms. Joyner-Francis, but my heart is saddened just the same. May the God of All Comfort bless her family and friends with His 'peace that is beyond all comprehension'.

In the name of Jesus,

Melisande McCrae, PhD
Apr 28, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

my sincere condolences on the passing of your precious love one. RIParadise

TaReon W Jones
Apr 28, 2016
Hephzibah, GA USA

RIP Sweet Angel!My condolences to the family. Weeping may endure for the night but Joy cometh in the morning.May you have peace and comfort during this time. Remember the good times,she will always be in your heart,never forgotten.

Joanne Gollett
Apr 28, 2016
Pompano Beach , FL United States

Dearest Inita...My sincere thoughts and especially prayers go out to you and your family in this deeply sad and unbelievably difficult time.

Barbara Taylor
Apr 28, 2016
Wilmington, DE

Rest In Peace BabyGirl πŸ’“πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’“

Apr 28, 2016
Salisbury, MD U.S.A

To Amy's family i just want to say i'm so sorry for your loss my heart truly goes out to you she was a beautiful young lady and as a mom to a 16 yr old daughter as well i felt i had to let you know my family will be sending prayers and love your way god bless you

Apr 28, 2016
Lansing, MI

I can't begin to imagine your pain, but you have my sincere heartfelt sympathy. I pray that the grace of Christ get you through this.

Katie Warren
Apr 28, 2016
Greensboro, AL Hale

I can't begin to imagine your pain, but you have my sincere heartfelt sympathy. I pray that the grace of Christ get you through this.

Katie Warren
Apr 28, 2016
Greensboro, AL Hale

Rest In Peace babygirl , πŸ’•πŸŒΌ

Apr 28, 2016
Lavergne, TN United States

My heart and prayers are with the family,God bless you all.My heart is broken for this baby.The family has a beautiful new angel to watch over them.

katina matthews
Apr 28, 2016
HOUSTON, TX United States

I would like to offer my condolence in the lost of your daughter, family member, and friend. I'll continue to keep your family in prayers.

Sharnique Simmons
Apr 28, 2016
Belleville, IL United States

Even though I didn't know the family not there beautiful daughter Amy I would like t send my condolences to them. I pray for God to give all of you the strength during this time and every day that followsπŸ™πŸΎ

Apr 28, 2016
Bridgeport , CT

Offering love and support for your family during this horrible time.

Ashleigh Stevens
Apr 28, 2016

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. As a parent it is Your worst fear to send your daughter off to place that she has gone day in and day out and to realize that she would not be returning to you due to stupidity of kids who have no sense of respect for human life. May Your daughter Ε”est in love and again my thought and prayers are with you!

Felicia Thompson
Apr 28, 2016
Tyler, TX u.s

My heart is devastated by this tragic news and I've been following it day to day. I sincerely HOPE that the girls responsible will be imprisoned as adults FOREVER and have their futures TAKEN from them as they viciously took Amy's. My heart truly breaks for Amy and her family; I will put in a special prayer's request for strength and healing for those who knew her and are affected by this situation via my church, Times Square Church. Stay Strong.

Obi Ude
Apr 28, 2016
Bronx, NY United States

I did not know this beautiful young lady, my condolences to the family, this touched my heart because my daughter used to be bullied when she was in high school, this is very unsettling that young girls can be so cruel and mean hearted. Ridiculous! Senseless!

Brigeda Yvette Francis - Fitch
Apr 28, 2016
Pearland, TX United States

I am so incredibly sorry for your loss. Stay strong. Again, I'm sorry.

Apr 28, 2016
HENDERSON, NV United States

May God grant your family peace and understanding during this difficult time. I pray good memories flood your minds to help you endure. God Bless you!

Sheree M.
Apr 28, 2016
Atlanta, GA

May Amy rest in Heavenly peace. My sincere condolences to her family and friends.

Vernea Cottman
Apr 28, 2016
Hamilton, NJ USA

May our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ continue to bless your family throughout this time of grief and sorrow. Please remember earth has no sorrow that Heaven can not Heal.God will comfort your family.

Earnest E. Roberts Jr.
Apr 28, 2016
Lumberton, NC

Sending condolences and love to your family and friends. Praying for you family.
Yumica Yarborough
Tylertown MS

Yumica Yarborough
Apr 28, 2016

Sending my deepest condolences to you and your family. Amy was a young and beautiful girl who's tragic loss brings chills to my body. We don't know why God choose her, but we have to trust that she is in a secure place and is now your angel smiling down on you. Celebrate her life as it once was and maintain your strength to fight for justice to put those away that caused this senseless death! May Amy SIP πŸ™πŸΎ

Crystal Bragg
Apr 28, 2016
New York, NY

My heart and prayers go out to the family. What happened to your daughter/sister is unthinkable, beyond tragic. I have not experience such a horrific loss so I can only relate somewhat to yours, but I can feel your pain. As a mother of four young adults I'm grateful everyday when I know my loved ones are safe. They say only the good die young, Amy is with some of the best! She will do great things from above...

Brenda Gordon
Apr 28, 2016
Havre de Grace, MD United States

Rip Amy!!! Prayers for your family

Apr 28, 2016
Charlotte , NC Us

My heart and prayers go out to the family. What happened to your daughter/sister is unthinkable, beyond tragic. I have not experience such a horrific loss so I can only relate somewhat to yours, but I can feel your pain. As a mother of four young adults I'm grateful everyday when I know my loved ones are safe. They say only the good die young, Amy is with some of the best! She will do great things from above...

Brenda Gordon
Apr 28, 2016
Havre de Grace, MD United States

This is truly heartbreaking, I did not know you but I've heard such beautiful things about you. Amy continue to touch the lives of everyone who has signed your guestbook. Your memory will forever live on. You've gained your wings now it is time to soar high. You are one angel that God did not want to wait for. Rest In Peace Sweet Angel, Family hold on to the 16 years of memories you have Amy will be wrapping her arms around you all.

Apr 28, 2016
Newark, DE

My condolences to the family, I am praying for the strength I know you all will need during this difficult time. God bless!

Linda Rivers
Apr 28, 2016
Chicago , IL USA

I would like to extend my condoences to the family of Amy. I want you all to know that Earth has no sorrow that Heaven can't heal. God has received Amy with open arms so Hold on family to God's unchanging hands. I pray that God grant you all peace, love and comfort during this very hard time. Be Blessed, I will continue praying for you all..

Laura Musgrove
Apr 28, 2016
Sun Valley , CA USA

To the family i am praying that God strengthen you in this dark hour what hhappened to this beautiful child is totally unthinkable no family deserves to be put thru this.But God sits high and looks low and the ones who committed this hideous crime will have to answer to him one day. The world love you and praying justice will be served. God Bless you.

Luverne Graham
Apr 28, 2016

Our thoughts and prayers you during this difficult time. May God bless you with HIS Peace, Strength & Comfort. My your memories of sweet Amy shine bright in your hearts.
Rejoice in Heaven Sweet Amy.

Felicia Sanders
Apr 28, 2016
Fort Worth, TX United States


Kesha Griffin
Apr 28, 2016
Jackson, MS United States

I'll lend you for a while a child of mine," He said.
"For you to love while she lives and mourn for when she's dead.
It may be six or seven years, or twenty-two or three,
But will you, till I call her back, take care of her for me?
She'll bring her charms to gladden you, and should her stay be brief,
You'll have her lovely memories as solace for your grief."
"I cannot promise she will stay; since all from earth return,
But there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn.
I've looked the wide world over in My search for teachers true
And from the throngs that crowd life's lanes I have chosen you.
Now will you give her all your love, not think labor vain,Nor hate Me when I come to call to take her. For all the joy Thy child shall bring, the risk of grief we run.
We'll shelter her with tenderness, we'll love her. But should the angels call for her much sooner than we've planned We'll brave the bitter grief that comes and try to understand!"

April L Corbitt
Apr 28, 2016
Harrisburg, PA Dauphin

My Heart aches for this Beautiful young lady, her family and friends. So sorry for your loss. May God continue to wraps his loving arms around your family during this difficult time.

Keisha McCandies
Apr 28, 2016
Graham, NC United States

Words are hard to find, but Amy touched the world. May your spirit continue to live through others.

Howard Govens
Apr 28, 2016
Austin, TX USA

Rest in peace .....praying for family

Apr 28, 2016
Fayetteville, NC

I'm so sorry for your lost my heart breaks for the family. I pray as a family that you heal. God Bless You All.

Gwendolyn Caldwell
Apr 28, 2016
southfieldmi, MI united states

I'm so so sorry for your lost I'm a mom of two and I can't imagine going through what you going through. RIH Amy god has another angel. God bless you and yours

Apr 28, 2016
Minneapolis, MN hennepin

I am deeply saddened by this event but God will prevail God Bless all of you Amen

Elder Lakena Fultz
Apr 28, 2016
Chicago, IL USA

Dear family it's sad how someone can take a life and not even care and for the people that stood around and watched it happen is no good everyone through it was funny when it was happying now its not she's gone R.I.P BABY GIRL REST WELLπŸ˜‡πŸ’ž

Marquita shoats
Apr 28, 2016
Philadelphia , PA

My sincerest and heartfelt prayers and condolences to Amy's family. I'm so very upset that something like this has happened to any family. I pray God gives you His peace over the following days, months and years. I pray a blanket of change over all communities and that love will conquer anger, hate and pride. Hugs to your family.

Danielle Blajos
Apr 28, 2016
fresno, CA United States

The right words are barely sufficient when trying to comprehend such an unspeakable loss of this magnitude - yet I wanted to join others in extending my sympathy and words of encouragement. Long after the flowers wilt and the curious onlookers subside, kindly remember that the loving Father has His Angel back with Him now. Amy took a shortcut to Heaven by way of a tragedy but rest assured you will see her again. It is impossible for me to comprehend the emotional depth of this loss – and no earthly or community resolution will bring your baby back – but rest assured that many (including myself) are holding up the Angel Wings of all those closely associated with Amy in earnest prayer until you are able to hold your Angel Wings up on your own. The strong will bear the infirmity of the weak. Rest in Peace, Amy.

Deborah Hairston
Apr 28, 2016
Greenville, SC USA

My heart is sadden by the circumstances of this young ladies death,praying the family in there time of need. May she rest in our Lord and Saviours arms

Deborah Mccormick
Apr 28, 2016
Margate, FL United States

My heart aches for you as a mother of a teenager. As I'm writing this I'm getting goosebumps and tearing up. I will continue to pray for your strength. Rest on GOD word he knows the pain your heart feels.
Praying for you
Hodge family

Keisha Hodge
Apr 28, 2016
Houston, TX United States

Sorry for your loss , I pray that God gives you the strength to carry on, may God be with the family as you put your angel to rest

R.I.P Amy

Forever With You
I know it's hard and painful now
And your heart is truly breaking
But I just wanted you to know
As time goes on it will stop aching
I did not leave you there alone
I'm closer now than ever
I'm in your thoughts, your mind and dreams
I'll be with you forever

shanta potts
Apr 28, 2016
long beach, CA

R.I.P Amy,God is holding you in his arms now,iam sure,so pretty young lady take your rest in the arms of your Heavenly Father,tell God I said hello.πŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

Phyllis bacon
Apr 28, 2016
Seaford, DE United States

Praying for the family. Such a pretty girl who touched so many lives.

Vinetta McBride
Apr 28, 2016
Farmington Hills, MI

My prayers are with you...

God knows...
God can...
and God will....

Let Him fix it...

Darlene Turner
Apr 28, 2016
Wilmington, DE

This beautiful young woman was brave and fierce. Live happily in heaven
Baby girl and rest in peace.

Apr 28, 2016
Lowell, MA Usa

My Condolences to the family im sending up blessings and prayers coming down my God continues to blass the family.

Mary Mitchell
Apr 28, 2016
Rosebud , TX Falls

My Condolences to the family im sending up blessings and prayers coming down my God continues to blass the family.

Mary Mitchell
Apr 28, 2016
Rosebud , TX Falls

May God bless your family and my thoughts and prayers are with you. Remember your daughter as a gift from God, and be happy for the time she was with you. Again God bless you and your family.

Renita Mckinl
Apr 28, 2016
Raleigh , NC United States

Just know the God we serve will continue to carry you God Bless

Phyllis Gibson
Apr 28, 2016
Phila, PA

I didn't know this young lady but read all over the internet about what happened. I am truly saddened. My condolences to her family and friends and i pray that they find your peace and remember her through her happiest moments in life.

Delonda W
Apr 28, 2016
Cleveland, OH U.S.

My deepest sympathy are with the family of this sinceless tragedy. My prayers are with you, may God give you strength to get through this horrible time.

Eleanor Major
Apr 28, 2016
Mobile, AL USA

As a parent my heart goes out to you. I am deeply saddened by your tragic loss. Although I didn't know your precious daughter the news of her senseless death has brought tears to my eyes on many occasions. May God bless you and your family as well as her friends that loved her so dearly. From all that I read about Amy she was truly amazing and loved by so many.

Terry Evans
Apr 28, 2016
New Castle, DE U.S.

May God continue to comfort and strengthen this family in this time of sorrow.

Janine Hendricks
Apr 28, 2016
St. Thomas, VI USA

I don't know you all but just wanted to pay my Respect's to you all this broke my heart as young parent my self. Rip pretty. πŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ˜”

Sierra Miller
Apr 28, 2016
ROANOKE, VA United States

So so sorry for your loss..although i dont know you personally my heart goes out to you (the family) and i will keep you all lifted in my prayers ..may God give you all the strength to bear ..God Bless

Rosetta Marshall
Apr 28, 2016
Hermitage, AR united states

There are no words that can be said to relieve the pain of losing your Angel. I have a 14 yr old daughter who was recently bullied at school and this has touched me in ways unbenounced to even myself. I can't imagine the pain you must be going through and my entire heart goes out to your family <3. Amy's situation has a greater purpose because it has opened the eyes of everyone to the growing violence among our community. She was your gift, a gift of enlightenment to onlookers, a gift as a Wildcat, and now a gift given back to God. May your healing start when you are ready and remember the hands of your community is here to support you. Blessings to you and resting peace for beautiful Amy<3.

Brook Meadow
Apr 28, 2016
New Castle, DE USA

Praying for the family and friends of this beautiful young lady!!! I'm so sorry for your loss.

Cher Cleveland-Walker
Apr 28, 2016
Phoenix , AZ United States

Condolences may God comfort your family. May the memories of your beautiful daughter live in your hearts forever. May the strength and peace of God rest upon you all. Amen.

Tina Corprew
Apr 28, 2016
Chesapeake, VA United States

God will wrap you and your family in his blessed

LaConya Burks
Apr 28, 2016
pass christian , MS

Don't know the family but I send my condolences R.I.P.Amy

Sharlene Brady
Apr 28, 2016
Newark, DE new castle

So so sorry for ur loss, amy was beautiful and will be missed, may she r.i.p. my deepest condolences

salihah murphy
Apr 28, 2016
victoria, TX United States

My deepest sympathy and biggest hugs for all of you. A beautiful life cut way too short. I am sending you all my love and prayers that you may get through this time with strength, hope, and faith. May we all honor her life by living our own lives in peace and love.

Apr 28, 2016
West Orange, NJ

All the way from Temple Tx, you have my deepest sympathy. When I heard about this, I was a angry and shared some tears. Amy was a beautiful girl. She deserved Justice. Prayer's out to the family. Rip Amy

Bernadette Jones
Apr 28, 2016
Temple, TX U.S

Rest in Heaven angel.

Cynthia Porter
Apr 28, 2016

So sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter. Heaven has gained a beautiful and precious angel. Rest Easy Amy.

Jaina turpin
Apr 28, 2016
Salisbury , MD

I am so sorry for your loss. I know this wont mean much coming from a stranger but I have nieces and family that is as old as Amy and I CAN NOT imagine losing them. We have got to do better, our community and schools have to do better. Again, I am so sorry for your loss, my condolences to your family. Sending prayers and love to you!!!!

Tess B-W
Apr 28, 2016
Cincinnati, OH

Praying you guys

Apr 28, 2016
Detroit, MI

I am sorry for your lost, I myself know the pain and heartache, you are going through. Keep praying to God for strength during these trying time. I cant tell you it is easy but in time you learn how to deal with it. Prayer to you and your family.

Tammie Delane
Apr 28, 2016
Houston, TX United States

So very sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family.

Julie Drummond
Apr 28, 2016
New Castle , DE

May you rest in heavenly peace sweet angel. Fly high with God, you will never be forgotten.

Monica Langhorne
Apr 28, 2016
West Mifflin, PA United States

My beloved family, I live in Connecticut. And when I heard the news about this beautiful child, it broke my heart. I am a widow, a mother of 6 and a grandmother of 16. I can not imagine the pain that you are all going through. But please know that your all in my thoughts and prayers. Your baby is being taken care of in Heaven, may God bless you all and comfort you in this time of grief. With love and respect to you all.
Nelly Velez
Stratford, Connecticut.

Nelly Velez
Apr 28, 2016
Stratford , CT USA

Rest in peace baby girl,and your family are in my prayers gone to soon

Tameka Smith
Apr 28, 2016
tampa, FL

My deepest and most sincere condolences to the family during this sorrowful time. Your Amy was a beautiful young woman with, I'm sure a spirit to match. May God wrap His loving arms around you and give you comfort and peace. God bless you all.

Deborah Lane
Apr 28, 2016
Wichita, KS United States

My sincerest and deepest condolences to you and your family in your time of grief. May God continue to give you strength for the days, weeks, months and years ahead. May you forever rest in peace, beautiful angel.

Marie Richardson
Apr 28, 2016
Baton Rouge , LA United States

I would like to extend my sincere condolences to the family of Amy Inita Joyner-Francis as I did not know her personally this incident really hurt me. I pray for comfort from God and justice be served to all those involved

Apr 28, 2016
Oxnard, CA USA

My Condolences to The Joyner-Francis Family May Amy Rest In Paradise, till we all meet again .

The Payne Family

Theresa payne
Apr 28, 2016
Randolph, MA

My prayers go up to the family in this tragedy. We don't know why God allowed this to happen, but we do know through prayer God will finish it.

Robert Williams
Apr 28, 2016
Gary, IN United States

My sincere condolence to the family of Amy Inita Joyner-Francis. Words cannot express how you must feel at this time. May God continue to bless and comfort you.

Sonya Sampson
Apr 28, 2016
Little Rock, AR USA

My deepest, sincerest condolences.. Earthly lost is Heaven's gain. May God comfort each family member during this difficult time...

Apr 28, 2016
Arlington, TX

Sending my prayers and condolences to the family!πŸ™πŸΎ

Apr 28, 2016
Gary, DE

Sorry for your loss your in my prayers God bless

Cotrona hunt
Apr 28, 2016
NV Clark

Sorry for your loss your in my prayers God bless

Cotrona hunt
Apr 28, 2016
NV Clark

My prayers are with you and your family.This breaks my heart being a mom of two girls in middle school I can't imagine what your going through. I wish i was near bye just to hug each family members and say to them god is a man of justice he sits high and looks low.Amy angel rest in peace no more troubles nor pain continue watching over your family Amy!

Shannie blake
Apr 28, 2016
FL Broward

I am so sorry for your loss...the country is mourning with you. Praying constantly for you (Mom and Dad) and your family.

Cynthia Lucas
Apr 28, 2016
Lansdowne, PA

Our sincere heartfelt sympathy for the tragic loss of your beautiful daughter. May God give the family strength & peace. Our hearts aches for you....(Edwina & Lynwood Pollard)

Edwina Pollard
Apr 28, 2016
Bear, DE

Our sincere heartfelt sympathy for the tragic loss of your beautiful daughter. May God give the family strength & peace. Our hearts aches for you....(Edwina & Lynwood Pollard)

Edwina Pollard
Apr 28, 2016
Bear, DE

I am so sorry for your loss I couldn't imagine what you are going through and I hope justice is served. Praying for everyone this has affected. R.I.P Gorgeous young lady AMY!!!

Lillie Cox
Apr 28, 2016
Chicagp, IL United States

A beautiful angel has been called home. May you rest in heavenly peace. You will never be forgotten.


Apr 28, 2016
Cherry Hill, NJ USA

Sending my deepest condolences and sympathy to her family and friends!! Rest In Paradise BEAUTIFUL!!!!

Apr 28, 2016
MD Usa

My prayers are with the family during this very emotional time. I pray that you find comfort and peace during this difficult time.

Victoria Lawson
Apr 28, 2016
Phila, PA USA

Though I never personally met or know Amy or her family, my heart weeps for them. Words can't express how sorry I am about your loss. Just remember that when prayers go up, blessings come down.

Calandra Patrick
Apr 28, 2016
Flint, MI United States

The family is in my prayers and thoughts.

Heather Speakes
Apr 28, 2016
Tonawanda, NY United States

May you S I P beautiful angel. I am at a lost for words. My prayers goes out to you and your family.

J. Martin
Apr 28, 2016
Arverne, NY

My deepest sympathy in the passing of your ANGEL AMY just know the entire family are in my prayers. The pain of losing a child is indescribable as I've felt that pain losing my child...praying RIP ANGEL...:(

Ann Brown
Apr 28, 2016
Kirkwood , MO USA

I am sorry about your loss. May God comfort you during this difficult time.

Esther Fisher
Apr 28, 2016
Milford, DE

May you rest in peace and the angels wrap their arms around you. You died so young! May God keep you safe and you look down on your family. My heart pours out to you young lady! xoxoxo

Lisa Kadlec
Apr 28, 2016
Indiana , IN United States

To Amy's family: I think of you every day and my heart aches for you. Amy did not die in vain. She has become the face and the voice for so many others in desperate need of help. I'm so sorry for what you are going through and for the horror happening to so many people in the black community. Amy did not die in vain. Her life has become a light shining on others who need our help. She is with God now and suffers no more.

Michele H
Apr 28, 2016
Las Vegas, NV USA

The Lee family extends our profound condolences to your family,our prayers are with you all.

Michael lee
Apr 28, 2016
Atlantic city, NJ Atlantic

Am at a loss for words with such a tragic loss for your family. My son, Michael Pizii, is heartbroken about this as am I. He had told me what a beautiful person she is, and what a wonderful family you are. May God bless you all as you celebrate Amy's life. My love,heart and soul to you all.

Kathleen Gravinese
Apr 28, 2016
West Chester, PA USA

My heart and prayers go out to your family expecially the parents of Amy. I didn't know her of course but it touched me as if she was someone I knew. She's your beautiful guardian angle now smiling down on you. Keep God first and may Amy rest in peace!!

Raseta Cheeves
Apr 28, 2016
phila, PA USA


Meka Ann McKinney
Apr 28, 2016
Phoenix, AZ

I did not know Amy but my prayers go out to all her family and friends R.I.P. Amy

Anna Morgan
Apr 28, 2016
Wilmington, DE

To the Joyner-Francis family the loss of your daughter has touched the heart of people all over the United States. We've heard so many wonderful things about Inita especially that she was a peacemaker. Know that you are in our prayers and that we will continue in prayer for healing in your family. She was such a beautiful young lady to behold. Love Cynthia McGee

Cynthia R. McGee
Apr 28, 2016
Chicago, IL USA

Praying for the family of this beautiful soul gone to soon; i dont know this young lady but since i read the story. My thoughts and prayers are with the entire family and friends of this beautiful Angel

Carmella Johnson
Apr 28, 2016

I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter. May God hold you in His hands through this difficult time.

Apr 28, 2016

I did not amy but she seems like a very sweet young lady & is very beautiful I have a 3month old son & just simply could not imagine my prayers r with ur family no parent should have to bury their child but I guess god saw fit and he has better plans 4 her I understand this is a very hard time but don't grieve to hard for she will always b in ur heart & is now your guardian angel even though you may not understand y this happened and may never understand please try 2 b as happy as you can remember her as she was for she is now at peace remember all ur happy times talk to her as if she were still here and you might just hear her voice god bless the family and you will continually b in my prayer's rest in paradise Amy and I pray justice is served on ur behalf and to bring the family the closure that they deserve

Apr 28, 2016

I did not amy but she seems like a very sweet young lady & is very beautiful I have a 3month old son & just simply could not imagine my prayers r with ur family no parent should have to bury their child but I guess god saw fit and he has better plans 4 her I understand this is a very hard time but don't grieve to hard for she will always b in ur heart & is now your guardian angel even though you may not understand y this happened and may never understand please try 2 b as happy as you can remember her as she was for she is now at peace remember all ur happy times talk to her as if she were still here and you might just hear her voice god bless the family and you will continually b in my prayer's rest in paradise Amy and I pray justice is served on ur behalf and to bring the family the closure that they deserve

Apr 28, 2016

Rip Beautiful ❀

Tiara Townsend
Apr 28, 2016
Salisbury, MD U.S

I live in TN. I heard about this on the internet. My heart felt like it stopped. I have a 16 year old sophomore in high school. I'm so very sorry for your loss. I cried because Amy could have been any one of our daughters. I will pray God give you peace in this horrible time. Again I'm so very sorry.

Lisa Matthews
Apr 28, 2016
TN Davidson

To the Family,
We do not know each other, however I wanted you all to know that you have my deepest condolences. What happened was very tragic, and no one should have to experience anything like that. No parent should have to bury a child. My heart grieves with you, because I have two young girls of my own, and I could not imagine.
May God give you strength and peace. May He heal your broken hearts and remove any anger that rests within. No words can remove what you all are feeling right now, but I pray with each day you will find peace within the comforting messages that are being sent.
God Bless Your Family Always!

Christina McClendon
Apr 28, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA United States


francine varner
Apr 28, 2016

The pain and shock is severe because of this senseless horrific act of violence, but trust in God to restore your souls, and Amy.

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. -Psalm 34:18

Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. -Hebrew 13:5

With sympathy,


Apr 28, 2016
Newark , DE USA

I didn't know you but may you Rest In Paradise God Bless your family

Tejahann Sherrod
Apr 28, 2016
Kendleton, TX United State

Praying for the family...

Calvin Rollins
Apr 28, 2016
Natchez, MS

We had became friends on Instagram before she died she was very nice and intelligent, she didn't deserve what she had coming, everybody loved her

Ericka Matthews
Apr 28, 2016
Salisbury , MD Maryland

I'm So Sorry For Your lost I didn't Know Amy But You Have to Be Strong She's in a Better Place Now and Looking Down On Y'all May God Be With Yu Nd Your Family

Lamarr V Quitman
Apr 28, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

I wanted to reach out to the family even though I do not know you however I feel your pain. I know how hard it is to lose a loved one to senseless violence. My thoughts and prayers go out to you in your time of need. May she rest in peace. Again my condolences.

desiree kleinz
Apr 28, 2016
Phila, PA United States

Sending peace & blessings to the family. Praying for your strength in the days to come. My heart still hurts from your sudden loss of Amy. The community will not forget about Amy.

Paula McClellan
Apr 28, 2016
Wilmington, DE U.S.

My prayers go out to your entire family. I have a 15 year old daughter and I couldnt even begin to imagine what you are going through. Even though I dont know you, Amy is resting well in a better place free from this cold, cold world smiling down on all of you....

Apr 28, 2016

I was saddened to hear about Inita passing away. So you to have gone on to heaven. The angels will be helping her to find all of her family there I have no doubt. My condolences to her family left behind. You will see her again one day. God bless.

John Simmons
Apr 28, 2016
Brooksville, FL USA

My sincerest condolences to your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of grief.

Cecilia Albert
Apr 28, 2016
Jefferson City, MO United States

My condolences go out to the family of Amy Joyner. This is such a senseless crimes. I have 2 kids of my own and could never imagine anything like this happening in any school system. I hope the girls that committed this crime gets charged to the fullest. For those that stood there video taping and not helping Amy I hope that the police dept finds a way to charge each and every person for playing a role in this unthinkable act. This is sad and my heart hurts for the family. God is with you even if you think he's not. Believe that in time he will comfort you and get you through the pain that you are feeling and allow your heart to open up and enjoy the memories of your daughter. God Bless You

Apr 28, 2016
Baltimore, MD USA

Sending prayers & condolencesπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡ R.I.P beautiful☝☝☝☝

Mariah Olave
Apr 28, 2016
Mesa, AZ

My deepest condolences, my prayers are with your entire family, may God give you strength during this time. My heart truly hurts, Sleep in peace sweet Amy.

Tawana Bowles
Apr 28, 2016
Wilmington , DE

I extend my heartfelt condolences and sincerest Prayers to your Family for today and in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead as you continue life without your precious, beautiful Daughter. May God Comfort and Bless you as only He can!!!

Barbara A. Offer
Apr 28, 2016
Annapolis, MD USA

My Hearts and prayers goes out to the family. I am sorry for your lost and I pray you find peace at the close of the day. Praying for you all strength!

Tammy Threatt
Apr 28, 2016
Pell City, AL

So sorry for loss this is really a hard pill to swallow I can imaging how you all feel right now I just show my condolences to you all family and may God Bless you all!!

Derick Clark
Apr 28, 2016
Southaven , MS USA

Deepest condolences for the loss of your child. Many prayers of strength and peace for your family.

Lisa Young-Wolff
Apr 28, 2016
Colorado Springs , CO USA

My deepest condolences and prayers.
Your now an Angel flying in heaven.

Nicole Clinton
Apr 28, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA United States

I am hurt my heart to heard about what happened to your loss Daughter by News. Heartfelt condolences in the loss of your daughter. We are prayer with your family . I respect your words no viewing funeral.

Juanita Tate
Apr 28, 2016
Dover, DE

Sending healing thoughts and light to the family and friends of Amy. A young life gone far too soon. May the love of God comfort you at this time. Cherish your memories.

Carla Alexander
Apr 28, 2016
New Glasgow, NS Canada

Psalm 30:5
For His anger is but for a moment, His favor is for life; weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.

May God blessing be with you and your family.

Tanya Wilson
Apr 28, 2016
Philadelphia, PA USA

Heartfelt condolences in the loss of your little girl. May she sleep in peace.

Apr 28, 2016
Stratford , CT USA

As a parent, my heart goes out to you. I am so very sorry for your loss. Please remember that many people are keeping your family in their thoughts and prayers. I know it may feel as though things won't get better, but they will in time. Lean on God.. He protects your Amy from harm and sadness now, and holds her in His hands. Thousands of people are thinking of you, and of Amy.. And praying for you to find healing and peace upon your hearts, as well as Justice for your Beautiful Amy. You WILL see her again one day. Until then, millions know her name and hold a special place for your family in their hearts. I don't know you, but I hope my words help your hearts hurt a little less, or at least give you hope. From one mother, sister, friend, to another.. Please don't give up hope! Take care and may God Bless you all during this difficult time. With much love <3

Apr 28, 2016

My prayer goes out to you and your family just to let know she holding the father hands . amen

Renee ross
Apr 28, 2016
new castle, DE new castle

My heart felt condolences go out to your and your family. Lean on God and he will carry you through the storm.

Regina Drummond
Apr 28, 2016
Bear , DE United States

Praying that God give the family comfort and strength as well as peace in your time of grieveing. God bless you all

Rhonda Lyles
Apr 28, 2016
Monroe, LA USA

I didn't know this beautiful young lady, For sure God has set a special place in heaven just for Amy.

Rochelle I. Pratt
Apr 28, 2016
Newar, DE usa


Apr 28, 2016

From a broken heart in Florida: I pray God grants immeasurable peace to the parents, other family members, friends, and the community at this time and in the days to come. May the memory of a beautiful young lady gone to soon bring more smiles than tears in the days to come. Be blessed now and always.

Deana Williams
Apr 28, 2016
Gainesville, FL USA

So sorry for the lost of your daughter and sister, we are praying strength for your family. We will never know what your going through.
May God keep each and everyone of you.
With deepest condolences.

L & P Marshall
Apr 28, 2016
Phila, PA USA

My condolences to the family and friends of the beautiful girl. Gone to soon, but never forgotten.

Apr 28, 2016
Las Vegas, NV

Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct you paths.

When it's hard, Trust God. Even when you don't understand, Trust God! He is able, Trust God!

I will be praying your families strength through God's power and His grace and His mercy for you.

Katrina Henry
Apr 28, 2016
Akron, OH

I'm not from Delaware and didn't know her but I'm sending my condolences out to the family at this time I pray that God will heal y'all broken heart and give y'all strength during this time. My heart hurts for y'all keep y'all head up there will be justice for this baby girl God has the last say so. Stay strong know she is now ur guardian angel and is watching over y'all

Denise Soto
Apr 28, 2016
Harrisburg, PA United States

I am saddened by the sudden death of your daughter. I will keep her family and friends in prayer. sending hugs and love from New York.

Jamila Shivers
Apr 28, 2016
Inwood, NY USA

My condolences to the Joyner-Francis family. May god be with ya'll at this time.

Apr 28, 2016
brooklyn, NY

We want to send our condolences to the family of Amy Inita Joyner-Francis. No parent should have to bury their child, know that her light will forever burn bright in our hearts and minds, we are with you and your family during this painful time. May God's unwavering love continue to bless and keep you all, to comfort, to shelter,and protect you. If there is anything we can do for your family just ask even if it's just to pray with you. From our family to your heart's.


Bryan, Jackie, Jakyra, and Chris

The McFadden Family


Jacqueline McFadden
Apr 28, 2016
Newark, DE United States

Praying for your family through this time of bereavement. It is going to be hard dealing with this tragic lost but put all your trust in God and he will surely see you through. I know this seems like too much to bare but always remember God does not put more on us than we can bare. #ripamy #gonetoosoon πŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸΎπŸ‘ΌπŸ½

Quantella Murphy
Apr 28, 2016
Laurinburg , NC USA

Could never image your heart break, your family is in my thoughts and prayers, there is no words for this senseless tragedy, so sorry for your loss.

Cheryl Carliss
Apr 28, 2016
Media, PA United States

I'm truly very sorry for your loss. I pray God continues to give you strength and peace in this time of trouble and also that justice be done as soon as possible. God Bless,

Apr 28, 2016
New castle, DE USA

I'm sorry for your lost... Keep y'all head up high and know she is with God right now she is in a better place now. I hope everything turns out alright for y'all have a bless day and R.I.P BEAUTIFUL YOUNG AMY. πŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘ΌπŸ‘Ό

ciera chaffold
Apr 28, 2016
taylor, MI

I am so sorry for the list of your child no parent should have to go threw this you send your child to school thinking they are safe I am so sorry for your lost you have a beautiful angel looking out for you and helping you get threw this. Rip fly high beautiful girl

Christine hughes
Apr 28, 2016
Philadelphia , PA

Im so sorry for your loss. This Beautiful young lady RIP

Brenda. Finney
Apr 28, 2016

I am so sorry for the list of your child no parent should have to go threw this you send your child to school thinking they are safe I am so sorry for your lost you have a beautiful angel looking out for you and helping you get threw this. Rip fly high beautiful girl

Christine hughes
Apr 28, 2016
Philadelphia , PA

To the family of Amy, I want to offer my sincere condolences during this difficult time. Amy was a beautiful young woman. I know now she's at peace with the Lord. Try to keep a smile on your faces. I know it's hard. Take care and God Bless You All.

Ron Starkman
Apr 28, 2016
Philadelphia, PA USA

My heart goes out to you for the loss of your beautiful and amazing daughter. I pray that God gives your family the strength and comfort that you all need as you grieve your love one. Again, my heartfelt condolences.

Mary Ogletree
Apr 28, 2016
Atlanta, GA United States

I am so sorry for your loss. I do not know your family but she looked like a beautiful girl with a bright future.

Stephanie K. Jenkins
Apr 28, 2016
Tulsa, OK United States

God needs perfect flowers for his garden so he only takes the best. Im so sorry for your loss. Justice for Amy

Tierra Britford
Apr 28, 2016
Philadelphia , PA Usa

Our deepest condolences.

Kathleen Fitzgerald
Apr 28, 2016
Claymont, DE

With love and peace for Amy and her mother, father, family, her friends, her classmates, teachers and counselors to heal hearts, create loving spaces of safety and friendship for all children, youth, adults and elders in her name and in her honor. A song and prayer for Amy and her mother and father, friends and family, “Create in me a pure heart, Oh my God.”

Christiana Lawson
Apr 28, 2016
Woodlands Singapore

She was a beautiful girl may god bless you and comfort you.

Diane Brown
Apr 28, 2016
avon park, FL us

My heart goes out to the family and friends of this young girl...she looks just like my daughter, and if this ever happened to us I would be crushed. I hope everyone involved in this horrible attack gets what they deserve-- prison.

Liz Bradford
Apr 28, 2016
Chatham, NY 12037

I want to offer my sincere condolences to the family and friends of Amy Inita Joyner-Francis. I may not have known Amy in life but I am affected in her passing as a parent and a human being. May God hold and keep you all. Prayers from Chicago.

Takisha Bumpers
Apr 28, 2016
Chicago, IL United States

I'm deeply sorry for your loss. Your Family is in my Prayers daily. I've never met any of you but Amy's story really broke my heart. May God wrap his arms around all of you and help your hearts heal. I will continue Praying for your beautiful family. R.I.P. Amy. ❀

Teresa Dulin
Apr 28, 2016
Waco, TX

I would like to send my heartfelt condolences to the families. I've never met Amy but this story has definitely touched my heart. Rest peacefully baby girl!!

Melaina Washington
Apr 28, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

My prayers are with you all as you grieve the loss of such a beautiful soul!
Rest in Peace baby girlπŸ˜”

Courtney Basley
Apr 28, 2016
Chattanooga , TN

My sincerest condolences to the family of this beautiful young woman. She will now be able to spread her Wings and watch over you. I am dumbfounded at what happened, speechless, sad, tearful and only God knows what happened on that tragic day. I will keep Amy's family in my prayers.

Lori McInturff
Apr 28, 2016
Walterborough, SC United States

My heart breaks for this family, I'm so sorry for your loss, praying for the family


Latanya Johnson
Apr 28, 2016
Sacramento , CA

Words cant express how sad her passing is to her family for sure. It also hits our hearts deeply in my family as well. May Amy get her wings and look over her family as they struggle with out her. My family will remember your family in our prayers. Amy will live on in our hearts...

Joseph Giannone
Apr 28, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

May your family be blessed by Hashem and may you be comforted among all the mourners of Jerusalem.

Heather Persellin
Apr 28, 2016

I am so sorry for your loss...Such a senseless tragedy...I pray you find peace and comfort through this very difficult time...My heart goes out to your entire family...

Shilah Baumann
Apr 28, 2016

I pray that God will be your Comfort and Strength in your time of need.

Dominick Nesbitt
Apr 28, 2016
Alexandria, VA

So sorry for your lose praying for da familys n friends ripamy

Apr 28, 2016
natchitoches, LA

I would like to send my heartfelt condolences to the Joyner-Francis family to let you know that you are not alone. The whole world feels your pain and I am so sorry for your loss. Sometimes we come to life's crossroads and view what we think is the end, But God has a much wider vision, and he knows it's only a bend- The road will go on and get smoother, and after we've stopped for a rest, The path that lies beyond us is often the part that is best... So rest, relax and grow stronger- Let go and let God share your load, And have faith in a brighter tomorrow- You've just come to a bend in the road. Sometimes it takes a little time, patience and faith for things to look brighter. Just put your hands in God's hands and he will make things turn out alright. I'm praying for your entire family.

Christian Nesbitt
Apr 28, 2016
Inman, SC

Praying for strength and peace for the family,,,Rest well Amy.

Sharrie Bozzi
Apr 28, 2016
Philadelphia , PA

May Gods Peace be with the family of this young lady who was taken way to soon. My Prayers are with all of you who are going thru this lose I pray that God just comes in and consoles you all. I dont know you all but right now I wish I was in Dover that is home for me I would drive to just come and give you all a hug. Be Strong and Know God Has You as Well as Amy.

Crystal Riley
Apr 27, 2016
san antonio, TX

My heart grieves as a I am writing this condolences. I didn't know Amy but the story of her death stirred an undescribale sadness in my soul for the void her loss will create
within your family. I offer my deepest condolences. Your family is in my prayers. Life can be so hard and sometimes we do not understand the journey along the way but I know that God is never to far away. I pray that you will be able to find some form of peace as you mourn the loss of your precious baby girl.

Danielle Davis
Apr 27, 2016
Las Vegas, NV USA

My heart grieves as a I am writing this condolences. I didn't know Amy but the story of her death stirred an undescribale sadness in my soul for the void her loss will create
within your family. I offer my deepest condolences. Your family is in my prayers. Life can be so hard and sometimes we do not understand the journey along the way but I know that God is never to far away. I pray that you will be able to find some form of peace as you mourn the loss of your precious baby girl.

Danielle Davis
Apr 27, 2016
Las Vegas, NV USA

Hi my name tamika lewis

Im so sorry about your loss of your daughter.. When i read; saw it on facebook.. Yes; i has tears in my eyes.. Im pray thats u heal from its! Hold your head up mommy; daddy. .of amy..
Poem. Amy, the clouds were blue; how come this was heart were sollow..their no one i can turn too..its were hard for me to say goodbye: u all see me in the sky with my wings opening to flys! Mommy; daddy i will always love u; friends too, family's ...i can your daughter my talking threw me..

God bledd u and your family. .
From ms. Lewis
From Dallas. Tx

Tamika lewis
Apr 27, 2016
Dallas, TX USA

Words can not express how sorry I am for your lost. I have two little girls of my own and pray for God to guide them in the right direction. I will continue to pray for your family that God continue to heal your hearts and also have justice for "AMY".

Apr 27, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

I never met you, never heard your name until the day you were called home to be with our Lord and Savior. My heart breaks, I weep for your family and I send my deepest condolences. Rest peacefully beautiful one. I pray for the family's hearts to be lifted of this heavy burden of pain they carry with them at this time. God Bless you all during this time. I'm deeply sorry for your loss

Terrea Nelson
Apr 27, 2016
COLUMBUS, OH United States

I am so sorry for your loss, when I heard about this it truly hurt my heart.... I pray that justice is served and the girls can sit and jail n think about the pain the caused your family..praying for your strength to get threw this R.I.P AMY

Lakeitsha mcreynolds
Apr 28, 2016
Birmingham , AL Usa

Rest well beautiful 😘 .

Sierra Hunter
Apr 27, 2016
Gurnee, IL United States

So very sorry for your loss. May you find peace in knowing that God only takes the best of us. Your daughter is in good hands. Such a shame of how she was taken from you. The violence amongst our teens must stop. Your family and her friends are in my prayers. Lean on God for the strength you need to get through this awful time. Again I'm sorry! RIP beautiful young lady.

Apr 27, 2016
Oro Valley, AZ USA

Dear Joyner-Francis family although I don't know you I have been tremendously saddened by this. Your family has been in my thoughts and prayers. A mother and father should not have to deal with this kind of pain. May God give you strength and peace.

Tammy Long
Apr 27, 2016
Newark, DE NCC

It's not world can't be heal a lost but our prayer are going, over your fam. Special mom and dad. ##justice for Amy....take God hand and let walk with him....

Ssg.Strickland fam
Apr 27, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

No words can take away your pain but please know that you all are so loved and cared about all over the world. Amy was beyond beautiful!

Annie Johnson
Apr 27, 2016
Marietta, GA usa

God Bless your family sorry for your loss. She was beautiful and will never be forgottenπŸ’‹ Fly High Amy🌹

Michelle Davis
Apr 27, 2016
Fort Wayne, IN United States

It is with deepest sympathy that I reach out to you in the loss of your beloved daughter. I pray that the love of God comfort and keep you as you endure this tremendous pain. Remember your daughter before this happened and know that her demise is not in vein. God be with your family as you put it all in His Hands. Celebrate the life she lived and embrace her new life in the kingdom of God. Keep smiling and looking up, hold on to God's unchanging hands.
Rev. Betty Knight. God Bless You.

Betty Knight
Apr 28, 2016
Newark, DE United States

R.I.p Amy your going to be truthly missed and love that was truthly wrong for what they did to you but God got you in he gonna deal with them later for how they treated you in what they did to you I'm here no matter what threw the stuggle in back God got you rest easy Amy imma show up in show you sum respect because I don't like what what in I don't believe in bulling other people even for I don't know you imma still cum in give you your respect
God bless you r.I.p Amy

Tootie brooks
Apr 27, 2016
Houston, TX Houston

So sorry for your loss!

Michelle Price
Apr 27, 2016
Groveland, FL USA

My condolences for the senseless suffering you're going through. Prayers lifted.

Allison Waymyers
Apr 27, 2016

To the family , as a parent I mourn with you I pray that God will provide you with the comfort you need through this time and future grief. As parents we pray that we will see heaven gates before our children and sometimes they have a calling before us. Everyday I pray that your pain and other pain of children parents that have lost a child will find their healing. May God keep you and forever be by your side. Amen

mary Varela
Apr 27, 2016
Albuquerque, NM United States

Our heartfelt prayer is that God comfort and keep your family now and always.

Sharon, Darnay & Jordan
Apr 27, 2016
Elsmere, DE United States

Our heartfelt prayer is that God comfort and keep your family now and always.

Sharon, Darnay & Jordan
Apr 27, 2016
Elsmere, DE United States

My condolences to the parents, family and friends of are in my thoughts and prayers. May God strengthen you during this difficult time.

Dinah Screven
Apr 28, 2016
New Castle, DE United States

My thoughts and prayers will forvever be with the family. God bless. So sad.

Chykei Mays
Apr 27, 2016
MACON, GA United States

Amy and her family have been in my thoughts and prayers every day since this tragic day has occurred. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter/sister/friend. My heart aches for you. I pray for peace and guidance during this time for you all and that God may comfort you and restore your strength, lean on Him. For we may never understand why this had to happen, but I hope you find comfort in knowing that Amy is praising God in His Kingdom, being full of pure joy and happiness. Stay strong.<3

Liz Hertzog
Apr 27, 2016
los angeles, CA United States

To the family,
I am sorry for your loss. My prayers continue to be said for the family until justice is done and met for your daughter. Your daughter is a beautiful Angel in heaven.
God Bless You

Sharon Todd
Apr 28, 2016
Cincinnati , OH USA

May Amy rest in the arms of Jesus. Such a tragic loss. Prayers for the family for healing.

Apr 27, 2016
Harrington, DE Usa

Praying that God comfort your hearts, and give y'all peace in this difficult time.

Kimberly S.
Apr 27, 2016
Dallas, TX

I'm so very sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for your family. I pray that God will carry you through this tumultuous time and that you will find peace in Him. I speak from experience when I say that no one should have to bury a child. Please know that you're in the hearts and prayers of people all over the country. God bless you and keep you.

Jami Brooks
Apr 27, 2016
Richland, WA USA

I know your daughter is in the arms of Jesus now so I am praying for Him to also wrap you and your family in His arms of comfort so that you to may give your sorrow to Him. Praying much for you.

Edith brown
Apr 27, 2016
New castle, DE

This story has moved me in a way unknown, I am praying for peace for your family. Although I am sure there are many questions that will go unanswered, just know god makes know mistakes and heaven has gained an angel with Amy. She is making an impact on those that didn't even know her. I will continue to pray for the family and friends who seek understanding.

Apr 27, 2016
middletown, DE

My Prayers goes out to the family..

Rayray bridges
Apr 27, 2016

To the family of amy inita joyner Francis my thoughts prayers and condolences go out to you and your family in this may God give you the strength tough time for your loss no parent should have to go through this losing a child it breaks my heart may you rest in paradise Amy

Apr 27, 2016
Nashville , TN United states

I will pray for you and your family and close friends. There aren't any word's that make it better but I know praying helps.

Apr 27, 2016
Georgetown , DE

Dear Amy's family: Please know that you are thought of by people who don't know you or your lovely Amy. My heartfelt sympathies reach out to you, and I hope for all the best memories of your girl to come to mind, and to keep you comforted in the days to come.

Lori Bender
Apr 27, 2016
Ladysmith, BC Canada

My Heart goes out to the family, nobody should have to bury their 16 year old baby. After reading this on online I was really upset even through I don't know the family I am praying for them, and justice will be served. I am so sorry for your loss God bless you all.

Myra. Durham
Apr 27, 2016
Rock Hill, SC York

My condolences to the family, my heart is heavy over the death of this beautiful girl. I pray for strength and comfort for her loved ones. Amy may your precious soul rest in peace. ❀️🌹

Apr 27, 2016
Sacramento , CA USA

My heart has been torn every since I heard of this devastating tragedy. It is a terrible loss. My heart goes out to the family for your loss of such a beautiful angel. I will continue to pray for the family.

Janika Richards
Apr 27, 2016
Mount Olive, NC United States

I have been following this story since the tragic time it happened. I am deeply sorry for your loss. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers. “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.” Amy is present with the lord and looking down on you all.

Demi Thomas
Apr 27, 2016
Bowie , MD USA

Sending prayers your way from Los Angeles, Calif. May good give you peace and comfort during this time. Even in tragedy God is still in control. R.I.H. Amy

Taneka Lemle
Apr 27, 2016
Los Angeles, CA USA

Sincerest sympathy and prayers. This touched me to the core. May the Lord cover you. I pray you find answers and for justice. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Marcia Hinkeldey
Apr 27, 2016
Sulphur Springs , TX USA

Sincerest sympathy and prayers. This touched me to the core. May the Lord cover you. I pray you find answers and for justice. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Marcia Hinkeldey
Apr 27, 2016
Sulphur Springs , TX USA

I'm so sorry for your loss may God give u all the peace that surpass all understanding

Apr 27, 2016
ellendale, DE United states

I'm so sorry for your loss may God give u all the peace that surpass all understanding

Apr 27, 2016
ellendale, DE United states

I pray strength and peace for the family.

Apr 28, 2016
Newark , DE

My deepest sympathies go out to you and your family. May God give you the comfort and peace that you seek and may the soul of your loved one rest in peace.

Damonica Trannon
Apr 28, 2016
Houston , TX

Rip Amy I don't know you but from what I read you were a beautiful young lady with a good heart that's why I know you have your wings fly baby fly rest up now Amy and for the family Amy is watching over y'all now.

Veronica Williams
Apr 27, 2016
Detroit, MI Wayne

I'm so sorry for your loss may God give u all the peace that surpass all understanding

Apr 27, 2016
ellendale, DE United states

Please accept my deepest sympathy on the unexpected loss of your daughter. It was a very tragic event and I want you to know that as a parent I share your grief. With thoughts of peace and courage for your family.

Apr 28, 2016
AZ United States

My wife and I express our deepest condolences to your family during this difficult time. Everything we've read about your darling Amy confirms she was a lovely girl with a heart of gold. May God guide and protect you during this time of tribulation. God Bless

Sharwn and Danny Gaon

Daniel Gaon
Apr 27, 2016
Howard Beach, NY USA

Although I do not know Amy or her family I too have a daughter that's in HS and this just breaks my heart because this was a senseless crime . To her family I wish you peace and comfort during this difficult time. Sleep in paradise Amy you are now a beautiful angel. God bless you all.

Yolanda B.
Apr 27, 2016
North Brunswick, NJ

My heart is heavy for your family. I am truly sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter.
God Bless you all. Sincerely, Debi Unruh

Debi Unruh
Apr 27, 2016
Enid, OK USA

To lose a child should never be and for your loss, you have my sympathy.

Apr 28, 2016
New Castle, DE USA

My condolences goes out to the family of Amy Inita Joyner-Francis. I just wanna said that I am very much sorry for your lost, know that your daughter is now at a resting place with the lord, and that she will greatly be miss.

Meka, Oriental
Apr 27, 2016

I don't know your family or Amy,but when I saw your story as a mom it touched my heart to see your beautiful child loss to such a senseless act. I can not imagine the pain you are going through, but I wanted you to know your family is in my prayers and may GOD be with you in this time of grief.

Apr 28, 2016
Houston, TX

My prayers are with your family.

Aisha Drayton
Apr 27, 2016
College Park, GA USA

To the family, please accept our deepest sympathy in the loss of your beautiful daughter. Please know that we along with many others here in Dallas are praying for you.

Pastor Isiah & Pat Qualls
Apr 28, 2016
Dallas, TX

Earth has no sorrow that heaven cant heal. Many blessings and prayers to you during your time of grief.

Rickeeta Adams
Apr 28, 2016
Folcroft , PA Delaware

You and your family have our deepest condolences. We pray God wraps his loving arms around you amd consoles you during this difficult time. May God shine upon you and peace and blessings shower down on you.

Green Family
Middletown, DE

Gwen Green
Apr 27, 2016

To Amy's family,
I am so heartbroken of the loss of your beautiful daughter, when I heard of this I cried. I keep thinking of Amy, I know I never meet her, but I am a mother and this is devastating. I pray for you especially Amy's Mom, God Bless you. I just want to say how sorry I am and how I think of your beautiful daughter Amy. I will keep your family in my prayers, ❀

Apr 27, 2016
Norwood, PA United States

I pray that your family will find Peace in the midst of your storm. I am so sorry for your loss, I didn't know Amy but as a parent my heart goes out to your family. The world shares your pain. We grieve not for you but with you. May you find Solace in Christ.

shelia nesbitt
Apr 27, 2016
wilmington, DE

My thoughts and prayers go out to the family during this tough time,her story hurt deep inside me such a beautiful young lady and such a senseless loss of her life every parent should be angry about this. I ask that God gives each and every one of you the strength. Never look at Amy as gone,think of her as sleeping free of all the wickedness,and evilness that surrounds us daily,she is resting until you meet her again. God bless you all.

Katie Green
Apr 27, 2016
Randolph, MA

Very sorry for your guys' loss. I could not imagine the pain you all are going through but the WORLD stands behind you guys. I pray you guys can find peace once again.❀

Kiara Epps
Apr 27, 2016
Waterloo, IA

My condolences to the family, my heart is heavy over the death of this beautiful girl. I pray for strength and comfort for her loved ones. Amy may your precious soul rest in peace. ❀️🌹

Apr 27, 2016
Sacramento , CA USA

I Did Not No This Young Lady But I Just Want To Say I Will Keep Her Family In My Prayers

Celeste Thompson
Apr 27, 2016
Phoenix, AZ

She’s in a better place right now
Than she’s ever been before;
All pain is gone; she’s now at rest;
Nothing troubles her anymore.

It’s we who feel the burden of
Our sadness and our grief;.
We have to cry, to mourn our loss,
Before we get relief.

We know we’ll reconnect with her
At the end of each life’s road;
We’ll see her cherished face again
When we release our earthly load

Apr 27, 2016
Milwaukee , WI

Rest in peace,young lady,may God bless you on your journey home.God watch over her family and friends at this sorrowful time,let peace be with them.

Apr 27, 2016

I know I don't know you Amy but you remind me of my little sister so much..she was in your type situation but Ima lucky she got transferred from her school to another..I wish this never happened to you your so didn't deserve this at all.. I cnt wait til you get justice because she deserve it...if I still lived in Philadelphia I would come to pay my respects even though I didn't know you but I feel like I do.. Your story really got to me and still do I cry sometimes because this could of been my little sister she is the same age as you... Fly high boop rip beautiful AmyπŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ‘ΌπŸ½πŸ‘ΌπŸ½πŸ‘ΌπŸ½πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ’”πŸŒ·πŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”

Katrina davila
Apr 27, 2016
Newport news, VA Newport news

Keeping your family in my prayers. I am sorry for your loss. Beautiful girl gone much to soon.

Apr 27, 2016
Steedman , MO USA

Keeping you all in prayer.

Kim Walker
Apr 27, 2016
Jamaica , NY United States

To the Joyner family and all who knew and loved Amy. I am sorry for this tragic, unnecessary incident. May her sweet beautiful soul rest in peace with our perfect Lord. Amen

Nelly Umeh
Apr 28, 2016
Lakewood, CA United States

So sorry for your lost..I pray for you everyday...I cried so hard as well..she was my child to in my heart..stay strong..TRUST GOD ALWAYS

sonya guyton
Apr 28, 2016
philadelphia, PA usa

As a parent I can only imagine the void you are feeling. My prayer is for your strength and comfort. Good Bless you and your family.

Cynthia Brown
Apr 27, 2016
New Castle, DE USA

May her beautiful smile live on within your hearts. Praying for you all during your grieving times.

Love always Zakiya & family

Zakiya Riddick
Apr 27, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

My heart n prayers for the family heaven has a new angel Amy Francis,

Philip blaxon
Apr 27, 2016
Compton, CA

Though I do not know you I am sorry for your loss may God be with you in this traumatic time God bless

Richard zuri Ludwig
Apr 28, 2016

Sorry for y'all lost she will be truly missed I hope y'all family can keep y'all head yo during this tragedy

Kanayi Simpson
Apr 28, 2016
Eastman, GA

Myself and my family would like to extend our deepest sympathy for the loss of your beautiful Amy. My prayers are with your family. May Amy rest in peace.

Debra Pogue
Apr 27, 2016
Middletown , DE United States

Although I don't know you my heart bleeds for you all I pray that God will see you through this tough time, you have my condolences

Crystal Mcafdden
Apr 27, 2016
Columbus, OH USA

To loose a child is to loose your heart.

Wendy Johnson
Apr 27, 2016
Kent, WA USA

My condolence to the family a life is snuf out for no reason may you get strength to Carrie on remember the good time you share together my god bless you she will get her wings rip

Apr 27, 2016
Lindenwold, NJ Usa

Praying for strength and healing for the family's lost. This story touched my heart something serious. I have been constantly praying praying and praying. May the lord wrap his loving arms around Amy's family and remember you have so many people here for you guys. God bless

Sharlayia Ringgold
Apr 28, 2016
Wilmington, DE

Although, I didn't know you personally, I'm your mother, from another mother, and, am just so saddened of the senselessness of this tragic story - a young, promising life, so tragically, taken away. RIP, sweet Angel.

Marie Onorato
Apr 28, 2016
Chicago, IL United States

My condolence to the family a life is snuf out for no reason may you get strength to Carrie on remember the good time you share together my god bless you she will get her wings rip

Apr 27, 2016
Lindenwold, NJ Usa

Rip babygirl && fly high .. Im from nlr ar and i cried over this cause it hurts to know it was some bs but rest easy lul babie.

Joanna Biggers
Apr 27, 2016
Jacksonville, AR

RIP AMY <3 Condolences to all family and friends.

Jerrica Deloatch
Apr 28, 2016

I'm am so sorry for your loss, its such a shame that we as parents have to even be cautious of our youth going to school. I hope god heals the pain and heartache the family is going through. GOD BLESS.

rachael beaumont
Apr 27, 2016
tampa, FL usa

Amy Joyner may you rest in peace I am so sorry for those girls that took your life but I believe in God and he has something beautiful for you in heaven this story really touched my heart I am sorry for your parents may God give you the strength God bless

Miriam colon
Apr 28, 2016
Bronx , NY U.S.A

Amy Joyner may you rest in peace I am so sorry for those girls that took your life but I believe in God and he has something beautiful for you in heaven this story really touched my heart I am sorry for your parents may God give you the strength God bless

Miriam colon
Apr 28, 2016
Bronx , NY U.S.A

My prayers goes out to the family. No parent should have to bury their child. May she forever live on!
#teamAmy πŸ’™βœŠ

Jakira Taylor
Apr 27, 2016

I didn't know this young lady but please know that my aching tearful heart is sadden with Deep Sincere Condolences and May GOD continue to give this Family strength and peace. Rest In Peace, AmyπŸŒΉπŸ™

Evon Wardlow
Apr 27, 2016
Philadelphia , PA Phila

I didn't know this young lady but please know that my aching tearful heart is sadden with Deep Sincere Condolences and May GOD continue to give this Family strength and peace. Rest In Peace, AmyπŸŒΉπŸ™

Evon Wardlow
Apr 27, 2016
Philadelphia , PA Phila

Sending my deepest condolences to your family from mines. May God give you the strength to carry out your fond memories of your daughter!!!!πŸ™πŸ½

LaShonda brown
Apr 27, 2016
Wilm, DE Newcastle

Sending my deepest condolences to your family from mines. May God give you the strength to carry out your fond memories of your daughter!!!!πŸ™πŸ½

LaShonda brown
Apr 27, 2016
Wilm, DE Newcastle

My deepest sympathy to your family. You are all in my prayers. I didn't know Amy but this is such a senseless tragedy. My God comfort your family during this time. Rest in peace princess Amy .

Apr 28, 2016
Newark , DE USA

I am deeply sorry for the loss of your daughter, sister, & friend. I pray that each day the sun shines a little brighter for you and your family!

Terri P.
Apr 27, 2016
Baltimore, MD

My sincere condolences, thoughts and prayers go out to your family. I am so sorry for the senseless loss of your beautiful daughter, Amy.

Emily Woodson
Apr 28, 2016
Bear, DE

To amys family, you gave birth to an angel and the most wonderful person we all came to know & love. She blessed so many people with her wonderful ways. Gold footprints followed her all the way up to God's home, from there she will watch over you. No need to be sad because we all know she is in a way better place than here. Pain will come to the guilty and they will realize what they have done. Amy's name will forever be cherished and remebered for the good she has done. God gained an angel and we lost a princess. I will keep your family in my prayers and i may not know you as a friend but i love you guys and everybody has an open shoulder for you to cry on. Thank you - Anijiah Dayd

Apr 27, 2016
dover, DE united states

Through this sadness, May God give the family strength, understanding, and support. The family will need this in days to come. May hate and anger be not your guide! God Bless the Family!

Lisa Smith
Apr 27, 2016
Inglewood, CA

I am very sorry for your loss my heart goes out to you and your family I Will keep you and your family in my prayers i don't know Amy I read the story R.I.P Amy

Apr 28, 2016
Los Angeles, CA California

I am very sorry for your loss my heart goes out to you and your family I Will keep you and your family in my prayers i don't know Amy I read the story R.I.P Amy

Apr 28, 2016
Los Angeles, CA California

I am very sorry for your loss my heart goes out to you and your family I Will keep you and your family in my prayers i don't know Amy I read the story R.I.P Amy

Apr 28, 2016
Los Angeles, CA California

May God give you peace and comfort during this difficult time. Truly sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter.

Angela Montes-Jones
Apr 27, 2016
Laurelton, NY United States

I'm sorry for your loss. Amy was a beautiful person. I never knew her,but I was heart broken when I heard about her death. R.I.P AMYπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡βœŒπŸ‘‘

Erin Washington
Apr 28, 2016
Chicago , IL United States of America

My sincere condolences for your loss. I am praying that God give you strength during this time. God be with you

Shalanda Gholston
Apr 28, 2016
Detroit , MI Wayne

May the Lord be with your family in your time of need

Areatha Benoit
Apr 28, 2016
San Leandro, CA usa

I'm so sorry for ur lost praying God give u the Strength u need keeping ur family in my prayers she was a beautiful young ladyπŸ™πŸ½πŸ‘ΌπŸ½

Denise Jackson
Apr 28, 2016
New Orleans , LA United States

My prayers go out to you and your family and I pray that God gives you comfort and understanding at your time of need. May god be with you.

Sharnetta West and Family
Apr 27, 2016
Detroit , MI USA

I send my deepest condolences thoughts and prayers for the family

Adrienne Ezell
Apr 27, 2016
WASHINGTON, DC United States

I'm deeply sorry for your lost. I can only imagine the pain that you are feeling. Amy was a beautiful young lady..She didn't deserve this may she rest in peace and may justice be served.

Valarie McCorkle
Apr 27, 2016
watauga, TX united States

May your family be comforted at this time of loss!
God Bless You

Saida Muhammad
Apr 28, 2016
Philadelphia , PA United States

To the family and friends of Amy, so sorry for your loss. I didn't know Amy, but she has been on my mind and in my prayers everyday. RIP.

west family
Apr 27, 2016

My prayers are with the family at this difficult time!! Words cannot express my deepest sympathy!! I did not know Amy or the family, but felt compelled to express my condolences to the family and friends! God bless us all!

Carolyn Williams
Apr 27, 2016
Bear, DE United States

My Prayers or with you and your family.

anthony hicks
Apr 27, 2016
Saint Paul, MN

I'm so Condolences for your loss and my thought & prayers are with you and The family
Rip Beautiful Amy!❀

Judith Hubrins
Apr 27, 2016
Columbia, MO Boone

Sorry for your loss. When I heard about this story I was very hurt. In have a daughter myself even though she is only 2 when she gets old enough I am going to teach her about bullying and that she can always come talk to me. Amy was a beautiful young lady and she should have had to go through that. #RIPAMY #JUSTICEForAMY

Shawanda williams
Apr 27, 2016
Halifax, NC United States

Heaven has gain an angel my sympathy and prayer goes out to the parents who lost this beautiful young lady I honestly know its a hard pill to swallow and words right not may not be encouraging enough but God makes no mistakes and I pray your family heart is delivered from pain May God Bless you and the family

Aisha Benson
Apr 27, 2016
Felton, DE Unites States

Rest in peace beautiful angel. My prayers go up to you in Heaven and to your family and friends here on Earth. May God be with your family, and keep your family at peace.

Portia Green
Apr 27, 2016

I'm so very sorry for you're loss i will keep family in my prayers May god be with you all In you're time of need

Apr 27, 2016
Akron, OH

I am so very sorry for the loss of this beautiful child. May she rest in eternal peace.

Apr 27, 2016
Oxnard, CA USA

On behalf of the Wilmington Peacekeepers, we would like extend our most heartfelt and deepest of condolences to the family at this most difficult time.

Terry Walls
Apr 27, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

My thoughts and prayers are with you all in this difficult time. I pray that God will give you strength an embrace you in His arms. Know that we are praying for you all in Georgia. Be encouraged.

The Cowarts

Apr 27, 2016
AUGUSTA, GA United States

My prayers to your family my deepest sympathy

Michelle Tisder
Apr 27, 2016
Duluth, GA

May God give you the strength that you need during this time.

sharla white
Apr 27, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

Inita and Family,

Keeping you all in my prayers. My thoughts are with you all, and I offer my deepest sympathies.

Michelle Lamers
Apr 27, 2016
Middletown , DE USA

This story has touched my heart. I pray that God be with you at this trying time. You had a beautiful daughter. RIP AMY

Linda Brown
Apr 27, 2016
Sparta, GA United States

This story has touched my heart. I pray that God be with you at this trying time. You had a beautiful daughter. RIP AMY

Linda Brown
Apr 27, 2016
Sparta, GA United States

May God comfort you and heal your broken heart.

Tamika Wright
Apr 27, 2016

Sorry for your lost! Sorry I didn't know Amy, but I know that no one deserves this. I pray that the girls gets what's coming so you may rest in piece. And prayers for your family going up hopefully they can overcome this hard time πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘Ό r.i.p princess AMY

Dominique Everett
Apr 27, 2016
North liberty , IA United states

My prayers are with Amy's family I know the pain of loosing a loved one and its a hard pill to swallow, but she's resting peacefully in a better place. Beautiful young lady lost her life so sudden ❀️❀️😒 Our kids need to love one another not tear each other down over non-sense

Apr 27, 2016
Philadelphia , PA United States

Rest in Paradise Amy, Heaven has gained another angel. My sincere condolences to the family and friends, may God give you comfort at this difficult time. Always cherish the wonderful memories.

Apr 27, 2016

A tear drop from my eyes, from when it happened til now. Im out of water, god bless you! Denise Reed

Denise Reed
Apr 27, 2016
Nyc, NY United States

Hey Family,
I'm so sorry and my heart aches, when I recall this story....😟
Our condolences and prayers goes out to you and your family. We love you guys and if you need Anything please hesitate to call.πŸ™πŸ’–


Edward D. Charite
Apr 27, 2016
Lithia Sprinfs, GA

What a beautiful Young lady my heart goes out to the family God bless all of you.

Debra Lyon
Apr 27, 2016
Wilmington, DE

My condolences to your family on the loss of your beautiful daughter. There's a lot of people sharing your pain. You're in my prayers.

Eula Prescott
Apr 27, 2016
Jacksonville, FL

May God comfort you during this time I am so sorry for your loss

Yvette Hawkins
Apr 27, 2016
Forest Park, GA United States

To the family of Amy Inita. I don't know the family but I was so shocked and saddened by what happened. My heart aches for you and I pray that you will find the strength to go on and cherish the memories of your beautiful daughter. May God be with you.

June Winston
Apr 27, 2016
Memphis, TN USA

Rest in peace Amy, rest in peace πŸ™πŸΎ

Apr 27, 2016
Massillon , OH USA

I feel really bad. Even though i wasn't there and i didn't know Amy i feel bad. She was very pretty and im sure her personality and spirit matched her looks. I just hope her family is well and they know that all pain will begin to heal with the help of God.
The White Family

Apr 27, 2016
Columbus , GA USA

My condolences to the family fly high angel hope the family get the justice they deserve Rip Amy

Apr 27, 2016
Columbus, GA USA

There are no words to share that will heal your pain or that you haven't already heard. I've cried for days as if Amy was my child. This is heartbreaking.

Our deepest sympathy goes out to you & your family during this time.

My family have you all in our prayers that God comforts & keep you. When the calls stop & the friends slip away,dwell in the presence of God for continued strength.

Should you all need anything for Sunday, please don't hesitate to reach out to my family.

May you all be blessed,
The White Family

Effat White
Apr 27, 2016
Wilmington , DE

Hello, I didnt know your beautiful daughter and now your angel but I have your family in prayer during this time of her home-going and your loss. I pray for peace for you and hope that our legal system doesn't fail you.

Tina B.
Apr 27, 2016
Raleigh, NC Usa

To parents of amy im so sorry for your loss may god watch over that sweet baby now.

Danielle Shockley
Apr 27, 2016
Pennsauken, NJ United States

RIP sweet girl.

Apr 27, 2016
Allentown, PA

I didn't know your daughter but may she rest in peace and my deepest condolences go out to the joyner-francis family and friends.

Kima jones
Apr 27, 2016
Philadelphia , PA United States

My deepest sympathy to Amy's family. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. What a senseless tragedy. Your beautiful Angel will be looking down on you each and every day. May Amy rest in peace and God wrap his arms around the family.

Janice Morrison

Janice Morrison
Apr 27, 2016
Durham, NC United States

I did not know Amy. I pray you all Hold to God's unchanging hand. I implore you not to let the things of/acts of people in this world consume you. It is unfortunate that parents have to bury their child. I pray that forgiveness be in your hearts because while it seems impossible it is necessary for healing. I speak PEACE for your every waking day. May we NEVER forget this young lady.

Apr 27, 2016

I didn't know Amy, but I grieve for her as if I had. I am a mother and couldn't fathom what your family is going through. I pray for you every night and hope you find comfort in knowing your Amy is with our Lord and Savior. What happened to her should have NEVER happened and I pray that there is justice not just for Amy, but for all the children who are tormented by bullies. Let Amy's beautiful face be the new face of hope and change for the tolerance society has been accepting for far too long. Amy's death will not be in vain. There are people all over the world praying for you, and with you. Her tormentors answer to the ultimate judge and hopefully they will be put in prison where they belong.

Apr 27, 2016

#ripamy πŸ˜™ fly high for us girly πŸ’–

Najialya Forman
Apr 27, 2016
Willingboro, NJ USA

Prayers for strength and comfort , the family will be in my prayers !

Apr 27, 2016
Conyers, GA

I pray that God gives you the strength to get through this ! My heart hurts for you !

Selecia Durham
Apr 27, 2016
Decatur, GA Dekalb

Sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter,I will be praying for you all.

Carla Brown
Apr 27, 2016
Nash , TN

My deepest condolences to the family.May God continue to heal and comfort you in your time of sorrow.

Tiffani Treadwell
Apr 27, 2016
Washington, DC United States

I have a daughter the same age as Amy. I cannot imagine what the family is going through. Such a beautiful girl gone too soon. I will send prayers for comfort and that you find the strength to get through this. Heaven has gained another Angel to watch over you.

Tears Could Build A Stairway

If tears could build a stairway,
and memories a lane.
I would walk right up to Heaven
and bring you back again.

No farewell words were spoken,
No time to say "Goodbye".
You were gone before I knew it,
and only God knows why.

My heart still aches with sadness,
and secret tears still flow.
What it meant to love you -
No one can ever know.

But now I know you want me
to mourn for you no more;
To remember all the happy times
life still has much in store.

Since you'll never be forgotten,
I pledge to you today~
A hollowed place within my heart
is where you'll always stay.

Author: Unknown

Donna Ankudovich
Apr 27, 2016
Cleburne, TX United States

With Sympathy

Words can't wipe away your tears
Hugs won't ease your pain
But hold on to your memories
Forever they'll remain

Love Marquita

May God be with you during this difficult time

Marquita Johnson
Apr 27, 2016
Detroit, MI

Prayers to the Joyner-Francis family, my heart goes out to you all. I pray you all find peace. Know that Amy is in a better place watching over you all.

Apr 27, 2016
Conyers, GA

My heart aches for this family this incident is of the unimaginable and Clearly uncalled for Rip Lil Angel and may God comfort bless and continue to watch over your family and seek the justice that is well deserved.

Apr 27, 2016

May Amy rest in peace. I don't know your family but I was truly broken when I heard of this news. I pray God gives you all the strength to get through this difficult time. Remember, absent from the body means present with the Lord. May God bless your family.

Nina Gaskin-Wyatt
Apr 27, 2016
Newark, DE USA

My prayers are with you

Kathy Edwards
Apr 27, 2016
Memphis, TN USA

I am so sorry for your loss your baby girl was taken way too soon :( you are in my thoughts and prayers

Michelle Campbell
Apr 27, 2016
New Castle, DE United States


Maggie Anderson
Apr 27, 2016
Greenwood , MS Leflore

God bless your family. Stand in the strength. God's love will be with you.

Sonya Johnson
Apr 27, 2016
Tyler, TX

My Heart Goes Out To Amy Joyner U Were A Beautiful Angel May U Rest In Peace Fly High Beautiful Sweet BabyπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

Kesia George
Apr 27, 2016
Baton Rouge , LA United States

Our condolences to your family during this very rough time!... This beautiful young girl was taken way to soon and didn't deserve any of what happened to her. It's sad that jelousy is actually killing people these days! RIP Amy Praying that Justice will be served in this horrible murder!!

Mrs Cazoe
Apr 27, 2016
Etobicoke , ON Canada

As a mother my self my heart breaks for you and your family. This a horrible thing that should have been prevented. May your beautiful daughter rest in peace and our people find a way to protect and guide the young child of our future. I'm deeply sorry for your loss. May you find some peace in your pain. I will keep you all in my prayers.

Apr 27, 2016
North providence, RI United States

It's sad to see something like this had to happened to this innocent young lady but my codolences goes out to Amy's family
R.I.P Beautifulβ£πŸ’œ

Apr 27, 2016
Camden , NJ

Sorry for your lost.... R.I.P. Amy.

Tijuana Mills
Apr 27, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

I am very sad for you and your family

Apr 27, 2016
Minneapolis, MN United States

I am very sad for you and your family

Apr 27, 2016
Minneapolis, MN United States

When I think of Amy, I feel the deepest pain, but I know what I feel is no comparison to the pain you are feeling. To the family, friends, and love ones of Amy, please know that the world shares in your loss. Questions may or may not be answered, tears will shed, but take comfort in knowing that Amy's death was not in vain. The world took notice, not just of the tragedy, but of who Amy was. Amy's life impacted so many people and because of that, even in death, her impact continues. Amy fulfilled her purpose in just 16 short years. I pray that time, love, and purpose help you heal. I pray that God comforts you during the dark hour. I pray that Amy's smell, touch, and smiling face always be with you. My condolences.

Clara Harrison
Apr 27, 2016
Pelzer, SC USA

So sorry for your loss!!!! Your family is in my prayer's!!! So senseless!!! Rip

Dian Johnson
Apr 27, 2016
Carthage, NC USA

My heart has been very deeply touched since this tragedy has occurred. I don't know the family but little Amy and her family have been on my heart every day to the point of tears at time. As a parent I can only imagine your grief. God has her now safely in his arms and nothing or no one can or will ever hurt precious Amy again. I pray that GOD comforts you during this very difficult time. May GOD deeply bless you.

Tom Campbell
Apr 27, 2016
Bear, DE USA

To The Parents and Family of Amy,

I offer my sincere prayers to you all. Stand firm in your faith and when you feel weak read 2:Corinthians - 9

My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

There are so many people near and far sending prayers of comfort and healing, rely on family and friends during this time.


Apr 27, 2016
McDonough, GA USA

I did not know your daughter but may she rest in peace and sending prayers to all her family and friends! May you find peace in your heart with all your memories

Meg Berns
Apr 27, 2016
Camden, DE

I did not know your daughter but may she rest in peace and sending prayers to all her family and friends! May you find peace in your heart with all your memories

Meg Berns
Apr 27, 2016
Camden, DE

I am so sorry for ur last .

destinee skinner
Apr 27, 2016
dover, DE usa

I am so sorry for ur last .

destinee skinner
Apr 27, 2016
dover, DE usa

rest in Paradise Amy

Diamond hunter
Apr 27, 2016
detroit, MI wayne

My Deepest Sympathy To The Joyner-Francis Family. Words Cannot Express The Way The Family Feels And Going Through At This Difficult Time. GOD Give This Family Strength...AMEN

Debra Fields
Apr 27, 2016
Chicago , IL Cook

rest in Paradise

Diamond hunter
Apr 27, 2016
detroit, MI wayne

Hello, I'm sending my special angels to you and your family,she will always be with you, keeping the family and friends in my prayers stay strong.

Apr 27, 2016
Norristown, PA United States

My condolences to the family. Praying that you have peace throughout this tragic loss.

Contessa Dargin
Apr 27, 2016
Sulphur , LA United States

Sending my condolences to the family,This should of never happen to this lil angel . May you find peace in knowing she is with God now and you will see her again . God bless you all

Christine Allaband
Apr 27, 2016
Magnolia, DE United States

I am so sorry his happend to you may your soul rest in peace . My condolences go out to the family at this time of sorrow πŸ˜°πŸ˜°πŸ˜°πŸ™πŸΌ

Apr 27, 2016
Phila , PA USA

Rest in paradise angel.

Apr 27, 2016
Brooklyn, NY USA

My sincere condolences to your entire family. Amy, sweetness R.I.P.

Carol L.
Apr 27, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

My sincere condolences to your entire family. Amy, sweetness R.I.P.

Carol L.
Apr 27, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

So sorry for your families loss.

Michele Eimer
Apr 27, 2016
North Charleroi, PA United States

prayers to family member's for their loss of such a beautiful person

Apr 27, 2016
FL United States

My deepest condolences go out to the family. As a parent we send our children to go to school to learn not thinking such a tragedy would happen. No words can comfort a parent in pain but my prayers are with you.

Michelle Robinson
Apr 27, 2016
Bogota , NJ

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family during this most difficult time. God bless

Jones Family
Apr 27, 2016
Kansas City, MO

The prayers of the sincerest prayers to of who knew this young lady. I pray that God keeps you at this time. God bless

Felicia Richardson
Apr 27, 2016
Chicago, IL USA

My deepest most sincere condolences on the loss of your beautiful daughter. May this sweet one rest peacefully in God's arms. Praying for the family.

LaTonya Hannah
Apr 27, 2016
Atlanta, GA USA

My condolences goes out to amys whole family, so sorry for your lost, she was such a beautiful girl, may her soul rest in peace.

Apr 27, 2016
Chicago , IL Cook

My heart is heavy and there are things I will never understand in the lost of this beautiful child. May your memories console your heart ache and your faith gets you through this tradegy. My prayers go out to you and your family. God bless you!

Apr 27, 2016
Smyrna, DE

My heart is sad and heavy. My condolences to the family. So sorry for your loss. RIP beautiful princess!

Cherie Hinds
Apr 27, 2016
Brooklyn, NY

My heart goes out to this young lady family may God bless u all and I will continue to keep praying and Justus be served

Apr 27, 2016
Springfield, IL Sangamon

I'm so sorry this had to happen to you AmyπŸ˜” Bullying needs to stop. No boy is ever worth someone's life. Especially yours. You were a loving person. I know people that know you. You were kind and generous. May you rest in peace and get justice for you! 😘 Save a spot for your true friends.

Amber Hill
Apr 27, 2016
Baltimore, MD

Words can not express how sorry i am for your loss. A tragedy that could have been prevented should go punished as justice will prevail. I am truly sorry that ur daughter lost her life. May God protect your family and nay she watch over you.

Apr 27, 2016
Kingsburg, CA USA

May your family find peace and comfort in each other during this difficult time. We are all thinking about your beautiful daughter and pray she resting easy. God Bless you all.

Apr 27, 2016

You have my deep condolences on the home going of your daughter you are in my every Prayers

Jacqueline Smith
Apr 27, 2016
Springfield, MA Hamden

To the parents of amy let god be with u its never easy lossing a love on but she will always be with u and your hearts an i pray that u hold on and have strengh to move on its hard but life goes on but just remember sees looking down on u and letting u know every thing is going to be ok god bless u and your family will be in my prayers always for this is not fair to no one so to sum it up god will make sure u have the strengh to carry on an always have some one to lean on in your sorrow and your time of need so keep the faith that people in the world do care

Apr 27, 2016
wilmington , DE

Words can not express how sad I feel for you and your family. I know that nothing anyone says or does will take away the pain. No mother or father should have to bury their child. I can not imagine what your going through. I pray that God wraps his arms around you and comforts you. I pray for peace and hope that your days get a little easier as time goes by. Celebrate Amy's life with all the good memories you shared with her. And know that it is OK to have all those emotions that will come. I extend my condolences to you and your family. And I will keep you all in Prayer. If there is anything I can do please don't hesitate to reach out. God Bless!

Pebbles Walters
Apr 27, 2016
Philadelphia , PA

Sending love, comfort and prayers from Michigan. May God Bless you all.

Klalina J
Apr 27, 2016
Oak Park, MI

I cannot express the depth of pain when I first learned of this tragedy concerning your beloved daughter. For a moment it brought back all of the pain I lived through as my own daughter was bullied in highschool until I transferred her to another school. And, in fact the bullying began when she too was a sophomore in highschool. How I wish someone had been there to help your sweet child on that horrible morning in the bathroom. As a retired educator and a college professor in psychology I want to be able to help in any way possible to foc us on ways with any group that is willing to stop this from ever happening again. My prayers shall always be with you and I know that she is in Heaven.

saundra umstead
Apr 27, 2016
Dallas, TX United States

I am so deeply heartbroken and sorry for the loss of such a young, bright, and beautiful soul. My deepest condolences, sympathy, love, and prayers go out to the family and friends of Amy. May God embrace you all with his love and give you the strength to get through this. Sincerely, Sarah from New Jersey.

Apr 27, 2016
KEARNY, NJ United States

I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are for Amy's family and friends. God be with you.

Apr 27, 2016
Hollandale, MN USA

I am a stranger who is heartbroken over this senseless loss. Stopped by to say how truly sorry I am to the family and friends of this beautiful young lady. Rest in eternal peace sweet angel Amy.

Apr 27, 2016
Fort Myers, FL USA

RIP baby, Condolences to the family members and friends touched by this horrible tragedy.

Apr 27, 2016

To the Family,

There are no words that can express the pain that you are feeling. So sorry for your loss. God Bless you!
Some days, life is just hard. The days look dark. Uncertain times and stress mount high. An unexpected diagnosis or devastating loss can feel too difficult to face.

Though we may realize our faith is most strengthened, not in the easy times of life, but in the most trying, it’s often hard to walk that out once we're swirling in the midst of it all. We long for carefree days, yet sometimes, God takes our hand and leads us straight into the darkest of times. Not to harm us, ever. But to bring greater strength, character, trust, beauty, and perseverance to the deepest part of our souls.

His desire for us in this life is ultimately to make us more like Him. To have relationship with us. He will not leave us sitting in dark days, but will walk with us through, until we come out on the other side.

Debbie McDaniel

Mr & Mrs. Dunlap
Apr 27, 2016
New Castle, DE USA

I am sending blessings and strength to Amy's family and friends during this most difficult time. May you continue to feel her presence as you move forward. May she rest in peace. Prayers and Love from Upstate NY.

Deb Crowley
Apr 27, 2016
Albany, NY

I'm sorry to hear bout your loss my heart was broken into pieces when I hear the news how could someone be so cold hearted to do something was so dear and beautiful. She's in a better place with the high most God... She was a angle and I know she had a bright future ahead and everyone loved her. I hope the girls who did this pay for everything they did.... My condolence goes out to the family keep your head up and may God be with you at this time of need..... Love u #ripamy God beautiful angleπŸ‘‘πŸ‘ΈπŸ½πŸ‘ΌπŸ½β€οΈπŸ™πŸΎπŸ˜‡

Apr 27, 2016
Oxford , NC Granville

I'm sorry to hear bout your loss my heart was broken into pieces when I hear the news how could someone be so cold hearted to do something was so dear and beautiful. She's in a better place with the high most God... She was a angle and I know she had a bright future ahead and everyone loved her. I hope the girls who did this pay for everything they did.... My condolence goes out to the family keep your head up and may God be with you at this time of need..... Love u #ripamy God beautiful angleπŸ‘‘πŸ‘ΈπŸ½πŸ‘ΌπŸ½β€οΈπŸ™πŸΎπŸ˜‡

Apr 27, 2016
Oxford , NC Granville

To the Parents of Amy Joyner-Francis,
I did not know your daughter only what I have read about her. She sounded like a beautiful vibrant young lady with a amazing future ahead of her. I am so sorry for your loss and after losing a child myself I know that no words or actions can ease your pain..Keep you faith that justice will come to those that took her life. You will always have that beautiful Vibrant Angel and she will always be with you, in your heart and soul and no one can take your memories away from you. I pray that this pain you have will be turned into "Will" to help other parents in someway to avoid this pain that you are feeling.
May God Bless YOU and your family now in your time of need and Always πŸ˜‡

Apr 27, 2016
Clayton, DE U.S.A.

All the way from New York, I am giving my deepest condolences to the family of Amy. May you find peace but also happiness as you will continue to remember the times that you shared with her. GOD is a great GOD. Be blessed and hold to GODs unchanging hands.

Kizzy Maynard
Apr 27, 2016

So very sorry for your loss.

Lynn Wertman
Apr 27, 2016
Newark, DE New Castle

My heart is broken as is yours. I pray for your family and ask God to hold you tight and keep you lifted. Don't take the presence of the storm to indicate the absence of God. Trust and hold on to God. I pray that you will find peace in your heart. Amy was a beautiful young lady.

Melba Drewery
Apr 27, 2016
Newark, DE USA

We are sorry for your love one

Gloria & Jose A . Natal.Sr.
Apr 27, 2016
Wilmington , DE New Castle County

My sincere condolences go to you and your family for the senseless loss of your angel. May you find peace in knowing she is in Heaven. Prayers and Love

Michelle C
Apr 27, 2016
Mobile, AL United States

I am so sorry for your lost. I did not know her but I am a Mother of daughter myself. I just wanted to reach out and send our condolences to u and the rest of the family.They will be lots of prayers for all of
the family and I hope god will give y'all the strength that y'all need. Rip Amy.

Frances velazquez
Apr 27, 2016
Phila, PA

My sincerest condolences to this beautiful angel and her family. Prayers and thoughts to all of you during this extremely difficult and painful time.

Angela Wine
Apr 27, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

I work with Amy's Aunt and my heart is very heavy for the family for such a senseless demise. My Deepest sympathy's for the family.

Joyce Bladen
Apr 27, 2016
Newark, DE USA

Rename that school Amy

Apr 27, 2016
a2, MI usa

To the family, friends and the state of Delaware, I'm sending prayers up, that God may heal your hearts, this a tragedy that have touch the Natoin, I'm sorry for your losses , please remember that God searched his garden and found a beautiful Rose to carry home, I send my Condolences, may God bless!🌹

Lorraine Speights
Apr 27, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

I don't know you,but my heart goes out to you and your family! God Bless you and your family and Rest In Peace young lady!

Monica Seiders
Apr 27, 2016
Royersford, PA United States

My deepest and sincerest condolences to your family for your horrible loss. I cannot put into words the pain that i feel for you as I have 3 daughters and do not believe I would be able to survive such a horrific event in my life. I can only offer you my prayers and my apologies for your pain. May the Lord provide you with the strength you need to move forward and the power to understand that you are not at fault nor are you being punished nor did the Lord have anything to do with this horrific event.
May the Lord Bless you all
Denise Nunez

Apr 27, 2016

I am so sorry for the lost of your daughter. I did not know her but I am a Mother and I was completely devastated. I just wanted to reach out and send your family our sympathy. I pray that God strengthens you in your time of Sorrow. May God Bless your Family

Otelia Jervey
Apr 27, 2016
Newark, DE

I am truly sorry for the loss of your daughter in this horrific way. I pray you will hold tightly to God during this season of your life. You will never get over this tragedy. However, in time you will learn to live with it with help from your family, friends and most of all the love of God. Hold tightly to them all. I pray peace and blessing over your entire household.
Much love from your unknown friends in Texas.

Teresa Varela
Apr 27, 2016
Frisco, TX United States

rip any I'm so sorry for what happened to you you were a beautiful intelligent young was hated on I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I mourn for your family you were a shining star waiting to explore life I may not know you personally but I love you and want you to sleep in peace and continue to shine down on your family and friends they need you to uplift them it's heartbreaking knowing your never gonna see your family again it's probably a blessing that your no longer in this evil world the world we live in doesn't deserve a blessing like you in this world I love you as if you were my little sister I have nieces and little sisters your age and would be just as devastates baby girl love you shine down..😞😞😘😘😘❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀❀

Yaakovyah Yehudah
Apr 27, 2016
queens, NY

May your blessed soul rest in peace, my condolences to your family and that God gives them strength to endure the tremendous lost.

Kathryn Brown
Apr 27, 2016
La Mirada , CA

I am so sorry for your loss. My prayers are with your family.
May God keep you during this difficult time.
The Allen and Bell family

Melissa A.Allen
Apr 27, 2016
Cecilton, MD Cecil

Words can not express how bad I feel about your loss. I have a son your daughter's age and this is something we never expect when we send them off to school. My heart goes out to you and your family. I know that our words can not bring her back, but please know that we think about you all daily. You are in our hearts and prayers. I pray for your strength through this. God Bless you all.

Jenel T
Apr 27, 2016

I'm so sorry for your loss. May God bless you and your family

Damion Rowe
Apr 27, 2016
Chester, PA USA

Words are simply the replacements for tears... You're a beautiful soul, we had a great over the phone bond And we saw each other once and you acted like we've known each other forever. You'll be truly missed.. I'm terribly sadden and devastated by this news.. RIP.

Gabriel Brown
Apr 27, 2016
New Castle, DE USA

To the parents, siblings, and entire family of Amy, i am very very devastated.... I will pray for you all to find peace and happiness again someday. I dont know what i would do if this were my family... i hope you all stay strong . I apologize for the pain your all going through... Keep your heads up and keep praying, ill keep praying for you!!! Rest in peace, amy

Aaliyah Tucker
Apr 27, 2016
West Valley, UT United states

My Condolences to the Joyner family on the loss of your precious daughter Amy. My daughter graduated as a Wildcat in 2013. In fact, was in a bullying video being bullied. As I watched that video I cringed at the thought of her being pushed around. That was just a video. I can't imagine losing one of my children to such a senseless tragedy. May God give your family strength.

Michelle Barnhart
Apr 27, 2016
Wilmington, DE

My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of Amy at this time. I did not know Amy personally but my heart is breaking that something so senseless could happen to this beautiful young lady. MAY SHE RIP WITH THE ANGELS!!!!

Patricia Hawkins
Apr 27, 2016
New Castle, DE United States

My God My God! To the Mother, Father, and entire family of this beautiful young lady, I would like to send my deepest and heart felt sympathy and condolences. My heart aches for you all because I didn't know her or you but as a Mother my heart aches as well. I'm sure nothing will take this pain away, but, I pray God will wrap HIS loving, tender arms around you all at this most difficult time. Keep looking towards the hills from where ALL of your help comes from. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers. Sent with the love of God,

Apr 27, 2016

Um so sorry for the lost of y'all daughter and I can't imagine how it feel to lose a child... But what I will say is god is the answer for the pain that u and ur family going threw...god bless u and ur family... Justice for Amy

jackie burnice
Apr 27, 2016
Cleveland, MS usa

There is nothing I can say to bring you any peace in your grief that I know. However as a mother my heart is breaking for you the family and the tragic and senseless loss of your beautiful daughter. I don't know any of you and this may seem random coming from a stranger all the way in Canada, but please believe that my thoughts, prayers and condolences go out to you all from the bottom of my heart...May Amy rest in peace and may her memory and legacy become a a foundation to which we as the human race advocate for the end to bullying and horrendous acts of violence. Don't let this beautiful young girls death be in vain. I again am so sorry for the greatest loss of any parents life time that you are now left to live with. Love and prayers from Canada, Rachael

Apr 27, 2016

So sorry what happened to this beautiful angel. Prayers for the family and RIP AMY

Veronica Nesbitt
Apr 27, 2016
Racine, WI

I'm sorry this happened to you. God had a calling on your life. Rest in paradise baby girl.

Zenobia Randolph
Apr 27, 2016
Cordova , TN

Sorry for your lost i cried as if she was my sister be strong and pray R.I.P AMY

Tiffany Jackson
Apr 27, 2016
irvington, NJ

We don't know your family or your daughter but wanted you to know that so many across America are horrified at what happened to your beautiful daughter and are praying for you during this difficult time. God bless & keep you.

Apr 27, 2016
Frankfort , KY USA

Praying for strength & comfort for the family. My heart goes out to you.

Angela Bowers
Apr 27, 2016

My heart goes out to you at this difficult time may you find peace knowing that people care God embrace this family at this time

Joyce Wilson
Apr 27, 2016
Merrillville, IN USA

My heart goes out to you at this difficult time may you find peace knowing that people care God embrace this family at this time

Joyce Wilson
Apr 27, 2016
Merrillville, IN USA

My heart goes out to you at this difficult time may you find peace knowing that people care God embrace this family at this time

Joyce Wilson
Apr 27, 2016
Merrillville, IN USA

There are no words to express my sincerest sympathy. To say this should not be, feels empty because unfortunately this is so very real. I pray that in time you are comforted with memories of your lovely girl. Possibly taking solace that you have an angel of your own forevermore.

Raquel Richardson
Apr 27, 2016
New Castle, DE

So sorry for you loss, may God bless you all thru this very hard time!

Waneta Naill
Apr 27, 2016
Berlin , PA United States

My heart and prayers go out to this family. May God cover you now and always.

Misty Gardner
Apr 27, 2016
Bear, DE USA

My heart and prayers go out to this family. May God cover you now and always.

Misty Gardner
Apr 27, 2016
Bear, DE USA

My heart and prayers go out to the family of Amy. No I did not know her, but since hearing of this tragic loss my heart has been heavy! I can not imagine the pain that you the family is feeling. I pray that as time pass you all are able to heal! May God be with you at this tragic time!

Apr 27, 2016
Camden , NJ

I am so sad to read of the devastating loss of your beautiful daughter, Amy. I pray that justice will be served and that Amy's life will serve as a beacon of change and influence others everywhere.
My deepest condolences,
Sharon Gate
Mother of six

Sharon Gate
Apr 27, 2016
Riverside, CA USA

When our loved one dies, we mourn.  We have questions that we want answers to. The pain the grief and the feelings of helplessness can seem unbearable. At such times, we need to go to God's word for comfort. 2Corinthians 1:3,4. To the parents of Amy I pray that God gives you comfort to deal with this. ( as a mother of a young son that was taken away from me a year ago, I truly understand what you are going through). Continue to pour your heart out to God he will definitely give you the comfort you need to get through to the next day.

Gretchen Fountain
Apr 27, 2016


Apr 27, 2016

My Condoloences to mother and father, family's,My heart crying with you right now Take one day at a time
Keep God at your side and talk with him pray to him....I to know your pain as loss a child...
God Bless You She in Lord arm watching she a beautiful angle now with the bigger wings you can have..God Bless Love y'all

Rosalyn James
Apr 27, 2016
Kissimmee , FL USA

I am praying for you all for strength, peace, justice, deliverance, forgiveness, patience, and love. My family and I will continue to keep you lifted up in prayer at all times.

Monique Wilkerson
Apr 27, 2016
Bessemer, AL

Soooo sorry for you lost! No one should have go to their daughter's funeral πŸ’– It will get better trust me, i just lost my mother about a month ago and and im two years younger than Amy but i will keep you guys in my prayers😘

Ashanti Gary
Apr 27, 2016
Rocky Mount, NC United States

I did not know Amy personally but this has hurt so many. I offer my condolences to her mother, father and family as a whole. You're daughter was BEAUTIFUL and now she dances with the angels. May a peace that surpasses your understanding comfort you at this time.

Nachelle Martinez
Apr 27, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

Im sorry for your loss.My condolences to you and your family and friends.May God give ya strength and fortress.Prayers for all. R.I.P beautiful angel

Sonia Aviles
Apr 27, 2016
Marlborough , MA U.S

So much love and positive energy flowing your way, family and friends of sweet, beautiful Amy. All the way down in South Carolina we are grieving with you. May Amy's beautiful soul find rest. The deepest and most sincerest condolences.

Apr 27, 2016
Cayce, SC

I am honestly so sorry for your loss I live in London and I heard the devastating story.i didn't know amy however I'm sure she was amazing ,cheerful and wanted to make something with life and achieve something.amy is now in the best home she could ever be which is heaven.RIP AMY ♥️

Naressa h
Apr 27, 2016
London United Kingdom

My prayers are with the Francis family at this time a young life taken way to soon. Rest in peace sweet Angel.

Noel Goines
Apr 27, 2016
Townsend, DE

I am soo sorry for your loss. I'm praying that God continues to strengthen and sustain you. In the mighty name of Jesus.

Yolanda Bonner
Apr 27, 2016
Bessemer, AL USA

I am soo sorry for your loss. I'm praying that God continues to strengthen and sustain you. In the mighty name of Jesus.

Yolanda Bonner
Apr 27, 2016
Bessemer, AL USA

To the family of Ms Amy,

I like most people did not personally know Amy or the family but this tragedy has touched us so much. We are praying not just for the moment but the months and years to come. I'm praying for your strength to endure the hardest thing a parent has to go through. I personally don't know how you're feeling but I know the lord is a comforter, and will wrap his loving arms around you in the midst of it all. Blessings to you and your family

Alicia Daly
Apr 27, 2016
Wilmington , DE United States

My sincere condolences to you on the traffic death of your child. I can't imagine what you are going through. I pray for justice! Xoxo

Najla Asaad
Apr 27, 2016
Dallas , TX Usa

My deepest and sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Amy! May God give you a peace that surpasses all understanding. God Bless and keep you

Cordelia F. Green
Apr 27, 2016
Dover, NJ United States

God bless her n her family such a beautiful life taking too soon...I wish this violence would stop

Apr 27, 2016

To the parents of Amy Joyner-Francis. I'm so very sorry to hear of the loss of your daughter Amy. May God give you peace at this most difficult time. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones. Forever Rest In Peace God's Chosen Angel Amy.

Charitina Jones
Apr 27, 2016
Raleigh, NC USA

I'm sorry for your family lost i didn't know Amy but i just wanted to reach out to your family the thought of it is unbelievable. Again im so sorry for your lost - God is with your family

roniziah winfield
Apr 27, 2016
Wilmington, DE New castle

Such a tragic loss my heart is heavy with sadness. May you find eternal peace princess. My heartfelt sympathy to the family.

Tracey Scott
Apr 27, 2016
colonial heights, VA usa

Im sorry for your lost my prayers are with you and your family i have daughter almost her age god will be with you

Gwen shallowhorn
Apr 27, 2016
Perris ca, CA

Im feeling the pain & I feel I know this beautiful young lady. My condolences to her family with lots of LOVE

Tina Griffin
Apr 27, 2016


Monique Darby
Apr 27, 2016
Anderson, SC United States


Monique Darby
Apr 27, 2016
Anderson, SC United States

Words fail in times like this. The beauty of Amy's life will stand in the gap for the words we lack. You are in my prayers for healing and comfort now and in the days to come.

Rev. Kim Kendrick
Apr 27, 2016
Philadelphia, PA USA

I am so sorry for your loss i didnt know your daughter but she was very beautiful and god will handle them girls in his own way. Rest in paradise sweet angel

jessica west
Apr 27, 2016
laurens, SC united states

Im feeling the pain & I feel I know this beautiful young lady. My condolences to her family with lots of LOVE

Tina Griffin
Apr 27, 2016

To a family member i never got to know(ur my cousins cousin)...Your lost still pains me because u were just to young to leave ,to young to miss out on the rest of ur life but god have plans for you up in heaven...s.i.p baby girl

Samantha Evans
Apr 27, 2016
Brooklyn, NY

RIPπŸ’œAmy😒 may God heal and comfort your family and those who was close to youπŸ’œ

Lila Reed
Apr 27, 2016
MULLINS, SC United States

My condolence goes out to the family

nicole Johnson
Apr 27, 2016
Pittsburg, CA United States

I'm very sorry for your loss, you're in our hearts and prayers here in CT. God bless

Theresa featherstone
Apr 27, 2016
Middletown , CT

My sincere condolences to your family, such a senseless act against this beautiful child. I pray that God keeps and comforts you all during this time. And that there will be justice for Amy. May she Rest In Paradise.

Janis Boltonj
Apr 27, 2016
Detroit, MI United States

Very sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter. May God get you all through this pain in your time of need. Sending prayers to all the family. God Bless!

Apr 27, 2016
Easton , PA USA

The family has my condolences. May God be with them at a time of their loss. God Bless

Harriet Lasley
Apr 27, 2016
St.Louis, MO

We had a sonny ...sonny ...I understand .He was awesome our hearts forever ..and tom Joyner..I pray .she tells the world about this .

Apr 27, 2016
a2, MI usa

I'm so very sorry beautiful young lady, you were taken away way to soon.

Sunee Turnbull
Apr 27, 2016
Yakima , WA USA

Send my condolences from Texas so sorry for your loss , Rest in peace Amy

Deandrea Alcorn
Apr 27, 2016
Temple, TX Bell

Send my condolences from Texas so sorry for your loss , Rest in peace Amy

Deandrea Alcorn
Apr 27, 2016
Temple, TX Bell

Rest In Paradise sweetie !!

Wanda Powns
Apr 27, 2016
Bear, DE

My prayers are with this family! I have a 16 year old daughter & can't even imagine the heart break of this family! I pray justice is served for this young lady! This is a tragedy that should have never happen. PLEASE LETS HAVE PEACE!!!

Apr 27, 2016

I am so sorry for your loss and the fact that a senseless act, like this, has brought you to this day. My prayers go out to your family and may Amy rest in peace. Her legacy will help make sure that this never happens to another child again. God bless!! May you somehow find peace again!!

Apr 27, 2016
Middletown, DE New Castle

#Amys and Maliyahs law #and Pj and Melinda's law,#Rubys law # .Anti bullying .!!!Everytime I give Mia in NYC a kiss.I will think of you..her birthday 308.she is a little girl...that is gods way of saying. Still was sweet and innocent the cares of this world..A rose he wanted for his own....this world will fade..the rainbow a sign of two....entering into his presence...

Apr 27, 2016
a2, MI usa

Know that you have a beautiful angel watching over you everyday. This family is in my heart and prayers. RIPAMY!

Rhonda Hines
Apr 27, 2016
Warren , MI

Sending my deepest smpathy to the family. Your loss has touched my heart. Please remember "the God of all comfort " 1 corinthians 1:3,4.

Annette Cannady
Apr 27, 2016
MONTROSS, VA United States

My heart goes out to the family and friends of Miss. Amy Joyner-Francis. I pray God strengthens, comforts and give you all the peace that surpasses all understanding. Rest On Beautiful Amy. Earth has no sorrow, Heaven can't heal.

Christal Brown
Apr 27, 2016
Noxapater, MS U.S.A

I cannot say I know how you feel because I have never felt this kind of loss. I can offer my prayers that GOD keep you and hold you in the days ahead, because there will come a time when the phone calls and visits will stop. GOD will bring peace to your heart and mind if you will allow, HE will "help the pain away"
Keeping you in prayer

E. M. Saunders
Apr 27, 2016
Bear, DE

I just wanna say I'm sorry for u guys lost . that's so sad 😒 She was an Beautiful young lady πŸ˜’πŸ’œπŸ˜

Apr 27, 2016
St.louis, MO United states

My heart bleeds for your family as I have 2 daughters in this age range in the Delaware school system. Lean on GOD's unchanging hand during this rough time.Prayers and blessing for your strength. She was a beautiful young lady who is now your gaurdian Angel. Peace and Love

VanCliff Family
Apr 27, 2016
New Castle, DE USA

When I saw the rainbow on 421 . it reminded me of gods love ..a prince holding a baby princess hand . .he would never forget ...a princess ..who is worthy to be a queen .I thought of what it means. To be stalked and bullied..Amy is everybody's baby now .A part of our hearts forever .Gone too soon..I saw the moon a few nights ago..those are reminders of gods never ending love ..Even the moon acknowledged their presence. The arms of the angel...

Apr 27, 2016
a2, MI usa

When I saw the rainbow on 421 . it reminded me of gods love ..a prince holding a baby princess hand . .he would never forget ...a princess ..who is worthy to be a queen .I thought of what it means. To be stalked and bullied..Amy is everybody's baby now .A part of our hearts forever .Gone too soon..I saw the moon a few nights ago..those are reminders of gods never ending love ..Even the moon acknowledged their presence. The arms of the angel...

Apr 27, 2016
a2, MI usa

I want to send my condolences to the family. I can't imagine what you all are going through.

Apr 27, 2016
Camden, AR

I would like to extend our condolences to the family of this beautiful young lady. May God cover your family during the tragic loss.

Rev. Shelby Holmes
Apr 27, 2016
Shorewood, IL Will

The family have my deepest sympathy and my condolences god has got a beautiful angel wrapped in his arms rest in peace baby girl

Charlene cannon
Apr 27, 2016
Philadelphia , PA

To the family of Amy Inita, you are in my daily thoughts and prayers; the loss of your loved one has had a tremendous impact on me and I will continue to pray for your strength during this difficult time. May God continue to bless you and comfort you.

LaTanya Allen
Apr 27, 2016
Wilmington, DE

My condolences to the Family on the loss of such a beautiful young Lady! My daughter is a senior at Howard & my prayers have been with you since this tragedy took place! May you someday find peace in the mist of this storm!!

Deacon Jordan
Apr 27, 2016
Yeadon, PA

My heartfelt condolences to Amy's family and friends. We are praying for you here in Queens, NY.

Michelle Lewis
Apr 27, 2016
East Elmhurst, NY USA

Please except my families prayers for your family as you go through this most trying, diffecult time. We grieve with you as your community of support. Peace and love to all.

DeAnn St.Michael
Apr 27, 2016
Mattoon, IL USA

It is with a HEAVY heart that the Bradshaw family offers our sincerest condolences to the family. May you continue to have the strength to bear up under such tragedy. PEACE & LOVE to the family. May JUSTICE be served.

Apr 27, 2016
Bradshaw , DE 19809

Prayers thoughts and deepest sympathy to Amys family! She deserves JUSTICE!

Michelle Croft
Apr 27, 2016

You have my deepest Sympathy in the loss of your love one.

Lindell Rivers
Apr 27, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

My heart goes out to your family in this time of need. May god heal all wounds and may Amy rest in paradise

Tamara Nash
Apr 27, 2016
Atlanta, GA United States

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family! didn't no but I do no she was one beautiful girl gone to soon fly High with the angles Beautiful!!!

Deana king
Apr 27, 2016
Borger tx, TX Hutchinson

Prayers for the family. RIP Amy! I pray justice is served.

Juanita Wyckoff
Apr 27, 2016
Claymont, DE USA

My heart hurts for your family. Im so sorry for your loss

Lauren Reyes
Apr 27, 2016
Easton, PA United States

Sending love and prayers to your family from ours! RIP sweet angel!

Apr 27, 2016
Atlanta, GA USA

my condolences to the family. may God bless you in your time of need.Sleep peacefully Amy

eugene antongiorgi
Apr 27, 2016
bronx, NY usa

So heart breaking God had called another "Angel"home name "Amy"
R.I.P. baby girl you are so loved by the world.πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

Apr 27, 2016
Baltimore, MD

I'm SO, SO sorry for your loss. I can imagine what you are going through. But, rest assured God WILL take care of you. Something good is going to come out of this tragedy. God is still in charge. Amy has joined the other angels in heaven
Gloria from Rochester, NY

Gloria Boose
Apr 27, 2016
Rochester, NY Monroe

My sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Amy!

Rachelle Adams
Apr 27, 2016
Baltimoe , MD USA

So heart breaking God had called another "Angel"home name "Amy"
R.I.P. baby girl you are do loved by the world.πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

Apr 27, 2016
Baltimore, MD

To The Family, my prayers are with you all during this difficult time. God bless you. I didn't know your daughter but I know she was beautiful inside and out. God Bless each and everyone of you.

Apr 27, 2016

Don't know you but my heart goes out to you and your family. My sincerest condolences and prayers are with you and your family.

Vernetia Jackson
Apr 27, 2016
Randallstown, MD USA

Rest in peace baby girl... you didn't deserve this! You will not be forgotten family and friends love and miss you

shanae bridgeford
Apr 27, 2016
new castle, DE

My heartfelt condolences on the tragic loss of your daughter. Prayers are lifted up to embrace you and your family. The beauty of Amy's life and spirit will live on forever and I pray you can find some comfort.

Paula collins
Apr 27, 2016
Newark, DE Usa

Please accept my sincere and heartfelt condolences on the loss of Amy. You are in my prayers.

Chelsea Harmon
Apr 27, 2016
New York, NY USA

May God bless you during this time in your life. Your daughter is a beautiful angel.

Beatrice Birdine
Apr 27, 2016
NC Wayne

Life gone to soon a life that didnt get a chance to discover love or life or future some ones child sister daughter I pray shes resting in peace and one of gods angel sorry that you have to bury a child that a pain that no one could every understand may god comfort your heart and may your baby rest in peace.

Kenia M
Apr 27, 2016
New York, NY USA

I don't know u baby girl but from what I can see u was a smart beautiful young lady something like this should not of happened at all your life was taken from u to soon u are now w Jesus u are safe now fly high baby girl

Shawna waldridge
Apr 27, 2016
Bridgeville, DE USA

I do not know the family but I was born and raised in Wilmington, Delaware. I attended Howard High School. I just wanted to send by deepest condolences to the family. May God give your peace in the midst of your storm. My heart and prayers are with you.

Derrieal Williams
Apr 27, 2016
Woodbrige, VA USA

I pray that God strengthen the family. The Melvin family sends your much love. Be Bless.

Felicia Melvin
Apr 27, 2016
Raeford , NC Hoke

I am sincerely hurt by your great loss. Many prayers and blessings to your family. May love and light find its way to comfort you once again. God Bless you all!!

Priscilla Phipps
Apr 27, 2016
Arlington, TX USA

R.I.P. Child of GOD.

Gidget Hudson
Apr 27, 2016
Shreveport, LA United States

I'm so sorry for your lose my heart go's out to the family friends school etc..i lost a best friend this way someone thought it was ok to take her from us but its not ok but i promise it will get better my love to all of you

Amanda Buller
Apr 27, 2016
sarnia , - Other - Canada ontario

Sorry for your lost!πŸ˜‡πŸ˜’ I'm a mother of 4 I can't imagine! Stay strong and positive. Justice for Amy

Jamie McCullough
Apr 27, 2016
Camden, NJ United States


cassandra kelly
Apr 27, 2016
Benton Harbor, MI United States

My heart goes out to this beautiful young woman's family. I hope justice is served. I just can't seem to fathom why bullying has become deadly. As a mother of a 16 year old as well it always concerns me how rumors and lies end up in this way. Who are raising these animalistic children who would think they can just kill as if it were nothing. Well it's everything to the victim and the family who no longer has them. I so sorry. I will try to do what I can as a parent to talk to my daughter and her friends about this situation and the ramifications of it and teach them to report such behavior in hopes it saves one child's life in ur daughters honor. God bless. Robin

Apr 27, 2016
Huntsville, AL United states

Sorry for lost I keep your family in my prayers and condolences.

Anita Morgan
Apr 27, 2016
Det, MI United States

Rest in peace babygirl you've earned ur wingsπŸ˜‡ justice will be served for you!!! Your family are in my prayersπŸ™

Robbin Canty
Apr 27, 2016

RIPARADISE,sweet angel

Hines Family
Apr 27, 2016

My deepest condolences to the family Amy Inita Joyner-Francis on the loss of your beautiful daughter. I pray for the Lord to keep you'll strong at this time and I will keep her in prayer rest in peace Amy rest in peace

Apr 27, 2016
Philadelphia , PA

Taken from this earth to soon. RIP sweet baby girl.

Monica L
Apr 27, 2016
Yonkers, NY USA

I was sad to hear about this i had visited the school 2 days before the incident. I hope you can bear with this. God doesnt take people for nothing. He wanted a young beautiful angel.

Apr 27, 2016
Newark, DE USA

Words can't express the hurt that I feel from the day this tragedy happen
You don't have to know this young lady for it to effect any of us,this is a great lost to a parent an also a young lady gone to soon,this was not Gods calling for her but God took her in his arms an gave her,Her Wings for all the good she done in her 16 yrs of life
An I will be releasing 16 Balloons on may 1 @ 5pm from my area.
To Amy, Mother & Father an the rest of the have my Deepest Sympathy from my family to yours

Janice Pettey
Apr 27, 2016
Darby, PA USA

I am so sorry for your loss. I know you are probably hearing that a lot. God bless you all and keep you safe. Will be continuing to pray for the entire family

Apr 27, 2016
Phillipsburg, OH United States

I work for a school in Dover DE and when I heard this I was deeply saddened. I am so sorry your family has to go thru this. Please know that I am praying that God strengthens your strength during this difficult time. Praying for peace, comfort, clarity and justice. No parent should have to bury their child like this.

Apr 27, 2016
Dover, DE

So sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Shay Wallace
Apr 27, 2016
Brooklyn, NY

My prayers goes out to u and the family. I am not from there but my heart hurt to such a beautiful baby gone from here but god have her and she looking out for u guys god bless u all.

Shelia Dudley
Apr 27, 2016
Charlottesville, VA United States

So sorry for your loss. My prayers go out to the family.

Natalie Brown

Natalie Brown
Apr 27, 2016
Westland, MI United States

I cannot imagine the pain your family is going through. Senseless loss of life of your precious angel. May God help you all get through this.

Apr 27, 2016
Rochester, NY USA

My heart and prayers are with the family.

Apr 27, 2016
Wilmington , DE

I don't know the family but when I heard what happen it broke my heart. I can't even imagine or begin to imagine what your family feel. My condolences goes out to your family no parent should have to bury their child at this young age or ever.

Apr 27, 2016
Baltimore , MD USA


Tammy brown
Apr 27, 2016
Belews creek, NC

I am so sorry for your lost. I will keep your family in my prayers

Tanika Wallace
Apr 27, 2016
Washington , DC

I have no words to express my sadness for your unimaginable loss. Even though you don't know us we are praying for you.

Marian Thurrell
Apr 27, 2016
Hockessin, DE United States

This is such a tragedy. I pray that the family hearts be uplifted with grace and, love. I'm just so sorry for your lost.

Cee Cee
Apr 27, 2016
Riverdale, GA United States

There are no words to soothe the pain you're feeling. I encourage you to "Look to the Hills from where your help comes from." God is there to when you need HIM.

Jackie Bradshaw
Apr 27, 2016
Folcroft, PA USA

My prayers go out to the family. My heart is so heavy. There is to much anger and evil in this world. Amy seemed like a beautiful young lady trying to survive in this wicked world. Gods wrath will be the only punishment that will hold merit. I pray that this younger generation will wake up. Learn how to love each other. Life is to short.. RIP Amy you are in GODS arms now where you will be safe..

Apr 27, 2016
Collingdale, PA United States

My heart aches for you during this sad time ! I pray for the parents and the family ! I pray that Amy is at rest and that she receives the justice that she deserves! She was truly a beautiful person ! I did not know her personally but by the intwrviewa I've seen and just whatvive seen of her overall you can tell ! GOD bless the family always !

Apr 27, 2016
Philadelphia , PA

So senseless... May God bless and comfort you as you heal and cope with the loss. Hold on to the memories and smile through the tears.

E A Thompson
Apr 27, 2016

I want to say I am truly sorry for your loss..I did not know Amy or her family but my heart goes out to them..I will be praying for your family...

Apr 27, 2016
new brunswick, NJ

My thoughts and prayers are with your family!

Melissa Kopaczewski
Apr 27, 2016
Deptford, NJ USA

I want to say I am truly sorry for your loss..I did not Amy or her family but my heart goes out to them..I will be praying for your family...

Apr 27, 2016
new brunswick, NJ

So sorry for your lost pray that god gives the family strength doing this time of blessed family and friends may god be with you all.

machell blaylock
Apr 27, 2016
MARKS, MS u.s.a.quitman ms.

love & light.

Apr 27, 2016
New York , NY USA

Hugs Love and Prayers from Greensboro, NC

Cureton Family
Apr 27, 2016
GREENSBORO, NC United States

Prayers,thoughts,and deepest sympathy for the loss of your dear,dear daughter. Continue to be strong and rely on Jehovah God.

Apr 27, 2016
Clayton, DE USA

Good morning family I would like to give ya'll my deepest condolences for y'all lost of Amy. May you look to Jehovah for strength to get you throw this pain. Call on Jehovah. Praying for your family

Apr 27, 2016
Blackwood, NJ United States

My deepest most sincere condolences. I can't imagine your sorrow at this time but please know that the world is praying with you. She will always be in your hearts and watching over you.

Angela Desoto
Apr 27, 2016
New York , NY

To the family and friends of Amy Joyner I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I wish I could find some words of comfort to make you feel better. May God give you the strength you need during this very difficult time. Prayers to you all.

Apr 27, 2016
Hopewell, VA USA

My thoughts and prayers are with the family of Amy. May you find strength in knowing through this tragedy, we serve a God of all comfort. He will help you endure through the pain and sorrow.He will not leave you, nor forsake you.

Amy's death was done by a senseless act, but her life was not in vain. Through her awareness was brought to many. Thank you for sharing her with us.

Sorrowfully Submitted

Juana Blue
Apr 27, 2016
Salisbury, MD

I'm sorry for your loss but just know those girls got best up at school for what they did

jailynn chambers
Apr 27, 2016

To the family of the beautiful Amy Inita Joyner-Francis, writing this is literally breaking my heart. No one should have to endure what you all are having to at this time. I pray for peace for you all. I believe with all my heart that Amy now has her wings and is embraced in the lords arms as she walks with each and every one of you that love her and hold her near and dear. She is our angel now. I will forever remember her name and will do my best, as a parent, to teach my children to be better people for the world. In her honor and in her memory.. We love you Amy.. Fly high!

Alicia Galasso
Apr 27, 2016
Bronx, NY

Your heart hrts and your tears flow but remember God have this in His control.

John 14
1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.


Muzella Hayes (Pat DMMA)
Apr 27, 2016
Newark, DE New Castle

Dearest family and friends,

I am so very sorry for your loss at this time. I pray that your comforted by God & one another during this time of bereavement. May you be forever uplifted by Amy's memories and I pray they cause you to smile more than cry. I pray that God brings comfort to the parents of Amy. Again, I'm so very sorry for your loss.

Apr 27, 2016
East Point, , GA USA

Condolences to the Joyner-Francis family during this difficult time. I heard of your daughter story while at work last Thursday. Almost a week later I'm still lost for words. Even though I didn't know your daughter,this story touch my heart. My God be with your family during this difficult time. Young beautiful Angel you can now spread your wings. Your face and story will forever be etch in my mind.

John W. Tilghman III
Apr 27, 2016
Dover, DE United States

How can you make sense of a senseless tragedy? You can't, but you can rest easy knowing your baby is in the hands of the Father, and He will continue to comfort and keep your family. "Earth had no sorrow that heaven cannot heal!" My sincerest condolences to your family.

Laura P.
Apr 27, 2016
Brooklyn, NY

God bless the family,may the God of peace and understanding will help in this time of sorrow will give you grace and mercy God bless you

Apr 27, 2016
Memphis, TN U.S.A.

I may not know dear sweet Amy or her family personally, but my heart truly hurts for such a loss. I will continue to pray for strength, endurance, and peace for the family. As you lay her body at its final resting place, know that her soul and beautiful spirit have been set free.

Benia Richardson
Apr 27, 2016
Baltimore, MD United States

I may not know dear sweet Amy or her family personally, but my heart truly hearts for such a loss. I will continue to pray for strength, endurance, and peace for the family. As you lay her body at its final resting place, know that her soul and beautiful spirit have been set free.

Benia Richardson
Apr 27, 2016
Baltimore, MD United States

I'm am sorry for your loss... My prayers are with you and your family.

Apr 27, 2016

Condolences to your family during this time. May God continue to guide you with strength through this time. My prayers and thoughts are with you. I will continue to share and fight with you through this tragic moment from Des Moines, Iowa. Rest easy beautiful!

Apr 27, 2016
Des Moines, IA Usa

May God continue to cover comfort the family that may you find peace.

Joyce Strader
Apr 26, 2016
Canton, OH USA

This is such a senseless loss my condolences to your Family.I have a daughter the same age and just went through a similar situation.Some of these young ladies are outta control..I hope justice is served to the fullest extent..hugs to your Family

Mary Green
Apr 26, 2016
Vineland, NJ Cumberland

My condolences go out to you and your family! So sorry that this happened to this angel, God only lends us to one another and will need us all back one day.... Praying for your family, friends, and also her classmates!

Donna L
Apr 26, 2016
phila, PA

I know you've gotten many many condolences .. And words will NEVER take away the pain or bring her back. But justice will prevail.. You have the whole country behind you. I pray that you find peace πŸ’œ I feel as if I lost a sister .. This eats me up inside, I hope you guys are being strong

Kingmarcus Campbell
Apr 26, 2016
Dallas , TX

R.I.P Beautiful!! So sad and too young!!! Those involved will pay

Tanisha Pugh
Apr 26, 2016
Englewood, NJ

My deepest condolences to the family at this rough time in your lives. May God wrap you all in his loving arms and provide the protection and strength that you all need. R.I.Paradise sweet baby girl!!!! Gone but never ever forgotten!!!

Veronica Knight
Apr 26, 2016
Tucson , AZ USA

My condolences to the family and loved ones. The loss of this beautiful girl is resonating throughout the country and will hopefully make an impact on society and the way we treat one another. Peace and love.

H Dennnis
Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

I am so sorry if you loss. I am pray that God give you the peace that passes all understanding in Jesus name.

D'andre grren
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE Us

My Condolences to your family. I will continue to Pray that God comfort you all.

Much Love

Shakanda White
Apr 27, 2016
Newark, DE USA

May God be with you all during this time. Praying for the strength of this family

Bianca Townsend
Apr 26, 2016

My deepest Sympathy May God Continue to look in on u all at this time ...Rest in Gods Arms Babygirl

Vanessa Mitchell
Apr 26, 2016
St Louis, MO United States

I'm deeply sadden for your loss. The family and close friends of Amy are in my thoughts and prayers. May God give you peace that passes all understanding and comfort you all.

Koren D.
Apr 27, 2016
Charlotte , NC USA

May amy rip god bless her soul and my prayers go out to the family. Keep your heads up

Cherish Sullivan
Apr 26, 2016
El Paso, TX

So sorry for you lost my prayers are with the family and friends. Amy you shine in the light angel.

Sherry D Webb
Apr 26, 2016
Dillwyn, VA United States

I wish the best for the family of amy inita for a group of girls to attack an indocent girl is heartbreaking. God doesn't make mistakes this is just another roadblock in life,with Faith & love of God you will see her in heaven.

Apr 26, 2016
Chula vista, CA United states

I would like to send my prayers all the way from Kansas. May your family find peace through this tragedy. God Bless you all.

Apr 27, 2016

My sincere condolences to the family. May the God we serve bring you all peace that surpasses all understanding. During Amy's lifetime she has touched so many people. I pray that you will find comfort in the words that have been written about Amy. God Bless you all

Carolyn Fields
Apr 27, 2016
Cincinnati, OH USA

My thoughts and prayers are with the family during this time. May GOD give you strength and comfort through it all. She was such a beautiful girl.

Kimberly Fonda
Apr 26, 2016
Spanish Lake, MO United States

Blessed be to the parents and family of young Amy. No words will ease your pain or sorrow. No reasoning will prevail from this loss. We, the parents who have loss children, understand every tear that drops from your eyes, all the emotions you will experience, the constant ache in your hearts and souls. In time you will find inner peace which will help you to go on daily, teaching you how to survive and deal with your loss. Amy will never be forgotten, even by a stranger like me. The heavens have a brand new shining star, lasting forever.

Apr 26, 2016

I am so sorry for your lost I hope that God gives you strength to move forward and when you look to sky just know that your she is smiling and she is at peace

Apr 27, 2016
Winnsboro, LA

Her light is eternal. It will never die, and it will always be with you. I didn't know her, but since the day I heard about this tragedy, she has been heavily on my heart and mind. My heart goes out to the family & friends. You have my deepest sympathy. I send you love & light.

Rebekah Hopper
Apr 27, 2016
St. Petersburg, FL United States

My prayers goes out to you'll.I feel so bad that happen to your daughter. My prayers are with you'll.

Apr 27, 2016
Memphis, TN United States

You have been on my mind for days. You were a young and lively girl. I'm sorry you were taken from your loved ones. You're with my friend Vernecia on the other side. May you get justice and your family gets peace.

Apr 26, 2016
Bronx, NY

You have been on my mind for days. You were a young and lively girl. I'm sorry you were taken from your loved ones. You're with my friend Vernecia on the other side. May you get justice and your family gets peace.

Apr 26, 2016
Bronx, NY

I don't know you but rest easy , fly high .

Apr 26, 2016
Dover, DE Us

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again. RIP beautiful angel
To the family, I would like to offer my sincere condolences. My heart is heavy. This was such a senseless act of violence.

Lisa Hunt
Apr 26, 2016
Cedar Hill, TX USA

God has gained another Beautiful angel

Aaliyah Denk
Apr 26, 2016
Ridley park, DE Pennsylvania

Keeping family & friends in my thoughts & prayers

Val Anderson
Apr 26, 2016

Prayers and thoughts for your family. Amy was a beautiful young lady, now a Beautiful Sweet Angel. May God keep you in his loving, comforting arms.

Suelen Grant
Apr 26, 2016
Sapulpa, OK USA

The rainbow a sign of gods love...that he would never forget...a princess..and a prince...i saw him hold your hand into the rainbow..worthy to be a queen..May your beautiful light .forever shine .for girls and boys who are beautiful butterfly..I will never forget ..that sweet baby face...#amys law#..#pjs#law..triumph in your spirit...

Apr 26, 2016
a2, MI usa

Im so sorry for y'all lost.My God wrap his arms around the family.

Carmelita Caldwell
Apr 27, 2016
Chicago, IL

Every since i read the story about what happened to this beautiful young lady my heart has been crushed kuz this did not have to happen..My heart really goes out to you and im praying for your family that god give them the strength...RIP BABY GIRL U WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN

Kasey Williams
Apr 27, 2016
Waveland, MS

Praying for the strength of the family asking the Lord to comfort you at such a time as this. Keep you and give you love that will cover a multitude Amen

Tarsha Richardson
Apr 27, 2016
Altanta, GA United States

It's difficult to come up with any words of comfort during a time like this. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May the beautiful memories of your precious Amy stay in your hearts forever.

Apr 26, 2016
Victorville, CA

Please accept my deepest sympathy at the passing of your beloved daughter, Amy. I am a retired teacher who taught at Howard for 22 years and lost my son a year later. I understand your pain and pray that God will heal your hearts and help you during your time of grief and may family and friends bring you some comfort and peace. Sending my love and keeping you in my heart and prayers.

Mary Welch
Apr 27, 2016
Glen Mills, PA United States

Her story has touched me beyond measures. How someone or people could so selfishly hit someone until they were "satisfied" with no remorse is so mind boggling. You will be missed mama I am so sure. You will get justice.

Apr 26, 2016

Cast your cares upon Him! God will give you and your family the comfort, strength and peace that you need simply put it in His hands. There will be a beautiful blessing coming out of this horrendous tragedy. God bless you all, rest well angel!

Apr 27, 2016
Bridgeport , CT USA

I am sorry for your loss. I did not know you, or your beautiful girl, but as a mother, I can't imagine your pain. Amy has left a huge impact on our broken world, and now she is in the arms of our saviour. She has touched so many far and wide. We will not let her death be in vain. May God be with you during this difficult time. Xxoo

Apr 27, 2016
Scotts valley, CA Usa

There are no words to express my deepest sympathy. My heart goes out to the entire family. I pray day and night that God will comfort you,.eventually bringing some measure of peace, knowing that she is with him now, no, pain, suffering or grief of any kind.
I mentor at the school and will be there tomorrow, also praying that out of this, some good will come.....a wake up call to this generation.
Cast your cares on him.

Karen Elcock
Apr 26, 2016
Bear, DE United States

Praying for your family god is with your love one through this time of need.

Lisa Mobley
Apr 26, 2016
Knoxville, TN USA

My prayers are with you and your family.

Julia Green
Apr 26, 2016
Las Vegas, NV USA

Sending prayers & comfort for the loss of your sweet daughter. I pray god will give you peace that surpasses all understanding. I'm sure, I'm one of many that did not know your daughter but we just wanted to send you up in prayer, God Bless you

Apr 26, 2016

I pray for better days for your family. My heartfelt condolences go out to the parents of this beautiful child. πŸ™πŸΎ I also have a 16 year old.

Apr 27, 2016
Hollywood, FL

May God be with your family....ur in my prayers!! No justice could compare to yiur precious child sorry that it ended this way but believe me we CARE!!

Audrianna Hutchinson
Apr 26, 2016
Saint Louis, MO United States

My deepest sympathy and prayers. Heaven has another beautiful angel to watch over you allπŸ™πŸ½

Kit Brooks
Apr 26, 2016
Tempe, AZ

Dear Joyner-Francis family,

I want to offer my condolences and express how heartbreaking it was to hear about the brutal attack against Amy. Although I didn't know Amy personally,I love hearing all the positive things about her. May God Bless you through this very difficult time!

Cherice Watkins
Apr 26, 2016
Baltimore , MD

I pray that God will give your family peace in this time of bereavement. Know that Amy is in a better place and God needed her to do work in His kingdom. "To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." God bless and I will continue to pray for your family.

Jasmine Carter
Apr 27, 2016
Horn Lake, MS United States

Sorry for ur lost. May the lord be with the family. Amy is now in peace and harmony. May the Lord above wrap his arms around her and keep her safe. Amen!!!

dominique wilson
Apr 26, 2016
Greenville , SC America

I didn't know Amy, but my heart goes out to her and all who loved her. Please know that people all over the country are thinking of her and you, and grieving with you.

Marcy Farrell
Apr 27, 2016
Austin, TX United States

My condeloscenes.

Sherry Lovell
Apr 26, 2016

So sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine the pain you have endured so far and I know you will continue to miss your daughter. Even though I do not know you I have thought about her every day and I am praying every day for your strength in the Lord.

charmain wilson
Apr 27, 2016
charlotte, NC

Praying for the family strength during this time may God give them the courage to rejoice that she in God's hands!

Cindy Aranjo
Apr 26, 2016
Charollte , NC

Praying for the family strength during this time may God give them the courage to rejoice that she in God's hands!

Cindy Aranjo
Apr 26, 2016
Charollte , NC

I'm praying for your family for GOD to do a complete healing. My Mother was killed, so I know this type of pain. It will be difficult but please do NOT allow yourself to get caught up in the "WHY" it will destroy you, I know this first hand.

Pastor Rosalind Adger
Apr 27, 2016
Newark , DE

I am so sorry for this sweet inicent girlπŸ˜”πŸ˜° Amy u will be truely missed πŸ˜₯ Fly high baby girl πŸ˜°πŸ˜°πŸ˜‡

Dwight Williams
Apr 26, 2016
Laurel, DE USA

My heart is with you baby girl. There are no words. Im praying for your mom n dad.your a beautiful young lady that is gone way to soon. Love for your family. Rest ez baby

jean Thompson
Apr 26, 2016
newark, DE new castle

RIP Amy May God continue to bless your family. Some days will be harder than other just know that God is worthy at all times. Hold on to Gods unchanging hand.

Philisa Baxter
Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia , PA Penn

I have been deeply touch by this sad story. I send my deepest Sympathy to the Entire Family of this Beautiful Young Lady may her precious soul rest in the arms of Jesus!!! Praying Gods Grace for her Parents!!

Judith Ambrose
Apr 26, 2016
Saint Cloud, FL USA

First and foremost I want to say what a beautiful young lady she was !! I hope the family finds peace and may God be with you all ..

Amanda Smith
Apr 26, 2016
Dallas, TX United States

Though I have never met you or your daughter, Amy,please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry for your loss.

Robin Jones
Apr 27, 2016
Rising Sun, MD USA

I would like to express my deepest condolences and prayers to Amy's family and closest friends. I had Amy in my fifth grade class when she attended Castle Hills and she was a sweet, respectable and caring girl. Heaven has gained an angel too soon and I would just like to express my deepest sympathies to you all. God Bless Amy, her family and her friends. Rest in Peace Amy.

Angela Jackson
Apr 27, 2016
Bear, DE USA

My heart goes out to the parents of this beautiful young gone to soon.I have a daughter and I couldn't amazing something like this happend to her,not your child or anybody.I pray that God strengthen you in this time of prayer are with U always. We love you all around the country.

Barbara McCain
Apr 26, 2016
charlotte, NC usa

So sad Tht she had to go like tht wasn't ritee a beautiful angel arrived to heaven

davahne davis
Apr 26, 2016
wilmington, DE United states

Sending my prayers and condolences up for Amy and her family. The Lord has received another beautiful angel. It is sad to hear and read about this, I pray that you find comfort and healing in your time of sorrow and know that only The Lord knows best.

Heather Brady
Apr 26, 2016
Milford, DE United States

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:5-6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
I am praying for your family. As a mother, my heart aches and breaks for you. God is in full control and I pray now that you allow Him to be the comforter that we know He is. Sorry for your loss. Sleep in peace beautiful Amy.😘

Sabrina M.
Apr 27, 2016
Newark, DE

It is with deep sadness that Amy is no longer here. My prayers goes out to her family and friends.

Iris N Donati
Apr 27, 2016
New Castle, DE New Castle

Words can not express how this has touched home for me..... My daughter was in a fight at school in the bathroom that was taped.... Although it didn't end the same it brought up a lot of feelings of what if..... My condolences to your family from mines.

Angela Crawford
Apr 26, 2016
Coatesville, PA United States

Dear Amys' parents and family, I am praying for you all, my heart aches for you! I am so angry about what happened to your lovely daughter. God bless her. God bless you. Know that myself and my neighbors care about you. Love and prayers from myself and fellow citizens in Virginia Beach.

John Tell
Apr 27, 2016
Virginia Beach, VA USA

Dear Amys' parents and family, I am praying for you all, my heart aches for you! I am so angry about what happened to your lovely daughter. God bless her. God bless you. Know that myself and my neighbors care about you. Love and prayers from myself and fellow citizens in Virginia Beach.

John Tell
Apr 27, 2016
Virginia Beach, VA USA

Dear Amys' parents and family, I am praying for you all, my heart aches for you! I am so angry about what happened to your lovely daughter. God bless her. God bless you. Know that myself and my neighbors care about you. Love and prayers from myself and fellow citizens in Virginia Beach.

John Tell
Apr 27, 2016
Virginia Beach, VA USA

Dear Amys' parents and family, I am praying for you all, my heart aches for you! I am so angry about what happened to your lovely daughter. God bless her. God bless you. Know that myself and my neighbors care about you. Love and prayers from myself and fellow citizens in Virginia Beach.

John Tell
Apr 27, 2016
Virginia Beach, VA USA

RIP baby girl - God has gained another angel.
#HowardUnited #HowardDite #HowardAlumni #Classof09

Genesis Victoria
Apr 26, 2016
Bear , DE United States

My prayers are with you the family.

Annetta M. Logan
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE Usa

I'm so sorry for your loss, this is terrible my babygirl is about her age and she reminds me of my baby. If you need anything please email me. I didn't know her but I'm so sad for her and your family. Been following this storie since Thursday. I'm a mom and it really upsets me. This needs to stop. God bless you and your family😒😞

Sharon robinson
Apr 26, 2016
Murrieta, CA Us

Dear Amy,

You've touched many people hearts all over the world that you didn't even know. My heart definitely aches for your parents who must be having a difficult time this week but I pray for their mercy and strength. God will bring them better days and you will always be in their heart.

Natori Mitchell
Apr 26, 2016
Hampton, VA USA

My condolences to the family.

Apr 26, 2016
Greensboro , NC

Rest well Angel. My sincerest condolences to the Joyner family.

Olivia Brown
Apr 26, 2016

Though we did not know Amy personally, our hearts ache knowing that a young life with a beautiful future was taken too son.

Our deepest condolences, thoughts and prayers go up for Amy's family and friends.

Amy will never be forgotten!

Duane & Sharon Urban
Apr 27, 2016
Millsboro , DE USA

Prayers and thoughts go out to Amy's family and friends. Such a sweet girl. Rest in peace angel girl. You will never be forgotten.

Deborah Mundy
Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE United States

I'm so hurt of the passing of Amy Joyner, the way I feel you would think I knew her personally.I feel sad, and I wanna cry. I feel this way because I have daughters of my own. I can not fathom what her parents are going through. I know Amy is in a better place and I will not question God and what he does, because he knows best. God only takes the best, I ask that God will comfort her family in the time of grieving. Give them strength on Sunday and everyday after that. God bless the mother and father who has lost a child. Heal their hurting aching heart, and just hold them for a while. God give the family peace, whose child you called away, and give them joy in knowing, they will reunite someday. RIP AMY

Margaret Stevenson
Apr 26, 2016
Middletown , DE

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know what you are feeling.I know what you are going through.I'm sending my condolences to the family and again I'm sorry for your loss

Kateri Glover
Apr 27, 2016
Matwan, NJ

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know what you are feeling.I know what you are going through.I'm sending my condolences to the family and again I'm sorry for your loss

Kateri Glover
Apr 27, 2016
Matwan, NJ

I remember when Amy first seen my videos and said "Your funny, keep doing what your doing" And for I will never stop.

Zaire Hermon
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington , DE United States

I'm so sorry that you are gone. As a mother of a Howard School student we offer your family our condolences and pray for them. You look like a sweet girl and my son said he saw you and meet you and you was always nice to everyone. There are no words to describe what your family is going through but you are love by so many that never meet you. I never did but I will always remember you. RIP beautiful angel.... Amy God has you next to him now.

Vilma Lopez
Apr 26, 2016
New Catle, DE

RIP Baby Girl .. I'm praying for your family.

E Davis
Apr 26, 2016
Deptford , NJ

you never deserved this. r.i.p beauty.

Apr 26, 2016
Batesville, MS United States

I am so sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your family. May God continue to be with you and help through this very difficult time.

D. Thomas
Apr 26, 2016
Middletown, DE USA

To Amy's family: I ache for your loss. I was jumped once in junior high school (almost 20 years ago) and it has stuck with me forever. This tragedy has grabbed my soul and shaken me to my bones. No one will ever begin to understand your despair but please know there are so many people in the world who are thinking of you at this time. Please reach out to those around you who love you and can support you. The only thing that ever truly helps is love and I am sending so much of it from North Carolina.

Apr 26, 2016
Raleigh, NC United States

My heartfelt sympathies to your family. There is so much to say about the event that led up to your loss and none of it will matter. We are not supposed to outlive our children, no matter the reason for their departure. A child is gone and nothing we do or say can ever fix this tragedy. My heart aches for you and I pray that you will eventually have peace. May God bless you and keep you safe in his love.

Tammy Mitchell
Apr 27, 2016
Tampa, FL USA

Prayers, love and light I send to your family

Angela Johnson
Apr 26, 2016
Kennesaw, GA

Prayers of comfort are for your family I give my heartfelt condolences for your family at this time of need may the lord continue to hold you tightly while your going through this pain..

The Lucas family
Apr 26, 2016

My heartfelt condolences to you and your family. I can't imagine the pain and suffering you are experiencing during this difficult time. May GOD comfort you. Keeping you all in prayer. Keep holding on to GOD'S unchanging hand

Sharon Blalock
Apr 26, 2016
Middletown, DE

My heartfelt condolences to you and your family. I can't imagine the pain and suffering you are experiencing during this difficult time. May GOD comfort you. Keeping you all in prayer. Keep holding on to GOD'S unchanging hand

Sharon Blalock
Apr 26, 2016
Middletown, DE

My prayers and condolences are with Amy's family. Like so many others, I didn't know this beautiful young lady but my heart still breaks for her as if I did. I pray that her parents and siblings take comfort in GOD's loving arms. R.I.Heaven baby girl πŸ’”πŸ’”

Apr 26, 2016
New Castle, DE

I am so sorry for your loss, my heart is broken. As a Howard alumni I am deeply saddened by what happened, I continue to pray for Amy's family and friends. I hope that we as a community can come together to make positive changes concerning our youth.

Kitti Sage
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

To the family of Amy Joyner Francis you are truly in my preys I had lost a love one in a tragedy Amy mother I feeling your pain its been 16 years for my GOD be with youas go through this. You have my condolences.

Mary Joshua
Apr 27, 2016
Wilmington, DE

I didn't know ur daughter or the family I hope ur prayers are answered sorry for ur loss from wat I read she was smart outgoing and was a peace maker may she rest easy god bless

Apr 26, 2016
detroit, MI wayne

God rest this beautiful girls soul.i did not know her but I'm sure she was just as beautiful on the inside as out. This really touches my heart and I pray for her family.

Apr 27, 2016

I cannot fathom your loss my sincerest condolences to you and your family you are in my prayers

Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

I am so sorry for your loss. Praying for you and your family! God bless!

Shauna Allicock
Apr 27, 2016
Claymont , DE United State

I would like to send my condolences to the parents & family of Amy Joyner. I didn't know her personally but reading the stories on fb & in the news papers she was a great child and student. it's a shame that she had to leave this earth @ such a young age. may she R.I.P.

William Robinett
Apr 26, 2016

I never knew amy but I have read her story and I want to give my deepest condolences to her family and the upmost respect and I'm so sorry such a beautiful young lady had to lose her life to such ignorance but now she's a beautiful angel flying above

Amanda Mack
Apr 26, 2016
Old Bridge , NJ USA

Dear Amy, I believe the artist PRINCE once quoted in a song "death must be easy, because life is hard." I'm beginning to feel his sentiments. You're at a place where no one could ever hurt you again. The pain now is your family having to deal with the aftermath of brutal senseless actions from a group of your own peers. This will endure for a night for them...but joy shall come in the morning. Go in peace young one.

Theresa Montgomery
Apr 26, 2016
Riverside, CA USA

I didn't know your daughter, but wanted to express my condolences to your family. You're in my prayers.

Deb Jastrebski
Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE USA

I am so very sorry for your loss. I have a daughter who is exactly 1 week younger than Amy. I cannot fathom what you must be going through. I pray that you as a family receive justice for your beautiful daughter. May she rest in peace

Apr 27, 2016

I never knew Amy but her story touched me in EVERYWAY. As a mom I can't imagine losing a child especially over a senseless act. It hurts my heart to know that such a beautiful, intelligent, loved by many, full of life young lady was cheated out of her future. A parent should not have to bury there child point blank. There aren't words that can heal this pain there isn't a rewind button to change what has happened but know there is healing. Always remember one day you will meet again and through this tough time she will gradually help you get through the pain and the hope that there WILL BE justice for AMY. We will not let her be forgotten because ANY MATTERS!!!! God bless and may God guide you through this tough time

Jessica N
Apr 27, 2016
Boston, MA Usa

it sad what us teens go thru I hope you get your justice and for your family it sad what you lost you daughter too you will forever be in my heart R.I.P Amy!!

Jakyia Mitchell
Apr 27, 2016

it sad what us teens go thru I hope you get your justice and for your family it sad what you lost you daughter too you will forever be in my heart R.I.P Amy!!

Jakyia Mitchell
Apr 27, 2016

I sent prayer for the Family of this sweet girl. She now rest in peace. Mom I know your pain I know how you feel but trust in God he have a proposal in all. Only God can heal your heart, only he can help you to accept your loss.
God Bless you.

Maria Neal
Apr 27, 2016
Breaux Bridge, LA

Prayers for your family, when I look at the photos of Amy I see she was such a beautiful girl. Words can not express the sorrow that I felt when I heard the news, I know it's hard to imagine if any good come with such a great loss, just know that others care and are praying for you. May God give you comfort and strength to make it and peace in the midst of the storm. Sending you Love, joy, hope and peace.

Darlene Brown
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE

My prayers are with the family of this young lady.

Mannika Scurry
Apr 26, 2016
GA United States

Sorry for the loss of your beautiful loved one.May God be with your family during this difficult time

Chelsea Woodard
Apr 26, 2016
Cocoa, FL United States

Even thou I don't know u r every Seen u before u life was mattered lije all others n it was cut short by a senseless act. But rest easy baby girl u have earned ur wings to soon, but God as gained n angle. So look down on ur parents n keep them safe

Marie dear
Apr 27, 2016
Dover, DE Kent

I send my deepest sympathy and condolences to the family of this beautiful young lady. I did not know Amy personally but when I see her I see my 16 year old sister. I know I do not know how you feel but I am also hurt by the lost of another young person in the world. I hope that one day your family will be able to be at peace. God bless and sleep in peace sweet Angel.

Jade Wright
Apr 26, 2016
Camden, NJ United States

The Drake and Kennedy family would like to send our deepest condolences to the family of this beautiful young lady may God be with you always.

Lorraine Drake
Apr 26, 2016
Pennsauken, NJ

Dear Amy
I never met you but my heart felt the pain that you had to go through when I found out you past. I sometimes wonder why bad things happen to good people. I believe God needed you by his side in heaven so you would not have to suffer anymore pain here on earth. I believe you were a beautiful person on the inside and outside and you will be missed by many. I pray that no child should have to be bullied like that ever again. When I watched your father speak and he said you are the love of his life. No parent should have to worry about anything happening to their child while in school. May your soul rest in peace and the memories your friends, love ones had with you always bring joy to their heart.

Shantel Love
Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

Dear Amy
I never met you but my heart felt the pain that you had to go through when I found out you past. I sometimes wonder why bad things happen to good people. I believe God needed you by his side in heaven so you would not have to suffer anymore pain here on earth. I believe you were a beautiful person on the inside and outside and you will be missed by many. I pray that no child should have to be bullied like that ever again. When I watched your father speak and he said you are the love of his life. No parent should have to worry about anything happening to their child while in school. May your soul rest in peace and the memories your friends, love ones had with you always bring joy to their heart.

Shantel Love
Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

My heart hurts for you. I am so sorry for your loss. Please hold on the to Lord at this trying get time & always. May God bless you and keep you. Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal. Praying for you all.

Tameeka Parks
Apr 26, 2016
Hamden, CT

My heart hurts for you. I am so sorry for your loss. Please hold on the to Lord at this trying get time & always. May God bless you and keep you. Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal. Praying for you all.

Tameeka Parks
Apr 26, 2016
Hamden, CT

The news reached me via the news on tv Thursday morning and my heart was immediately broken. As the mother of a 16 year old also, I couldn't imagine. I did not know Amy, but she seemed like a very beautiful soul. My prayers have been with you from the start and continue to be with you. Please know that you are all thought of and may Amy rest in peace and may God give you peace and strength. God bless.

Shanetta Barrett
Apr 26, 2016
Raleigh, NC

Rest in peace Amy. I send my condolences to Amy's friends and family during this devastating time.

Apr 26, 2016

I send my deepest condolences to the family. Rest in peace beautiful Amy

Allyson walker
Apr 27, 2016
macon, GA

In your time of grief, I would like to send all family and friends my condolences. May God be with you as you go through.

Laquisha Kearney
Apr 26, 2016
Zebulon, NC

I did not know her but her story touched my heart and the heart of my 11 year old daughter i pray for thefamily in this time of need and i pray God cover them with the bloodto get them thru this i am so sorryπŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ™πŸ™

Apr 26, 2016
Burlington, NJ United States

So sorry for your loss. Praying for you all.

Frances Corley
Apr 26, 2016
Broadway, NC USA

So sorry for your loss. Praying for you all.

Frances Corley
Apr 26, 2016
Broadway, NC USA

My family sends our love and prayers.

Apr 27, 2016
Smyrna, DE

My Condolences on the loss of your beautiful daughter. Praying for justice and that she is resting in peace.

C. Russell
Apr 27, 2016
Washington, DC

Im so sorry for your lost of your baby girl

Terrance Turner
Apr 26, 2016
Claymont, DE Usa

We are so sorry for your family's loss. As a parent, I cannot imagine your sorrow. Y'all are in our thoughts.

Apr 27, 2016

My condolences go to the family of this young innocent girl.It may not have been in the best of way for her to leave this world but God has a better life for her and she was chosen early for a reason.She's safe and always will be present.Stay strong family and friends it's only for a moment .

Apr 26, 2016
Ayden, NC United States

Like many others who have shared their condolences, I too share mine. Although I did not know Amy or your family personally my heart aches and I mourn your loss. This tragedy has touched me in a way that I cannot comprehend. My prayers are with your family during this difficult time. The sight of Amy's smile brings comfort and she has truly touched the hearts of many...such an inspiration! She will forever live in my heart and she will be the force that guides me along my journey of promoting love and peace. Fly Free Beautiful Angel!

Shawnte Berry
Apr 26, 2016
Baltimore, MD

My condolences to you and your family i will continue to pray for the family R.I.P BEAUTIFUL

Shalee Patterson
Apr 26, 2016
Burlington , NJ Burlington

Sending my deepest condolences to the Joyner/Francis family. May God give you all the strength and the ability to pull through such heartbreaking tragedy. I will keep you all in my prayers. Rest in Heaven Amy

Londynn Owens
Apr 26, 2016
Los Angeles, CA United States

This is such a heartbreaking tragedy, so much violence over something so minor, I can't understand what you are all feeling or going through at this very sad time, my thoughts and best wishes are with you all and I hope you get the justice for your beautiful daughter. in paradise Amy xxx

Apr 27, 2016
- Other - United kingdom

I send my deepest condolences to the family and pray that you receive justice. No mother or father should have to burry their child πŸ˜’πŸ™πŸΎ

Danicqua Knight-Chapman
Apr 26, 2016
Burlington, NJ

Not too many words I can say or express cause I never went thru such tragic. But I do send much prayers out to the family. Rip baby girl.

Annette Batson
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE us

My deepest sympathies are extended to Amy's family. May you find peace in this dark hour and know that love never fails and now it's eternal.
Blessing and Peace

Trudy Hopkins
Apr 26, 2016
Gardena, CA USA

My prayers and support to your family. I embrace you in this time of sorrow.

Dee Brooks
Apr 26, 2016
Cleveland, OH United States

My condolences and prayers for Amy and her Family...
The Thomas Family

Ronniese Thomas
Apr 26, 2016

To the Famiily of Amy. Our prayers are with you during this very difficult time.

May God continue to comfort you during this time.🌹

Karen and Derrick Blackmon
Apr 26, 2016
Charlotte, NC USA

So sorry your baby has been a victim of such violence. Words cannot describe what you as parents are going through. Can only pray that you find comfort from friends and family.

Linda Hall
Apr 26, 2016
New York , NY USA

May God give u strength during this difficult time of losing such a beautiful daughter when her future had yet 2 begin...I send my love n prayers frm afar for God is all over..I sincerely love u...Be Blessed as u are 2 hve had 16 yrs with such a beautiful girl...I'll continue 2 keep your entire family in my daily prayers...Lynn Robinson

Apr 26, 2016
Little Rock, AR United States

im sorry for the tragic loss of your beautiful daughter.

Apr 26, 2016
des Moines , IA USA

Sending my condolences to the family...

Apr 26, 2016
Baton Rouge , LA

Amy may God use u as an angel.

Carol Lynn rosa
Apr 26, 2016
Bronx, NY Ny

I send my prayers and condolences to the family and I pray you guys gain some peace. GOD is good and he will always be with you guys through this tough time and I'm tremendously sorry for your tragic loss. GOD BLESS YOU

Dominique Ziglar
Apr 26, 2016
Bridgeton, NJ USA

I didnt know you babygirl but rest in peace and im praying for your family

Apr 26, 2016
euless, TX

We send our deepest condolences to Amy's family, praying God will comfort and keep you during this time. May Amy's memory usher in a legacy of peace and civility in our schools and towns! May we be consumed with the LOVE of God, and a everlasting awareness of how precious life is! RIP Baby Girl!

Shenelle Cooper
Apr 26, 2016
Lansdowne, PA USA

May God give u strength during this difficult time of losing such a beautiful daughter when her future had yet 2 begin...I send my love n prayers frm afar for God is all over..I sincerely love u...Be Blessed as u are 2 hve had 16 yrs with such a beautiful girl...I'll continue 2 keep your entire family in my daily prayers...Lynn Robinson

Apr 26, 2016
Little Rock, AR United States

So sorry for your loss! May God comfort you!

Kaye Sechrest
Apr 26, 2016
St. Clairsville, OH

God bless your family.

Connie Todd
Apr 26, 2016
Oxford , PA

May God extend His Grace and Mercy to your family during this devastating time. Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. God bless you all.

Gwen Varhalak
Apr 26, 2016
Mebane, NC

I am truly sorry for your loss,I pray that God's love for you grant you peace,comfort and strength.

Gwendolyn Bard
Apr 26, 2016
Sewell, NJ USA

As part of the Wilmington community, I am sending love and my sympathies to all of the family & friends of Amy. May God rest her precious soul in peace and give all of you strength during your time of sorrow. Amy and her loved ones will be in my prayers. God bless you.

Stephanie Baker
Apr 26, 2016
WILMINGTON, DE United States

God rest your soul.

Sharon Capel Dessisso
Apr 26, 2016
New York, NY USA

I'm so very sorry for your loss. When I saw the story on tv my heart broke for the family. I pray God's peace will comfort you.

Apr 26, 2016
Covington , DE USA

Truly saddened to hear of this and keeping the family in my prayers!

Catrina Lissade
Apr 26, 2016
Schaumburg, IL USA

Praying for your family and everyone who loves your daughter. May you find some measure of comfort and peace from your faith, family and friends.

Apr 26, 2016
Frankfort, KY United States

Sending my Condolences to Amy Family tho I didn't know her my sympathy has been with the family since this happen.I think of her everyday and it still hurts my heart til today!!!

Rhonda White
Apr 26, 2016
Elizabeth , NJ united states

I send you my condolences, She was a beautiful girl. May all the angels watch over her now.

Bene Torres
Apr 26, 2016
Caldwell, ID

May Jehovah's richly blessings be upon you always.

Annmarie Marriott
Apr 26, 2016
Newcastle, DE USA

I send my deepest sympathies and condolences to the family and friends of Amy. It hurt my heart when I read the story. I will keep you all in my prayers. May the loving, fun & beautiful memories of Amy give you all comfort. I will keep you in my prayers. Rest in peace now angel.

Natasha Cordero
Apr 26, 2016
Brooklyn, NY USA

My heart really goes out to the family of Amy this has touched and also broken my heart. May God give her family peace in there heart. My daughter attend the school and it was to close to home. May Amy rest in paradise 😒❀

Tracy G
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE

My heart felt condolences. May GOD give you strength during this difficult time.

Trena Hinton
Apr 26, 2016
Jersey City, NJ USA

To the family of this child of God: I am sorry for your loss. As a parent of 3, I can only imagine what you are going thru. May the Lord lift up your countenance as you rely on Him to get you thru. Justice will always be assured. My condolences. Linda

Linda Wright
Apr 26, 2016
Phoenix, AZ

My deepest condolences. May The Lord grant your family strength during these horrible moments. Prayers your way. Rest in Peace Amy.

Anita Watson
Apr 26, 2016
New Castle, DE United States

R.i.p baby girl my prayers are with your family and friends!

La' Teisa
Apr 26, 2016
Raleigh , NC USA

My condolences to you and your family at your time of loss. May God comfort you and give you peace. Be comforted in knowing that you do not grieve alone, we are all grieving with you. Although, I did not know your daughter, I have a daughter the same age and this loss has shook me to my core. May God give you peace and comfort in the days ahead. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers.

Apr 26, 2016
St. Georges, DE 19733

Rest easy sweetheart .sleep in peace love.

Lara clark
Apr 26, 2016
Brooklyn , NY Usa

My heart goes out to the family at this painful time. May the prayers and the God of all comfort help you to get through this terrible ordeal. The bible gives us a hope that we will see our dead loved ones again. Rev. 21:3,4

Apr 26, 2016

I'm sorry. I did not know your daughter. I'm just a Mom who cannot imagine the unimaginable that you are having to process. Many Moms, Dads, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Uncles and Cousins are crying and praying in compassion with you today and for the honor and remembrance of your daughter, God Bless You and Keep You in his love.

Apr 26, 2016
Smyrna, DE USA

Sending my deepest condolences to your family. May she Rest in peace she was too young to be taken so soon.

K Capion
Apr 26, 2016
Green Bay, WI USA

I am so very sorry for your loss. May God be with you during this time.Will continue to pray for you. Look to God for the strength to get through one day at a time.

Michelle Bates
Apr 26, 2016
Hattiesburg, MS USA

I am deeply saddened and sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter. I will keep your family in my prayers.

Apr 26, 2016
Winston Salem , NC

May Your Soul Rest In Paradise. You Were Such a Young Beautiful Girl Who Was Taken From This World Too Soon. My Sincere Condolences To Your Family. Fly High And Fly Free Sweet Angel You Have Your Angel Wings Now. May God Bless You.

Bonnie Hussey
Apr 26, 2016
Brooklyn , NY USA

As a friend you used to sit next to and talk to everyday babygirl we miss you down here. We will keep your name alive. Love you sweetheart.

Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington , DE


Justine Holley
Apr 26, 2016
Chester , PA

My deepest condolences and sent to your family. Such a beautiful angel taken to soon. Rest in paradise sweet amy

Nicki Fernandez
Apr 26, 2016
Buffalo, WY

My deepest condolences and sent to your family. Such a beautiful angel taken to soon. Rest in paradise sweet amy

Nicki Fernandez
Apr 26, 2016
Buffalo, WY

My Condolences on the loss of your beautiful,so sorry !

Loretta James
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington , DE

I did not know Amy but I want to send my prayers and condolences to her friends and family. She was a beautiful young girl and deserved much better in this life than what she got from these teens. I hope something good can come from this message to all kids in school. Bullying is never ok. She was a peacekeeper and I pray everyone involved will see justice.
Rest in Peace sweet one πŸ™

C Baker
Apr 26, 2016
Reno, NV Washoe

My sincerest condolences to all the family and friends who knew her. I pray God and His angels to surround you and comfort you in your grief in the loss of this beautiful girl.

Kathryn Hurd
Apr 26, 2016
Cleveland, OH United States

My prayers for you all. May God give you peace in your hearts and the strength to go on . Your angel will always shine down on tou

Apr 26, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA usa

Deepest Condolences and prayers for your family during your time of grief.

Sandra Waller
Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE USA

I'm so sorry for u're lost. She was a very beautiful girl. God bless u're family .... RIP AMY!!!!

Corrie Brown
Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia , PA United States

So sorry for your loss. Keeping your family in my prayers.

Kavita Cochran
Apr 26, 2016
Thomasville, GA USA

With deepest sympathy I send my condolences to the family of this beautiful young lady, Amy.

Tiwanna Palmer
Apr 26, 2016

Praying for you all. earth has no sorrow that heaven can't heal..we will understand it better by and by..praying that god keeps comforting you all like only he can

Yolanda Ewell
Apr 26, 2016
Bridgeport, CT United States

My family will continually pray for you. I am so so so so sorry.

Tomika Aiken
Apr 26, 2016
Wilm, DE

God bless you and thoughts and prayers at such a difficult time.

Apr 26, 2016
Esperance, NY

I don't have to no you to pray for you and your family and friends, but I do no my heart is heavy and my heart is weary due to just leaning to there own understanding. I forgive but its not easy to forget. God bless all. RIP Sweet 16..

Sandra Bethea
Apr 26, 2016
Trenton, NJ USA

Sending my Condolences,RIP Beautiful Amy

Robin Fickling
Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

I would like to send my condolences to the family of this beautiful young lady.

God please heal and bring peace during this very difficult time.

Abdia Elliott
Apr 26, 2016

In spite of your devestating loss,this is not a goodbye, but a thank you. Thank God for her coming into your life and giving you joy, thank God for loving her and receiving her in return. Thank God for the memories you will cherish forever. But most of all, thank God for showing you that there will come a time when you can eventually be at peace.

Apr 26, 2016
augusta, GA us

May your baby girls rest in peace !!!!

Apr 26, 2016
Amityville, NY Suffolk

You have my deepest condolences in your time of need. May God Bless you and your family and please know that she is in a better place- In Gods Arms...You will always be in my prayers. She is shining a light on you for she is at Peace...

Lisa Brewer
Apr 26, 2016
Amityville, NY


Mary koslowskiR
Apr 26, 2016
Johnston, RI United States

To the family of Amy Joyner May God give you the strength you need during your time of bereavement. Matthew 5:4 says, "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted"
Look to God an he will sustain you.

Melissa Brown
Apr 26, 2016
Saginaw, MI United States

Although we have never met, please accept my sincere condolences over this beautiful child's passing. I can understand your pain as I lost my son in a house fire. My thoughts & prayers are with all of you. You now have a very special angel watching over you. God bless and give you strength.

Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE

I didn't know your daughter personally, however I wanted to extend my deepest and sincerest condolences to you and your family. I uplift your family in prayer now while the spot light is there, but most importantly when it goes away. I pray that your family stand strong during this tough time.

~Norris Family

Karen Norris
Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

I am so very sorry for your loss. Although I did not know Amy, or her family, as a mother I feel, as does the nation, the tragedy of this loss. May God bless you at this very difficult time. There are no words, but so many are sending love and prayers.

Darlene Ulmer
Apr 26, 2016

May God bless the family at this time of bereavement. So sorry for your loss. Sleep In Paradise baby girl

Melanie Gray
Apr 26, 2016
Raeford , NC

I offer my prayers and condolences. May God comfort and bless your family.

Apr 26, 2016
Winston Salem state, NC

I didn't know your daughter but my daughter attended Howard and from the moment I learned of this tradgey my heart hasn't stopped aching. I can't imagine what the family is going thru. I pray that justice for Amy is served. My condolences go out to the family and friends. R.I.p Amy.

Lea odom
Apr 26, 2016
Harrington, DE

I didn't know your daughter but my daughter attended Howard and from the moment I learned of this tradgey my heart hasn't stopped aching. I can't imagine what the family is going thru. I pray that justice for Amy is served. My condolences go out to the family and friends. R.I.p Amy.

Lea odom
Apr 26, 2016
Harrington, DE

My sincerest condolences to the family of this young woman.

May her soul rest in eternal peace.

Apr 26, 2016
Secaucus, NJ USA

Didn't know Amy personally just want give the family my condolences

Sharon Gaskun
Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE USA

So sorry that this senseless crime had to happen to you. Such a beautiful young lady! Remember GOD TAKES THE BEST! Family my condolences so sorry for your loss my prayers are with you. REST EASY BABYGIRL!!!

Rhonda Banks
Apr 26, 2016
Salisbury, MD United States

We are sending our condenlences to the family I'm deeply saddened by what happened to your daughter. Everybody should stand up against Bullying. Keep her memories alive.

Christina Gregory
Apr 26, 2016
Raleigh, NC usa

So sorry that this senseless crime had to happen to you. Such a beautiful young lady! Remember GOD TAKES THE BEST! Family my condolences so sorry for your loss my prayers are with you. REST EASY BABYGIRL!!!

Rhonda Banks
Apr 26, 2016
Salisbury, MD United States

I don't know this young lady personally but the news of her passing touched me. I pray for the family and offer my condolences. May the memories of your loved one comfort you in the days ahead.

Shaniqua Saxon
Apr 26, 2016
Bronx, NY United States

May you rest in peace beautiful. I hope your family can get through pain and suffering of your tragic death. I also hope justice is brought to your family.

DaShay Newcomb
Apr 26, 2016

Although I did not know your beautiful daughter, my heart aches for your loss. The entire family is in my prayers and may GOD give you all strength to get through this extremely tough time.

D. Cooper
Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE USA

Our prayers are with you and your family at this time

Mrs.Salena Plez
Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia , PA United States

I want to send my sincere condolences to your family. Although I did not know your precious beautiful daughter, the story of her passing touched my heart and I mourn for your loss. My prayers go out to your family.
"Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy" Psalm 126:5

Jahmela Williams
Apr 26, 2016
Huntsville, AL USA

You all do not know me or my family but you are all in Our thoughts and prayers! RIP sweet girl!

Christi Jo Veglia
Apr 26, 2016
Wellsville , OH United States

God opened his arms and received an Angel before her appointed time.
Prayers of healing to the family and friends.

Apr 26, 2016

I am so sorry for your loss I am the same age as Amy and I am sadden to hear her passing I will keep your family in my prayers

Apr 26, 2016
Memphis , TN

Peace be upon the Legacy and Memories of Little Amy Inita Joyner-Francis. May our Lord, who sits on the right hand of our Father, openly embrace and welcome her into Their Kingdom: World-without-End. May our Lord give the Joyner-Francis family His Peace...

John A. McCauley, Jr.
Apr 26, 2016
Washington, DC USA

I am so sorry for your loss.

Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

May this beautiful angel rest in heavenly peace.

Latoya jones
Apr 26, 2016
Richmond, VA Usa


james c. pierce
Apr 26, 2016
ocean city maryland, MD worcester

I'm so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.

Christina Domnanovich
Apr 26, 2016
Hobart, IN United States

My condolences to the Joyner-Francis Family... Keeping the family in my prayers. God has wrapped his arms around her and given Amy her wings...

Henrietta Gilliam
Apr 26, 2016
GLASSBORO, NJ United States

My prayers go to you I don't know her but it hurts my heart for your lost may god give you comfort so sorry no mother should have to feel sad may god continue to bless your family amen en

Roselle Laws
Apr 26, 2016
Salem, NJ

My prayers are with the family. I am a retired Philadelphia teacher and I know this must be your worst night mare. God now has another angel.

Marilyn Clark
Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA USA

My prayers are with the family of this sweet young princess who life has been taken way to earlier. I pray for your peace and understanding during this time of sorrow. Continue to cherish all the wonderful memories you all shared with Amy and she will forever be part of your life.
God Bless.

Tiffany C. Lewis
Apr 26, 2016
New Castle, DE

Sorry for ur loss hope get a hard punishment

leslie tate
Apr 26, 2016
camden, NJ

I would like to send my condolences to the family of this young lady. May God comfort you and continue to watch over your family in your time of need. God bless you.

Michelle Barr
Apr 26, 2016
Trenton , NJ

My condolences to u n ur family. Hope u find justice n this matter. She seemed like a respectable young lady. My son is an alumni of HHSVT. God Bless.....#ripAmy

Latosha Tillman
Apr 26, 2016

No Amount Of Words Can Amount To How Much People Who Knew You Will Miss You And Loved You Tremendously. You Are In The Heavens Now Because God Saw You Too Good To Be On Earth! May You Rest Eternally Angel! ❀️

Chardae Pettiford
Apr 26, 2016
Bronx, NY USA

I am so sorry for your loss. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Kimberly Toole
Apr 26, 2016
lilburn, GA usa

Those we hold closest to our hearts never truly leave us. They live on in the kindness they have shared and the love they bought into our lives. My deepest condolences to the Joyner-Francis family. May God continue to watch over each and every one of you. #RIPAmy

Contessa Walker
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

My prayers to the family may God bless you and keep u. She is an lovely angel now stay strong .

Kim leake
Apr 26, 2016
Dumfries, VA prince William co.

Words cannot express how saddened I am of the loss of this beautiful young lady. My heart goes out to the family and friends who loved her so much. May God keep you during this time and may he give you strength. God bless you!

Nikee Warren
Apr 26, 2016

May God embrace you during this time. I did not know Amy personally but I felt that what happened to her could have happened to my daughters who were both bullied in school. She was an amazing young lady. Prayers Up and much love from my daughters and me.

Apr 26, 2016
Cornwall, NY USA

R.I.p angel my prayers are with the hole family I am so sorry for your lost my condolences goes out to u all prayers sent real high πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Apr 26, 2016
Rochester , NY Monroe county

So sorry for your loss. May God give you strength and peace to bear your pain. Praying for the family.

Patricia Hall
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

Rip beautiful Angel, My condolences to the Family, May Jesus bless you with peace and love , Amy you will never be forgotten, Jesus has you in his arms now..... Amen

Lorie H
Apr 26, 2016

My heart aches for you. I know there are not enough words to comfort you at this time. Just know that you do not grieve alone. Mothers everywhere are grieving with you. My prayers and condolences for and to your family.

Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE

Rest in peace Princess Amy!!! God bless your family in this difficult time. The whole world is praying!!!

Shoron Nichols
Apr 26, 2016

May God wrap his loving arms around the Joyner-Francis family

Apr 26, 2016

You are in my thoughts and prayers daily. I wish there was something else that I could do or say during this time. May God's grace, mercy and Holy Spirit comfort your family perpetually.

Sharesa R Wilkins
Apr 26, 2016
Raleigh, NC USA

Sincerest condolences to you family during this difficult time. God Bless

Apr 26, 2016
Newark , DE USA

I'm so sorry for the lost of Amy. She was a beautiful girl who seems to have also had a beautiful spirit. Your family is definitely in my prayers.#RIP AMY❀

Yolanda Coleman
Apr 26, 2016
Petersburg, VA United States

May God wrap his loving arms around the Joyner-Francis family during this most painful time. ❀️

Tammy Korosec
Apr 26, 2016
Frederica, DE USA

My sincere condolences to the family of this lovely flower that was plucked too soon from her earthly home. I will pray for your continued strength and peace as you grapple with this tragic loss of your loved one.

Carmen Martin
Apr 26, 2016
Yeadon, PA USA

My condolences & sympathy goes out to you guy's on behalf of this difficult time. And although I don't know your family, this has saddened alot of people. There are no words that can express my sorrow...continually in my prayers.

Melanie C
Apr 26, 2016

Rest In Peace.

Jazzmine Whitsett
Apr 26, 2016
Tuscaloosa, AL

So sorry for your lost. She was a very beautiful girl 😞 rip pretty girl πŸ™ŒπŸ‘Ό

Apr 26, 2016
jacksonville, FL united states

My heart goes out to the family. I don't know her, but she seems like a pretty descent young lady and was raised in a good environment. I have a daughter and I have family member act like they are jealous of her and I have to pray for her safety. God will wrap his arm around you and your family. Praying for you and your family.

Sharon Bell
Apr 26, 2016

My condolences go out to Amy's family May God bless you and continue to be with you.

Laura Truesdale
Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

My condolences go out to Amy's family May God bless you and continue to be with you.

Laura Truesdale
Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

My condolences go out to Amy's family May God bless you and continue to be with you.

Laura Truesdale
Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

My condolences go out to Amy's family May God bless you and continue to be with you.

Laura Truesdale
Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

My condolences go out to Amy's family May God bless you and continue to be with you.

Laura Truesdale
Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

May you find peace and joy with each butterfly that passes by, knowing that your baby girl lives on in the hearts of all she touched. Only a moment she stayed, but what an imprint her footprints have left in your hearts. Although it's difficult today to see beyond the sorrow, may looking back in memory help comfort you tomorrow. May baby Amy R.I.P. All my prayers to your family and friends.

Loida Duran
Apr 26, 2016

I'm sorry for your lost and even though I didn't personally know your daughter, I knew of her. She is a very beautiful and bright young girl, whose dreams can never be fulfilled. Please stay strong for her and continue to fight for her justice. I've signed a petition to help put the ones in charge of her death in jail, as well as the girl who filmed it. #RIPAmy #FlyHigh

Jean Haughton
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE

Rest in paradise beautiful child of god

Apr 26, 2016
Charlotte , NC Usa

At god be with you in this time she's not gone she will always be in your heart don't share any tears she's in a better place now be blessed

Modesty White
Apr 26, 2016

Sending Condolences Out The Family πŸ™πŸ‘Ό Sorry For Your Lost πŸ˜’πŸ’”

Jasmine Skinner
Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE

Sincere heartfelt condolences to the family and friends this beautiful young lady left behind. May God bless you all with peace for your heavy hearts, and may you feel the warmth of Gods love during this time and ALWAYS. GOD BLESS!

Apr 26, 2016
Dover, DE Kent

Although it is difficult today
So see beyond the sorrow
May looking back in memory
Help comfort you tomorrow

πŸ’My Deepest and Heartfelt CondolencesπŸ’

Erin Murphy
Apr 26, 2016
Salem, NJ Usa

To the family of Precious Amy. Words just cannot express what happen to this beautiful angel. It breaks my heart and has shaken me to my core. She has been on my mind everyday since this tragedy. All I can do is call on the name of the Lord to help us, in Him we can find peace even when it makes no sense to us. You do not know me but just know that my heart grieves with you. I pray that over time and through our precious Lord Jesus Christ that you will find peace again. I didn't know Amy but I know that she was a "special" child, that's why this tragedy has touched people all over the world. There will always be a place in my heart for her. And I will continue to lift up a prayer of comfort for her family. Rest in the fact that Amy is with God now, and sometimes the upright are taken early to keep them from the evils that lie ahead. (Isa 57:1) God Bless you and keep you always.

Ebony Smith - Alexander
Apr 26, 2016
Bear, DE USA

I only knew Amy for a little while , but for the time I was able to spend with her she was an Amazing friend . Amy always had the sweetest things to say , if you ever needed anything or any advice you could always go to her . every day I miss her more and more & knowing she's not here to lighten up my day hurts . but she's flying high in heaven . I love you babygirl , I'll see you soon .

Juliette Snyder
Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE USA

I want to send my sincerest sympathies to Amy's family. I could not imagine what you are going through. I did not know Amy nor any of her family or friends, however my whole heart is hurting for this precious young lady and her family. No parents should ever have to go through the death of their young child. I know Amy will be looking over all of you from Heaven. May she RIP.

Apr 26, 2016
Dover, DE Usa

I am so sorry for your loss.

Kara Schilling
Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE United States

May you rest in peace. Only the great and beautiful die young. I'm praying for you and your family. God bless.

Kaite Lloyd
Apr 26, 2016
Townsend, DE USA

You have earned your wings,Beautiful soul may you rest in peace

Apr 26, 2016
Rochester, NY United States

My heart and prayers sincerely go out to this family. I can tell just by looking at the pictures of Amy that she had a very peaceful,beautiful and calm spirit. May the Lord be with you all during this time of grief. I'm sending prayers for your family everyday. May her beautiful spirit be at peace.

courtney Dukes
Apr 26, 2016
Tampa, FL

I didnt know Amy Joyner. But I am a mother of 2 daughters this story hit me so hard to Amy family sorry for your lost may God be with u today and forever so sorry what happen to Amy she needs justice .i sit home tears coming out my years wondering how this happen how nodody got in but they took video we need to make a law for Amy about people who record and but it on media for a law of 5 yrs we need to take are street back and are youth we need change RIP ANGEL AMY πŸ˜˜πŸ˜πŸ’”πŸ™

Evelyn gonzalez
Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA Pennsylvania

Rest easy mi , you will be missed πŸ’‹

Apr 26, 2016
Eunice , LA United States

Rest In Peace Amy!! You were a beautiful young lady!

Apr 26, 2016
Pennsgrove, NJ

My condolences & sympathy goes out to you guy's on behalf of this difficult time ...I don't know your family , but this has saddened alot of people & families and I'm one of them! !! May your BEAUTIFUL BABY GIRL,S.I.P.!!!!

Sakinah Smith - Evans
Apr 26, 2016
Paterson, NJ

May you all find peace in knowing that your beautiful Amy is in the presence of the Heavenly Father.
God bless you all.
Thank Cox Family

Liz Cox
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States


karen scott
Apr 26, 2016
chester, PA United States

I dont knew the family but as a mother of three daughters my heart ache for the parents of AMY no parent should have to go through this.I will keep you in my thoughts and prayer. RIP AMY

Apr 26, 2016
Elkton, MD

My sincere condolence may God bless your family she was a beautiful young lady that went too soon just know she's in heaven without a care in the world she's walking the Golden Street and Heaven has open up the pearl doors God bless

Sandra Pullett
Apr 26, 2016
Phila, PA

I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you find peace in this sad tragedy. Rest in Paradise Amy. Fly high and watch over your family. They need you babygirl. Such a beautiful life taken from the world.

Lisa DuBois
Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE

May this beautiful angel R.I.P !! My deepest condolences to her family n friends!

Marisel Salome
Apr 26, 2016
Lancaster , PA Lancaster

I'm so sorry for your loss and I'm going to keep your family in my prayers

Shacondra Billups
Apr 26, 2016
Northport, AL

your family will be in my prayers.

Apr 26, 2016
Rock Hill, SC

My deepest condolences to the family of Amy.May God strength you in a time such as this in this sad difficult moment.Praying for you and with you
R.I.P Baby girl you have gained your wings...sleep easy!

Trey Cale
Apr 26, 2016
Middletown, DE

To the family of Amy, I was so saddened when I heard about this terrible tragedy. I will your family in my prayers and pray that justice is served for Amy.

Luecreasey Heath
Apr 26, 2016
Rock Hill, SC York

May God give you the strength to endure. I used to go to that school. My prayers are with you and your family. Hopefully this will help change one child's mind. My condolences to you all. God bless.

Faith Bonner
Apr 26, 2016
Amsterdam, NY United States

May God keep your family close to Him during this incomprehensible time. Cherish the memories of your beautiful young lady. Know that there are thousands of people praying for you and your family. Also know that Amy is safely in Heaven. God bless you all.

Amy Sidlowski
Apr 26, 2016
Garnet Valley , PA USA

May this beautiful young lady rest in peace.... Amy we love you and you will never be forgotten. Nothing I can say will make this any easier for everyone involved especially her family, but lets make this the next major movement for change in Amys name. God bless and know she is now an angel above us. I did not know her personally but I will fight4amy to make a change. Tears. Amen.

Kelly Smith
Apr 26, 2016

Im sorry for your lost nobody should never go threw losing there kid at a young age over stupidity prayers go out to ur family and may Amy rest easy

nyasia ratliff
Apr 26, 2016
Lakewood nj, NJ Monmouth

Sending our heartfelt condolences to the family. Rest In Heaven AmyπŸ’πŸŒ·

Miller Family
Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE United States

Praying for your family in this time of bereavement. Sorry that your star was taken from you at such a tender age but always remember that as you look up into the sky at night she will always be there smiling down at you.
Blessings of peace and comfort in the days to come Urban Image Magazine Family

Denetra K Key
Apr 26, 2016
Marion, IN United States

Rip beautiful I didnt know you its sad that this happen may god give your family the strength to carin on

Darlene thomas
Apr 26, 2016
DE Felton


Sareatha majors
Apr 26, 2016
Dover, DE America

May god bless you all.

Debi /Kristine Callahan
Apr 26, 2016
New Castle, DE

I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter. I did not know Amy but this truly saddened my family and I. Please know that you are in our constant thoughts and prayers. May God comfort you in your time of need.

Cherese Taylor
Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE New Castle

I'm so sorry for the loss of your daughter. The family is in my thoughts & prayers.

Sharon Watts
Apr 26, 2016
Delaware City, DE USA

I'm so sorry for the loss of your daughter. You & your family are in my thoughts & prayers.

Sharon Watts
Apr 26, 2016
Delaware City, DE USA

My heartfelt sympathy to the family of this sweet young lady. You are in my prayers. Praying for your comfort in the difficult time. Sending lots of love your way.

Carla Armstrong
Apr 26, 2016
Orlando, FL Orange

Amy, I have never met you, but I pray for your family and think of you every day. it breaks my heart that this happened. Rest in peace little angel.
Mother of a 16 year old girl.

Apr 26, 2016

I know there are no words to comfort you all at this time. Do know this, our family will be praying for you all. My daughter is 5 and heard what had happened to Amy. A lot of questions were asked. We used this as hard lesson to reiterate how important it is to keep our hands to ourselves and if you see something happening get an adult immediately. You are to always help one another. Amy is a beautiful girl. I say "is" because she always will be.

Sending you warm hugs and prayers to remember all of the wonderful times you all were able to spend together.

-The Purcells

Danielle Purcell
Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE USA

I am so sorry for your loss. May God bless you and your family.

The Manlove Family.

Tunisia Fletcher
Apr 26, 2016
Magnolia, DE Kent

Your family has endured something no one should have to go through. My thoughts are with you as you prepare to move forward and honor your daughter's beautiful soul. May you feel the love of the world envelope you. Bless you all.

Nikale Pierce
Apr 26, 2016
San Diego, CA USA

My heartfelt Sympathy to your family on this horrific loss of your beloved daughter, Amy...No words can express the sorrow my heart is feeling in relation to this matter in which you have been forced to deal with...It is so unfortunate that today, even girls are so violent and we are losing an alarming number of Youth to these senseless acts...Hopefully the wonderful memories you've been fortunate to have collected over her brief life span will bring a smile to your face eventually...Our Ministry along with countless others will continue to LIFT YOU UP in prayer during this test of your faith! May the message of our Lord and Savior that he will never leave or forsake you be forever in your heart and home...Continue to ask the Savior to help you, comfort strengthen and keep you, he is willing to aid you and he will see you through! With Heartfelt Sympathy and LOVE! The Chaplain's Corner Ministry

Chaplain Shipman
Apr 26, 2016
New Castle, DE USA

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. Proverbs 5

Nathaniel and Marchella Wilkes
Apr 26, 2016

I am so sorry for the loss of this wonderful human being, your daughter, Amy. May God be with you at this time of grief...

Maggy Lewis
Apr 26, 2016
Clinton, MD United States

I am so sorry for the loss of this wonderful human being, your daughter, Amy. May God be with you at this time of grief...

Maggy Lewis
Apr 26, 2016
Clinton, MD United States

Our hearts go out to the family. May god heal your hearts at this time . No one can imagine your pain. Praying for peace and justice . Many thoughts and prayers from Michael and Tyshall Selby.

Tyshall Selby
Apr 26, 2016
Middletown , DE USA

Prayers and thoughts to you. May God console during this difficult period. HE is still able.

Tyrone Bowers
Apr 26, 2016
Pass Christian, MS United States

From my family to your family,
May God keep you all safe and blessed during this difficult time. Although I never met you or Amy, her story has touched me. God will get you through this tough time.
R.I.P. Amy Inita Joyner-Francis.
Jessica James, Albion, New York

Jessica James
Apr 26, 2016
Albion, NY United States

My prayers goes out to the Joyner-Francis family, But GOD has her now as one of his ANGELES My Condolences goes out to the FAMILY .....

Cynthia Booker
Apr 26, 2016
Middletown, DE USA

As a mother my heart pours out to the family and friends. Praying justice be served and that God gives you strength to endure..

Christina Rickards
Apr 26, 2016
Delmar, MD United States

My heart is broken.. Everyday it rains. And I miss you so so so much. But to her family, I'm praying for you. And everyone is here for you. And you raised a beautiful smart princess, you really did. But heaven gained an angel. ❀️ Rest Up Boop❀️❀️

Angie Ortiz
Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE United States

So sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and your family. Rest in peace baby girl.

carrie huff
Apr 26, 2016
aberdeen, MD United States

May the word of God bring you peace and comfort you as grieve. My Amy's life fuel the fire in you to demand safety in our schools for our children. And may your hearts find forgiveness for the people who committed this awful act of violence. Much love and many blessings! .

Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia , PA USA

As a parent my heart hurts for you...I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet princess Amy. May God continue to comfort you at this time

stevette lee
Apr 26, 2016
broken arrow, OK

The pain is indescribable and I know nothing can make you feel at peace again but I know Amy would want you to be happy and know that she is safe now in Gods arms. Bless your family - this story has shaken my life but not nearly as much as it has yours. I am deeply sorry for the pain you are going through. Amy you are beautiful and deserved a full life - I am sorry someone decided to take it upon themselves to ruin that for you and everyone else. We will have justice for you. Rip baby girl <3

Crystal Farrow
Apr 26, 2016
New Castle, DE United States

praying for your family in this time of sorrow know that God is also with you

Adrienne Mckay
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington , DE

As a retired teacher, I've cried along with you and your family and I don't even know this beautiful young lady. I can't figure out what it will take for us to do something as simple as "LOVE ONE ANOTHER"....I know that you will look to the hills for all answers. May God be with you every minute At least Amy will not have to deal with the hatred that is down here. She is in a place of eternal love. God be with you and I love you!

Cynthia Casteel
Apr 26, 2016
Pooler, GA United States

I don't know you or Amy but I have prayed for you every day. May the grace of God keep you and protect you all for the balance of your days. God does all things well even when we don't understand. I love you all with the love of Christ

Stacey Hollis
Apr 26, 2016
Townsend , DE USA

So sorry, that this happened to u... RIP.

Christina Atteridge
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

I am terribly sorry for your loss. I have a daughter and I can't imagine how you must feel right now. There are no words that will help you overcome the feelings you have right now. May she rest in peace and I hope someday you can move on and live life for the both of you now. She is upstairs with God now watching over you in peace away from the violence. My prayers go out to you and your family.

Apr 26, 2016
Elkton, MD United States

My sincere condolences are with you all. I can't even image the pain that you all are feeling at this time. I pray that God gives you all the strength needed to get through this difficult time. and I pray for peace and comfort as well. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Bennetta Hughes
Apr 26, 2016
Plano, TX USA

I am deeply saddened by the loss that you and your family have encountered.My heart goes out to you during this trying and difficult time.May my prayers serve as comfort to you and your love ones.God's blessings to you all.

Loxie D Bradley Jr
Apr 26, 2016
Las Vegas, NV USA

My prayers are with your family during this diffucult time. Rest in paradise Amy

Jennifer cox
Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE Usa

God rest baby girl. I have been keeping your family lifted up in prayer since the news story was released and I will continue too. The community's heart breaks for you. Praying for peace, Isaiah 26:3 to the Joyner-Francis family <3

Chanell Rome

Chanell Rome
Apr 26, 2016
Bear, DE

God Bless the family...

Thelma Parker
Apr 26, 2016
Dover, DE

May you and your family be in my prayers. Continue to smile from above for you are no longer in pain. May you rest in heavenly peace.

Howard-Gordon Family
Apr 26, 2016
New Orleans , LA

Sending my condolences to the family. Now God has a beautiful angel by his side. RIP Amy...gone way to soon but you will never be forgotten. πŸ™πŸ’—πŸ™πŸ’—πŸ™

Nada Burton
Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE USA

My heart goes out to the family of this beautiful young lady. May she. Continuously rest in the arms of god. Do not fret for Amy would want you to smile for she is in a better place. Afterwhile it will all be over, for if you watch closely she is shining bright in her new wings for after while youll sing hallelujah, after while after while. Sending love from philly. Praying for strength through this time.

Paige Tucker
Apr 26, 2016

To the family of Amy, My heart is truly saddened and I pray God brings you comfort in this time.

Natasha Wells
Apr 26, 2016

Sorry for you lost the family have my prayers. The man upstairs have gained another Angel.

Apr 26, 2016
Newark, NJ

I am so sorry this happened to you. You're in my thoughts. Rest up Baby Girl...

Lynette Williams
Apr 26, 2016
cleveland, OH United States

Prayers for you and your family. May God's peace be with you.

Trinese Newton
Apr 26, 2016
Fontana, CA USA

No words can say how I feel for your pain,but i do no for sure shes in Gods arms ..she is your angel now..God Bless the family...

Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE USA

My heart goes out to you in this time of sorrow. Please know the the entire country is praying for you. May God bless and keep you in perfect peace.

Audrey McCarthy
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington , DE USA

I just want to express my sincere condolences to the family of Amy. I pray that God be your strength in your time of bereavement. Although I didn't know Amy personally she has touched me as well as so many others. Rest In Peace Amy!

Prince Brown
Apr 26, 2016
Atlanta, GA USA

Although I did not know you, I know that you were and will always be a beautiful, bright ray of light. May you find eternal peace in the presence of the Lord.

Kirsten Hill
Apr 26, 2016

I'm sorry for y'all lost May god be with u and your family at all timesπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA Pennsylvania

I will definitely be keeping this family in prayer at this time and after...God will see you through this difficult time!!!You have my deepest condolences!!!GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!

Ghenya Jordan
Apr 26, 2016
Salem, NJ Salem

Condolences to the family. I pray that God wraps his loving arms around you and gives you peace.

Susan dale
Apr 26, 2016
Dallas, TX Dallas

Condolences to the family. I pray that God wraps his loving arms around you and gives you peace.

Susan dale
Apr 26, 2016
Dallas, TX Dallas

I am deeply saddened by your loss and for the students who played a part in this tragedy. May God strengthen you in your time of need, and I lift those young people up in prayer;for they know not what they do. May God have mercy.
Elaine Taylor

Elaine Taylor
Apr 26, 2016

Rest in peace AmyπŸ™πŸΎ. My prayers are with your family!

Melanie Clayton
Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

I pray for peace and comfort for your family God Bless

Diane Cannon
Apr 26, 2016
Ellenwood, GA

Sending prayers of love and comfort in this to your family

Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE United states

My heart is so heavy. My prayers and condolences go out to Amy's family and friends. I didn't know Amy but I pray that through this tragedy things may change. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Chenoa Manley
Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

We're so sorry for your loss.
Your family will ALWAYS be in our THOUGHTS and PRAYERS.

LaDwan & Harry Jones
Apr 26, 2016
Canton, MI

Our prayers go up for the family and we hope that your faith in God will keep you. Even though we did not know the family personally this incident has impacted our family lives Amy will never be forgotten. It's just not fair when we lose our precious babies!

Many Blessing,
Kim & Luis deJesus

Kim deJesus
Apr 26, 2016
Bear, DE USA

Sending my condolences to you and your family. Praying that God gives you the strength to make it these tough times ahead. I will continue to pray for you and your family.

Janisha Palmer
Apr 26, 2016
Salem, NJ

I didn't personally know the family but however I feel your pain with you. When we lose our children to senseless crime it is so heartbreaking for us all. I didn't know your daughter but my heart is so sad right now. What a beautiful young lady to be taken so soon over nonsense. It angers me and my family so much. My prayers are with all of you especially the parents and siblings of this young lady. If there is anything me or my family can do please don't hesitate to contact us. 302-463-2197. My heart is truly heavy right now. I send out a pouring of love to the family. Keep God first in your life and he will see you through this. God bless you all.

Sylvia Hicks
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington , DE USA

To the family of Amy I have not lost a child and i never knew her hold on to Gods unchanging hands he will have his arms around you to get you throw this painful time. I will continue to keep your family in prayer

Apr 26, 2016
Edison, NJ United states

I am so sorry for your loss...May God comfort you and keep you during this difficult time.

Apr 26, 2016
Middletown, DE United States

We here in Berwick, PA are sending our sympathies for this tragic loss of a beautiful soul. I hope you are able to find comfort in loved ones during this time. God Bless all of you. Justice will be served!!!

Brandy j Harvey
Apr 26, 2016
berwick, PA USA

This is too sad. Im so sorry for your loss.

amie varley
Apr 26, 2016
Brampton, - Other - Canada

This is too sad. Im so sorry for your loss.

amie varley
Apr 26, 2016
Brampton, - Other - Canada

Those we love don't go away. They walk beside us everyday. God bless this family. Rest in Heaven beautiful one.

Apr 26, 2016
Aiken , SC

Wishing you peace to bring comfort, courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your heart.

Michelle Ringgold
Apr 26, 2016
Chestertown, MD USA

Your family is in my thought & prayers at this time! I cannot even imagine what you are all going through! I am upset and angry that this happened. It shouldn't happen in the USA. Never!

Mark Scribner
Apr 26, 2016
Cedar Rapids, IA United States

Sorry for the loss of Amy Inita Joyner-Francis may she R.I.P. she was a beautiful young girl. My prayers are with the rest of the family. May justice be served in this matter.

Apr 26, 2016
Lafayette, IN USA

I'm so sorry for your loss. I really didn't know Amy personally but through some friends I did. I used to live in Newark Delaware a couple years ago. It hurts alot to know that someone like her is gone. She's in a better place now. She seemed like a wonderful girl. Always happy. Don't know why God decided to take her so soon not letting her finish her journey unless her mission had already been done in this world. She will be loved for ever and she will maintain for ever in our hearts as well. Once again I'm sorry for your loss hope all can get through it easily. Justice will be made for princess Amy!! RI Amy!#!

Eliza Rivera
Apr 26, 2016
Reading , PA United States

I am soooo sorry for your lost may you and your family stay in my prayers... Lord I come before you asking you to be hold of this family and help them get through this hard time my condolences to you all.. love Grimes Family

Andrea Grimes
Apr 26, 2016
North Little Rock, AR

My condolences to the family of Amy

Aveyan Evans
Apr 26, 2016
Cape may court house, NJ United States

May your soul be at peace rest well. My deepest condolences to the family and friends of this beautiful baby.

Karma Humphrey
Apr 26, 2016
Texas City, TX United States

To Amy's family. Im so sorry for your loss. Even though my children dont go there, my children were even upset. I hope you find some peace and serenity. Im giving your family a big hug right now. She was a very pretty young lady. God has another beautiful angel. R.I.P Amy.

missy d
Apr 26, 2016
bear, DE

Love You Amy For Eternity You're In All Our Hearts

Antonio Watkins
Apr 26, 2016
Detroit, MI United States

Our family grieves with you. Praying for you, too.

Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE

To the family of Amy Joyner Francis,my heart bleeds for you in this difficult time in the loss of you're daughter. This s an example of tragedies happening to our children. We as parents need to get our children some help when there young cause if we don't they have so much hatred in there hearts. That's hatred when u can kill a human being. I pray that justice we be served she didn't deserve to be dropped to school and never make it home. Heaven is rejoicing such a beautiful soul.

Apr 26, 2016
Wayne, NJ USA

My condolences to your family. My heart goes out to her parents. My 15 year old son was murdered June 2015 and it's still unreal. I pray that God gives your family the strength to get through this. I pray that God holds you as tight as possible and wipes the tears from your eyes. I will continue to pray for your family. Sorry for your loss.

Sharon B
Apr 26, 2016
Oxon Hill, MD

I am so sorry for your lost she was so young and Beautiful She didn't deserve What happen To Her Just By Seeing The news It Hurts Me Because no one should die like that Jorney Diserves Justice Im Very Sorry for Your Lost 😞 My Prayers Will Go out To your Family's.!


Kimberly Rivera
Apr 26, 2016
Buffalo, NY United States

Lower Delaware sending Prayer for your family. May God straighten you all

Apr 26, 2016
Lincoln, DE United States

Although I don't personally know this family..My heart truly breaks for this young lady and her family. Thank you Jesus for wrapping your loving and healing arms around them and for helping them to get through this very difficult season in their lives..Amen

Apr 26, 2016

I'm so sorry for your loss . She was a beautiful young girl . And your family are in my prayers .

lacey brown
Apr 26, 2016
paulsboro, NJ

A life taken way too soon.
May your Beautiful soul be at Peace....<3

Apr 26, 2016
Broomfield, CO United States

Please accept our sincere & heartfelt sympathy upon the tragic loss of your loved one. From what we've read she was always encouraging others to be loving and peaceful, and she is a beautiful soul. May she rest in the arms of the angels. ~ ♥ ~

Marvin & Mary Koenck
Apr 26, 2016
MIDDLETOWN, MD United States

Beautiful angel. You're gone too soon but in Heaven. I never met her but you never deserved such circumstances. I pray your passing be a blessing to others who are victims of bulling. Rest in Heaven sweet girl.

Apr 26, 2016

I personally did not know amy but i wanted to pay my respects to the family at there time of mourning. To the family i want to give my deepest sympothy for u all. This wound will hurt for a while but let god heal it with the loving support of family and friends in time. Please bless this family like i know u can father god. Let them know that amy is holding your hand in the kingdom of heaven father god and that she is heavens newest angel and reassure them that no man nor woman can do for her what u can. Its in your hands now father please shower amy and the family with your blessings. In jesus name i pray

Marvin johnson
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE Usa

My prayers and love to your family at this sorrowful time.

Apr 26, 2016
Bear, DE

I don't know this young lady but I pray she is rip in Jesus name Amen

Apr 26, 2016

My deepest sympathy to her family and friends. My heart goes out to all of you. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers.

Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE

Prayers and sympathy to the entire family of these beautiful young lady Amy Joyner-Francis, a life cut so short by a senseless act of pure jealousy. I didn't Amy or her family personally but this has surely touched my heart and I can't seem to get it out of my head. I have two 15 year old grand daughters who are freshmen in high school and just the thought that this could have been one of them breaks my heart. Amy will for ever be remembered. I pray justice will be served and everyone who was involved will be held accountable for their actions. I have a grand daughter who is also in middle school who has a few girls bullying her, the school was notified and so were the parents, parents need to take action for their children, Amy"s death could have been prevented.

To the family I pray Amy is resting in Peace, I am truly sorry for your loss of such a pretty young lady, Please remember Earth Has No Sorrow Heaven Can Not Heal. I will continue to pray for all of you.

Robin younger
Apr 26, 2016
Bridgeport, CT

So very sorry for your loss, Rest In Peace Amy

Apr 26, 2016

We send our prayers for healing and our condolences to the family of Amy. May God forever hold you in his arms to bring comfort and peace.

Tamara Vicere & Family
Apr 26, 2016
Dover, DE USA

Rest Easy bbygirl 😘

Apr 26, 2016
Covington, LA USA

Praying that the Lord will give you the strength to get through these trying times. Your family will continue to be in my prayers. May your baby girl rest in peace!

Clarice Roberts
Apr 26, 2016
Claymont, DE United States

Who knew that when your beautiful, precious baby girl was born that she would change the world. At the time I heard of Amy's passing, prayers went up for the parents as well as the students and community. As I thought about it, I can imagine the prayers that were going up all over the state and as the weekend progressed, the world. Amy's life will not be in vain. If just one child/person was changed because of this tragedy, God gets the glory. I never lost a child but I hope her parents find solace in the fact that her life will live on forever and things will never be the same because of her. May God hold and comfort all who loved Amy. My heartfelt condolences.

Apr 26, 2016
New Castle, DE

Rest in peace u are now a beautiful angel watching over all this I know the pain of losing a child so young an nothing takes that away this didn't have to happen this story has really tore at me ready to make a change in this world

stacy wesrlt
Apr 26, 2016
seaford, DE united states

I am so incredibly sorry for the loss of this beautiful soul. I feel deeply for the family and will keep you uplifted in prayer!!

Lisa Stacey
Apr 26, 2016
Toledo, OH

Sorry for your lost may god be with the family

Morris McKinney

Morris McKinney
Apr 26, 2016
Mansfield , LA United states

I am thinking of Amy's loved ones at this time. I pray you find forgiveness and peace. Much love.

CG in Scranton, Pa
Apr 26, 2016
Throop, PA USA

May your family find the Greatest Comfort in the Bible's promise of the resurrection.. Soon your little Amy will be back ..John 5:29also remember God said ..vengeance is mine I will repay.Deuteronomy 32:35...many prayers and love for you all..

Virginia Williams
Apr 26, 2016
Springfield, IL

Praying for the family of Amy

Myisha Brooks
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE

Words cannot express how much love I feel towards this young lady. I pray your love , and God's love covers you all during this difficult season.

God bless you!

Joyner Family
Portsmouth, Virginia

Charita Joyner
Apr 26, 2016
Portsmouth, VA United States

"Blessed are the peacemakers: For they shall be called the children of GOD" Matthew 5:9
To The Joyner-Francis Family and Friends. This is a difficult journey. I didn't know Amy, your angel, however I heard she was a peacemaker. As a peacemaker, she is called a Child of GOD for real. Though this is hard, know GOD called her to back home leaving behind her Peacemaking skills. Pray someone pick it up and keep going.
I pray your strength during this difficult journey. I have been praying for days and shed tears with you! You are my Sister and Brother,so sharing your burden is an honor & privilege. Continued prayers & strength to you all.

Wanda D Green-Hayes
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

Thoughts and Prayers sent from Atlantic Canada. We are so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl Amy.

Angela M.
Apr 26, 2016
Halifax, NS

My heart is deeply saddened and my eyes filled with tears to hear of your loss and this very unnecessary tragedy. I am praying that GOD will give your family strength to get through this in the days and months to come. Hold on to Jesus Christ!

Evett Tucker
Apr 26, 2016
St Louis, MO

Our prayers are with the family. I am so sorry for your lost but God will provide.

Reggie Bright
Apr 26, 2016
Fresno, TX Fort Bend

I love you Amy you will always be in my heart and mind.

Ashley Hill
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE, DE

So sorry for your loss your family is in my thoughts and prayers

Abrenia barnes
Apr 26, 2016
Lexington, KY

Please except our heartfelt condolences for the loss of your sweet angel. We cannot even imagine what you are going through. Our deepest sympathies, thoughts and prayers to you and your family! R.I.P. Amy❀️

Rick & Nichole Verdecchio & Family
Apr 26, 2016
Carney's Point, DE USA

I didn't have the pleasure of meeting your Angel on Earth.I came across her in the news, I offer my sincerest condolences to the family. This has touched my heart in many ways, you angel & my son share the same birthday, so I can only imagine how much of a loving & beautiful child she was. I'll be praying for you, I know what it's like to lose a child, the pain never ends, you just learn to live & manage thru it. Know that Earth has no Sorrow that HEAVEN can't heal, weeping may endure for the night but JOY cometh in the morning. BE BLESSED & I'll be praying for your family

Lucille Anglin
Apr 26, 2016
Newark, NJ

My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time and in days to come. Only God can heal your pain. Nothing has ever touched me the way this story have (tears).

Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE

My condolences to the family.

Freda Jackson
Apr 26, 2016
Camden , NJ

I'm so sorry for ya lost !

Apr 26, 2016
Bronx , NY Usa

Prayers to Amy family so sorry for your lost May god be with her family at this time .. God bless

Apr 26, 2016
Cherry Hill, NJ

Inita & Family My condolence go out to you. May GOD comfort you in this difficult time. RIP Amy

Joannie Evans
Apr 26, 2016
Clayton, DE Kent


Apr 25, 2016

prayers to your family

Barbara Marconi
Apr 26, 2016
Hockessin, DE United States

Baby girl you didn't deserve this at all but you are in a better place now. No more stress and hurt you !

Essence Atkinson
Apr 26, 2016
Goldsboro, NC USA

Sorry about your lost. My prayers are with you!

Kendrea Caillier
Apr 26, 2016
Saint Martinville, LA United States

i am so sorry for your loss, stay strong for her and pray, i am sure she will be watching over your family, i really hope you get justice for your daughter, have faith and everything will be just fine.

Shariya Bynum
Apr 26, 2016
Fort Wayne, IN United States

To a very beautiful young lady that I would love of met so sorry for your lost and gained an angle now to watch over you my grand was one of her friends take care of yourselves

A men

Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE New Castle co

I'm Sorry For Your Loss May The Lord Be Your Strength And Confort. Praying For Your Family.

Melissa Marquez
Apr 26, 2016
Millville, NJ United States

My most sincerest thoughts and prayers for your family. Thought of losing a child is something that most of us could never imagine and I can only pray that God will provide you the strength and comfort. May God continue to keep you and bless you.

Crystal Dennard
Apr 26, 2016
Cincinnati, OH USA

My most sincerest thoughts and prayers for your family. Thought of losing a child is something that most of us could never imagine and I can only pray that God will provide you the strength and comfort. May God continue to keep you and bless you.

Crystal Dennard
Apr 26, 2016
Cincinnati, OH USA

So extremely sorrowful for your loss. It is my prayer that God wrap His loving arms around you, comfort, and give you peace. Remember He is the great comforter. I am holding you, and your family up in prayer. May the peace of God who surpasses all understanding keep you in perfect peace....Amen.

Denise Morse
Apr 26, 2016

Sorry for your lost..I will be praying for the family

Brandys Brown
Apr 26, 2016
Peoria, IL

I didn't know Amy but this has touched me in so many ways. Amy you are such a beautiful girl and I'm sorry this act of violence took you. Even though Angels are rejoycing to having such a beautiful angel joining them, but I can tell your more than missed on earth. RIP sweet angel.
Also, may God help the family of Amy in this trying time.

Tonya Ellis
Apr 26, 2016
Felton, DE Us

Sorry for you alls lost. She was such a beautiful young lady.just know shes in a much better place now. My condolences and prayers and with you all in your time of need..

dashia houston
Apr 26, 2016
Tuscaloosa, AL United States

I had came across amy story i am so sorry for your lost no mother nor father should have to bury their child yall are in my prayers your lil girl is not gone she just has a better view on you😘

Apr 26, 2016
Miami , FL

Praying for the family in there time of need

Derrick Pringle Sr
Apr 26, 2016
Bear, DE

Sorry 4urloss

Apr 26, 2016
Detroit, MI

So sorry for your loss praying for your family

Apr 26, 2016
Milwaukee , WI US

My prayers are with family. May they find comfort in God's arms.

Apr 26, 2016
New Castle, DE USA

Praying that God gives this family a peace that surpasses all understanding

Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia , PA USA

"You were a beautiful smart young lady and I'm sorry you're not here anymore"
"But please believe you will never be forgotten or loved"
"Rest in peace Baby Girl"
...Gone too soon.

Teresa Ford
Apr 26, 2016
Mays Landing, NJ

Im deepest condolences goes out to the families of amy i pray for healing faith strength may god shield his arm around yal i so srry for yal loss may god bless yal

Danielle Riley
Apr 26, 2016
Orangeburg, SC United states

May God keep you at this very sad time may his love cover you all.There are no words that I can say that will change a thing but I am praying for you and your family and may her memory live on forever...God bless πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

Apr 26, 2016
Indianapolis, IN United States

To Amy's Parents;
I know the pain of losing a child. My son died in a motorcycle accident 15 years ago and the pain is still there. It doesn't go away, however you do learn how to live with it. The priest at our church said something during the mass that did give me some comfort. He said "I know everyone here would love to have him back, but even if he could come back, he wouldn't want to, because he is happy and at peace in a much better place.
May GOD help you get through this extremely difficult time. I will keep you, your family and AMY in my prayers πŸ™πŸ˜‡

Betty Grier
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington , DE USA

Such a beautiful angel gone to soon please watch over & protect all our babies.xoxoxo

Dora Rosales
Apr 26, 2016
chicago , IL

I'm sorry for yall lost she was a beautiful lil girl that didn't have to leave y'all so early all over a boy y'all in me and my families prayers all the way from Louisville Kentucky #JUSTICE4AMY

Roynisha Sublett
Apr 26, 2016
louisville, KY united states

My most sincer condolences for your loss. My heart aches for your pain as a mother myself with a daughter Amy's age who also was attacked in school with injurys to her brain. I'm sorry her life ended so sudden. I pray for justice and peace in your hearts. Although i never had the privilege to meet Amy I know she was special. Amy, you have received your wings. Fly high angel and watch our your loved ones. You will be missed. RIH&P

Madeline Trujillo
Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE United States

Our condolences goes out to everyone in the family. We love you and praying for you.

Delores Stevens & family
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE

My condolences to the entire family. May the Lord give you strentgh and of His peace during this trial time. Your lil princess as beautiful and full of life, she's now in the Lord's arm, she won the race and shes awaiting for us in heaven. May God bless you all!!

Apr 26, 2016
Villanova, PA Usa

My deepest condolences to the family of Amy. I did not know her, but I know how tragic it is to lose a child, and no parent should have to go through the heartache and pain! You are all in my thoughts and prayers!

Tina Severn
Apr 26, 2016
Perryville, MD

With a full heart, I extend to you and your family my deepest sympathy and extensive prayers. For I did not know Amy but my hurt aches so badly to hear of what happened. No parent should ever have to experience such a great loss. I pray that you find comfort in one another and that God keeps you wrapped in his loving arms so tightly that you feel his presence all around you. God bless you. Soar High Baby girl. Heaven couldn't wait for you.

Chiriga Howie
Apr 26, 2016
New Castle, DE

Through your grief, pain, and anger, May God provide you enough strength to face these difficult times, and know that you are very close in every thought and every prayer. Amy was a good girl and a lovely young lady, Inita.

Crystal Comeger
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

Sorry for your loss praying for the family in this time of need

lakesha Gaither
Apr 26, 2016
camden, NJ

I'm so sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to this beautiful young lady family. May our mighty GOD strengthen you all in this time of need. Bless you all.

Latisha Wright
Apr 26, 2016
Reynoldsburg , OH USA

My prayers are with you.

Dana Horton
Apr 26, 2016
University Park, IL Usa

With Deepest Sympathy and Prayers I send to you and your entire family during this very difficult time , may God console and comfort you today, tomorrow and always.

Doneshia Randolph
Apr 26, 2016
newark , DE USA

I'm so sorry for your loss I send my prayers and condolences to the family. You raised a beautiful intelligent,smart girl. R.I.P AMY FLY HIGH BABY GIRL!! She will always be looking over you:(

Hillary Durham
Apr 26, 2016
Bear, DE United states

To the family of Amy I am so sorry for your loss. I couldn't begin to understand how you all are feeling now, but as a father of two daughters I couldn't imagine going through this. I did not know Amy personally but I went to school with an older cousin of hers. The family is definitely in my prayers. Stay as strong as possible for each other.

Lloyd Adams
Apr 26, 2016
New Castle, DE United States

May God be with you and your family may he give you peace and comfort in the coming days.
"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."-Psalm 30:5

Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

To the Joyner-Francis family,
My heartfelt condolences go out to you. May God give you strength through his word and guidance. I know that this is a difficult time, but just keep the faith and the Lord will see you through. I am a Howard Alumni. Much love to you all....

Stephanie L. Kennedy
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE

So very sorry this shouldn't of have happened to her . The ones are responsible should pay for what they did. Tears came to my eyes when I heard the news I have children of my own I can just imagine how family and friends are feeling right about now May god be with u ....!

Rebekah Mcclardy
Apr 26, 2016
Cleveland, OH Cuyahoga

My condolences to your family! I didn't know your daughter--but no family should have to go through this. May God give you strength to find justice for your daughter. ❀️

Marlene Palmer
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE

Sorry for your loss I didn't know her but this was so sad She was a beautiful young young lady prayers for the family and friends

Kenny gatson
Apr 26, 2016
Salem, NJ

I would like to express my condolences to Amy's family.I will continue to pray for your family and ask God to please comfort you in your time of need.

Apr 26, 2016
townsend , DE

Rest in Paradise baby girl

Tanisha Rogers
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE

To the family who lost their child I am so sorry I can't understand the pain of losing a child but I know a God that is able to do anything you can ask for and my prayer is that God comfort your faimly!

Angelik Preston
Apr 26, 2016
Newcastle , DE

Family, know that you are not alone in mourning the loss of your daughter. Our hearts ache as well. May God take you through your grief and you regain that peace that passes all understanding. You will continuously be in our prayers.

Apr 26, 2016
Seaford, DE USA

My heart breaks for your family because this lost was so unnecessary. Having to get on social media or turn on the news and see this put a stop to my day. Though I did not know Amy or your family I felt like I lost my sister, friend, cousin, auntie, and child. Any no longer has to suffer on this cruel earth, she's at peace. Celebrate her life after you have mourn her lost. Remember the good and leave the bad in the past. May god bless you and your family. You all now have an angel watching over you.

Apr 26, 2016
Chester, PA USA

Even though I didn't know Amy I still want to show my respect and say that I am so sorry for what happen to this beautiful angel. I hope you guys are doing well and just remind yourself that heaven gained the most beautiful angel they could ever get.

Apr 26, 2016
Dover , DE

I'm so saddened and so very sorry this happened.much love to your family

Stacy Patterson
Apr 26, 2016
Duncansville, PA Blair

Dear and angle you were here on earth for almost 16 years even though your parents wanted you to stay a while longer God called you home he need you more in paradise to be and special Angel life on earth wasn't good enough for you even though it's sad and hurts that your not here anymore we no your in a better place I wish you could've live on earth a little longer I pray for your parents and hope they could understand that you were never there's always God's he just lent you to them for awhile but that sad day came when God wanted you back so he called his Precious Child home to be an angel so now your sliding and gliding and flying all around the world up above the clouds and stars flapping your beautiful white wings just remember please brighten a star for your loved ones here on Earth rest in peace baby girl

Jeanette womack
Apr 26, 2016
Chester , PA Delaware

Dear and angle you were here on earth for almost 16 years even though your parents wanted you to stay a while longer God called you home he need you more in paradise to be and special Angel life on earth wasn't good enough for you even though it's sad and hurts that your not here anymore we no your in a better place I wish you could've live on earth a little longer I pray for your parents and hope they could understand that you were never there's always God's he just lent you to them for awhile but that sad day came when God wanted you back so he called his Precious Child home to be an angel so now your sliding and gliding and flying all around the world up above the clouds and stars flapping your beautiful white wings just remember please brighten a star for your loved ones here on Earth rest in peace baby girl

Jeanette womack
Apr 26, 2016
Chester , PA Delaware

Dear and angle you were here on earth for almost 16 years even though your parents wanted you to stay a while longer God called you home he need you more in paradise to be and special Angel life on earth wasn't good enough for you even though it's sad and hurts that your not here anymore we no your in a better place I wish you could've live on earth a little longer I pray for your parents and hope they could understand that you were never there's always God's he just lent you to them for awhile but that sad day came when God wanted you back so he called his Precious Child home to be an angel so now your sliding and gliding and flying all around the world up above the clouds and stars flapping your beautiful white wings just remember please brighten a star for your loved ones here on Earth rest in peace baby girl

Jeanette womack
Apr 26, 2016
Chester , PA Delaware

I did not know you but my heart broke when I heard what they did to you. I know you are with God. I pray for your family to somehow find comfort in their faith but don't know that I could in mine. This was a senseless end of a precious life.I am so very sorry and wish I was there to hug you. God Bless!

Becky Wierzbicki
Apr 26, 2016
New Castle, DE United States

I am so sorry to hear and see this my heart is with the family hold your head up they going to pay

Janice Nathan
Apr 26, 2016
Dawson, GA Terrell

I didn't know her personally but as a mother I can't imagine the pain Amy's parents are going thru..may God cover her and her family during this time.sending my prayers and love...r.I.p angel fly high

Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

My deepest condolences to your family. I pray that God gives you comfort and peace that passes all understanding. I pray that you will find forgiveness in your hearts for the young ladies that caused the untimely death of your angel, so that you may have peace. Remember to be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD and there are no better hands to rest in! Much love to you in your time of bereavement.

Kameka Hill
Apr 26, 2016
Carneys Point, NJ United States

My heart goes out to you all.God has gained another beautiful flower.My love and prayers are with you all.

Vanwssa Brown
Apr 26, 2016
Canon, GA Franklin

My heart goes out to you all.God has gained another beautiful flower.My love and prayers are with you all.

Vanwssa Brown
Apr 26, 2016
Canon, GA Franklin

I didn't know you but your story touched my heart. R.I.P Amy!!! I will continue to pray for the family at this time of healing. So sorry for your loss.

Apr 26, 2016
Dover, DE

My heart goes out to the family ..Just so sad

Tyest Wilson
Apr 26, 2016
Chester, PA

No I didn't know you but your story touched my heart & many others. May you rest in peace beautiful...

Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE New castle

No I didn't know you but your story touched my heart & many others. May you rest in peace beautiful...

Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE New castle

May God bless, comfort, and grant you peace.

Leslie Justice
Apr 26, 2016
Pocomoke City, MD

Our deepest sympathy to your family during this difficult time. We will continue to lift your family up in prayer. Remember, God will bring you through.

G M Lewis
Apr 26, 2016
Bear, DE

My heart pours for your family I will continue to pray for your healing

Christina Williams
Apr 26, 2016
Elkton , MD

I'm sorry for your loss. Such a cruel world we live in at times. Prayers are with your family. God Bless.

Denise Black
Apr 26, 2016
Westville, NJ USA

RIP Amy. Never knew you but you have touch my heart.

Mike Just
Apr 26, 2016
Charlotte , NC

I didn't know you but may God bless you and your family

Shamika Santos
Apr 26, 2016

You are so beautiful I'm so sorry you I had to go though what you did but theirs another beautiful star in heaven and that's you r.I.p Amy ❀

Apr 26, 2016
Salisbury md, MD Usa

To a beautiful angel, You set such a good example for others to show how peace and love shall be spread. That it caused your life. I hope that kids take upon learning from this. You did not deserve this sweet angel. You died for doing something what you thought was right. Your family are so proud of you. You were such a good daughter and an excellent student. You are in the Lords arms. Rest my angel you cant be touched no more.

Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE

My deepest sympathy to the family. Losing a child is something you never get over. I hope and pray that God will ease your pain and I know that he will help you get through this difficult time just lean on him.

Apr 26, 2016
New Castle, DE USA

Please accept our deepest sympathy. Our hearts go out to each and everyone of you. I cry as I think of Amy, and she is constantly on my mind. I am angry and shocked.there are no words to describe what you as her family and friends must be feeling.may the Lord bless and keep her and you wrapped in his arms until you are together again.Rest in. Peace. Amy,we didn't know you but we love you.

Shirley lafrancis
Apr 26, 2016
Townsend, DE U. S. A .

Sorry for your lost..Prayers for the family! R.I.P Amy ❀

Melissa Smith
Apr 26, 2016
Salem, NJ USA

It's Sad She Lost Her Life Over Senseless Nonsense , But She's Watching Over Her Family & Out Of The Cruel World .

Apr 26, 2016
Greenville , NC United States

Rest In Heaven sweet Angel...

Mary Holmes
Apr 26, 2016

I am so sorry for your loss.

Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

My heart continues to hurt for the loss of this beautiful young lady. Jesus help us

Shairon Palma
Apr 26, 2016
Bear, DE

So Sorry for your lost Praying for your family in this time of need...

Carolyn land
Apr 26, 2016
Cape Charles, VA

I never knew Amy but when I heard her story it touched my heart i remember reading about it and shedding tears my heart was beating fast it was the same feeling I got when My cousin broke the news to me about my brothers death. I lost an 18 year old twin brother to violence on August 9 2015 he was shot and killed over a game of dice. so I really feel for the family and my heart really hurt for this girl Amy and my brother both lost their lives over non sense and words can't discribe the pain I feel for them there's nothin I wouldn't do to bring them both back. " I wrote your name in the sky but the wind blew it away I wrote your name on the sand but the waves washed it away I wrote your name in my heart and forever it will stay" I love u Amy sincerely Ramsey Uthman.

Ramsey Uthman
Apr 26, 2016
Phildelphia , PA United States

My heart truly goes out to you and your family. May God continue to comfort your friends and family through this difficult time. God will continue to stand by your side throughout the days to come.

Yalonda Taylor
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE New castle

Rip baby girl your in a way better place.

Apr 26, 2016
Chester, PA Delaware

To the family and friends of Amy, I send to you my deepest condolences! There are no words to convey the emotional time this is! I will keep all of you in my prayers. May the love and support of your family, friends, and the community provide you comfort in your time of sorrow! I did not know your daughter personally, but wanted to reach out as a mother of a 17 year old daughter myself, and let you know how sorry I am for your loss! Sending my prayers and support!

Apr 26, 2016

Praying for your family I can't imagine ur pain so senseless I just lost my 4&2 year old lil cousins in an arson fire PRAYING FOR BETTER DAYS for everyone may GOD keep u and ur family strong πŸ’œπŸ’œ

Fleetneva love
Apr 26, 2016
Kankakee, IL Kankakee

So sorry for your loss. RIP Amy...God Bless

Apr 26, 2016

Sorry for y'all lost I have the family in my prayers.

Jeffrey Hawkins
Apr 26, 2016
Baltimore, MD United states

Hugs and prayers to the family of Amy... I dont know her, but nobody deserves to be treated or, to have been treated the way she was,my condolences are with you.... I know that your pretty girl is with God, and she is free from all harm, I just pray that you will be able to go forward,and just remember the great memorys!!!!
God Bless

Apr 26, 2016
Stanton, DE Usa


Apr 26, 2016

Sending Prayers And My Sincere Condolences to You All. She Seemed to be a Very Vibrant and Radiant Young Lady. Her Life Was Taken from You All But Her Love Is Everlasting. May God Keep You And Strengthen You All. God Told Her: Your Job Is Done And Your Reward Is #Wings. She Is Your #Angel In the Sky!


Barbara J.
Apr 26, 2016
Shreveport, LA

I wanna send my condolences out to the joyner-francis family.May Amy R.I.P

Amy Davis
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE

My sincere and complete condolences goes out to you and your family!

TeAirrah Bostick
Apr 26, 2016
Baltimore , MD Woodlawn

I'm So Sorry For Your Lost I Just Want Amy Family To Keep Their Head Up And Stay Strong Amy Is Now Our AngelπŸ‘ΌπŸ½

Apr 26, 2016
Chester, PA

Such a sad situation, god bless you.

Apr 26, 2016
Antioch, CA

To the family of this beautiful young lady who lost her life, I am deeply saddened and truely sorry for your loss. This story has touched myself as well as millions of others, I would like to offer my condolences to your family. Your family as well as students affected by this are in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time for you all. R.I.P AMY

Apr 26, 2016

I offer my condolences to her parents. I am very sorry for your lost. It breaks my heart to see such a beautiful young lady depart the way she did. She didn't deserve this. Althought i never knew her I'm very sadden. This could have been my daughter and it scares me. Amy honey may you RIP AND FLY HIGH WITH THE ANGELS. YOU HAVE MANY FAMILY AND FRIENDS WHO LOVE YOU AND OTHERS LIKE MYSELF WHO PRAYS FOR JUSTICE.

Mariza Schelmety
Apr 26, 2016
Woodlynne, NJ United States

Return To The Stars Above Us.God bless you Amy.

Kathleen Clohecy
Apr 25, 2016
Hemet, CA United States

I have a godmom that lives in Wilmington and she told me about the incident before I saw it in the news. You have my deepest sympathy. May God comfort and strengthen you during this time. Blessings from Mississippi!

Sheila Lewis
Apr 25, 2016
Booneville , MS USA

I am so deeply saddened by this..praying for your family at this difficult time...u got your your wings baby God Bless you!!!

Tonya Terry
Apr 25, 2016
Pine Bluff , AR United States

Just know you have a village of ppl praying for you and your family. We hurt along with you may the strength of God keep your heart and your minds

Rose Purnell
Apr 25, 2016
Dover, DE United States

There is no words that can comfort you at this time or anytime. I truly understand the pain of losing a loved one due to voilence at Howard high school. When I heard this story my heart dropped and memorys came rushing back from when I was only 6 lost my big brother 16 . May god bless your family while you try to cope with the lost of such a shining star that is lighting up the sky above. please take care and know that you have so much love and support.

Apr 25, 2016
New castle, DE

May god bring u comfort and wipe every tear I no shes not here to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord .... Be blessed

rakia moye
Apr 26, 2016
philadelphia, PA united States of america

So sorry for your loss. May God continue to hold your baby girl in his ever loving arms. With sincere and deepest sympathy.

Brenda Marchione
Claymont, DE.

Brenda Marchione
Apr 26, 2016
Claymont, DE New Castle

I would like to send my condolences and prayers to your family our youth needs help she didn't have to die like this RIP AMY NOW YOUR AN ANGEL WATCHING OVER US!!!!

elizabeth corporan
Apr 26, 2016
new york, NY

My thoughts and prayers go out to the entire Joyner and Francis family. I was blessed with the opportunity to meet Amy last year at her cousins wedding and what a beautiful, bright spirited young lady she was. There's no words that'll ease the pain but know that God makes no mistakes and her passing shall not be in vain. She fulfilled the task that our savior assigned to her and has earned her heavenly wings. I will continue to keep you all in prayer and may God provide comfort to you all during this difficult time.
RIP Sweet Amy

Cagney Badger
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle , DE

I just wanted to say I am sorry about your lost. I have two daughters of my own who were also pick on because of boys and jealousy. It hurts a lot to see them hurting. What I want to say to the family and friends of Amy is that she will always be there with you maybe not in the physical but in spirt she is right there beside you just listen for her I'm pretty sure you will hear her letting you know she's ok. I send out peace and love to you all and wish you all well God bless. R.I.P. Amy πŸ˜šπŸ‘Ό

Alana Murdaugh
Apr 25, 2016
Columbus, OH United States

My deepest condolences to her parents, family, and friends. Rest in Peace beautiful. God Bless

Stacey Pender
Apr 25, 2016
Vineland, NJ

My heart is heavy knowing that you have lost such a precious jewel. I pray that The Most High God comforts your heart and keeps you in his care.

Catina McCall
Apr 25, 2016
Edgewood, MD

R.I.H Amy

Kathy Morgan
Apr 26, 2016
lansing, MI United States

Praying for the family and friends may Jehovah God strength your at this sad time may Amy Rest in Paradise this is a very hurting situation πŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸ™πŸ‘†πŸ’ͺ🌷🌺🌹May God Bless this Family

Apr 25, 2016
New York, NY

I don't know u or your family but Amy's story has touched me in so many different ways and I am truly sorry for your lost I have been praying for ur family and friends in this time of healing... I will continue to keep your family in my prayers and praying they bring all those to light that were involved. #JUSTICE4AMY

Nichelle Thompson
Apr 25, 2016
philadelphia, PA

Many prayers and blessings to all the family during this difficult time. RIP
Amy. May the Lord give all strength, peace, and harmony during this time of sorrow. Peace to all.

Margarita Donato
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

May It comfort you to know your Love One is safe in God's Arm's.
Resting in a building not made by Hands, but Eternal in heaven. May God Bless,Keep You,and Strengthen You & Your family during this time of loss. God Bless

Betty Owens
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE United States

Rest In Peace Amy

Shayy Austin
Apr 26, 2016
Trenton , NJ United States

Such a beautiful young woman taken far too soon. I didn't know Amy but her story has touched my heart and her family has been in my heart and on my mind since this horrible tragedy. R.I.P. Beautiful angel.

Lorie Slusser
Apr 26, 2016
Eglin AFB, FL

My prayers and condolences to the parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins and friends of little Ms. Amy. I pray our Father who art in heaven will give rest and comfort to your souls. It's such a tragic loss. God knows how much you can bear and HE won't give you no more than that.
Mr & Mrs Francis God will turn your crying to laughter again!
Psalms 30:5 says weeping may endure for a night, but JOY comes in the morning!
God has it all under control.
Love you with that agape love,
God bless youπŸ™πŸ½πŸ‘ Amen!

Evangelist Belin-Reese
Apr 25, 2016
Wake Forest, , NC USA

Amy is a beautiful young girl. Do not ever let the cruelties of this world and society take away the hope and sunshine that your daughter gave you. My condolences, faith and love to you.
Love and godbless, a high schooler who lives in Delaware.

Morgan Nicholson
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA


Apr 25, 2016

R.I.P baby girl. You are now with our father up above

Apr 25, 2016
Kansas city, MO United States

My heart goes out to you and your family can only imagine the pain your feeling I have a 16 year old daughter and she my everything y'all will be in my thoughts and prayers praying that y'all will get justice for your princess may she rest in paradise

Tosha matthews
Apr 26, 2016
Palmetto, GA Usa

Praying for your family. I did not know your daughter, but very sorry to hear of the loss of this beautiful young lady. I hope all those involved in this senseless killing is brought to justice. RIP Babygirl..

Patsy Scott
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

My condolences are with you as you lay babygirl to rest. No parent should have to bury their child. This is just so sad. I can't say that is going to be easy but with God's guidance maybe it won't be as hard. Stay encouraged family. Sending love!

Camille Jones
Apr 25, 2016
Florence , SC United States

I'm so sorry for your loss I pray that God will wrap his loving arms around the family remember God makes no mistakes and due time and the right moment you will able to breathe again please know my family prays for your family God bless save strong

Tonya Mason
Apr 25, 2016
Capron, VA

My prayers and thoughts are with you and the family at this time may God keep you and trust in him to see you through this hard time that you are going through

Apr 25, 2016
WILMINGTON, DE United States

May you Rest In Peace babygirl. You was taken from this world way too soon. But you are with God and you earned your wings. Nobody should be treated like that. You and your family will get justice for what them monsters did to you. Just continue to watch over your family and friends.

Kyndra Creighton
Apr 25, 2016
New York , NY USA

I didn't know you baby girl but you've been on my heart. I have a son your age and I can't even imagine something like this happening to him. I pray that your life lessons touch the youth of the world. God Bless you. I Love you and may you rest in peace. Blessings to your family! Peace & Love!!!!!##

Angel Myles
Apr 26, 2016
phoenix , AZ usa

We send my deepest condolences to the family. Wevcan only imagine how you feel and we want the family to know that the family is in our whole family's prayers. So sorry again for your loss. Try to be strong.

Taeasha Harvey&Lequan Barrineau
Apr 26, 2016
Dover, DE

Praying for the families healing at this time. Rest in Peace Amy

Adrian Dixon
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

Middle school choir was amazing with her. She was a great girl, it's a shame she had to go out like that. She was taken way to soon and her family is in my thoughts constantly. Rest easy Amy, we'll miss you babygirl.

Apr 26, 2016
New castle, DE

Heart breaking.My condolences to her family and friends.May she fly with the angles now

Nicole McCall
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

I don't no you nor family but I'm so feel so bad for what happened. May you find comfort in knowing that God has the final say. πŸ’”πŸŒΉ

Mary stewart
Apr 25, 2016
Bridgeton, NJ Us

I'm very sorry for you're lost, no parent should ever have to bury they're child before them. I know it's not easy and it'll never really get that easy, just take it day by day and cope. She'll always be with you in spirit Remember it's never goodbye, it's See You Later πŸ’™

Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE United States

Praying that God will give your family the peace that surpasses all understanding.

Apr 26, 2016
Milwaukee , WI

R.I.P Amy! Prayers to the family and friends, and may God be with you all in these hard tough times. I didn't know her but I know that she is very much alive with God in heaven. God bless you all and we will see you again.

Charles Jr.
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

My condolences to the family ....I will keep y'all in my prayers

Ronda Bing
Apr 25, 2016
Absecon, NJ

Rest in paradise babygirl.

Debra Disharoon Handy
Apr 25, 2016
Eden, MD USA

Rest In Peace Amy. Amy is with God now and she is a Beautiful Angel. So sorry for your loss. Prayers to your Family.

Apr 25, 2016
Eddystone, PA

I am so sorry for this is a great loss, I pray that God comfort you now and forever.. my prayers are with you

Sherry Riddock
Apr 25, 2016
Newark , DE

I'm so sorry this happen but I keep u in your family in prayer my tears fell when this came on the news so sad another young one left the earth but I pray in hope u get the justices u deserve

Apr 26, 2016
salisbury, MD n/a

May she rest in paradise...

Lissette Cintron
Apr 25, 2016
Paulsboro , NJ GLOUSTER

I'm so sorry I'm very upset about this and I'm keeping this family in my prayers

Mary Jeter
Apr 25, 2016
Dover, DE Kent

My prayers and condolences to the Francis-Joyner sorry for the loss of this beautiful girl....I didn't know her personally...I'm a parent one should have to go through this.

Dawnica Cornish
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

I didn't know Amy Joyner but she was very beautiful and too young to go out the way she did. You are a beautiful angel now and you WILL fly high. πŸ™πŸ½πŸ‘ΌπŸ½ you are gone but you will NEVER be forgotten.

Apr 26, 2016
New castle , DE

May the Almighty GOD rest her soul in eternal peace. And grant your entire family strength and support as you go through such a trying time.

saudah Nabaweesi
Apr 25, 2016
studio city, CA USA

My deepest condolences goes out to the family of Ms. Amy. May you get through this time of grieve and continue to press on.

Kirsten h
Apr 26, 2016

Such an Angel, gone to soon..your life will not be in sorry

Amos Daniels
Apr 25, 2016
Atlanta, DE USA

My deepest sympathy for your loss your family will be in my prayers...Prayers for the familyπŸ™πŸ½πŸ’žπŸ™πŸ½

Iesha Johnson
Apr 25, 2016
Penns Grove, NJ

Didn't know this young lady but my condolences to the family

Apr 26, 2016
downingtown , PA us

Although I do not know you or your daughter I feel obligated as a Mother & Grandmother to tell you that I am so very sorry for your loss and I pray that God gives you the strength you all need to continue on.

Lisa Dee
Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE United States

You don't know me but i just wanted to say i have been praying for your family and friends and i wanted to say sorry for your loss....may she rest in peace God bless!

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

Words cannot express the sorrow I feel for your loss. Even if I thought they could they would not be able to comfort the pain you are all feeling. Be strong. You can get through this.

Bill Ridner
Apr 25, 2016

Im so sorry about what happened to Amy from what ive seen she was a very sweet & beautiful young lady & she did not deserve to be gone so soon . I will always keep your family in my prayers as well as keep Amy in my heart .

Apr 26, 2016
Mount Vernon, NY United States

Sending heartfelt condolences to all those who knew God's angel, Amy. I grieve with you. May God wrap His loving arms around you in the days, weeks, years to come. Cherish the memories as Amy smile with you. Peace and Love.

Glenda, Native Delawarean
Apr 25, 2016
Charlotte, NC

Sending heartfelt condolences to all those who knew God's angel, Amy. I grieve with you. May God wrap His loving arms around you in the days, weeks, years to come. Cherish the memories as Amy smile with you. Peace and Love.

Glenda, Native Delawarean
Apr 25, 2016
Charlotte, NC

To The Loving Family Of Amy Inita, I wish I could find the words to ease your pain.I am so deeply sorry for your tremendous loss, this has hurt everyone in our community on so many levels. From a parent to parent,please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless all of you.

Melinda Sandoval
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE USA

I Didn't Know Amy But I Heard About What Happen And Its Really Sad , I Want To Send My Respect & Condolences To Her Family πŸ’―πŸ’– , She Was Such A Beautiful Young Lady And Thy People Who Did That Shall Be Ashamed Of There Selves , Once Again Her Family Has My Respect .

Apr 25, 2016
Lakeworth, FL

I Didn't Know Amy But I Heard About What Happen And Its Really Sad , I Want To Send My Respect & Condolences To Her Family πŸ’―πŸ’– , She Was Such A Beautiful Young Lady And Thy People Who Did That Shall Be Ashamed Of There Selves , Once Again Her Family Has My Respect .

Apr 25, 2016
Lakeworth, FL

I Didn't Know Amy But I Jeard About What Happen And Its Really Sad , I Want To Send My Respect & Condolences To Her Family πŸ’―πŸ’– , She Was Such A Beautiful Young Lady And They People Who Did That Shall Be Ashamed Of There Selves , Once Again Her Family Has My Respect .

Apr 25, 2016
Lakeworth, FL

Our entire school offers condolences to Amy and her entire family. We will all have you in our prayers. Rest in peace babygirl.

Apr 26, 2016
Smyrna, DE USA

I'm so sorry for your loss. Know that family is in my prayers.

Apr 26, 2016
Sherman, TX

My heart was sadden when I heard about Amy. My prayers are with you and your family.

Apr 25, 2016

My most sincere condolences on your loss. I have felt your pain and I know this is a hard situation. My prayer is that God vwill give you the peace that surpasses all blessed..Carolyn

carolyn markland
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

May god be with your family

Apr 26, 2016
Newark , DE

May your heart and soul find peace and comfort.
Praying for your family

Brandy Crutcher
Apr 26, 2016
Oklahoma City , OK

Rest In Peace To The Beautilful Angel Above AmyπŸ‘ΌπŸ½ Sorry You & Your Family Had To Go Through This . My Prayers Are With The Amy Family.

Myrical Wiggins
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington , DE

Amy I did not know you and probably would have never met you but hearing what happened to you made my heart weep. I pray your family is blessed with strength and understanding. Continue to rest in peace

Delisa Adams
Apr 25, 2016
ridgeland, MS United States

Rip AMY you're in a better place now baby girl !!!

Ericka branch
Apr 25, 2016
Jacksonville , NC

May you rest in peace so sorry that this had to happen to you your family will always be in my prayers. R.I.P. Amy love you beautifulπŸ™πŸΎβ€οΈπŸ˜˜

Raynayshia Green
Apr 26, 2016
Thibodaux , LA United States

Rest in Peace
Heaven has gained another Angel
Prayers for the family

Tracy Reddick
Apr 25, 2016
Princess Anne, MD USA

It broke the hearts of your family and friends to lose you, but you did not go alone. A part of of your family and friends went with you, the day god called you home. No farwells were spoken, no time to say good-bye. if love could have saved you, you never would have passed. Now, as we travel to your grave ,placing flowers with care,no one knows the heartache when we turn and leave you there. If tears could build a stairway, if heartaches would make a lane, your family and friends will walk a path to heaven and bring you home again. #RIPAMY <3

myiesha l wynn
Apr 25, 2016
las vegas, NV United States

hey pretty girl, I didn't know you and probably never would have, but I know for a fact you didn't deserve what happened to you.. from all the posts and videos on the Internet, you seemed like a really nice girl, with a beautiful personality.. Rest Up Honey ❀️

Janelle Perry
Apr 26, 2016
penns grove , NJ

My condolences to you and your family
Just know she's in a better place.

Barbra Saunders
Apr 25, 2016
ORLANDO, FL United States

My heart breaks for you and your family..Rip Amy..gone too soon

Lynne Sobieski
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

Prayers go out to the family and friends of this beautiful young lady!!

Apr 25, 2016
Atlanta , GA


Wanda Simmons
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

I don't know the family nor Amy. My heart and prayers goes out to the family. I pray God gives you the strength to work through this.

Patrice Brittingham
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington , DE

God is a healer,May he bless your family during this time and give you Peace beyond all understanding.Rest in peace sweetheart and may God use your death as an example for these teens to Love one another and stop the violence in schools.

Roylene Matthews - Anderson
Apr 25, 2016
DE Newcastle

I would like to offer you and your family our deepest and most sincere condolences and may the soul of your daughter rest in peace. R. I. P Amy beautiful baby gone to soon. Charnae is truly missing you. Charnae Charlene & Lloyd Staats

Charlene Staats
Apr 25, 2016
Bear, DE

I would like to offer you and your family our deepest and most sincere condolences and may the soul of your daughter rest in peace. R. I. P Amy beautiful baby gone to soon. Charnae is truly missing you. Charnae Charlene & Lloyd Staats

Charlene Staats
Apr 25, 2016
Bear, DE

This has touched me and been on my mind ever since it happened. I dont know this beautiful young lady or her family but my heart hurts for them. What I do know is that God is a good God, and He only knows what He is doing. He said that we don't have to grieve as if we have no hope. I pray that the Lord give the family and friends the peace that surpasses all understanding and guards their hearts. God bless you all and I will continue to watch and pray! From Los Angeles, California! RIP Amy!

Debra Moton
Apr 25, 2016
Los Angeles, CA United States

I am so sorry for your lost I am praying for you and your family at this time

Apr 25, 2016

My sincerest condolences to the family of this beautiful child. May God keep her light shining down on this lost world as we try to find our way. Amy is and forever will be an angel. Please know my family is praying for not only the mending of your hearts and souls but that you shall one day have peace. God bless you and yours.

The Kane Family
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE United States

No parent should have to buried their child. No child should suffer such tragic and violent attack. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. Be still and listen to your baby angel whispering very gently in your ear how much she loves you. Rest in peace baby girl.....

Carmen Silva
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

Honey I am so sorry this happened to you. I don't know you, but I feel like I do. My heart breaks so bad when I think about it. So continue your journey among the stars and when I looks to see that bright star in the sky twinkling, I will know it's you. Yes you would sadly missed because you were love by so many people that knew you as well as the ones that didn't know you. Love you BEAUTIFUL!!.

Necey Thompson
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE New castle

I did not know Amy, but my heart aches for her beautiful life, gone too soon. May God comfort all whose lives she touched so deeply. My sincere condolences.

Anika Townsend
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE

I am truly sorry for your loss. I can't say I understand because I have not walked in your shoes, but I will keep you and your family in my prayers. May God give you comfort in your time of grief.

Barbara Jackson
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

Your family will continually be in my prayers as no parent should have to bury their child. I pray that the Lord heals your hearts and gives you peace in this trying time.

Dani W
Apr 26, 2016

R.I.P babygirl

Kimere Brown
Apr 25, 2016
Penns Grove, NJ USA

Such a beautiful flower who life was stolen from bullies...Amy you and my 17 year old daughter shares the same family and I will keep you alive...Father God help the family through thos hard time...

Charlene Jones
Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

Sending Love and condolences to your family from my family in Pennsylvania. May God bring you peace and comfort. I am so very sorry for the loss of your baby girl. Praying for you allπŸ™πŸ½β€οΈ

Ty-Kisha Trowery
Apr 26, 2016

Sending our prayers and love although we can not attend the service, everyone will be in our hearts and prayers. Rest Peacefully Beautiful Angel.

Barbara Gill (Dorothy Gills sister) and daughter Christina Mix
Apr 25, 2016

My daughter Brook was in Amy's class and we have been devastated by what has happened to Amy. We hope and pray that justice will be done to All those involved to the full extent of the law! We will keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers and pray God will watch over you and help your family in this unspeakable time. Amy RIP =(

Wanda Loughrey
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE United States

Prayers go out to the family.

Apr 25, 2016
Atlanta, GA

May you rest and peace... Sorry you had to experience something so tradgic and I pray that your family stay strong in a trying time such as this one. I think if you every night & pray for your family. I didnt know you at all but your story is very touching. β€πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™Œ

Apr 25, 2016

I don't know her but am so sorry for ur beautiful girl loss...Amy n you all are my prayers n stay strong!!

April Grovner
Apr 26, 2016
atlanta, GA Clayton

My sister atends to this school, when she told me what was happening my heart dropped and I prayed . But sadly God wanted her . She is now a Beautiful AngelπŸ‘Ό that will look after all her loved ones. It breaks my heartπŸ’”. Sorry for your lost to those who knew her teachers, family, and friends. Stay strong. Rest in Peace Amy.
From:Family Garcia Juarez

Maria Olivares-Garcia
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE New Castle

I would like to send my sincerest condolences to the family of my fellow Wildcat Amy Joyner-Francis, Even though we are not in the same graduating class,we are both Howard wildcats for life. My prayers are with you all during this time, and I pray that god gives you comfort and healing.

Nathan Gordon Jr
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

I dont know her but i want to give my condolences to the family and say rest easy lil lady and look over your friends and family. God bless you.

Takeisha kindred
Apr 25, 2016
Baltimore, MD

May God be with this family. Sorry for your loss. Stay strong

Apr 26, 2016

No parent should have to bury their child. A life so beautiful gone too soon. May God provide the strength needed to continue, and may comfort find its way into your hearts one day. My prayers are forever with you all. I know its not much, but God I hope it helps a little.

Anajma Colon
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

I do not know Amy but her story has went viral and worldwide I send my condolences to you her family during this rough time I pray that GOD wraps his loving arms of protection around you guys during this time. God Bless

DaQuesha Grove
Apr 25, 2016
Coatesville , PA U.S

As a mother who also lost a child, I know your pain. In time you will heal. Let God's grace and mercy comfort you. Continuously pray that change will follow and also remain prayerful that your heart will heal. Can't nobody raise them better than God. This story touched the world.

Apr 25, 2016
Vero Beach, FL United States

As a mother who also lost a child, I know your pain. In time you will heal. Let God's grace and mercy comfort you. Continuously pray that change will follow and also remain prayerful that your heart will heal. Can't nobody raise them better than God. This story touched the world.

Apr 25, 2016
Vero Beach, FL United States

May God hold the family in his arms and comfort you with his everlasting love.

Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE

May God hold the family in his arms and comfort you with his everlasting love.

Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE

I am a mother of a Teenage Son and a 4 yr old daughter. My heart goes out to the family .. friends and especially the parents. Words of comfort are all I can offer. No child's life should end so tragically.. yet so senseless. Amy you serve what ever purpose on Earth which God has set for your .. Sorry you were taken so soon ..Your name will live through all the hearts you've touch .. Rest Well Princess ..

Jeneine Jones
Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia , PA United States

Unfortunately this kind of behaviour is wide spread throughout the entire world...but that does not make it ok...I pray that they catch and prosecute each and everyone involved in this killing. And even the ones who knew about it before it happened and didn't go to the authority's....I'm am so sorry about your loss...she was so beautiful....were crying with you all.

annette williams
Apr 25, 2016
MD anne arundle

I am so deeply sorry for your loss you n your family have been in my prayers. May justice be served to the heart aches for you but I know with jesus all things are healed stay strong

Teresa liebal
Apr 25, 2016
wilminton , DE USA

RIP angel. You were taken way too soon. My family is sending love and prayers to your family!

Chelsea Hopkins
Apr 26, 2016
Long Neck , DE 19966

I am so deeply sorry for your loss you n your family have been in my prayers. May justice be served to the heart aches for you but I know with jesus all things are healed stay strong

Teresa liebal
Apr 25, 2016
wilminton , DE USA

My heart is sadden for the loss of such a beautiful young lady. This has touched so many people's hearts. I pray that the family find peace and strength throughout all of this.

Dawn G.
Apr 25, 2016
Salisbury , MD USA

Sorry For Your Lost. Sending Millions Of Prayers Out To Your Family. You've Gained Such A Beautiful Angle.

Apr 25, 2016
Temple Hills , MD

I am so sorry for your loss. Karma will come one day for those girls . Its a shame the way this world is . Hold you heads up high because your daughter is watching you guys and wants to make sure you guys make her proud . She know its hurting but wants you guys to remain happy and remember you will see her again one day. So again, sorry . And remember its not a goodbye , its a see you later πŸ™πŸΌπŸ˜‡β€οΈ

Apr 25, 2016
Pennsville, NJ United states


Apr 25, 2016
Miami, FL

As a parent my heart cries for you. I'm beyond sorry. May God give you peace at this very trying time. My family is praying for your family.

Aleta Clay
Apr 26, 2016
Stanton, DE USA

I am so sorry for your lose. Her story has touch me in ways you many never know I'm sorry you had to lose someone like this

Amber coursey
Apr 26, 2016
Pleasantville , NJ Usa

Sorry for your loss #Amy But she will be forever in rest in heaven, behold her heart to give your love of hers.

tiffany frazier
Apr 26, 2016
FL Orlando

Sleep in peace baby girl. I didn't know you, but my heart cried for you. May the lord have you in his mercy

Apr 25, 2016

I extend my deepest sympathy towards your family I didn't know Amy personally but from what I could see she was definitely full of life and love. I will continue to pray God's comfort in your hour of bereavement. God bless you.

Joan Brown
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle , DE USA

My prayers for you and you family,gone too soon.

Melanie Davis
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE

I'm so sorry for ur loss .she was born on my birthday .This something I will always have a special prayer for her

angela benson
Apr 25, 2016
New castle, DE United States

My Condolences go out to family and may God bless you

Vernon E. Stevenson
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE 19720

Sleep in peace beautiful angel

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE U.S.

Praying for your family ❀️ Stay strong ! God has plans, & justice being served is one of them !

Jade Purnell
Apr 25, 2016
Seaford , DE United States

My family prayers are with your family.

Sheila Moore Cratic
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

Rest in Peace, Beautiful Angel. May we continue to show love, compassion, and kindness to one another. All things this young lady represented.

Shi Johnson
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

Rest in Peace, Beautiful Angel. May we continue to show love, compassion, and kindness to one another. All things this young lady represented.

Shi Johnson
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

Rest in Peace, Beautiful Angel. May we continue to show love, compassion, and kindness to one another. All things this young lady represented.

Shi Johnson
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

Rest in Peace, Beautiful Angel. May we continue to show love, compassion, and kindness to one another. All things this young lady represented.

Shi Johnson
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

There are no words to adequately express my sincere and heartfelt sympathy in the sudden loss of your precious daughter. I'm a mother of five and I can't begin to imagine the depths of your despair . I have been earnestly praying for you that God will envelope you in his love , peace and forgiveness knowing that your daughter Amy is resting in paradise and in the morning you will be reunited with her in eternity . My heartfelt sympathy and prayers .
Sincerely ,
Michelle D. Spight and Family

Michelle Spight
Apr 26, 2016
Buffalo , NY Us

To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord! I did not know your daughter,but she's been on my mind constantly since the day I heard her story. I just can't stop discussing the anger I feel in regards to her situation I just pray & pray that the Lord gives you all peace pass all understanding. Wait on the Lord and he shall strengthen your heart.. God bless you all!

Nasha Smith
Apr 25, 2016

To the Joyner family You have my deepest condolences.

Penny Carey
Apr 26, 2016
New castle, DE Usa

i pray that your family recovers from this horrible tragedy . and I've heard all about Amy on the internet she was a sweet and good girl , just stay strong and remember all the good things about her . Whatever the family does remember to do it for Amy .β€οΈπŸ™πŸΎ

Apr 25, 2016
Newark , DE United States

I'm so sorry for the lost of your daughter Amy.

Monica M
Apr 26, 2016
Newark, DE

I'm so sorry for your loss she was a very beautiful lady and my daughter and I would like to show our love in this most saddness time to the family

Rosetta and Janeisha Ashlock
Apr 25, 2016
Bruington, VA united States

I'm so sorry for your loss she was a very beautiful lady and my daughter and I would like to show our love in this most saddness time to the family

Rosetta and Janeisha Ashlock
Apr 25, 2016
Bruington, VA united States

Dear family and friends of Amy,
I am so sorry for your loss,i didn't know Amy but she seemed like a lovely young lady,she is in god's kingdom looking down on all of you,i will keep you all in my prayers <3 keep strong and remember her spirit is always with you in your hearts,i wish you all the best,god bless. <3

Lauryn Bryant
Apr 25, 2016

My Condolences to baby girl and her family . so sad what a life to take . rest up baby girl. Fly high

LaBree Lewis
Apr 25, 2016
Trenton, NJ

I am so sorry for your loss. I know there are just No words that can Ease the pain. Praying for you and your family...R.I.P.Baby Girl ❀

Carolyn Stephenson
Apr 25, 2016
Dunn, NC

Nothing but love and healing energy for the momma, father, and family of Amy Inita. My heart breaks for your loss and pain. Hugs and more hugs from Minnesota.

Apr 25, 2016
Eagan, MN USA

My name is aliza I didn't really know Amy but I've seen her around I'm so very sorry for your loss but she is forever in everyone's hearts and will never be forgotten

Aliza Ventura
Apr 26, 2016
wilmington , DE

I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter, Amy. I haven't known Amy very long but from what I have been very blessed to learn about her is that she was such a nice, sweet, kind-hearted, and respectful person. She was also a wrestling manager this year so I was able to have more of a connection with her and talk to a lot more often. I will always remember walking past her in the hall at the end of the day and seeing her bright, big smile. I can't even imagine how you must be feeling right now. Amy was a very nice person and will truly be missed.

Nasir Nichols
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE USA

My condolences goes to her family and friends .. RIP AMY

Ariana Taylor
Apr 25, 2016
Allendale , SC United States

Im so very sorry for your lost

shaneemah simon
Apr 25, 2016
pennsgrove, NJ united states

Dear family and friends of Amy,

Although I do not know Amy or you, please accept my heartfelt condolences for your tragic loss. As a parent myself, I can only begin to imagine what you must feel. I pray that our Father holds you in his merciful and comforting hands. I pray He can ease your grief and give you some semblance of peace. May Amy rest in peace and may God bless you all.

Kim Greer
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE USA

I personally did not know this beautiful young lady, but my deepest condolences goes out to this entire family !! It's such a shame this beautiful young lady had to go threw this horrible ordeal !! Rest in peace Amy !!

Jessica Hendree
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

My condolences to the family my daughter is the same age as Amy it a shame Amy had to go threw that were was the adult at and the school police at and the teacher when this was going on all those girls should be in jail even the ones who just stood by and let it happen.

Antoinette Boggs
Apr 25, 2016
philadelphia, PA usa

My hearts and prayers go out to you and your family. I can't imagine what u are going through. You will be in my prayers!!!! πŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

Jaquice Henderson
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE Usa

I'm so sorry for your loss I wanna send my prayers πŸ™ to the mother and father of Amy also my prayers go's out to the rest of the family may God give you all the strength to get through this hard time sending my blessing and condolences

Martina Womack
Apr 25, 2016
Chester, PA United States

Words can not express how truly sorry I am for the loss of your princess. May her parents, loved ones, and friends find peace. Keep your beautiful Angel alive in your ❀️

Michelle Purvey
Apr 26, 2016
Willingboro, NJ Usa

R.i.p amy.. Sending my prayers from philly

vernicha holt
Apr 26, 2016
philadelphia, PA us

I pray for comfort from our Lord and Saviour He knows all about our troubles. I pray that the children that did this to your child will some day repent of there sin and ask for forgiveness, and that this tragedy will make parents be better at monitoring there disfunctional children. May God keep you in perfect peace.

Camille Taylor
Apr 25, 2016
Darby, PA Delaware

So sorry this happened to Amy.....I think and pray for her mom all the time. I am a mother who lost a child suddenly from a violent act it is very difficult....I press on because God is my only strength.

Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE

My deepest sympathy go out to the parents and family of Aimy. I know the Lord will be with you during this very trying time. God Bless you all and may Aimy Forever Rest In Paradise.

Albert Knight
Apr 26, 2016
Bear, DE USA

Well I'm sorry for your lost 😩.
Buh Amy was a good girl ,now it's hard to know that she's gone . Well I pray for Yall , I still can't believe she's gone ,babygirl gone 😭
I Never Met her buhI heard some great things about her and I'm hoping to go Sunday may 1st . I hope the girls pay for what they did .
Sorry for your lost

flor gomez
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington , DE de

I didn't know amy...but my deepest condolences to the family...such a tragic story..beautiful young lady.

shannice moore
Apr 25, 2016
summerville, SC United States

To the family of Amy you have our condolence and prayers

Apostle and Pastor Maggie Adams
Apr 26, 2016
Stockbridge, GA Henry County

Sleep in peace beautiful ! , didn't know you but my family and I sending our respect and love , we as well lived in Delaware praying for your family and DE

Crosland -&- Charles .
Apr 25, 2016

I just wanted to offer my sincere condolences to ur family no I have never met u but when I heard the story my heart goes out to u and your family im so very sorry for your loss.may god keep n bless u

Ursula young
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

God bless the Joyer-Francis family through this tough unfair time. Your daughter will never be forgotten. My thoughts and prayers go out to you all each and everyday.

Austin Noonan
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington , DE USA

I am heart broken over the loss of your daughter. Being a parent to school-age children, I can only empathize with what you are going through. My deepest sympathy goes out to all of her family and friends. May God guide you through these troubling times.

Christine Wierzbicki
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE USA

I am so very sorry for your loss. My prayers to the family. May God bless you all. My heart is broken and aches for your loss. I will always keep Amy in my prayers. God bless, Amen!!!!

Toni Moore
Apr 25, 2016
newcastle, DE newcastle

As a mother of a 15 yr old daughter, I can not imagine your pain. Your family is in my Thoughts & Prayers! RIP Beautiful Angel! πŸ™β€οΈπŸ‘Ό

Apr 25, 2016
Seaford, DE USA

My thoughts and prayers are with you.I am sorry for your loss. May god bless you and your family..

Kimberly Babcock
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

Sorry for the lost you were a pretty girl this shouldn't of happened to you πŸ˜” Hope your family gets thru it sorry it happen this way hope you get justice

Apr 25, 2016
Annapolis, MD America

I heard nothing but good things about Amy may she rest easy and peaceful. Prayers for her family and friends.

Holly Hogans
Apr 25, 2016
Pontiac, MI USA

I'm so sorry for ur loss I know what ur going threw as I too lost a child but I will pray for ur family to find peace in ur heart .. she was a beautiful young lady .. just keep ur head held high and enjoy every memory. ..

Apr 25, 2016
Lincoln, DE kent

Sip baby girl may justice be serve

Wrenaldo Johnson sr
Apr 25, 2016
Trenton nj, NJ Mercer

Sorry for your loss... My prayers are with you and your family. ❀❀

Rosling Smith
Apr 25, 2016
Severn, MD

My prayers are with the family. May God comfort you in your time of sorrow.

Rosa wright
Apr 25, 2016
Harrington, DE

My deepest condolences to you all, may God be your daughters Gardinal Angle now and may you find peace and comfort during this time.
Sarah D Brown Springfield Virginia

Sarah Brown
Apr 25, 2016
Springfield , VA USA

Hello! This is @Youmidaswell from Flex Squad Ent and I wanted to send my condolences. I am constantly touring and unable to make a physical appearance this weekend but I want you to know my heart goes out to you all and I pray that it bonds your family and friends and brings you all together!

Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia , PA USA

I did not have the pleasure of knowing such a beautiful and bright young lady "Amy" but my deepest condolences goes out to the family. May God continue to heal you through this time.

Kesha S.
Apr 25, 2016

I am so sorry about what happened to you Amy i am a 12th grade student in Trenton nj .

Naszeria Ingram
Apr 25, 2016
Trenton, NJ Usa

My condolences & prayers out to the family. May God Continue to Bless This Family!!

Mara Diaz
Apr 25, 2016
Woodbury, NJ USA

My prayers are going up for the family at this time. May GOD dispatch HIS healing angels to comfort the family at this time.

Janelle Hunt
Apr 25, 2016
ALEXANDRIA, VA United States

Sorry for your loss. Will keep u in my prayers

Nikissha Hawkins
Apr 25, 2016
NC Greenville

I send my prayers to your family ❀️ Fly high Amy , your free baby girlπŸ‘‘

Apr 25, 2016
New castle, DE United states

I am very sorry for your loss your daughter did not desever what happen to her I feel those girls need to pay for what they did to her they need to be in jail... Rip princess Amy...

Apr 26, 2016
Bakersfield, CA usa

May God grant this amazing child the highest level in heaven. Your family are in my prayers.

Apr 26, 2016
Dover, DE

May the Lord God strengthen, comfort and keep you all through the power of the Holy Spirit. We stand with you in prayer as you go through this most difficult time. - Sherise Byrd Morris, Howard c/o 1987

Elder Sherise Morris
Apr 26, 2016
New Castle , DE United States

My heart just melts for the mother an father...may God be with you through your weakes hours...I will keep you in prayers...much luv

Cyrena Mumford
Apr 25, 2016
Selbyville, DE Sussex

I didn't have the pleasure of knowing your beautiful Amy. A thought of comfort and condolences to the grieving family.

Sarah Warrington
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE


Raysa Torres
Apr 25, 2016
Yonkers, NY

Amy, I didn't know you at all..but what happened to you cut so deep because I can only imagine The pain you feltπŸ˜” I can't even put into words how much I wish I was there to help you, to even protect you. Every time someone brings up what happens to you that's what I say right away.. I wish I could have helped her.. I'm so so sorry this happened to you.. You didn't deserve this at all, you was so beautiful and the world is standing up for YOUπŸ’“ I prayed and prayed for you and your family. I prayed that your family has a healing heart. I can't even imagine the pain they are feeling. You're so beautiful, you're so loved. With a lot of love. XO

Apr 25, 2016
Newcastle , DE United States

My heart goes out to Amy's family you have my deepest sympathy

Tijuana Joubert
Apr 25, 2016
Claymont, DE

My heart goes out to Amy's family you have my deepest sympathy

Tijuana Joubert
Apr 25, 2016
Claymont, DE


Apr 25, 2016

Words cannot express how deeply saddened I am at the loss of your child. I did not know any of you but when I read what happened to her it hurt my heart. May you find comfort in your memories together. God has called her home no one can explain why she was taken that way it is not for us to know God does everything in his own way. I pray JESUS comforts you now and forevermore and may the peace of God which surpasses understanding rest with you and your family.

Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia , PA United States

Im loss with words to say just so sorry u loss ur life over some nonesense my prayer is with ur family and friend so sad

marnette walton
Apr 25, 2016
MD hartford

Sweetie I never knew you but I'm so sorry for all that you will miss. I'm praying for your family's strength and comfort. Even more I pray that your life helps others make better decisions. I know I would have loved you.πŸ’‹

Michelle Westbrook
Apr 25, 2016
Dover, DE

Sleep in paradise Amy I'm sorry this happened to you

Apr 25, 2016
Camden, NJ

Lord I ask that u wrap yourself around this grieving family and may they endure comfort and peace within oh father god I ask that they experience no more hurt and pain but strength to carry on. Amen RIP AMY #Blue

Apr 25, 2016

My heart and prayers goes out to the family. RIP Amy

s whittle
Apr 25, 2016

My heart and prayers goes out to the family. RIP Amy

s whittle
Apr 25, 2016

May you continue to sleep in peace Amy. May God wrap his loving arms around your family and keep them while they grieve.

Tara L.
Apr 26, 2016
Elkton , MD USA


Carlos Ramirez III
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

My condolences to the family of Amy. She was a very beautiful young lady. Such a tragic and unfortunate thing to have happened to her. I have two daughters so I can only imagine what the family is going thru. Stay strong, pray, and keep the faith GOD makes no mistakes. RIH baby girl.

Apr 25, 2016
New Brunswick , NJ USA

May she rest in peace and God give her family the strength to heal!

Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

I'm so sorry for your loss!! My condolences to all the family and friendsπŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½πŸ™πŸ½

Kandace Sollars
Apr 26, 2016
Swedesboro , NJ

Words cannot express how deeply saddened I am by your loss. My heart and prayers are with you always. May the comfort of God help you through this difficult time.

Pam Crowe
Apr 26, 2016
Garland, TX

I am deeply sorry for the family and friends of Amy Francis. I reside in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio and this news has deeply impacted me. When I first discovered the news, it truly touched me and I broke down and immediately prayed for her family and friends. I hold a huge compassion for youths as to my professional experience in the criminal justice field with employment with youth and in early stages of forming an non profit to assist with helping youths in my community. If there is anything I could contribute especially with forming a project in her honor, I would be honored to. I want to be an individual that will assist with keeping her name alive. Once again, I will keep her loved ones in my prayers. With love, from Cleveland, Ohio.

Kianah C Williams
Apr 26, 2016
South Euclid, OH United States

May heaven smile upon the family in this difficult time. Remember to be absent from the body, is to be present with The Lord......God bless you.

Naja Wiggins
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE USA

My sympathy goes out to Amy she ain't deserve that mess

Kaneisha Saunders
Apr 25, 2016
Chester, PA Delaware

I am sorry for your lost I pray for justice for you I hate to see are you and talentes go so young rip angle you will be missed

Apr 26, 2016
Newark , DE wilmington

To the Family and Friends of Amy Joyner-Francis,
I did not know Amy or her family and I just can't imagine what you all must be going through. Please accept my deepest sympathy and condolences in the loss of this BEAUTIFUL young lady. May you all find peace and comfort in knowing that Amy is now resting in the arms of GOD the Almighty...You are all in my sincerest prayers...Father please give this bereaved family the strength to get through this tough time in the Mighty name of Jesus.
A former resident of Wilmington, DE sending love all the way from Atlanta, GA.

Deborah Benson
Apr 26, 2016
Atlanta, GA

I'm sorry for your lost.. She was a GREAT PERSON .. I knew Amy since 8th grade .. She was one of my first friends in mccullough middle school when i didn't have nobody.. We grew to love each other .. And we made a promise to never lose our friendship when we get to high school and we didn't ❀️ its hard to let go to my bestfriend but I kno that she'll be watching me everyday. I'm so thankful for her friendships and MANY memories we had together. Many people didn't get us .. Like every time we get together we stay laughing we don't even say nothing and we just start bussing out laughing like I'm gonna miss her so much .. ❀️ #Live4Amy

Ladara fisher
Apr 25, 2016
Bear, DE United States

My truest condolences... Howard alumni c/o 87

Apr 25, 2016
Augusta, GA

My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family. While I did not know Amy I have children and my heart aches for your family. Please know that I sincerely pray your strength through this and pray that you will find comfort in remembering all of the pleasant memories. She was truly a beautiful young lady.

Na'Imah D
Apr 25, 2016

I know you don't know me and I don't know you, but I felt like I knew you when I heard what happened to you. I wish I was there to help you stay alive but I know God had other plans for you. May you rest well little lady until the rapture comes and I will see you there in Heaven smiling at everyone and having fun. I miss you like you were my own and will never forget you. Rest easy, ❀ Sis Michele

Sister in Christian Michele Sweeney
Apr 25, 2016
Coatesville, PA United States

I pray that you all will allow God to heal you day by day, hour by hour, and minute by min. God knows all and works things out according to His will. Cherish the happy times and happy memories. God bless you all.

Nicole Smith

Nicole Smith
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

I just want to give my condolences to Amy in her family... I didnt kno Amy, But this right here hit home! I have a lil sister in high school the same age as Amy So when i heard about her story it break my ❀ Sleep in peace bby GIRL... My heart also gose out to Amy's family. She was to young in sweet for this!

Rashell williams
Apr 26, 2016
Wilmington, DE


Annette Jones
Apr 25, 2016
DE New Castle

Words are not enough for what ur family and friends are goin threw..i will continue to pray for u all..even the ones who committed this seneless act needs prayer also..we have to let god do his workπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

Marion Gear
Apr 26, 2016
Penns Grove, NJ United States

I pray that you all will allow God to heal you day by day, how by hour, and minute by min. God knows all and works things out according to His will. Cherish the happy times and happy memories. God bless you all.

Nicole Smith
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA Usa

I pray that you all will allow God to heal you day by day, how by hour, and minute by min. God knows all and works things out according to His will. Cherish the happy times and happy memories. God bless you all.

Nicole Smith
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA Usa

I didn't know Amy Joyner at all but it was very sad what happen to's ashame her life had to be cut short over something that could have easily been avoided my condolences and prayers goes out to the family I'm sorry about your lost may Amy soul rest in peace now.. #LongLiveAmyJoyner

Apr 25, 2016
philadelphia, PA penn

I'm so sorry for your lost may God give you strength to get through this difficult time.

Apr 25, 2016
Sumter, SC South Carolina

I so very sorry for the passing of your Daughter, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family , may God bless and be with you . This is so horrible that this happened , I pray that they get theires an eye for an eye .Amy rest in peace beautiful angel

lisa Sugalski
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE usa

I am deeply and sincerely sorry for you loss. Your family is in my prayers

Shanell Coles
Apr 25, 2016
Upper darby , PA USA

Am truly sorry for the loss of such a beautiful angle.
My heart aches on her life cut short so soon in such a cruel manner.
My family and I we've been lifting you all in prayer.
In our thoughts. May GOD strength you now and as you move forward.

Apr 25, 2016

May God give you the strength to endure. May this senseless tragedy somehow work to bring us together, and make parents aware of what is going on, and hopefully, prevent this from ever happening again. RIP to a lovely young woman.

Mary Jean Parks
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

Sending my prayers to the family of Amy, May God see the parents of this beautiful young lady gone way too soon, through their hard times of their loved one.

Vonetta Jones
Apr 26, 2016
Drexel Hill, PA Delaware

I would like to express my condolences to the family. We may not understand, but I ask that God gives this family understanding, strength and faith. Nothing can be said to subside the pain, but know that there is a higher power. Stand on his word. May God hold your family in the palm of his hands.

Margaret Davidson
Apr 26, 2016
Houston, TX

Sorry to hear for your loss I didn't know her but she was a wildcat which is family I will pray for the family and school to mourn and heal her loss you all are in my prayers

John R Castellano
Apr 25, 2016
Claymont , DE New castle

I am so sorry for ur lost my prayer are with u and the family

Kisha Aiken
Apr 25, 2016
Lincoln, DE

I'm so sorry for your lost and just know she's in God's arms now and is watching over you may God bless

Kaliyah Wilson
Apr 26, 2016
Woodstown, NJ United States

Our hearts, prayers, love go out to Amy's family. We pray that God gives you all the Strength you need. We feel your pain and yes it hurts to lose a beautiful daughter. Sincere Condolences to The Family πŸ’—πŸ’—

James & Sandy Green
Apr 25, 2016
Sewell, NJ United States

While I never knew your daughter, I was very sorry to hear what had happened to her. You will hear thousands of I'm Sorrys and words of wisdom, but at the end of the day all I can think to say is that she was too good for this world. Whatever you may feel or think from here on out is never wrong. Allow yourself to feel everything and know that she is looking down on you now. God bless.

Apr 26, 2016
Clayton, DE

I'm so sorry for your lost and just know she's in God's arms now and is watching over you may God bless

Kaliyah Wilson
Apr 26, 2016
Woodstown, NJ United States

Sorry for your loss. My family and I will keep you and your family in our prayers. God bless

Brittany Sorrell
Apr 25, 2016
Carneys Point, NJ United States

Angel Amy U never even had a chance to accomplish your earthly plans, because God had His plans in heaven for you. U will never have to worry about bullying again Baby Girl,u will now RIP in His protected
arms Y.ou like ur my daughter.:*(

Daaimah E. Aleem
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

I am sorry for your loss , prayers to the family and friends.

Autumn J Rice
Apr 25, 2016
Temperanceville , VA United States

May God bless you and comfort your heart.

Apr 25, 2016

Rip Babygirl. You were a beautiful young lady. You now how your wings to become a beautiful Angel.

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE Newcastle County

I have been grief stricken since hearing and reading about the tragic passing of Amy. I did not have the pleasure of ever meeting Amy, however, as a native Wilmingtonian, educator and fellow human being, I felt compelled to tell you that I think of Amy every day. I pray for her and her family, friends, and the students at Howard Tech. So many lives have been changed by this tragedy. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

Deborah L Ellingsworth
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

I am so very sorry for your loss. I didn't know your daughter, sister, friend, but I do know that our God has a plan. Continue to look to the hills from whence cometh your help. Prayers to your family.

Sherrillan Atkinson
Apr 25, 2016
NC United States

To the family of Amy you have my deepest condolences in your time of loss.

Taneya Harding
Apr 25, 2016

Praying that God helps you through this difficult time. Praying that you find peace and comfort in one another and with the Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. May God continue to keep a hedge of protection around you and your family. My deepest sympathy to you all.

Apr 25, 2016
NEWARK, DE United States

My family is praying for your family. We can not even imagine what you are feeling. Lord will comfort you and your family during this time. Set your burdens on the Cross of Jesus.

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

To The Joyner- Francis Family. Amy you will truly be missed for the beautiful person you were on the inside and out Love you always Baby Girl β™‘β™‘β™‘
When we lose someone in death, its a very difficult time. Have you ever wonder if  death will be nomore? Notice the promise in Gods Word  According  to Isaish 25:8,
He will swallow up death forever
And the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will wipe away the tears from all faces. I hope these words bring comfort to you and your family. For more words of encouragement please visit

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

I'm So Sorry For Y'all Lost!

Apr 25, 2016
Alberta, AL United States

I'm so sorry for your lost & may God bring you peace

Sherekkia Martin
Apr 26, 2016
Carneys Point, NJ Salem

To Amy:Adorable Mature Youth!!!! There were many reasons why GOD took you from us!!!! But what needs to be understood is the hatred that's caused you to be here!!!!! And your smile says it all!!!!

Marcia Dent
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE United States

I am so sorry for your loss. May the Lord strengthen and comfort your heart.

Apr 25, 2016
Aldan, PA

RIP AMY πŸ’™ sleep in peace baby girl πŸ‘ΌπŸ½

Geyona Preston
Apr 26, 2016

A parent should never have to go thru this ever I may know u personally but I am very sorry for what happen to your daughter may god keep u safe in your journey for justice

Apr 25, 2016
Mastic, NY Usa

I am so sorry this happened to you. I know Jesus got you and he will help your family during this loss. Those girls EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM will be tormented for the rest of their life for what they did to you and your family. I will be praying for you guys. RIP IN PEACE AMY and may the peace of God help your family and friends

Robin Smith
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

Sorry for your lost and may god bless your family my heart is with you

Apr 25, 2016
Chester, PA Delaware

Sorry for your lost and may god bless your family my heart is with you

Apr 25, 2016
Chester, PA Delaware

To the family members of this beautiful young lady, I am praying for your peace during this time of bereavement. I do not know you, but the story of Amy has truly touched my heart and affected me tremendously. May God wrap His loving arms around you and bring you comfort, love, peace, healing, and His strength during this time. You are and will continue being in my prayers. God bless you.

Apr 25, 2016

Sending prayers and condolences to the family...God has his Angel Amy back home.... May she continues to Rest in Heaven known as Paradise!! The Shelton Family

Cleo shelton
Apr 25, 2016
Houston, DE USA

When I seen it on the new it just broke my heart how can.these kid be so cruel I give her family my sympathy they need to do something with these bully's they need to fill her pain right now leave it in gods hands he will take care of them

Tanya Lee Escobar
Apr 26, 2016
BRIDGETON, NJ United States

When I seen it on the new it just broke my heart how can.these kid be so cruel I give her family my sympathy they need to do something with these bully's they need to fill her pain right now leave it in gods hands he will take care of them

Tanya Lee Escobar
Apr 26, 2016
BRIDGETON, NJ United States

May you rest in the heavenly farther arms this is so sad every time I see or hear about what happened to you my eyes fill with tears. My prayers go out to her family and friends may God bless you all and be your comfort in your time of sorrow. :(

Apr 25, 2016
Atlanta, GA United States

May your beautiful soul rest peacefully Angel

Maranda Tummel
Apr 25, 2016

I am so sorry to hear of your lost. I pray that you find comfort in the Lord during this difficult time. Keeping the family in my thoughts and prayers.

Misty Askin
Apr 25, 2016
Penns Grove, NJ

All my sympathy to Amy's parents. I didn't know this beautiful young lady but my heart goes out to those who knew her. I haven't stopped thinking about what a tragedy this is.
We never lose our loved ones
They accompany us; they don't disappear from our lives.
We are merely in different rooms
Paul Coelho,Aleph

Deborah Balland
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE New Castle

I am so sorry to hear of your lost. I pray that you find comfort in the Lord during this difficult time. Keeping the family in my thoughts and prayers.

Misty Askin
Apr 25, 2016
Penns Grove, NJ

I didn't know Amy but from our family to yours our prayers are sent your way she was a beautiful young lady sad this happend I heard a song today and I thought of your daughter dancing in the skies.

Melissa navedo
Apr 26, 2016
Ellendale , DE Usa

Prayers to your family and friends during this trouble time. FLY HIGH Sweetie

Bryan Seacord
Apr 25, 2016
Hartly, DE USA

May God comfort the family during this terrible lost, Rest in Peace Amy.....God Bless you all...

Quentin Washington
Apr 25, 2016
Millsboro, DE usa

RIP BEAUTIFUL ANGEL gorgeous young lady...our heart is broken but you are in paradise sitting next to the father great hands...we love you and will miss a sweet girl like your self.God please be of comfort to the family as they deal with the lost of thier angel.

Apr 25, 2016
Newark , DE

Rest Easy Baby Girl!! I offer my sincere condolences to the family!!

Apr 25, 2016
Four oaks, NC

So sorry this happened to you. My condolences to friends and family and all who were affected by this senseless tragedy. I lost my daughter a year ago today so I know your pain. Rest in peace beautiful angel.

Goodman family
Apr 25, 2016
Dover, DE USA

RIP BEAUTIFUL ANGEL gorgeous young lady...our heart is broken but you are in paradise sitting next to the father great hands...we love you and will miss a sweet girl like your self.

Apr 25, 2016
Newark , DE

I just wanted to say that my thoughts and prayers are with you family and although I didn't know your angel personally I have shred many tears for her and my heart aches for you all but know she is in the best hands now. God bless & be strong.

Apr 25, 2016

I never knew this beautiful little lady, but my heart is so heavy for the entire family and group of friends that closely surrounded this angel. My mother, stepfather and myself all wish you healing and peace within your time of grief, may you find all the strength you need to overcome this. Live on for Amy, keep her beautiful spirit alive to fight the evil that took her. Make the change, make everyone remember her. She was a gem and a sweet soul as I can see from the support she had around her. You're in our prayers.

Jessica Bishop
Apr 26, 2016
Newark , DE USA

To the family of Amy I want to extend my condolences to you all..may God continue to heal your hearts at this difficult time.. She is an angel looking down on you all

Tinisha Wilson
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

I'm so sorry for the lost, I honestly get sick thru my stomach to hear this young lady lost her life, keep y'all head up she's n a better place then this place we live in that we call LIFE..... PRAYER GOING UP RIP AMy

Apr 26, 2016
Cincinnati, OH United States

Amy you will truly be miss my prayers to your family baby girl rest easy

Apr 25, 2016
Chester, PA Chester

I pray for your healing and that God be with you all during this hard time in your lives. Amy's story has touched many people worldwide and the message to spread peace and love has been received and embraced. Dear Heavenly Father Let us all find healing as you have called your angel Amy home. Let us all accept the message and mend our broken communities...rid our children of hatred.

Apr 26, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

Sending my condolences to the family. I didn't know Amy, but as a parent I am truly heartbroken about what happened. I will continue to pray that God gives you the strength to get through this.

Taneka Robinson
Apr 25, 2016

I am heart broken and sadden at this. I am truly lost for words. I didnt know Amy personally but my little brother attends Howard High. When i heard the news boy i felt like Amy was my own I am so sorry for your lost and i pray God shines light on you, may the beautiful Amy's soul rest in peace.

Amber Thomas
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE Usa

My sincere condolences, thoughts, and prayers are with the family at this awful time. This tragedy has consumed my thoughts since the news first broke. Amy is definitely in a better place now.

Tiffany Vickers
Apr 25, 2016
Ewing , NJ USA

Im praying that the family get through this I know it a rough time for u all.U just lost my mother an father im alone with 4kids I'm 31 fight what's right..Im going to keep y'all in my prayers

Sabrina hill
Apr 25, 2016
Chester, PA

My condolences to you and your family I pray that GOD gives you tge strenght to carry on as your beautiful daughter AMY will be watching over you now... Please continue to trust in the LORD.... Love Marcia Caldwell. From Oxford Pa.

marcia caldwell
Apr 25, 2016
oxford, PA Chester

I know I didn't know you but this story has reach many hearts, I have a daughter that's why your story touched me so much. I'm from PA and that was close to home. I pray your family can come to peace although it's never going to be easy. R.I.P your home with the greatest now.

Marquita scott
Apr 25, 2016
Texas City, TX Usa

My condolences to you and your family I pray that GOD gives you tge strenght to carry on as your beautiful daughter AMY will be watching over you now... Please continue to trust in the LORD.... Love Marcia Caldwell. From Oxford Pa.

marcia caldwell
Apr 25, 2016
oxford, PA Chester

R.i.p. Beautiful angel.....

Tiaana vaughn
Apr 25, 2016
New castle, DE

My condolences to her family and friends , such a beautiful girl , did not know her but she was too young and beautiful to go that way. All my prayers to her family. Much love. Xoxo

Keirston Biggs
Apr 25, 2016
Frostburg , MD

Keeping your family in my prayers may the Lord wrap His loving arms around you and comfort you during this difficult time,God bless you all!πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸ˜₯

Cookie Ayala
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE USA

Keeping your family in my prayers may the Lord wrap His loving arms around you and comfort you during this difficult time,God bless you all!πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸ˜₯

Cookie Ayala
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE USA

Your family has my families thoughts and prayers. My son has been going through his own issues with bullying. I'm tired of all of this nonsense with these kids fighting.

Ebony Harris
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

Never met her but, this story hit home. So devastating and heartbreaking! My condolences and strength to the family at this difficult time! Praying for you all! Fly high Amy!

Dee Westry
Apr 25, 2016

Why did your beautiful angel, have to go This way, What could one do or say, to sooth your pain away?There's No words I could say, to fully express my sadness, but Know, that God has welcomed your beautiful angel, into His arms with Gladness... Sorrowfully submitted... Paula Hines Wayman

Paula Wayman
Apr 25, 2016
Dover, DE USA

I'm sorry for your lose.Amy was like a sister to me who I spent many fun times together with.Im sad to see her have gone so soon,but i know she is in a better place now.I will always and forever love Amy aka my sister.

Keith Harmon
Apr 25, 2016
New castle , DE Untied states

I'm sorry for your lose.Amy was like a sister to me who I spent many fun times together with.Im sad to see her have gone so soon,but i know she is in a better place now.I will always and forever love Amy aka my sister.

Keith Harmon
Apr 25, 2016
New castle , DE Untied states

To family of Amy Joyner-francis

God bless you all..I did not know Amy personally but my heart has been extremely heavy from this tragedy...I will continue to pray for your family for strength and peace...God bless!!!

Trish Boyer
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

I am sending prayers to your family and friends May u rip

Lois layfield
Apr 25, 2016
Delmar, MD United states

My sincerest condolences. I don't know her but this breaks my heart. Justice will be served. I'll keep this family in my prayers

Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

I like to say, I cannot fell your pain because I never lost a child, but I can say from my heart, my prayer and my little grandchildren and my daughter prayers go out to the Francis family. We cannot question God, but I know God have His hands over you to let you know your daughter is all right. In our hearts we hold the heart of love and through your trials and tribulations always hold on to the love that God gave you and the wonderful love your daughter shown to many people with respect and caring love. Again our prayers go out to the family. God Bless.

Dosh Coverdale
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

I did not know Amy, but when I heard this story it broke my heart. This was literally the first time in my life I felt pain for someone I didn't know. I felt more pain for her than I did Prince. As a black female, it hurts to see what we do to each other. After this incident, hopefully everyone will change their ways by letting go of drama and to stop fighting/killing each other. God bless the Joyner and Francis families and may God take care of Amy.

Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA


carmen colon
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

My heart and deepest sympathy to your family, at this trying time. May God continue to give you faith.

Apr 25, 2016
NEWARK, DE United States

Words cannot express the pain. I am truly sorry this had to happen. Amy is a beautiful girl and my prayers are with you in this sad time.

Shamada Reed
Apr 25, 2016
Pedricktown, NJ USA

My heart breaks for the loss of this precious child. I pray that God comforts you and know that my family is grieving with you. We will keep you and your family in our hearts. ❀❀❀❀

Natasha K
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE

My sincere condolences for your loss. I pray that all of you find peace and the love of God in your hearts forever.

Mary Ann Belay
Apr 25, 2016
Lewes, DE United States

I can't imagine the pain you are feeling right now. She was such a beautiful girl. Praying for your family , and sending my condolences. May she rest in peace, and get the justice she deserves.

A Mother
Apr 25, 2016

My sincere condolences as I Wrap my head around this traggedy. May your baby girl rest in the Lords arms and watch down on us all. I have a 16 year old and a 14 year old daughters and they are having a hard time with this as well. May the Lord be with you in your time of need and sorrow. If there is anything that we can do for you please let us know and let us do! Love the Smith family!

Corinne Smith
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE USA

I am so sorry for your lost. Praying for you and your family that all goes well and you can heal deom this tragic lost.

Heather layfield
Apr 25, 2016
Delmar, MD Usa

I sent my heartfelt condolences to your family in this hour. I extend my prayers to comfort and give encouragement that the Lord carries you and strengthen your heart and mind to continue on she is always in your memories and heart use those day to day and heal in time.

Shalisha Taylor
Apr 25, 2016
Dallas, TX U.S

Sorry for the loss of your family member. Praying for your family.

Victor Bumpers
Apr 25, 2016
mobile, AL United States

I pray GOD gives u the strength and understanding you need in this difficult time...the bible states he would never put too much on us that we can bear but my GOD, it's ok to question GOD... I am so sorry for ur loss!

Candi Worthy
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia , PA

My sincere blessings are sent your way with warm hugs. The love you have and the memories you have built will always surround your heart...♥️

Donna M Birmingham
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE United States

God bless your soul and may you rest easy. My prayers are with your family

Tia Gilyard
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States of America

My thoughts and prayers are with the family at this tough time. May God give u strength n continue to keep you. From a Mother who can feel your pain at this time. GOD BLESS YOU !

Mrs.Michelle Marshall
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE us

May Amy rest in peace, and to the family may God strengthen you through this rough time.

Carey Matthews
Apr 25, 2016
Townsend , DE

Your family is in my prayers may he bless you in your time of need

Apr 25, 2016

Gone way too soon. May God wrap his loving arms around the family during this time of bereavement.

Dele Johnson
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

May god be with you at this time

Brandy neal
Apr 25, 2016
Carney's point , NJ

Rest easy beautiful angel πŸ‘Ό You are missed

Loved ones
Apr 25, 2016

RIP To A Beautiful Angel, I didn't know you but the look of all your pics you look like such a strong young lady with so much going for you I'm sending lots of prayers out to her family n friends.

DAniella Z
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE

May fond memories bring you comfort.

So sorry for your loss

Apr 25, 2016

I never knew Amy personally, but her story touched my heart deeply. I know she's truly missed and loved. My prayers definitely going up to you and your family and friends. As a former Howard High School student,
I send my condolences from the Howard Family.

Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE

I did not know your precious girl, but she represents every young girl just trying her best to navigate through this unfair world. Please know that as a mother, I mourn your loss. I have and will continue to pray most fervent prayers for you and your family. May the angels come to your aid in this most difficult time, and somehow give you peace. RIP Amy Inita,

Apr 25, 2016
Lansdowne, PA United States

We are so sorry about the loss of your beautiful daughter. I could not imagine. Our prayers go out to the family.

Skylar & Eric Chance
Apr 25, 2016
Elkton, MD United States

Praying God give you comfort

Apr 25, 2016
Dublin, GA

I am truly sorry for your loss, May Amy Rest in Heavenly Peace.

Adrienne S
Apr 25, 2016
Overland Park, KS United States

I would like to send my condolences out to your family on this trying time may god bless you and may you find peace and comfort.... she's your angel now she's watching over you...God Bless You...

Erika Taylor
Apr 25, 2016
Chester, PA Delware

I did not know you, but I pray for you and your family. God has opened up his arms to receive you hold you tight..May your parents know that we are all praying for them to find some kind of peace in all this and that you will never be forgotten.God Bless and keep you.

carol angeloni
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE

I dont know you or your family but my heaet bleeds for you. You were such a beautiful young lady and my prayers are with your family always. RIH sweet girl

Apr 25, 2016
FORT WORTH, TX United States

We do not know you nor your beautiful daughter Amy but we want to express our deepest condolences. May god give you strength at this difficult time. We pray to God that he heals your broken heart.
Know that he is with you..and Amy is by his side...
"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

Bradley and Kelly Conway
Apr 25, 2016
Bear, DE USA

May god be with the famliy at this time.

Stacy R Ballard
Apr 25, 2016
Bensalem, PA Bucks

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal." Rest in Peace Baby Girl and may your family and friends find peace knowing that you are now walking with the Angels and looking down on them.

Apr 25, 2016
Edwardsville, PA United States

I'm pray for y'all R.I.P Amy you were such a beautiful young lady

Camille andrews
Apr 25, 2016
Harrington, DE United States

Tanya Brock and Family
Please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for your loss …our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. May your heart and soul find peace and comfort

Kasandra Martin and Family
Apr 25, 2016
wilmington, DE United States

Sending our prayers and condolences to the family. Although I did not know Amy, as a mother and a grandmother my heart bleeds for you all. I pray that God gives you comfort through all of this. RIP Amy!

Josie Johnson
Apr 25, 2016

I didn't know you my dear, but I know you were loved. I pray that the lord blesses your family with strength and peace in their hearts. Gone too soon. Rest is paradise baby girl.

Chimere Pressley
Apr 25, 2016
New castle , DE

I do not know your family I do not know Amy but here's what I do know... She is now a Angel with our loving Father, and her story will be the voice of many young girls across the world. My prayers for strength and comfort are with you all at this time. May God be with you and bless you through this difficult heartbreaking journey.

Apr 25, 2016
Magnolia, DE Usa

Words seem inadequate to express the sadness we feel for you your family and friends. Nothing will ever take away the memories. Hold tight to the memories for comfort. Lean on the Heavenly Father for strength and always remember how much you are loved amd cared. We pray the love of God enfolds you during your difficult times and he helps you heal. May there be comfort in knowing that someone so special will never be forgotten.

Phyllis Evans & Family
Apr 25, 2016
Middletown, DE

So Sad To See You Gone So Soon. You're In A Better Place Baby Girl. JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED! You And Your Family Are In My Prayers Baby Girl FLY HIGH BABY GIRL! You're A Beautiful Angel Now Up In Heaven!

Bryanna Clinger
Apr 25, 2016
Pottstown, PA USA

My thoughts and prayers are with your family, during this time of sorrow. May God bring peace and strength in the days ahead. She was a beautiful young lady.

Kisha Brown
Apr 25, 2016
Whiteman AFB, MO

My condolences to you and your family I pray that GOD gives you tge strenght to carry on as your beautiful daughter AMY will be watching over you now... Please continue to trust in the LORD.... Love Marcia Caldwell. From Oxford Pa.

marcia caldwell
Apr 25, 2016
oxford, PA Chester

Rest in peace, Amy. You were a beautiful young lady, and had so much more life to live. My sincerest condolences to the family. I will be praying for God to comfort you all during this tragic time.

Apr 25, 2016
Cameron, NC

My condolences go out to your family ❀️ She was very beautiful and now she's a beautiful angel. So sad the way she lost her life . Wish someone would have seen this foolish act and stopped it πŸ˜” No one deserves to lose their life the way she did it breaks my heartπŸ˜”

Apr 25, 2016
West Chester , PA USA

My condolences to you and your family I pray that GOD gives you tge strenght to carry on as your beautiful daughter AMY will be watching over you now... Please continue to trust in the LORD.... Love Marcia Caldwell. From Oxford Pa.

marcia caldwell
Apr 25, 2016
oxford, PA Chester

My condolences to you and your family I pray that GOD gives you tge strenght to carry on as your beautiful daughter AMY will be watching over you now... Please continue to trust in the LORD.... Love Marcia Caldwell. From Oxford Pa.

marcia caldwell
Apr 25, 2016
oxford, PA Chester


Keeshia Coleman
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia , PA

Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this most difficult time.

Lyn Bodden
Apr 25, 2016
Grand Cayman , - Other - Cayman Islands

This Story Broke My Heart.
I'm Continuing To Pray For Your Family.

Domonique M.
Apr 25, 2016
Baltimore, MD

I am sending my condolences from Florida. This hit the heart badly. So sadden to to this BEAUTIFUL ANGEL leave TOO SOON . R.I.H SWEET BABY!!

Tiwana Kirkland aka Pumpkin
Apr 25, 2016
jacksonville, FL

So sorry for you're loss😒 You will be in my heart forever. God Bless..R.I.P. Amy you're a beautiful angel now. 🌹

Patty Rholetter
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

My family and I send our condolences to the Joyner-Francis family in this time of great sorrow. May GOD lift you up and hold you in his everlasting arms. May your memories of her comfort you in your most difficult times.

Mr. & Mrs. David E. Hogan, Jr.
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

First i would like to say, Im so sorry to hear about your loss.My prayers goes out to you and ur family.I cant imagine the pain you and the family is going through.Just Always remember she will never be forgotten she was beautiful and important to alot of people.Please stay strong for Amy

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE newcastle

I Didnt Know You But I Send Prayers To Your Family And FriendsπŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯ #Rip Baby Girl We Love You😍

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE Delaware

Rip Amy your in a better place now πŸ’•πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜‡

Apr 25, 2016
Eddystone , PE United States

Truly sorry for your lost god bless u and your family

Maude Matthews and family
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE New Castle

Truly sorry for your lost god bless u and your family

Maude Matthews and family
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE New Castle

God bless you. Although we did not know your Amy, we would like to extend our most heartfelt condolences to you as parents. We know she is in a great place right now, knowing that where she is there is NO bullying. Please know that the Lord is with you in this difficult time. Our family will continue to pray for your family, praying for daily strength, praying for peace of mind & in your hearts. If you ever need someone to talk, a ear to just listen my email is above. God bless you. We thank the Lord for Amy the hundreds for lives she touched & is still touching. Once again we are truly sorry for your lost.

The Montalvo family
Apr 25, 2016
bear, DE

My deepest sympathy and condolences go out to the family and friends of such a beautiful young lady whose life was tragically cut so short. I pray that God is able to provide you comfort during this most difficult time! πŸ™

Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE

To Amy's mom n dad to the family n friends I do not know yall but you all are are in my prayers and my church bethal prayers. Nothing I can say especially as a stranger can change your hurt. I didn't know this beautiful little girl but my heart and soul hurts for all of you. May God be with you and lift your pain and sorrow away .

Apr 25, 2016
millington, MD usa

Rip Amy. I didn't know her but my daughter was her friend and went to Howard. I am praying for her family especially her mother.

Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE

I am so sorry for your loss remember God only takes the angels and I'm sure this beautiful remarkable girl is one you will meet again someday

Apr 25, 2016
New castle, DE United states

Sending my condolences to family as I seen the breaking news my heart drop I don't know how u feel but as a mother and s father to all my kids the heart stands strong may god bless u all threw this crisis only god knows you all heart such a young beautiful soul gone so soon but threw life she will never be forgotten may god bless the family at this time sorry for your lost

Lashonda Fields
Apr 25, 2016
milford, DE USA

Strength prayer May god be with you through this time of need!

Alana Byrd
Apr 25, 2016
Salisbury , MD

Sorry for your lost

Benjamin Meek
Apr 25, 2016
New castle, DE

R.I.P Amy your gone to soon you will be truly missed from Pa to De forever in our hearts.

Anthony Reynolds
Apr 25, 2016
Chester, PA United States

I'm sorry for your lost she didn't deserve that I hope you get through this because you shouldn't have to say your last goodbye to your child at all I send much love and I'm praying for your family to heal

Briana Mitchell
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

Amy was my friend since the 2nd grade.πŸ˜› I'm so heart broken.πŸ’”πŸ˜© I just wish I could of talk to her rn.😭 She would having me laughing.πŸ˜‚ She was my baby I just miss herπŸ’―. I still can't sleep without thinking about Amy. Love You Honey Bun😘😍 Rip AmyπŸ˜‡

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE Newcastle

I am so sorry that you lost your daughter. I hope that god wraps his arms around you in this time of need. May God bless you all.

Apr 25, 2016
Harrington, DE

I would like to send my condolences to the family and Friends of Amy. I can't imagine how you feel but I'm hurt. even though I didn't know her it affected me as a parent. I'm sending my prayers to everyone.

Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE

Praying that you will be forever comforted.

Rosemary Davis
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

So sorry for your loss, May god bless you and comfort you and your family in your time of need. Praying for you for peace

Keayra green
Apr 25, 2016
Ridgely, MD USA

Rip baby girl , you didn't deserve that at all but god has called you home . I don't know you but your family is in my prayers ,I know the pain ' I just lost my grandmother 2 weeks ago ❀️

Shii Nichole
Apr 25, 2016
Chester, PA

I'm so sorry for your pray for your whole family R.I.P Amy

Yvette stanback
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United states

Dear family im sorry to hear of this tragic loss. Bishop jakes once said even though it may seem as though death has won love still conquers all. As a recent graduate of the class of 94 of Howard High School im sending my deepest thoughts and prayers with you.

David Ray
Apr 25, 2016
Denver, CO


Apr 25, 2016
Selbyville , DE

On behalf of the Butcher & James family, and Shiloh Baptist church family,our prayers and deepest sympathy go out to Amy Joyner's family. I think I speak for the entire nation when I say this story impacted and affected everyone who heard about it. We are all deeply saddened by this horrible tragedy. Noone should have to go through something like this. Please know that you are not alone bc we stand with you and support you through it all. God Bless.

Tiffiney E. Butcher
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE

You have my deepest sympathy during your time of bereavement. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. I pray God keeps you in his loving arms. God Bless

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

I knew Amy sense the 6th grade nd it breaks my heart to see a good young lady with goals go away over nonsense she didn't deserve to go like this justice for my baby girl my heart goes out to both of her parents

Apr 25, 2016
New castle , DE USA

I knew Amy sense the 6th grade nd it breaks my heart to see a good young lady with goals go away over nonsense she didn't deserve to go like this justice for my baby girl my heart goes out to both of her parents

Apr 25, 2016
New castle , DE USA

I'm ahrayyah I'm from Sharon hill in Delaware county area I have followed Amy on Instagram we have had girl talks as if we were close friend she was a beautiful mature young lady was unaware of that fight but I just want her and her family to know I love Amy she was a special girl

Ahrayyah Fowler
Apr 25, 2016
Sharon Hill, PA United States

My condolences to the family of this young girl whose life tragically ended over stupidity I hope the girls are prosecuted to the fullest extent R.I.P Amy

Chanel Jenkins
Apr 25, 2016
Bronx, NY United States

#rip you are pain free I will see u in heaven one day

Zahir M Smith
Apr 25, 2016
Norristown, PA United States

Im so sorry for your lost she was a pretty young lady

Martia Saunders
Apr 25, 2016
chester, PA chester

Rest In Peace Baby girl!!

Sonja Harvey
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

my prayers go out to you and your family I know how it feels to loose a loved one due to violence I feel your hurt and pain god bless you

rhonda harvey
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, DE pa

My heart aches for the pain you feel at this moment, my heart triumphs for the beautiful spirit of your daughter, who is peacfully tucked away with our father. I pray for your strength

Jamila Collins
Apr 25, 2016
wilmington, DE

So sorry to hear what happened to you. You were a beautiful girl that I know didn't deserve that at all.

Tashay Johnson
Apr 25, 2016
Detroit, MI Wayne

I send my deepest condolences to the family of this young woman, I will continue to pray that God gives them the strength. And Amy will have justice. Keep your head up, God's got her now, she's in great hands.

Mye Striplet
Apr 25, 2016
DE Dover

I pray this family finds comfort and peace in this tragic moment, so heartbreaking, Amy and her family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers, I send my highest condolences to the whole family and friends, and find justice, because justice will be served! In Jesus mighty name I pray and pray, Amen.

Melissa Kelly
Apr 25, 2016
Baltimore , MD Usa

I did not know you. But you were a friend to my neice. May you rest in peace baby girl. To her family so sorry for you loss

Apr 25, 2016

R.I.P Amy your a beautiful young lady and even though don't know you you'll be truly missed. Stay pretty in heaven baby girl πŸ’•

Aliyah Washington
Apr 25, 2016
Bear , DE USA

My sincere condolences to you and your family and friends.

Carl Ruff
Apr 25, 2016
Millersville, MD USA

My heart goes out to your family at this time. May God give you the comfort and strength you need to get through this difficult time. I will continue to pray for your family.

Shameika Johnson
Apr 25, 2016
Painter, VA

I'm so sorry you had to go out the way you did. You were so beautiful and I hope god can forgive you for all your sins. Rip.

Mariah Meredith
Apr 25, 2016
Lewisburg, Pa , PA United States

Precious Angel may you rest in eternal peace. God bless!!

Apr 25, 2016
Clayton, DE

My heart really goes out to the family of Amy this has touched and also broken my heart. May God give her family peace in there heart. My daughter attend the school and it was to close to home. May Amy rest in paradise 😒❀

Tracy G
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE

I am praying for her family in this time of tragedy when I heard about this it broke my heart i didn't even know her sleep in peace baby girlπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ‘ΌπŸ½
Justice for her parents

Kalitta Layton
Apr 25, 2016
Chrster, PA Delaware

I have no clue of what your going thought because I never lost a child. My heart ache for this family and I will be praying that God gives you the comfort that you need in this time of grief she was a beautiful young lady and im so sorry for your lost..Rest In Paradise Amy I know in my heart you are going to be missed.

Tina Miller
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

May God comfort you in this difficult.and sad time. Praying you allow the strength and love of our Heavenly Father help in your sad moments.

Apr 25, 2016
Millsboro, DE Sussex

To the parents and family of Amy I offer my prayers and condolences. May God comfort you all.

Nicole Miller
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE

I would like to send my condolences. My heart goes out to the family. My prayers are with you all. Praying that God gives you the strength to get through this trying time.

Katrina Harris
Apr 25, 2016
Raleigh, NC

My family would like to offer you and your family prayers. We are truly heartbroken for you and your family and friends. No words will ever be able to take away what has happened. Sending love and prayers.
The Arnao'd

Jason & Joan Arnao
Apr 25, 2016
Queen Creek , AZ united states

Our sincerest condolences to the family of Amy Joyner-Francis and we pray that God be with you all now and forever as you mourn your loss. Your smart, beautiful Angel has earned her heavenly wings and the world will never forget her.

Hill Family
Apr 25, 2016
King of Prussia, PA united states

Prayers To The Family! She Did Not Deserve This! Beautiful Young Lady

Keosha Betts
Apr 25, 2016
Michigan , MI

May you spread your beautiful wings and fly high!!! I pray for your family and friends that GOD sees that justice is served!!!

Renna Peirson
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE new castle county

So sorry gone to soon
R.I.P amy

Apr 25, 2016
newcastle, DE united states

I am so sorry you've lost your child because bullying is not monitered in the school system. We send our children to school expecting them to come home!They lock to doors to keep our children safe, what do you do when the monsters are lock in the building with our children? These kids are addicted to violence! This world is saturated in hate! My heart weeps for your Baby Girl!! I know there's nothing I can say to make you feel any better!I've found comfort in this website! There I've found hope in the scriptures of what the future holds for mankind!

Apr 25, 2016
Topeka, KS

I just want to start off by saying my deepest thoughts and prayers are with your family during this time. This story has been deep in my heart since I heard. After reading some of these comments in the guest books, you can tell that she was an outstanding beautiful girl who cared about other people. The whole entire world is getting to view Amy as a strong smart girl who will forever be remembered. I will keep amy and your family in my thoughts. RIP Amy Joyner. 😒

Melissa Kegley
Apr 25, 2016
Bear, DE

Baby girl it's so sad tht you had to leave so soon my condolences go out to your family the good die young #RIPAMY 😘πŸ˜₯

Apr 25, 2016
pennsgrove , NJ

I'm so sorry for the lost of your daughter , didn't know her at all but hearing & seeing her story breaks my heart cause I have two beautiful daughters as well. What happened to her was unimaginable and it should never got that far...I hope that you will be able to find peace & justice for Amy!!! My hearts aches for you and the rest of the family. Im truly sorry for your lost R.I.P *Amy* πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡

Sakeial Jubilee
Apr 25, 2016
Accomac, VA

I knew Amy from St. Michaels and she never did anything to anybody.

Savaun Powell
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

Deepest heartfelt sympathy and prayers to all who knew Amy. As a member of Howard Alumn, news of the senseless act of violence touched me deep inside. Let's work toward making all lives matter when it comes to the violence around us. My God hold you in the palm of his hand and comfort you in the days to come.

Rose Marie Iezzi
Apr 25, 2016
Bear, DE USA

I'm so sorry for your lost. Hearing the story on the news was very heartbreaking my condolences goes out to you and your family

Aitiyona Lanier
Apr 25, 2016
Chester , PA

This has really touch my heart. This is a pain I know so well of burying a child. Sending my prayers and love. Take it One day at a Time... Rest In Heaven Amy!!!!

Marvella Govan
Apr 25, 2016
Los Angeles, CA

Although I didn't know Amy I am truly heart broken over her passing. A beautiful life taken way to soon. I send my deepest condolences to her family and pray that God wraps his loving arms around them and comfort and strengthen them during this difficult time.

Karen Wright
Apr 25, 2016
Bear, DE


joekeisha winn
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

I didn't know Amy, however the way I felt when I heard about her death really hurt my heart as if she was my daughter. I want to give my condolences to her family and friends. May Amy soul rest in peaceπŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏπŸ™πŸΏ

Brenda Gregory
Apr 25, 2016
Bear, DE

You are at easy and watch over your family..S.I.P Baby Girl

Danita c
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE

My heart breaks for your family at this difficult time, and although no words spoken can offer you any comfort right now. But just trust in the Lord with all your heart and know that he will heal you, draw near to him, for comfort and strength. And I will continue pray for your family and that justice will prevail. God Bless you always.

Renee' Witcher
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE United States

My heart breaks for your family at this difficult time, and although no words spoken can offer you any comfort right now. But just trust in the Lord with all your heart and know that he will heal you, draw near to him, for comfort and strength. And I will continue pray for your family and that justice will prevail. God Bless you always.

Renee' Witcher
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE United States

Words could never express how deeply sorry I am in losing your baby girl. No one will ever understand your pain. I'm deeply praying for your strength In God and that He will comfort you during this painful transition

Joyce Samuels
Apr 25, 2016
Waldorf, DE

I just wanna say to the mother and the father of Amy that Im really sorry for your lossπŸ‘ΈπŸ½. Seening somebody so young pass is hard to deal with! I cried alot lately dealing with this situation... πŸ˜”Ive had people in my family die from similar protocols😩 but we all have to go through it. Amy is in a better place nowπŸ’― One of gods most beautiful young angleπŸ˜‡πŸ˜”β€οΈ .


Samantha Maldonado
Apr 25, 2016
Salem, NJ

Sad to have to know about you this way... Wish we would have met at the family reunion... My little cousin, you'll be missed dearly... Love you Amy may you rest in paradise baby girl.

Alicia Rider
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE USA

r.i.p beautiful it is so sad and hurtful to see you loose your life over jealous girls and we will keep fighting and supporting for justice for you much love to your family

zeaira smith
Apr 25, 2016
chester, PA

I do not know any personally, but this story sure touched my heart in more way than you can imagine. I send my sincerest condolences to the family & close friends of this beautiful young lady .. MAY YOU REST IN PARADISE BABY

Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE

My deepest sympathy to the family on the loss of a beautiful young lady.May,Amy.RIP.Goodnight and god bless !

Christine Tridente
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE USA


Allisha Bethel
Apr 25, 2016
St.Criox, VI

To the family of Amy I am truly sorry for your loss. I will be praying for the family. I didn't know Amy from what I read she was a wonderful person and so pretty.l just want you to know that I am hurt over this. My son was killed the same way. Rip Angel

Apr 25, 2016
Baltimore, MD Usa

Inita Im sorry for your lost. Im here if you need me. My prayers are with you.

NeCole Williams
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE New castle

My condolences to the family! I pray God gives you all strength and may he forever wrap his loving arms around you all. May Amy RIP heaven gained a beautiful angel who will forever smile down on you all. God bless

Net Maldonado
Apr 25, 2016
Claymont , DE

There is a Light For Those Who Get Caught up in the Darkness....Your Light May Now Shine Forever More..Rest In Peace Little Angel...They Cannot Hurt You Anymore..

Apr 25, 2016
Dover, DE

My deepest sympathy to your family in the loss of your beautiful daughter. A parent should never have to bury a child but sadly it is happening way to often. She has touched the hearts of so many who never had the pleasure of meeting her. RIP Amy. πŸ˜‡πŸ™πŸΌ

Lynn Sarro
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE

R.I.P Amy, you were an extremely beautiful soul without a doubt. Thank you for being a light in each of the lives you came across! Watch over us wildcats, we'll miss you dearly. I send my condolences to the Joyner/Francis family and pray that they find comfort in this rough time.

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE U.S

We do not know amy but we are sorry for your family's loss. Our prayers are with the family! Rip amy

Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE Ncc

I am so sorry that u passed at such a young age. God bless ur family.I will keep u all in my prayers

Lateyia Nelson
Apr 25, 2016
Pottstown, PA United States

Thoughts and prayers are with your family. We the members of Redeeming Grace Worldwide Ministries will be continually praying for your entire family. Lovingly submitted Bishop Wayne Rudd Senior Pastor of Redeeming Grace Worldwide Ministries 129 Lovett Avenue Newark De.

Wayne Rudd
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

I don't know Amy but I would like to send prayers to the family and friends of this beautiful young lady.

Portray price
Apr 25, 2016
Kinston, NC Lenoir

It breaks my heart that you are going through so much pain. There are are probably no words I can write that will give you comfort. Please know that many people are praying for you and your family. I pray that God grants you solace and comfort through these hard times. Put all in his hands and he will carry this burden for you. Your sadness is truly heartfelt by many. You will not be forgotten and neither will your precious Amy.

Mila Webb
Apr 25, 2016
Grand Rapids, MI

Sorry for your loss. Sending my condolences

Tammy Pack
Apr 25, 2016
Newark , DE Us

Sorry for your loss. Sending my condolences

Tammy Pack
Apr 25, 2016
Newark , DE Us


Dona Dunn
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

May God grany you peace in His eternal heavens. May He cover your family and friends with His love, comfort and strength as they share memories of you with love and laughter.
May the joys of your life sustain them in the days and nights to come.

Apr 25, 2016
Elkton, MD USA

It hurts my heart to see someone going through something like this. So I'm sending love and hugs! God has her now.

Apr 25, 2016
Chester, PA Delaware

To the family of Amy I am sorry for your loss of of your beautiful daughter this is so sad and to let you know I am praying for Amy family this story has truly touched my heart.I didn't know Amy.

Apr 25, 2016
Baltimore, MD

To the family & friend of this beautiful young lady, I pray that God wraps his arms around you and comforts you in your most desperate times of need. May he not only fulfill you will drive when you seem to not be able to move on by yourself. May he most definitely bring justice for this family and everyone seeking it(the entire world)! May god see that this family's suffering is kept to what is bearable oh lord! May Amy rest in everlasting peace! God bless the family & friends!

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, MD United States

I would like to send my condolences to the family and friends of Amy. My heart goes out to you on so many levels and I pray that one day your hearts will heal. Although Amy life was cut short she is in a better place,this world is so cruel. I'm so sorry for your loss of your beautiful angel. Just remember she will always be in your hearts. May God bless you!

Stephanie Johnson
Apr 25, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA United States

To the family of Amy I am sorry for your loss of of your beautiful daughter this is so sad and to let you know I am praying for Amy family this story has truly touched my heart.

Apr 25, 2016
Baltimore, MD

To the family of Amy I am sorry for your loss of of your beautiful daughter this is so sad and to let you know I am praying for Amy family this story has truly touched my heart.

Apr 25, 2016
Baltimore, MD

My sincerest thoughts n prayers r with you.

Venise Hamilton
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

You have my deepest sympathy.

Dr. Peggy Kendrick
Apr 25, 2016
Upper Darby, PA usa

I just want to extend my condolences to the family of Amy. My heart hurts for you all..... I too am a parent of a 16 yr old high school student.

Catrice Cale
Apr 25, 2016

I would like to send my condolences to the family and friends of Amy. My heart goes out to you on so many levels and I pray that one day your hearts will heal. Although Amy life was cut short she is in a better place ,this world is so cruel. I'm so sorry for your loss of your beautiful angel. Just remember she will always be in your hearts. May God bless you!

Stephanie Johnson
Apr 25, 2016
Pittsburgh, PA United States

Francis family, we are so sorry for your loss. Words cannot express our deepest remorse for your pain. May the Lord comfort and keep you all during this challenging time is my prayer.

Delisa Lindsey
Apr 25, 2016
Charlotte, NC United States

To the family and friends of Amy....may you cherish all of the special times and memories that you have of your precious Amy. To mom and dad of Amy, words can never take away the pain and sorrow that you are now feeling, but prayer and your faith will carry you through this hard time. I too am a mother, and can't begin to imagine what you're going through. I just know that my heart is breaking for you right now. Take comfort in knowing that there is another angel that has entered into the gates of heaven to forever look over you and all of your loved ones. Cherish the memories that were made throughout her short life.

Frances greenwell- Harrell
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE

I'm so sorry for your loss. Saw this on my Facebook page and it tore me apart. May she rest in peace .

Leona Henry
Apr 25, 2016
Shelby, NC

My thoughts & prayers are with the family. Amy you have touched hearts & minds all over the world...change will come! Rest easy sweet angel...

Apr 25, 2016
Carneys point, NJ

I'm so sorry for your loss I know how you are feeling lost my brother 5 years ago my prayers are with you and your family she's in a better place but amy fly high baby girl my prayers are with your family

Theresa Moats
Apr 25, 2016
NEW CASTLE, DE United States

I am deeply sorry for you loss. I did not know your daughter personally, but words can't truly express the empathy I have for your family. I have prayed and will continue to pray for you and your family. I have 3 little girls myself and we all pray for your family. May God truly bless you!!

Rachelle Archie
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE

I don't know your child, but my heart Condolences goes out to her and the family.My God keep the family strong...

Darryl Sykes
Apr 25, 2016
Dover, DE Us

Im sending my prayer to her family and God plz cover them in this time of need πŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ™ŒπŸ™πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”

Carolyn steart
Apr 25, 2016
chicago, IL Cook

To her loving parents:
Amy in French means "BELOVED"
She is the beloved daughter around the world. I pray for God to give you strength,healing,and comfort.
May justice be rightfully served. May your "BELOVED" Amy rest in peace. We've never said hello, we've never crossed paths. You're with God now, a sweet angel watching from above. When you think of her just look up to the heavens and you will always see your "BELOVED" in the light blue clouds in the sky. God Bless!

Sonya Perkins
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE

I'm so sorry for your loss and I'm praying all for y'all cause I feel horrible what happen to her.. The kids that did this shouldn't have done this at all.. I'm so sorry for your loss

Apr 25, 2016
Hurlock , MD United States

I am very sorry for you lost ... It seems like amy was such a sweet girl , no one deserves to loose there life that young. The violence needs too stop! Im keeping amy and her family in my prayers ! God bless you !

Apr 25, 2016
Elkton , MD Untied states

I'm so sorry for your lost. Rest in Heaven AmyπŸ™πŸ˜’

Apr 25, 2016
Ellendale , DE Sussex

My deepest and dearest sympathy. Sending thoughts and prayers for family and friends. So heartbreaking.. Rest in peace angel ❀

Apr 25, 2016
Los Angeles, CA

Prayers to your family during this tragic time. You were a very beautiful young lady and your story has touched so many lives. I pray your family can find peace in all of this. Rest in peace Babygirl

Tiera Hicks
Apr 25, 2016
Frederica, DE Kent

Prayers and sympathy to you all.
Such a tragedy to such a beautiful girl.
Fly with the angels sweetie

Laurie Slater
Apr 25, 2016
Elkton, MD USA

I really don't know this young lady or your family but I'm am truly touched by her story, and I would like to offer my deepest condolences to you, and know that the saints of God are praying for you in this moment, weeping may endure for a night but God promises Joy in the morning!!!!!!

Apr 25, 2016
Dover, DE kent

I'm lost for words on the situation that is going on, don't actually know her but I most definitely feel for her, nobody deserves to die. R.I.P BabyGirl

Lonnie Wilson
Apr 25, 2016

I'm lost for words on the situation that is going on, don't actually know her but I most definitely feel for her, nobody deserves to die. R.I.P BabyGirl

Lonnie Wilson
Apr 25, 2016

I'm lost for words on the situation that is going on, don't actually know her but I most definitely feel for her, nobody deserves to die. R.I.P BabyGirl

Lonnie Wilson
Apr 25, 2016

So sorry for your loss.Any was such a beautiful young lady. My prayers are with you.

Brenda Foreman
Apr 25, 2016
Mt.Pleasant, SC United States

I am praying for you as a mother that God give you strength and the family also I truly dont know hve it feels to lose a child so I cant imagine what your going through. May God shine on the family and SIP Amy God bless you all.

Delia A Davis
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE United States

I just want to send my deepest condolences. May God be with you!

Apr 25, 2016
Newark , DE Us

Once a wildcat, always a wildcat babygirl πŸ’―πŸ’— I'm gonna miss you Amy πŸ™πŸΎπŸ‘ΌπŸΎ You are a blessing to be around and God gave me a new gorgeous angel to watch over me πŸ‘ΌπŸΎπŸ”΅βšͺ️⚫️

Lillian Kaufman
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE USA

My heart and prayers are with all family and friends..may God give strength during this trying time.

Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE

Me and my family prayers go out to the family. I Met Amy because I was shy the first day of school and she was the first to actually talk to me and she got me out my little shale. I miss you my angel πŸ‘ΌπŸ½Rest Easy Baby Girl

Charnae Staats
Apr 25, 2016
Bear, DE

My thoughts & prayers are with the Joyner/Francis families. Amy you have touched hearts & minds all over the world...change will come! Rest easy sweet angel...

Candice W.
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE

I didnt know you precious girl but my heart is broken as if I did.RIP LITTLE ANGEL

Diane Giovannozzi
Apr 25, 2016
new castle, DE USA

Psalm 91

Rochellda Adderley
Apr 25, 2016
Newark , DE USA

Praying for peace for Amy family in this time I did not know her but my heart goes out to her parents and family RIP baby girl.

Apr 25, 2016
Virginia Beach, VA

I didn't know you. I see our birthday is on the same day dough march 8th however I wish I could be there to show support with your family. This really has touched my heart and I would love to be there with them during this time of need. May god continue to watch over your family during this time of need.

Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

Rest easy baby girl

Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE United States

God bless may you rest in peace young lady. You and your family are in my prayers

Ronald Brown
Apr 25, 2016
York, PA Usa

Amy was a good friend and she made every one laugh but she will always be in my heart she will be missed by me and her friends and family

Apr 25, 2016
Newcastle , DE Newcastle

I pray that God wrap his arms around you and your family at this time.

Apr 25, 2016
Whitney , TX

RIP Amy you was a God ANGEL thats why he called u so soon.Prayin for ur family.My daugther Joy miss u at school.

Carmen Gonzalez
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

I want to start off by saying I am so sorry for your lost and I send all of my wishes in you and the family well. I knew Amy because she would stick up for me in elementary school and middle school when I would be bullied. Amy has taught me to never hold grudges and learn to forgive.

Kayla Davis
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE United states

My condolences to you and your family. May God be your comfort at your time of need. Although I did not know Amy personally I did see her frequently in our development and she seemed like a sweet young lady. My prayers are with you . May God bless you.

Ingram Family
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE

My family and I would like to send our sincere condolences and prayers for your family at this time of sorrow. I pray that justice is served for your daughter. God BlessπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎπŸ™πŸΎ

Ivy Green-Blue
Apr 25, 2016
- Other -

Much love from the bottom of my heart. I will continue to lift your family up to the Lord Jesus for comfort as you go through the grieving process. My heart is heavily burden for the grief you must be feeling. God bless you and know people care about you and your family. RIP beautiful AMY a true angel God called home. #Amy'slifemattered

Joeli McCambridge
Apr 25, 2016
Middletown , DE

R.I.P Amy

Raheim Jones
Apr 25, 2016
Lumberton, NC U.S.

Rest baby girl God know why things happen this you are an angel watching over your dad and mom loves ones. Rest baby no more suffering.

Mirna Perez
Apr 25, 2016
New castle, DE

My deepest sympathy goes out to the family of Amy. My heart breaks for you all. May God comfort and keep you during this tragic time.

Anne Wolff
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE USA

Rest easy princess! Thoughts and prayers to the family.

Apr 25, 2016
Middletown, DE

My sincerest condolences are extended to your family at this time. May you all be comforted by the Lord and find peace in Him.

Sleep in Heavenly Peace Angel

Mia Elliott
Apr 25, 2016
Clemmons, NC

My condolences to you and your family, I can not imagine the pain you are in, but she is watching over you.

Susan Moyer
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

I send my Godly love to you and your family. May God restore you with love and support during this of sorrow and pain

Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

I'm so very sorry for your loss. Our thoughts & prayers are with you during this difficult time.

HCC Class of '88

B Price
Apr 25, 2016
Townsend , DE USA

I didn't know Amy I read in the paper and seen it on tv my thoughts are with you and my prayers. God Bless you all so sorry

Sherren Mosley
Apr 25, 2016
Cheswold , DE

I am not from Delaware but I saw everything on the new n I'm so sorry for you all lose my condolences goes out to the family of this young lady. May she Rest In Paradise. Nothing but love from my family n I. ❀️❀️😭😘

Ninette Wilson
Apr 25, 2016
Gaithersburg , MD Montgomery

I didn't know Amy but y'all have my deepest condolences

Kenyatta Harris
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

My heart goes out to you all and I have not ceased to think about her and you all since I heard the news. Words can heal your heart now but I am so sorry for your loss and today I pray God hold and comfort you and give you peace. Try to stay strong. Prayers continued.

Nicole Dave
Apr 25, 2016
Little Rock, AR

My heart goes out to u and ur family. U have my deepest condolences.
Heavenly Father, I come to u asking u to embrace the family of one of ur fallen πŸ˜‡, Amy Inita Joyner-Francis. Father I know that with u all things are possible and I know that u will continue on covering her family and the city of Delaware in ur blood. In the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Amanda Jackson
Apr 25, 2016
CHICAGO, IL United States

Sorry for your loss!!Praying for your family!!!

Apr 25, 2016

To the family, sorry for your loss. God bless each and every one of you.

Jacqui Black
Apr 25, 2016
Hartford, CT

Sorry for your loss!!Praying for your family!!!

Apr 25, 2016

My Condolences to the family. I did not know Any but she looked to be a beautiful young lady full of life. I'm sorry for all the pain you all are going through.

Brittany Thomas
Apr 25, 2016
Fort Lauderdale, FL

I am so terribly sorry for your loss. I will keep your family in my prayers

Cheyenne Moore
Apr 25, 2016

Sleep in peace beautiful may GOD be with your family in this time of need.

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

I send my condolences to the family.

Christine Barrett
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE new castle

I'm sending my deepest condolences and sympathies to the family of this Young Angel.. Lord I ask you to continue to wrap your loving arms around her family in this time.. I don't know y'all personally but I'm sending love to you all from Tampa Florida rest in peace PrincessπŸ˜‡πŸ˜˜πŸ‘Όβ€

Jenitha Adams
Apr 25, 2016
Tampa, FL United States

Our condolences goes out to the family from all of us here at 423HY RADIO

Apr 25, 2016
New Brunswick , NJ United States

I didnt know you however I've read the story and I just wanted to say to your family to be strong I know your family is heartbroken and it will never be the same its sad how the good die so young and you had a whole life ahead of you that was taken away for no reason I pray that those responsible get charged their is no win win in a situation like this I can only imagine what your family must be going through may you rest in peace you beautiful angel!

Charne Matthews
Apr 25, 2016

I am so sorry for deceased love one she will be truly missed and she is at the gold gate waiting for the rest of her family to come home

love demetrius and Ruffin and Jarrett funeral home 1205 chester st little rock AR 501-372-1305 family owned

demetrius and Ruffin and Jarrett funeral home
Apr 25, 2016
little rock, AR little rock

Thoughts and prayers to your family and friends.

Theresa Taylor
Apr 25, 2016
Smyrna, DE

I did not know Amy however her I want to send my condolences to her friends and family. She may not be here in the physical sense but she will watch over you all forever. My prayers are with you and yours. Rest in peace.πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

Judi Lockhart
Apr 25, 2016
Fort Worth, TX United States

Rest in peace my sweet angel he always take the good ones that's what u were my condolences to the family😒

lesa tilghman
Apr 25, 2016

Rest in peace my sweet angel he always take the good ones that's what u were my condolences to the family😒

lesa tilghman
Apr 25, 2016

Sending,My Prayers And Condolences To The Family,Amy,May You Rest In Peace.

Stephanie Ford
Apr 25, 2016
Newcastle,, DE USA

To the Joyner-Francis family, I extend my deepest condolences to you. May God give you strength in this difficult time. I pray Amy's memory lives on and blesses many others. RIP AmyπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

Bridget Hampton
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

My Prayers and Condolences are with the family in your time of grief! I pray that justice will served. I didn't know Amy but my heart ached while learning the news.

Robert Walters
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE USA

You are in my prayers. May god reach out and wrap his loving arms around the family and give you strength to get through these terrible times.

Vicki Gallagher
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE United States

Prayers to the Joyner-Francis family & friends. Stay Strong & know she is in a better place

LaTrelle Blue
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE USA

My deepest sympathy to the family of Amy. I don't know how many times I have cried over the loss of this beautiful young lady. It could never amount to the pain and agony that her parents and family must feel. Just know that I and thousands of others are praying for your strength and asking that God will place his loving arms around today tomorrow and always. Alumni Howard C/O 1987

Monica Gasby Bakee
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

May God give all of you strength to get threw this god bless all of you family members.

Elizabeth Hammond
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

Such a tragedy. Our church prayed for your family on sunday. You will continue to be in our prayers for strength and peace.

vicki ponce
Apr 25, 2016
newark, DE usa

I never knew Amy personally , but I always heard good things about her . She was kind , sweet , caring , helpful and all the above . She was in my English class and she was smiling and laughing . And trying to make others happen . It was never a dull moment . But I send prayers to Amy's family and friends . It's tough and upsetting but We have to stay strong for her . She wouldn't wanna see us upset

Apr 25, 2016
Bear , DE

RIP Baby girl. I didn't know you, but I have children and all of our prayers to the family.

Kimberly Marshall
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE

My Prayers Go out To the Joyner-Francis Family.
I am so Sorry for your lost
God is able to Heal all wounds

Apr 25, 2016
phila, PA usa

I didn't know Amy , but I know tat Amy was a sweet young beautiful girl that wanted to live her life as she wanted . Amy didn't expect this to happen , my prayers goes up to the family & friends . I was so upset when I heard , through Christ God have all you backs . Her parents didn't expect to send off their loving beautiful daughter to school and end up to hear the same day that their child was flown to AI hospital . Amy really didn't need this . As I heard Amy was a person to talk to about any and everything . She loves to giggle and have fun . I'm sad because she was only 16 & I can see she had a bright future ahead of her , RestUp Babygirl πŸ’™ We will keep your name alive . Even though I don't know you but again I will keep your name alive and continue to keep peace . Just watch over each and everything . Your Family Beautiful Angel . RIP Amy We ALL LOVE YOU BABYGIRL πŸ’™ I'm sorry that you guys as the parents had to go through this .

Apr 25, 2016
Newark , DE United States

May God bless your family. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I am so sorry for your loss.

Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE United States

Ms Joyner, I want you to know that my heart hurts as if she was my daughter, my prayers are with you and your family.

Tonya Sayles
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

Please except my prayer for you and the family. My deepest sorrow....God will make a way. God bless you...

Apr 25, 2016
dover, DE usa

My heart aches for your family! May your beautiful daughter rest in peace.

Linda Shockley
Apr 25, 2016
Bear, DE

Praying for peace and strength during this time.

Shayne Lewis
Apr 25, 2016

my deepest sympathy and prayers in the loss of your love one GOD BLESS YOU ALL

Florence a .Wolfe
Apr 25, 2016
Johnson City, NY united state

My deepest condolences to the parents of Amy, may you find the strength to carry on at this most difficult time. God Bless You

Tamara Fawra
Apr 25, 2016
Bear, DE

Rest up Amy 😩😩 I didn't know you but your death really hit me hard just realizing that your life was took over a boy is heartbreaking , I'm sure you didn't deserve none of that but your in a better place now fly high baby girl!! πŸ‘ΌπŸΌ my prayers go out to you & your familyπŸ’”#justiceforamy

Apr 25, 2016
Folcroft pa , DE Pennsylvania

May my thoughts and prayers go out to your family at this difficult time of need!! I will be praying that you heel from your loss!! No words can describe how you must feel loosing your beautiful daughter at such a young age!!

Holly Mulrooney
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE USA

I'm so sorry for the loss of your beautiful angel but know this she is with God now and he is taking care of her. Keeping the family in prayer

Virginia Muse
Apr 25, 2016
Claymont, DE United States

I'm truly sorry for your loss when I read this story I cried I have a daughter that is going into high school and I couldn't imagine what you are feeling. I'm praying for your family and that God takes each step with you this has touched a lot of people rest in peace baby girl.Gods Little Angel

Shafa Allen
Apr 25, 2016
Tyler, TX Us

Prayers for your family. May God bless you.

Britteny McReynolds
Apr 25, 2016
Chattanooga , TN USA

With Deepest sympathy. Prayers to your family. I feel your pain. She is a beautiful angel now. RIP Amy.

crystal Swartz
Apr 25, 2016
elsmere, DE new Castle

Your Story Will Be Carried On Forever You Will Advocate So Many Important Things In Our Society. God Is Using You Babygirl Rest In Peace ! To The Family Please Be Strong

Naya Ellis
Apr 25, 2016
Phila, PA United States

Sending much Prayer to Amy family and close Friends....Ms Brown Loves you Amy and I'm going to miss your smile! May God be with you all!

Tinisha Brown
Apr 25, 2016
Newport, DE USA

Howard High Alum C/O 2004.

Howard is a big family and our hearts and deepest condolences are with the Joyner-Frances family and friends. May God bless you and comfort you. And may God bless our youth.

Raheem Spencer
Apr 25, 2016

Even though i dont know you my heart bleeds for you rest in peace babygirl i know you in a better place

Malcolm dunem
Apr 25, 2016
Oswego, IL United states

God Bless You Amy. May you carry your family in your hands from above as they will continue to carry your with them every day in their hearts. Be at peace my child, and enjoy the serenity our Lord can now offer you.

Apr 25, 2016
Bear, DE United States

My Sincerest condolences. HCC c/o 1988.

Wesley Branch
Apr 25, 2016
Baltimore, MD USA.

I didn't know Amy but she look like a very sweet girl I wanna say sorry for your lost at least you know she is not in pain and trust me I know how bad you feel I just lost a close close close family member last week And I know you want them girls to Get hurt very bad trust me God Is going to handle them but I'm sorry and I hope you get through it 😍

Apr 25, 2016
Harrington, DE United States

I would like to take the moment to send my condolences to the family of the late Amy Francis. I did not know her, but having a 15 year old daughter that is in high school made this hit me hard. This is reallly sad. I will continue to pray for the family and will always remember Amy.God Bless this family!RIP GOD'S ANGEL

Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States


dashanique lones
Apr 25, 2016
bear, DE United states

I was friends with Amy not really close friends but I had class with her. She helped me when I was upset a lot.she was a beautiful, sweet, kind, and amazing young lady. I hope that the family and friends find peace and as well as she does.

Michaela currey
Apr 25, 2016
New castle , DE United states

There are no words to express the magnitude of your loss. Please know that we as parents pray for you and your family that God will see you through this very difficult time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and will remain with you for years to come. God Bless You.

Patty Dean
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE USA

I don't know the pain that your family is feeling, but I do know that God is there to carry you through. I send my condolences and deep sympathy. May God watch over and bless your family with peace and blessing.
- Detra Anderson-Gibbs

Detra Anderson-Gibbs
Apr 25, 2016
Bear, DE

With Deepest sympathy. Prayers to your family. I feel your pain. She is a beautiful angel now. RIP Amy.

Susan Nida
Apr 25, 2016
Townsend, DE USA

Im sending my love to you and your family. Im so sorry may God be with you All

Willette Sturgis
Apr 25, 2016
MD Elkton

I Would Like To Say I'm Sorry For You Guys Lost And I Will Continue Praying For You All I Dont Know Amy But Me As A Mother This Story Really Hit Home For Me I Wish U All The Best And I'm So Sorry Amy Was Called Home So Soon Because Of Littles Kids Who Thought They Was Big And Bad Amy You Will Forever Be Loved And Missed S.I.P Baby Girlβ€οΈπŸ™πŸΎπŸ‘ΌπŸΎ

Apr 25, 2016
Wernersville, PA Berks

I'm am very sorry for your lost she was a very pretty girl and it's a shame that you sent your child for education and your daughter never come back home to you so I'm very sorry we love you Amy RIP AMY😘😘

Jazzmyn Alexander
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE

Fly high sweetheart, nomore pain and tears... Forever in my family and I hearts R.I.P ❣

Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA

Rest in peace to you ! πŸ’› I give all my respect to you babygirl πŸ’― . you didn't deserve it!

Yasmeen Holland
Apr 25, 2016
Chester , PA USA

I want to send my condolences to the family and friends. I did not know her but the story has touched my soul and broken my heart. Fly pretty angel. Your soul,and spirit is going to change the world. Rest in peace.

Apr 25, 2016
Media, PA

May God help get you through this horrific time

Toby and Ruthie Bice
Apr 25, 2016
Middletown, DE USA

Rest easy bbg, Save me a spot Amy

#πŸ…°'s UpπŸ˜©β€πŸ’―

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

I am truly sorry for your loss. Amy was a wonderful young lady and I know you must be very proud of her. I will continue to keep your family in my prayers.

Tristan Spates
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

Though your life was cut shortly. Amy changed so many people life's. Sad it was cut end though. RIP Angel

Apr 25, 2016

My prayers go out to you and your family. As a grandmother of a very beautiful and intelligent granddaughter who will start H.S. in the fall I offer my sincere sympathy in the loss of you most precious child Amy.Joey Harrison said it right"close your eyes take all this in and imagine this is your child" and I do. Everything being said about this precious child who has touched the hearts of soooo many people near is a mirror image of my granddaughter Amy too was a very bright and beautiful child. I've talked to my granddaughter a little bit about this world we live in. It's terrible how young girls will want to fight you just because of your looks your intelligence the clothes you wear and unfortunately for no reason at all. I pray that God will continue to comfort and bless you today and always.

Bernadine Stansbury
Apr 25, 2016
Dover, DE

Praying for you during this difficult time.

Apr 25, 2016
Dover, DE

Deepest condolences. Prayers of strength during this time of sorrow and going on. Sleep in peace Amy. You're beautiful.

Gena Coley-Smith
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE United States

I am so very sorry for your loss. God bless her and all of her family

D M Barnes
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

So very sorry for the loss of your beloved girl.

Melissa Gephart
Apr 25, 2016

I'm sorry for your lost, I Have You Guys And Amy In My Prayers Keep Your Heads Up She Is Watching Over You Guys, I Know it was To soon but she's in a better place now πŸ™She's A Beautiful Angel Now πŸ˜˜πŸ˜‡

Alexis carpenter
Apr 25, 2016
Chester , PA Delaware

To the family, I offer my deepest sympathy. We don't often understand why, but we just have to believe that God makes no mistakes. My heart truly goes out to you in your time of sorrow. God Bless you!!

Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE United States

This story has touched me tremendously. I give my deepest condolences to the family mourning their loss of this young and beautiful girl. I did not know amy but I have kept up with this story and my sister went to that school and it hurts me to to read about what happened to her. Rip amy ❀ !!

Melanie stevenson
Apr 25, 2016
New castle, DE United states

Deepest condolences. Prayers of strength during this time of sorrow and going on. Sleep in peace Amy. You're beautiful.

Gena Coley-Smith
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE United States

My heart and prayers go out to the family of Amy Joyner. I am so saddened by hearing the news of such a untimely death of such a beautiful person both inside and out. I pray that the Lord will instill peace in your hearts. My deepest condolences to the family.


Pamela Brooks-Grimes & family

Pamela Brooks Grimes
Apr 25, 2016
Bear, DE United States

Peace and comfort to the family and friends of Amy. I am truly sorry for your loss. Seek God's face and draw your strength from Him in your alone time. Much love coming from New Jersey.

Apr 25, 2016
Plainfield, NJ USA

RIP Amy praying for your family

Michelle Glaze
Apr 25, 2016

Prayers to the family & friends of this young lady, God Bless you all.

Angie Hairston
Apr 25, 2016
Hawthorne, CA United States

Everyone in France has been really touched by Amy's death.
Please accept our most sincere condolences. May God be by your sides in this difficult situation.
Prayers for th Joyner-Francis family.

Apr 25, 2016
Paris France

I did not know you but my heart goes out to your family, RIP Amy.

Marie Powers
Apr 25, 2016
Smyrna, DE United States

I'm so sorry for your lost she is and still is a pretty young girl I didn't know her personally as a Howard alumni this hit home and as a parent myself it hurts so bad i was upset as if she was my own to know ya daughter is loved from everyone is greatful with all do respect may she rip she may not be here physically but she will always be here spiritually

Shalee Richardson
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

Dear Family, I am so saddened and felt so devastated at hearing the news of your daughter. My heart hurts for you all and I have not cease to think of her and you all since. I pray for God to really bring you peace and Comfort through such an awful time. Again I am so sorry for your loss. I am praying for you.

Nicole Dave
Apr 25, 2016
Little Rock, AR United States

May God grant your family peace during this difficult time. May your sorrow be eased in knowing that Amy has affected the nation! May justice be served and may communities change! Prayers for you all!

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

I did not not have the pleasure on knowing your beautiful Amy, yet my heart is heavy. My condolences to you the family and loved ones.
Rest forever in Paradise,Amy.

Former Delaware resident
Dee Cephas

Dee Cephas
Apr 25, 2016
Atlanta, GA

Such a Angel going to soon. Amy may you rest in peace. My sincere condolences to the family and friends.

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE

My deepest condolences to the parents & family of Amy. I pray you have the strength in your weakest moment to remember her as your baby girl and allow a smile to come on your face. Keep her tight in your heart and don't waiver as The Lord has Amy in the best place...Heaven. She will forever be a Howard Wildcat!

Mrs. Dionne M. Putney
Howard Career Center - Class of 1988

Dionne M. Putney
Apr 25, 2016
Elkton, MD Cecil

Such a Angel going to soon. Amy may you rest in peace. My sincere condolences to the family and friends.

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE

Such a Angel going to soon. Amy may you rest in peace. My sincere condolences to the family and friends.

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE

As a Howard Alumni class of 2006, I'd like to send my sincerest condolences to the Joyner/ Francis family.
“Death Leaves a heatache no one can heal, Love leaves a memory no one can steal.
~Author Unknown

Jaylynne C.
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

My heartfelt condolences go out to all the family and friends of Amy. Such a senseless tragedy. May God continue to comfort you and keep you during this difficult time. My prayers are with you. God Bless you all.

Megan Parks
Apr 25, 2016
NewCastle, DE USA

My heartfelt condolences go out to all the family and friends of Amy. Such a senseless tragedy. May God continue to comfort you and keep you during this difficult time. My prayers are with you. God Bless you all.

Megan Parks
Apr 25, 2016
NewCastle, DE USA

Joyner/Francis Families you are all in my prayers. May God comforts you all in these tragic times. May Amy's BEAUTIFUL SOUL LIVE FOREVER. RIP AMY

Balback/Jackson Family
Apr 25, 2016
WILMINGTON, DE United States

I just want too say that I love you Amy ❀️ And you will be missed baby girl . πŸ˜” You were a kind and loving person & You did not deserve this . They say the good die young , but there is no turning back , and I was told that all I can do is move forward . Prayers go out too your family and friends. May you rest in peace AngleπŸ‘ΌπŸΎπŸ’” This Hurts , But we all have to countinue to do better for you baby girl.πŸ™πŸΎ

Shawnae sykes
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE United States

There are no words to help fill your loss. God is watching over yous. I will keep you and your loved ones in my prayers. She is watching over yous

Phyllis alexander
Apr 25, 2016

Im so sorry for the loss of this sweet princess..never will she be forgotten she touched alot of ppl hearts

Tanisha Lambert
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

I would like to start by saying Amy was a beautiful girl , and im deeply sorry for your lost , god bless you guys

Latisha McCullough
Apr 25, 2016
Baltimore , MD

I did not have the pleasure of knowing your daughter personally but I have been personally touched by her passing. I am so sorry for your loss. There are no words. No one should ever have to bury their child. I can only hope she is at peace and you and your family will find peace. know that she will always be with you, protecting you. RIP to a beautiful soul.

Teri DiDonato
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE United States

My Heartfelt Condolences to the Family of Amy. I Graduated from Howard in 1977 an joined the Marine Corps, an served for 30 years. I've watched an Prayed for Howard Students since i left Delaware. Hearing the tragic News of such a Beautiful Young Lady departing this Earth Broke my Heart. I Pray for Gods Power to Reign. Beautiful Amy, although we never met i saw you as one of my Own Daughters. May your Wings shine brightly as you Fly to Heaven.

Kevin Berry
Apr 25, 2016
Menifee, CA USA

I sincerely apologize for the lost of Amy and wish the family and friends peace and comfortπŸ™ŒπŸ½ Fly High BeautifulπŸ˜‡πŸ‘ΌπŸ½

Latiyah Alston
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE United States

I sincerely apologize for the lost of Amy and wish the family peace and comfort

Latiyah Alston
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE United States

To Amy's family,

I did not know your daughter, but I wanted to send my heartfelt condolences to you and your family. This was such a senseless act of violence that should have never happened. Your beautiful, bright, child was taken from you way to early. May the memories you have of Amy stay with you and keep you strong during this most difficult time. I will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Kelly Lysinger
Apr 25, 2016

My heart is very heavy during the loss of your precious baby. I did not know this baby but I know that she was a Princess. Rest in Peace!
Chrys Mills

Chrys Mills
Apr 25, 2016
Middletown, DE USA

My heart goes out to the family of this beautiful Angel I'm so sorry for your loss and pray God gives you the strength You need at this time may your daughter fly high with the many Angels above... #RipAmy

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE Newcastle

Rip Amy U Was Always A Good Friend Very Pretty Girl I Miss U And Sorry For Your Lost To The Family😘

Apr 25, 2016
Newark , DE United States

My prayers will forever be with your parents. Every time I see your pictures I cry. You have changed many lives forever.

Paris Watkins
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE USA

My Sincere condolences to the family of Amy. I pray God comforts you and gives you some peace.

Tracey Coleman
Apr 25, 2016
Bear, DE

As a mother, aunt, older sister, black woman, and educator it saddens me to know that a beautiful young lady's life was taken away from this world for no good reason. Amy I pray that your soul is at peace and that you family comes together and finds solace in each other through this horrific tragedy. Your beautiful spirit resonates through the pictures that have been circulating via social media. I also pray that your death is not in vain! Peace and Blessings! Rest in heaven baby girl!

Zakia Johnson
Apr 25, 2016
Randallstown, MD USA

R.I.P Amy Joyner

Apr 25, 2016
Richmond , VA united states

Sending my heart felt sympathy in this difficult time.I pray that the Lord shields the family and comforts you. God Bless!
"Those we Love don't go away they walk besides us everyday"

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE

To the family of Amy I want to send my sincere condolences from our family. I truly am sorry for your loss. May you find strength and continue to remember your beautiful angel as she has entered the gates of paradise.

Apr 25, 2016
Baltimore , MD

There are no words to express to you the empathy that I have for you today. Your loved one will never enjoy the future of her life. My heart goes out to you in the hope of strength, to get you through this unbelievable and tragic time, and the faith that your owns lives must continue in loving one another more and more and remember this dear and sweet human being that has been snatched away too soon.

Ramona Hardaway
Apr 25, 2016
Mableton, GA United States

I am deeply saddened of the loss of your daughter. Condolences to your family. Prayers have gone up and out for you as well during this difficult time. May God continue to bless and keep each and everyone of you. R.I.P. Amy
Lynnette Shorts Kornegay
Wilmington, Delaware

Lynnette Shorts Kornegay
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

My biggest condolences No one should go through what you all are going through. I really hope justice is served especially by our mighty above. Just know that we are all praying for you guys and receive all from down here in Kissimmee Florida a really big warm hug.God bless U!..

Apr 25, 2016
Kissimmee , FL Usa

May God continue to comfort your entire family.

Gloria Lanier
Apr 25, 2016
Drexel Hill, PA United States

May God continue to comfort your entire family.

Gloria Lanier
Apr 25, 2016
Drexel Hill, PA United States

My condolence to the family. I pray God keeps your entire family comforted and strong to get through this terrible senseless, hateful crime. I don't know the family personally but I feel so sad that this happen to this child in school. I pray justice is served. I will keep your family in prayer. πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

Venda Skinner
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

My condolences to the family. Rest peacefully young lady...

Apr 25, 2016
New Castle , DE

Amy you will truly be missed. R.I.P

Shaniyah Brown
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE United States

never have pleasure of meeting I heard about your untimely passing I walked those same streets dad went to howard high have not lived in de. in thirty years in jax ,fl we all love you too. rest in peace beautiful angel

Apr 25, 2016
DE usa

I didn't know you but your story touched me personally. My prayers go out to the family. You have a beautiful smile that will forever remain in my mind and heart. You will be missed greatly by all those whose lives you touched. Rest in Peace Amy

Shamere Warren
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE


Vera Oliver
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE New Castle

I want to say Im truly sorry to hear about your lost. My prayers go out to the whole family.

Joey Harrison
Apr 25, 2016
Wilm, DE

U have my condolences pip angel

tina todd
Apr 25, 2016
phila, PA usa

As a parent of a student at Howard, I am sending my deepest sympathy at this difficult time. My God comfort you as only he can.

The Kent Family
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE

Amy was a wonderful young lady who will be sorely missed. The children and I send our love, sympathy and condolences to you, Sonny, Anthony, Carlin and family.

Margaret Graves
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE

My condolences go out to the family. Keep your head held high. God loves you.

Nolan S. Lewis
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

You have our deepest sympathy for the sudden and devastating loss of Amy. It's so difficult to make any sense out of something so senseless.
My family will continue to pray for yours, for strength, for healing, for courage and for hope.
My son graduated from Howard in 2015. He recalls Amy as a nice girl.
Please know, we won't forget her.

Sharon Price
Apr 25, 2016
New Castle, DE United States

Hearing about your loss has deeply sadden me. I cannot imagine what your family must be going through. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you. God bless.

Kristen P
Apr 25, 2016
Middletown , DE

May God Bless the Joyner-Francis family in their time of sorry. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Know that she is with him in his loving arms.

With Deepest Sympathy

D. Edwards
Apr 25, 2016
Wilm., DE

As a Howard Alumni 1983, stepmother to a daughter class of 1995, and a mother of an 11yo daughter yet to reach high school, I'd like to express my deepest and most heartfelt condolences for the loss of your child. You all are in my thoughts and prayers several times a day, every day, and will continue to be as you deal with these most immediate and difficult months to come.

Brenda (Thompson) Demanczyk
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE United States

May you Rest in peace. Praying for the family at this difficult time.

Apr 25, 2016

My most sincerest condolences to the Joyner/ Francis family my family..I am praying your strength in the Lord to get through this difficult time.Any was always such a sweet and beautiful child and grew into a beautiful young lady loved by all.. Lou Mr. Jacob I'm here if you need me I love you all very much.. Gob Bless and keep you all

denise Garner
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

May condolences to you the family and friendsmy heart is hurting right now. You have my deepest sympathy!!

Sharon Dixie
Apr 25, 2016
Newark , DE United States

Am so sorry for y'all lost

Jamesha Daniels
Apr 25, 2016
Fayetteville, NC Cumberland county

Inita and family, I have no words to describe the heart-felt sorrow I feel for you and your family in the loss of your daughter. May you find peace in the Lord which surpasses all understanding. RIP sweet, beautiful Amy

Laura Henry
Apr 25, 2016
Smyrna, DE

May GOD'S ever loving arms comfort each and everyone in this time of sorrow. GOD bless you.

Marvin Rhodes
Apr 25, 2016
Philadelphia, PA United States

My deepest condolences Joyner-Francis on the loss of your loved one Amy. May God comfort you and be a pillar to you during this time of need. I pray that your family gets justice and all those involved be prosecuted. I am hopeful that both the school district and city of Wilmington are held financially accountable for the “wrongful death” loss of innocent Amy, because this should have never happened in the first place.

Camille Simpson-Munyaneza
Community Member

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE

I didn't know Amy however as a parent I send my deepest condolences to the family. No mother or father should have to bury their child due to senseless violence. I pray God keeps you through this trying time. The City of Wilmington really feels this one.

Ebony G
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE

Like many condolences coming your way I didn't know Amy either. I can tell you that I went through a similar experience when I was 16 in high school. 4 girls got to me after trying to get to me for over a year. Based on a lie that one of them told the others. That occurrence and time in my life left a scar that will never heal. I know how Amy was feeling during that and my heart just breaks for her having experienced it myself. I was fortunate to come out of mine and able to heal physically. I feel an absolute kinship to Amy and pray for her everyday. Please follow whatever measures you can to bring these young ladies to justice. I refused to tell my father who or what was going on in my life and regret it to this day. I'm keeping your family and Amys friends in my heart and prayers. God Bless you all. I am a 53 year old mother of three and grand mother of eight. To this day I have never forgotten. Vicky Jones Wilson

Vicky Jones Wilson
Apr 25, 2016
Madison Heights, MI United States

I did not no this young lady, but I am sending my love and prayers to you the family. Keep God close and he will bring you through. Peace and Blessings.

Marsha Sudler
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE

My prayers and sympathy go out to you and your family. I can only imagine what you are going through and what you must feel. Know that God is standing with you even in your weakest time.

Kaitanya Smith
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

As I do not know the family, I would like to extend my sincere condolences. I pray that God gives you strength now and the days ahead. God bless.

Andrea Jones-Huff
Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE

Even though I may never meet you face to face, my heart breaks for your family, I can't say I understand because I haven't walked in your shoes by losing a child to death. Ask God to be with you, hold on to the precious memories of your beautiful young daughter. I work in a school system as a counselor, we talk with students everyday to try and encourage them to get along with others, but at times it doesn't seem to work. I'm so very sorry for what has happened to your bright, beautiful, loving and smart young lady. I will continue to pray for your family, I will ask God's Holy blessings upon your family and pray that he brings you strength and courage to get through this awful situation.

sheila harmon
Apr 25, 2016
salisbury, MD us

I did not know your daughter but my heart breaks just the same for the family. It sickens me that children, girls in particular can be so petty and mean and have such little regard for human life. Please accept my sincerest sympathy and may you find strength in God's unfailing grace.

Apr 25, 2016
Newark, DE

Truly someone taken to these tough times family and friends need to show support and we are here for you you bro

Kassim Duncan
Apr 25, 2016

Love you little brother. Much love to you and the family! I'm here for whenever and whatever bro bro.. Love you

Brian Dorsey Sr
Apr 25, 2016
Oxford , PA

My Condolences goes out to the entire family of Amy Inita Joyner-Francis.
This tragedy has really touch my heart in a big way. I find myself asking God to give a plan to help my young people come together and help one another grow in the school called life. I'am waiting for God to answer me. In the mean time I pray that this sadness has caused the people enough pain to really want to help be a part of a solution, and not a part of a problem. The Bible says in 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. God's word can not come back Void, but it will go forth to accomplish everything it said it will do. I pray that God's people will do what God want us to do, so that the land will be healed. God Bless. God got you.

Elder Mary Heady-McCollum
Apr 25, 2016
Wimington, DE USA

Please accept our deepest condolences on the passing of your precious baby girl. May you find some comfort knowing she is with the Lord.

Apr 25, 2016
Bear, DE United States

Thoughts and prayers to the family. May Amy fly high with the Angels.

lysa lawrence
Apr 25, 2016
wilmington, DE United States

My condolences...May you rest in peace angel..God bless you, your family and friends..I PRAY THE FAMILY GET JUTSICE FOR AMY

Apr 25, 2016

To the family of Amy Inita Joyner-Francis, you are in our prayers, God be with you all. God will take care of all things keep your heads up, and just believe in him. Just remember this, that she is in a better place than we are. Howard High School Alumni "Class of 1974". God bless you all.

Valerie,Gary(Breeze) Washam & family
Apr 25, 2016
Clayton, DE USA

I pray that the family of Amy receives justice for what happened to their Beautiful daughter .May the Lord comfort you and give you strength at this time .

Tracey Wright
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington , DE

May God keep and bless you through your difficult time ahead, may the love of Family and friends and Jesus will see you through, Amy rip angel.... You will be missed forever,

Apr 25, 2016
Frederica, DE Usa

My heart truly goes out too the family of this beautiful young lady. Keep ur hands in God's hands.God will make a way

Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

On behalf our family to yours we send our deepest condolences for your loss. We are praying for Gods peace and comfort. The dead in Christ shall rise first,so just know that she lives and flying high.

House of GAINES
Apr 25, 2016
Bear, DE

My heart goes out to family and friends of Amy didnt know this young child but i hope God give youll comfort in this time of loss it was since less and i hope justice will prevail

Chantel Bacon
Apr 25, 2016

To the family, I like many did not know Amy but this has shaken me to the core. Sending my condolences and praying for understanding.



Kathy Jarmon
Apr 25, 2016
WILMINGTON, DE United States

My condolences...May you rest in peace angel..God bless you, your family and friends..

Alfred Fisher
Apr 25, 2016
Wilmington, DE

There was not enough time for you to grow and blossom , and grow into an adult to affect our lives in the fullness.
Though many of us do not know you personally , we will never forget the day you said goodbye , we promise you to do our very best , to make our lives on earth valuable and a success , to never forget you , though many of us never met you .
Goodbye for now Gods Best !

Bishop Anthony Slaughter
Apr 24, 2016
Wilmington, DE USA

I read your daughter story
My prayers and thoughts are with your family
God is with you. May His love be your comfort and you guide. My most sincerce condolences.

K Michele
Apr 24, 2016
Greenville, NC

Sending my sincere condolences to the family. Rest in Peace Amy, beautiful Angel πŸ™

Candice Haman
Apr 24, 2016
Newark , DE

Rest in peace Amy your story has touched my soul. My prayers go out to your family. Rest easy sweetheart.

Monica Walker
Apr 25, 2016
Bear, DE United States

My condolences to the family

David Jervey
Apr 24, 2016
Wilmington , DE

Rest in peace sweetheart. Your story touch all of our hearts. I went to that school from 99-03 and it was so much different then it is now. You were a beautiful, smart, intelligent, and you had ambition and goals in life. You touch a lot of hearts and your memory will live on forever. Sending my love all the way from Detroit.

Apr 25, 2016
Detroit , MI

Rest in peace sweet baby girl. My heart mourns for you as well as your family. It is my prayer that every "why" will turn into a praise and settle the spirit of all who loved you to confess that "It is well with my soul"!! God will have his way and although you are looked upon in this hour as the victim GOD in the end will reward your family VICTORIOUS!!

Apr 24, 2016

Rest in peace sweet baby girl. My heart mourns for you as well as your family. It is my prayer that every "why" will turn into a praise and settle the spirit of all who loved you to confess that "It is well with my soul"!! God will have his way and although you are looked upon in this hour as the victim GOD in the end will reward your family VICTORIOUS!!

Apr 24, 2016

Rest in peace sweet baby girl. My heart mourns for you as well as your family. It is my prayer that every "why" will turn into a praise and settle the spirit of all who loved you to confess that "It is well with my soul"!! God will have his way and although you are looked upon in this hour as the victim GOD in the end will reward your family VICTORIOUS!!

Apr 24, 2016

My prayers are with the family.. you have my sympathy....i 'm praying for you

James B Minor
Apr 24, 2016
Wilmington, DE United States

My family and I may not know your family but, we want to extend our condolences. God is with you all and will never leave. I am deeply saddened to hear of Amy's transition but, know that there is hope in Jesus Christ and that she is in heaven right now. God Bless you all and keep the faith.

Angyne Booker
Apr 24, 2016
Cleveland, OH Cuyahoga