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  Home > David J. Ginsburg > Guestbook

Guestbook for David J. Ginsburg Showing 1 - 5 of 14 entries.

Dave we met over ten years ago and shared so many conversations regarding your passion of numismatics. You were always a gem and I will miss our talks... I hope you look down my way once and awhile... Jon

Jon Lerner
Feb 10, 2016
Scarsdale, NY

My sincere condolences for your loss.

I had known Dave for approximately 20-years and I do not know if there was a finer gentleman and scholar. He adored his family, was generous with his knowledge and willingly gave his time. I consider Dave to have been a true friend and will miss him greatly.

Tom Bush
Feb 8, 2016

I just found out about Dave's passing when I received my copy of E-Sylum this evening. I am absolutely shocked to hear this distressing news.

We communicated by eMail fairly frequently, most often related to research that Dave was doing on the Appalachian Gold Rush, Branch Mint gold, the Civil War, and similar topics.

Dave was very meticulous and dedicated in his research and writing activities and he obviously enjoyed them very much. I will miss Dave's inquisitive mind and enthusiasm to share his knowledge with others.

My thoughts and prayers go out to Dave's family and friends.

Carl Lester
Feb 7, 2016
Scottsboro, AL USA

Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family for the sudden loss of your husband.


Yin Chang-D'Arcy
Feb 5, 2016
Glen Ridge, NJ

We want to express our condolences to you and your family. May care and love of the Glen Ridge community and those around you provide comfort and peace during this difficult time.

Louis and Jolyn Melchor

Louis Melchor
Feb 5, 2016
Glen Ridge, NJ

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