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Guestbook for Lowell "Red" Bashore Showing 1 - 15 of 22 entries.

Rusty and Ann, so sorry for your loss, please pass on our condolencess to Tim and the rest of family

Bill and Mary Blaine
Jun 4, 2015
Lapeer, MI

Thank you Dad and Mom. We will always remember the good times. Love you both Shawn

Shawn M. Bashore
Jun 4, 2015
Lapeer, MI USA

I am so very sorry for your loss. Red was a wonderful person, and a wonderful neighbor to my mom. He will be missed.

Ann Clement
Jun 3, 2015
Lapeer, MI

Dearest, Rusty, Tim, Ann & Kay,

Knowing how difficult it is to lose a parent, I wish you all much love and will pray for the sadness to give way to only the very happy memories of your Dad.
With kindest condolences, Your friend in Christ, Brenda

Brenda Lausman
Jun 2, 2015
Lapeer, MI United States

I am so sorry for your loss. Red was a great neighbor and a wonderful man.

Christine Massey
Jun 1, 2015
Lapeer, MI

I never met "Red" Bashore, but knowing Tim and Rusty and their gentle spirit, I know that he must have had a very gentle spirit. Tim, Kay, Rusty and Ann, so very sorry for your loss. He is now resting in peace and pain free. What a blessing! We know that our Jesus has that promise ahead for all of us. Love to all.

Paula Alt
May 31, 2015
Lapeer, MI USA

We are sad to lose such a fine man and prayerfully thinking of all the relatives during this difficult time. Love to all!

Bill and Connie Brown
May 30, 2015
McRae , AR U.S.

Sorry for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

Connie & Eric Kennedy
May 28, 2015
Davison, MI USA

Love you dad, you will be missed.

Diane Bashore
May 28, 2015
Lapeer , MI USA

So sorry , my love goes out to your family.

Joyce Tripp
May 28, 2015
Lapeer, MI USA

So sorry for your loss. Our prayers for you and your family. We love you all.

Paula and John Kovalick
May 28, 2015
Metamora, MI USA

I am so sorry for your loss.

Agnes O'Brien
May 28, 2015

My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this time. Lots of love, Alvera Houck

Alvera Houck
May 28, 2015
Lapeer, MI United States

We are so sorry about you loss. All our thoughts and prayers. Karen and Bob

Karen Bernyk
May 28, 2015
Adrian, MI United States

I remember when the Bashore's moved to Lapeer. Rusty and Shawn played on my baseball team that my dad coached. I remember meeting Mr B and being a little scared of him. However over the years as Rusty and I became good freinds Mr B pulled me aside many a time and gave me some advice. He would say Ike here is a tip and then share a titbit that I didn't get at 16. As I got older I never forgot and they were nuggets. The man I feared at first cared and just shared it his way.

Bashore family I am sad for your lost but glad your dad is running pain free again.

His life touched me...RIP Mr. B

Ike Klauka
May 28, 2015
Tampa, FL USA

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