McNerney's Mortuary

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  > Anthony Nizetich > Guestbook

Guestbook for Anthony Nizetich Showing 1 - 4 of 4 entries.

Dear Mrs Niz , very sorry to here of your loss . Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your whole family at this time . Anthony Dileva in San Diego..

Anthony S Dileva

Will always cherish my friendship with the family. Still have the Charlie Tuna glasses Tony gave me when Poopsie and I were roommates working for TWA. My prayers are with the family today and always.

Nancy Grieme

Keeping the entire Nizetich family in my thoughts and prayers. Wonderful memories of my wedding at Nizetiches Restaurant. RIP

Linda Crisafulli Stearns

Mrs. Nizetich and family. My deepest condolences and sorrow for the loss of your husband, father and grandfather. You are in my prayers.

George Dragich