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Guestbook for Martin Anthony Anker Showing 1 - 1 of 1 entries.

Dear Janet & Family,

We were sad to receive the news of Martin’s passing. Please accept our heartfelt sympathy, and be assured of our prayers that you will be comforted and strengthened to carry on. We know that you must be grieving deeply, and even though we cannot lessen your pain, please know that we share it with you.

Jean and I always enjoyed visiting with you folks, both in your home as well as at Faith Reformed. Martin’s love for the Lord was so evident and it set a marvelous example not only for us but for so many others as well.

Janet, I’m sure you are left with many wonderful memories of Martin, including the shared laughter as well as the tears. Cherish those times and may God’s grace comfort you in days to come.

We both send our love,

Pastor Al and Jean Honken

Pastor Al and Jean Honken

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