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Guestbook for Robert "Larry" Bosman Showing 1 - 9 of 9 entries.

Our Christian sympathy to you at this time and for the months ahead. May the Lord comfort you with His peace as we also know from His word, that we shall meet Larry again in Heaven.

Stan & Kathy Vander Pol

Alice, Shelli, Jolene, and family, my heart hurts for all of you! Larry was such a good man!!!

Peggy Strong

Our loving, Christian sympathy to you! May our loving Heavenly Father's loving arms enfold and sustain you as you trust His precious resurrection promises!

Nelson and Karen De Ruyter

Thinking and praying for you and your loss. It was good to get to know you at all those basketball and football games! Larry will be missed.... Kevin and Debbie Sterk

Debbie Sterk

Dear Alice (and family),

Though I only saw Larry on an occasional basis, such as at Bosman family reunions, and didn't know him well, I still felt drawn to my older cousin - his manner, his way of moving. And I do remember many years ago playing softball on opposing teams at the Fairgrounds. Please accept the condolences of Flossie and me, and I'm sorry we will not be able to make it to the memorial service tomorrow. Bruce Bode

Bruce Bode

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all as you mourn the loss of such a great guy who was loved by all who knew him. Our loss - heaven's gain!

Paul and Chris Kenner

We are very saddened by the sudden passing of Larry. He was one of the good ones. A good friend, a good worker and a good family man. We will surely miss him and never forget him. Our deepest sympathy goes out to Alice , Shelli and Jolene and families, with love. May Larry rest in peace. Walt and Patsy

Patsy Callahan Blauser

Larry, my friend, my friend, you will be missed. Rest in peace. Brent & Patti W

Brent & Patti W

Dear Alice and family: We are so sorry for your sudden loss of your best friend. I know you will miss him so much. We have some special memories of Larry. He was one who made us laugh and we enjoyed our visits with him.

Debbie/Harold Van Beek
Mar 23, 2015
Lynden, WA USA

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