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Guestbook for Dorothy Jean Rasmussen Showing 1 - 6 of 6 entries.

So sorry to hear of this. Prayers to all from Galen and I. Another Angel will be waiting for us all when we make it to God's forever home.

Vickie Van Dyken

Uncle Bob, Kathy, Jim, Dave, Susan and family. I am so sorry for your loss. After Grandma Joe passed away, and all of us cousins had families, we haven’t seen each other near as much as when we were younger, but I will never forget all of the good times and wonderful moments we had together, and at the heart of that was Aunt Dort. She was always up to having us over, and eternally patience and kind. When I think back to all of the patience she had with me, Jim and Dave, it amazes me. I can’t even count the times I know we came running through the back door of her house covered in dirt, mud, hay, and sometimes blood. She would never be angry with us and would always show us kindness in a change of clean clothes, a Band-Aid, a warm bowl of soup, and quite often some delicious cookies. She was the type of person that God wants you to be, and she will be sorely missed. May God grant you comfort, strength, and peace in your time of need.
With love
Jon Kornelis and Family

Jon Kornelis

remembering the times in my childhood when I would walk across the field and play with our dolls with Dorothy and Sandi. Larry and I wish to express our sincere sympathy to all the family in the wake of Dorothy's sudden passing. May God bless you with His comfort. Thinking of Bern, John, Sandi and families.. Elaine(Hamstra) Nyhoff

Elaine Nyhoff

Jon and I are so sorry for the loss of Dorothy. We loved having her for a neighbor and cherish the times we got to spend chatting with her and Bob in their yard where they spent so much time working together to keep the rose bushes trimmed and the flower beds weeded and trimmed up. She was such a gentle and kind spirit and I know she loved the Lord because often our conversations would include something about Him. We would see her outside playing with the grandchildren and entertaining family.
We look forward with anticipation to the Great Reunion in Glory. Heaven is looking better every day! Our loss is Heaven's gain for sure. We are praying that you all sense the comfort and peace that only God can give.
Jon and Joanne DeBondt

Jon and Joanne DeBondt

My prayers are with the family. May God grant you His strength and wisdom.

Onita (Roosma) Top

Our Prayers go out to you all Uncle Bob, Kathy, Jim, Dave, Susan and all of your families. Aunt Dorothy was one of the best people I have ever met. While I was in the Army during the Persian Gulf conflict I was scared and worried about being deployed and in the mail I got one of Aunt Dorothy's wonderful notes. She always sent caring notes just when I needed it. She was also a wonderful person to visit - she made you feel at home and very welcome- even when I paid unexpected visits she never waivered but made time for me.

Randy & Sally Proctor

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