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Guestbook for Jerry E. Bruneau Showing 1 - 5 of 5 entries.

So Sorry to here of the passing of Jerry. With our deepest sympathy, John and Pam Bromley and Family.

John Bromley

I have fond childhood memories of Jerry and am terribly saddened to learn of his way-to-soon passing. Deepest sympathies.

Richelle Krienke

Dear Jerry
Just a note to tell you that you left us with things unsaid, times unshared and memories left unmade. You and I have both traveled winding roads in directions away from each other - but I remember the beautiful baby boy, the child with whooping cough, the sailor, the builder, the beautiful roses grown and shared by your hand, the smile that went all the way to your eyes, the animal lover, the charmer, the story teller, the caring father, and the rides in your Cadillac with the music booming.

Life deals us all a hand that we must play. Sometimes we get cheated out of a fair game.

Thank you for the reminder that life is short and we need to make special memories now.

We will keep you alive in our hearts.

Aunt Shirley, Uncle Red and cousins Elizabeth and Rob

P.S. You know Gramma Crandall loved you best. Give her a hug for me when you see her.

Shirley Greene

We will miss you little cousin! Thanks for the memories!! Shirley Taylor

Shirley Taylor

My friend, with nothing but kind intentions,will be greatly missed by me & others. He was a gentleman to the end. A companion, a comforter, a hard worker & a true friend is finally at peace.

Mar 15, 2015
Lynden, WA

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