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Guestbook for George Rozeboom Showing 1 - 7 of 7 entries.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Scott and Melody Schuette

Scott Schuette
Jan 14, 2013
Grand Blanc, MI

I have such fond memories of both George and Toots Rozenboom from my days of growing up at the Sumas CRC. Any time I saw them on my return trips to the area they were warm and friendly. They could always be counted on to "be there" for anyone. Blessings to the family as they treasure the memories.

Kathy Bosman Klompeen
Jan 6, 2013
Bothell, WA USA

To my most special neighbors during my childhood, all great memories of mine include the Rozebooms… especially you two: John and Ida Ann. What wonderful memories they are and I know God’s love, His promises, and the memories you have will keep that heart at peace and fill those times of emptiness. In view of eternity, it will only be a short time when we will see him again. What a blessing it will be when all your family is fully experiencing an eternal reunion. Thank you LORD for “The Blessed Hope”.

Gus and Hermina 'Mia' Buma
Jan 2, 2013
Folsom, CA USA

We have fond memories of Uncle George visiting our dairy farm by Middleburg, Iowa when he and Aunt Toots would be in Minnesota. He was always so kind and interested in what we were doing and we will always remember his sweet smile. We are thankful for the Christian legacy he left behind. Our sincere and loving condolences to the family.

Bill and Brenda Kooiker
Dec 31, 2012
Orange City, IA USA

I am sorry to hear about the death of George. I remember my mom bringing coffee time to George and my dad, Joe Scheffer, when they were chopping silage or baling hay. George was always so kind to me and I really thought alot of him!

Karen Scheffer Nibbelink
Dec 30, 2012
Rock Valley, IA

Sad to learn about the passing of George. Only really knew him from his stay at CHCC. What a marvelous Christian gentleman. We await a reunion with him some day in Heaven.

It was a delight to know George from his time at CHCC.

Chuck & Joyce Scheuffele
Dec 28, 2012
Lynden, WA

Our sincere sympathy to the Rozeboom family! Your dad was a wonderful friend to our family. We will always remember his warm smile and caring heart. Sumas CRC was blessed with his presence and won't be quite the same without him.

Cal & Glenda Burgers
Dec 27, 2012
Lynden, WA

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