Guestbook for Walter Kattwinkel
Showing 1 - 24 of 24 entries.
Alex and Steve,
Thank you for letting me know about your Dad. I knew Walter most of my career and he was always so supportive. What a wonderful life he had. I didn't know Mary-Alice had passed away as well. Now, they are together!! They will be missed by many.
God Bless & Love !
F. Henderson
Feb 7, 2012 |
Marina Dl Rey, CA
Dear Alex & Steven,
Walter had a long, rich life and I suspected that when your mother died, he would probably follow soon thereafter. It’s amazing how many years he and I kept in touch—all the way back to 1953 when I stage managed WONDERFUL TOWN. And then there were the many times we faced each other across the Equity negotiating table. He was a fine gent and I’m happy that we kept close for so long. Thank you so much for contacting me.
And best wishes to you and your family.
Harold Prince
Feb 4, 2012 |
New York, NY
Walter Kattwinkel was a very special person to all of us. At the Christmas parties of the "Rheinische Sängerbund" a great Santa Claus. My daughters and all the other children just loved him.
"Walter, wir danken Dir für Deine Freundschaft und werden Dir stets ein ehrendes Andenken bewahren".
Our deepest condolences to the family of Walter Kattwinkel.
Pauline Hoefer, Alkersum-Föhr,Germany
and Penny, Christina and Monika.(USA)
Pauline Hoefer
Feb 4, 2012 |
Alkersum-Föhr Germany
Walter you were a special human being and a very special friend who we will remember forever.. Rest well with your beloved Mary Alice.
Ira & Carol Bernstein
Feb 1, 2012 |
Scottsdale, AZ
I will always remember Walter as a true gentleman who never had a negative thing to say about anyone. He was a magnificent singer, a great actor, and loving husband, father, grandfather, and a true friend. The heavenly choir just added another bass singer!
Michael Schweppe
Jan 26, 2012 |
Rhinebeck, NY
To the family of Walter Kattwinkel our deepest condolences.
Your father and grand-father will never be forgotten. We will always remember him as a true Gentleman, a great singer and a dear friend.
Ingeborg Wendler and
the Carlstadt Mixed Chorus
Ingeborg Wendler
Jan 26, 2012 |
Carlstadt, NJ
"To be remembered and never forgotten." He was my friend.
He gave me my dreams and the world of Broadway. Thank you, Walter.
My condolences to Alex and Steven and know that I wanted to be there.
Glenn Arnette
Jan 25, 2012 |
Flagler Beach, FL
Steven, Sending you and your family my deepest sympathies...xo
Bonnie Sullivan
Jan 25, 2012 |
Trenton, NJ
Dear Alex and Steven,
My love and prayers are with you. This world as we know it has lost a wonderful man that I loved and admired.I'm sure he's happy holding Mary Alice's hand again!
Jan 24, 2012 |
Miami, FL
So wie ein Blatt vom Baume faellt
- ganz still -
so ging der liebe Walter von dieser Welt - ganz still -
weinet nicht, ich hab es ueberwunden,
bin befreit von meiner Qual;
doch lasset mich in stillen Stunden bei Euch sein so manches mal.
was ich getan in meinem Leben,
ich tat es nur fuer Euch; was ich gekonnt, hab' ich gegeben; als Dank bleibt einig unter Euch !!!
Doris and Bill Hahn
Jan 24, 2012 |
We have not had the sincere pleasure of knowing your Dad too many years but can also attest to his caring ways and how he could always make you feel special.Great man! R.I.P Always went out of his way to say hello, Mom too.Sincere Sympathy to your family. Hans and Carol Lange
Carol & Hans Lange
Jan 24, 2012 |
Vero Beach, FL
Our deepest sympathy is extended to the family of Mr. Kattwinkel
The Sedlocks
Jan 23, 2012 |
Clifton, NJ
Dear Cousin Walter, What will life be without you ? In my 76 years, you have always been there, foreground or background. In my youth the question was, Where is Cousin Walter now? Well he was everywhere. In my memory it was the Army, then show bus, maybe Jones Beach on a family outing or a picnic where his voice would ring out. Then he married that cute broad from Pa. & what a life. Son Alex was born only about a week before my Christine was born. Wow, I thought, older people could have kids, too. I've learned a lesson or two about that way of thinking. Aunt Minnie never thought she'd have grandkids & see, she had two. We are so lucky to have a history of long lives in our family. I know Cous that you have joined that heavenly chorus singing out your heart & soul. Maybe you can talk them into singing a German song once in a while, too.
Ottie Mueller Kiss
Jan 23, 2012 |
Totowa, NJ
To the Family of our dear Sangesbruder Walter,our deepest sympathy and condolences. Walter was truly a great humen being; a Gentleman and a gracious man. We shall never forget him as well as Mary-Alice.
Inge Helling with Bernd.
Inge Helling
Jan 23, 2012 |
Old Bridge, NJ
Dear Mary-Alice, Alex and Steven,
Walter was one of my mentors at Actors' Equity. He was also a friend (and he made a great Santa at our holiday parties!). I loved seeing him at the Broadway Show League Old Timers games.
Please accept my condolences. Walter was one of the good people in this world, and it's a better place for his having been here.
Carol Waaser
Jan 23, 2012 |
New York, NY
We are so sorry to hear of cousin Walter's passing. He was our father Ernie's cousin. Dad, who passed away last August, would tell stories about going to stay with Walter's family each summer for "vacation" since he and his parents, Ernest and Elsie Mueller, lived in Paterson.
We met Walter and Mary-Alice a number of times. They would meet up at Martha's summer picnics and have a blast! As my Dad got older, my sister or I would take him to the summer ritual.
Walter told the greatest stories! He could keep you entertained for hours!
We actually found some booklets regarding chorus performances when we cleaned out after Dad's passing. He had many fond memories of Walter,their summers together, and the great German songfests. (Unfortunately, my Dad did not inherit the Mueller singing genes!)
Our condolences go out to Walter and Mary-Alice's family. We are grateful for the smiles they always brought to our father's face.
Roberta Utenwoldt
Jan 23, 2012 |
Hillsdale, NJ
Steven our condolences to you and your family. I am sorry for your loss and know how difficult the past year has been. There is a comfort in knowing that your parents are together again. From reading all the passages in the guest book they remind me
of my parents in which they have an internal love and great integrity and that is so much to be proud of.
Michele Updegrove
Jan 23, 2012 |
Belleville, NJ
There's a big void in our hearts where you've been all these years. It was a great run. Rest in peace cousin.
Jan 22, 2012 |
Sarasota, FL USA
Mary Alice and Walter, together
foever with an eternal curtain call!
karen kattwinkel
Jan 22, 2012 |
clifton, NJ
I really hope you know how loved you were by so many..Whether it be a story about being in a show, a quick verse of a song, or the fact that you were such a good Opa to both my girls, you made a huge impact on my life..You have no idea how much you will be missed. Really no words..
Jan 22, 2012 |
Nutley, NJ
My dear Walter and family so many memories flood my mind of our days in brigadoon and the loving friendship bond with your mom hermine and your family through the years when my daughter lisas dad passed away in 1978.
the memories are treasured. my blessings on your soul and may the family know that you and mary alice have returned to g-d and the others that went ahead. julia
ju;ia hiller mati jonnard
Jan 22, 2012 |
Efrat , - Other - srael
Dear Opa,
I am so glad that I got the chance to have you in my life. I could have never asked for a better opa, friend, or role model to be in my family. I always enjoyed all the jokes and how no matter what the situation is, you always had a smile on your face. Im Glad that you get to be reunited with our other family, friends, and your wife. I know you will be dearly missed. You will always be in my heart. I love you Opa!
Kassidy Kattwinkel
Jan 21, 2012 |
Nutley, NJ
I cannot put into words the sadness I feel now that you are gone from us. I know that you are at peace with mom and with your parents. The picture I have in my mind is like the ending of the movie titanic. When Rose finally passes away some 80 plus years after and Jack is their waiting for her. I think of mommy, your parents and all your friends just greeting you with a round of applause as you arrived at heavens gate. And I am sure as soon as you got their you opened with a joke that you already had in your suit pocket. I look at Kassidy and hope that I can be just half the father, the friend, the provider and the role model that you were to us. I miss you with all my heart and I will spend the rest of my life trying to follow your example on how to live.
You have been and always will be the greatest Dad ever !!!
All My Love Now And Forever,
Steven Kattwinkel
Jan 21, 2012 |
Clifton, NJ
You are now, and always have been our family’s “ROCK”. A beacon of trust, honor and integrity for me to try and follow. Your booming Bass voice could shake the walls, yet you always gave us guidance, leading by quiet example. You were a gentle man and you knew how to love! You loved life, you loved song, you loved theater, you loved people but what is most important to me, you loved us, your family. Absolutely and unconditionally and we loved you back just the same. The pride I have for you is endless and I can rest easy, knowing that you were aware of that, long before you left us. Be with mom and be at peace. I’ll miss you my friend, my buddy,
My Very Best Friend!
Alex Kattwinkel
Jan 21, 2012 |
Clifton, NJ